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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 14, 2024 9:00am-9:31am MSK

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today the state duma will approve 16 ministers of the new government; we are following the progress of the discussion as to who is applying for which positions. and the federation council is completing consultations. according to
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the candidates of the imid power bloc. who gets special attention? unannounced visit. why did the us secretary of state come to kyiv? who will he meet and what promises are expected from him? flood in yakutia. residents are being evacuated from several settlements by boats and helicopters. evacuations in the omsk region where the water level continues to rise ishima. in these moments. the state duma is beginning to consider ministerial candidates for the new government. there are 16 people on the list proposed by prime minister mishustin. our correspondent natalya solovyova is observing the work of the lower house of parliament. she's in touch with us. hello, natalia. how will candidates be reviewed? what details do you have? yes, vera, hello, the plenary session will start any minute. today it has been shifted a little more to the left, it starts at 9:00 am and it is assumed that it may drag on for...
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that most important provision of democracy, which is called the separation of powers. the president quite consciously shared part of his powers with the parliament, and the parliament today takes a significant share of responsibility for the quality of those officials who will become ministers and deputy prime ministers, for the quality of the work of the russian government.
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today we are each responsible in our own bloc for the person we voted for. will there be new names on this list, of course, since some ministers have left for positions of deputy prime ministers, like dmitry patrushev, like vitaly sovelyev, replacements were required, they were sought primarily in the personnel reserve, turning to the governor's floor, and here the geography is the most extensive of kaliningrad.
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from the inside from 2012 to 2018 he headed rosavtodor for the post of minister of energy the candidacy of the governor of the kemerovo region sergei tsevelev was proposed, finally another governor who will most likely move to the federal center, but from the khabarovsk territory, this is mikhail dekterev, to him the position of minister of sports has been proposed instead of the departed oleg matytsin, these candidates no longer... have little credibility, that’s what representatives of the faction and in particular the head of the communist party of the russian federation said today about these candidates? among the new candidates being proposed, alekhanov is a young, successful governor; we support him in his appointment to the post of minister of industry; the transport network is fundamentally important to us. there is
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another new name, a person, although not from the governor’s gender, has been proposed for the position minister. agriculture, this is oksana lut, she has been working in the ministry of agriculture since 2018, from the twenty-first she held the position of deputy minister, and previously she was one of the leaders of rosselkhozbank, so she also knows this industry very well, in addition, mikhail mishustin was offered to those ministers who previously headed those entrusted to them also returned to their posts.
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at an extended meeting of the state duma committee on industry and trade, in which deputies of all factions took part, we considered the presented
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anton andreevich the program of the main directions of activity of the ministry of industry and trade of russia, which is based on ensuring technological sovereignty, the significance of this direction in the conditions of sanctions acquires strategic importance. the committee also notes the importance of anton andreevich’s experience as the head of the border region of the russian federation, the kaliningrad region, which was one of the first to face sanctions pressure and
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serious logistics restrictions. despite this, the region is dynamic production is developing and expanding, including within the autotor and industrial automotive clusters. parks khrabrova, chernyakhovsk, in the territory of the special economic zone amber. what we were able to verify during a visiting meeting of members of the state duma council under the leadership of vyacheslav vikovich volodin in 2023. this experience formed anton andreevich into a mature leader, capable of taking responsibility and making operational decisions, which, in our opinion, will allow him to effectively lead the ministry, work whom. influences the entire economy and almost all spheres of life of our citizens. the key areas of activity outlined by anton andreevich, in the opinion of the committee, will allow solving the problems of ensuring technological sovereignty and achieving
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the strategic national development goals of the russian federation, defined by president vladimir vladimirovich putin. based on the results of the committee's consideration , it recommends a candidate. listen to the program of the main activities of the ministry of industry and trade with candidate for the position of minister anton andreevich alikhanov will make a report; it was correctly noted here that we traveled together with all members of the state duma council to the kaliningrad region, and i must say, this trip was very useful, we decided to support the program.
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especially considering the perimeter and role of those industries that the department oversees. my work experience at mempromtorg at one time gave me a clear understanding of the basic mechanisms of the real sector, the possibilities of effective regulation across the entire breadth of areas, with this is why the comprehensive system of state support that was built by the government and nilentinovich’s team ensured confident overcoming of the most difficult challenges of recent years. as a governor, i had the opportunity to see directly how they work.
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projects in the field of radio electronics, machine tool building, medical equipment, small-scale chemistry, unmanned aircraft systems,
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new technologies for energy, various types of transport. we have a clear understanding of the proposals that should form the basis of policy documents in these sectors, expecting that we, in coordination with denis valentinovich and the deputy corps , will quickly finalize the entire layer of initiatives designed to ensure the further development of the manufacturing industry, of course, your assistance, colleagues, will be decisive in their preparation. related legislative initiatives, of course, when forming the budget, especially since the president proposed to significantly increase funding for key systemic mechanisms for industry. special attention will certainly be paid to supporting the rhythmic work of industries defense-industrial complex, while matching the tasks of fully meeting the needs of our army, aviation, navy, and the interests of the civilian sectors, in which many defense companies also work. enterprises, another important area within the ministry’s perimeter is the development of food security,
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meaning trade, commodity distribution network, its importance was especially clearly manifested during the covid epidemic, in the spring of 22, when effective interaction between the state, retail, and agricultural producers allowed to satisfy all the needs of our citizens, we managed to do this thanks to the development and combination of different trade formats, which have developed in a balanced manner in recent years. i’m also talking about the e -commerce segment, which has become quite mature - including for soft government regulation, that is, without distorting competition and without monopolization; of course, the development of non-raw materials is of no less importance for increasing demand for domestic products. not energy exports, this is a direction close to me previous years of work at mimpromtorg, in fact, including working in this direction, we are already largely compensating for the restrictions that western countries have imposed on our country with supplies to the markets of asia, the middle east, africa, latin america, which
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will accelerate this process activities of the national export development project, first of all, of course, we are talking about the rollout of new logistics. routes, creation of russian industrial hubs abroad, formation of sustainable technological alliances. big role in our foreign trade policy in supporting countries is, of course, supported by the russian export center and trade representation system, which is clearly structured and operates successfully. dear deputies, you see how wide the entire range of large-scale tasks set by the president and the chairman of the government is. to fully cope with them, of course, it is necessary to have your full support and the assistance of my government colleagues, so i count on your approval of my candidacy for our further fruitful constructive work with you in the interests of our country. thank you for attention. thank you, anton andreevich. questions please. communist party faction, lyabekhov, roman mikhailovich, prepare a servant. dear anton andreevich, yesterday, mr.
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mantarov, and today in your speech you mentioned work as a tool for the development of enterprises. at the industrial development fund, we have recently received requests from enterprises in the border regions, in particular oryol, bryansk, that the fund is working with they adjust in terms of the size of their own participation, that is, we apparently assume that the fund sees additional risks in financing enterprises in these areas. we believe that this is unacceptable; these enterprises need primary support from the state, as they are experiencing significant difficulties in their work due to the influence of a special military operation. i would like to ask you to pay attention to... maybe even adjust the requirements of the industrial development fund for enterprises in these regions, in particular here on industrial mortgages, we are now adjusting this indicator, if you need help from deputies, we are of course ready to provide it, thank you, thank you very much for your question, undoubtedly, the industrial development fund is in great demand now,
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we will consider the specific cases you mentioned for me honestly telling the news that the fund has changes. some internal ones in relation to specific regions in terms of requirements for their own participation, as far as i managed to communicate with colleagues, our border regions receive quite a large, significant support, about 20 billion rubles were sent to these regions in the twenty-third year, projects were supported in the twenty-third, twenty-fourth year, but undoubtedly, together with you, i am ready to consider specific cases, well, we will also work on this work systematically... we will get along in the same way just as we have now established work with our regions of novorossiya, our first project in lugansk was supported, so of course this is a priority area for us, we will definitely work. thank you, anton andrevich, please, andrey lugovoi konstantinovich, the ldpr faction will prepare for the hartung. dear anton andreevich, in
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1915 the president made a strategic decision to support the carriage building industry, from january 1 , 1616. and we would like to ask you, as the future minister of industry and trade, what is your position in this regard. thank you. thank you very much, dear andrei konstantinovich, well , this issue was already touched upon in the committee, i discussed it separately with my colleagues again, indeed, the corresponding ban on
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extension of service life was supported and approved by the president in 2015. you have already noted that our carriage building industry is developing extremely effectively, there is a very high level of localization, 90% and higher for certain types of products, so if we talk about, well, we talked about specific types of equipment, this is equipment that is associated with the transportation of bitches, petroleum products, we produce these products and are ready to provide them to transport companies and carriers. products were made, jobs were created, we did not therefore, of course, the volume of investments that we support, and changes to the decision that was made by the president in 2015. thank you, anton andreevich, please, fair russia faction for the truth hartung, valery karlovich, get ready for a splash. dear anton andreevich, but i don’t have
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a question, but wishes, our industry was rebuilt in the shortest possible time to meet the needs of the ministry of defense and provided our army with everything necessary. i think that in the near future the moment will no longer be around when we will have to carry out the reverse process, the process conversions, but unfortunately. at this time , russian markets were flooded with industrial goods from china and india, so i have a wish that your ministry, under your leadership, develop a comprehensive program for the conversion of the military-industrial complex in the opposite direction with simultaneous protective measures to protect against imports of these from these countries that are doping today are taking over russian markets, but it’s no secret. in our machine-building products, today, well, imports take up a significant share, so we need to return them to russian manufacturers, thank you, thank you very much, yes, thank
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you very much, valevich, thank you very much for such a question and - wishes, suggestions, we, uh, on the instructions of the president, saw how, in fact, this conversion that you said happened, if we talk about uh 2021, then we have almost 27% - there was a level of output of civilian products by those enterprises that, among other things, work under state defense orders, now it is clear that the situation is different, everyone is working for our victory, and well, the share has changed somewhat, it has changed significantly in the direction of fulfilling state defense ordering and supplying our army, but i think that the wide range of tasks regarding technological sovereignty that we now face, it a priori implies... that the competencies that have been developed, yes, and the teams that are now working at these enterprises, they will are in demand to ensure the implementation of technological sovereignty projects in the future, but
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of course, the mechanisms that we have are now within the framework of our international obligations in the eurasian economic union, the wto, and others organizations, we are allowed to adequately and correctly protect our own domestic market, we will undoubtedly discuss with you, maybe... develop some new measures, now i know colleagues from the ministry of finance, on behalf of the leadership, have prepared a bill not only limiting the purchase of imported products within the framework of government procurement, but also companies with state participation will define this procedure more clearly, so i think that this is also a significant market that will appear in such a preferential regime for our manufacturers. dear colleagues, please stop walking around the hall. and proceed from the fact that when people watch, there is a live broadcast, deputies, elected, instead of
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taking their powers responsibly, especially personnel issues, everyone is worried about this, they walk around, turn their backs, this is what it says, of course, i’m not ready for responsibility, so think about it. the new people faction plyakin, vladimir vladimirovich, will prepare for kozlovsky. dear anton andreevich, you, and as a governor, know that there is currently an acute problem with personnel shortages, this problem especially concerns qualified personnel in priority industries. for example, in the nuclear industry and energy sector there is currently a shortage of about 600 specialists. the aviation industry needs about 14. training and retraining of personnel, digitalization and... personnel shortage, if, for example, at least
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temporarily we provide additional support measures for workers and enterprises, such as preferential mortgages, deferment from the army, reduced insurance premium rates, let's work together we will explore this possibility for enterprises and people who are so needed by these enterprises, thank you, thank you very much, well , denis valentinovich yesterday... answered a similar question, indeed, the question of personnel, yes, the sufficiency of the labor force, now in the labor market, it is one of the key ones, i i also understand this from my previous work experience, if in 2016, when the president appointed me to act temporarily, the personnel problem was somewhere in fifth or sixth place, but now this is the main issue that worries our business, that is, it is not a fiscal issue load, not a question of availability. regions
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work with them, this is a professionalism program, which very effectively involves business in training personnel in the re-equipment of colleges of secondary vocational education, these are advanced engineering schools, and the president in his message said that 50 more advanced engineering schools need to be created in our country, i think that this will also be a very significant contribution to solving the problem that you mentioned, but undoubtedly,
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in the case, thank you, please, united faction russia, final question: kozlovsky alexander nikolaevich. dear anton andreevich, you have gained extensive experience working in one of the most difficult border regions of russia, with complex logistics and surrounded by completely unfriendly neighbors. at the same time , everyone notes that even in these conditions we see a significant increase in industrial production in the kaliningrad region. what do you think?
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measures were promptly developed to support our transport security; we started the twenty-second year with two ships that we worked on the line with st. petersburg, which means between the kaliningrad region and the leningrad region, now there are more than twenty of them, that is , this is extremely important, of course , the governor’s experience allows him to take a comprehensive look at what opportunities the region has in terms of financial support measures, other support measures , how to combine support measures from various departments, the ministry.
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the candidate for the position has experience not only regional, which is important, the person came from what is called the land, understanding the problems, how people live, in the regions this it seems closer, but he has experience working in the ministry, for the post of minister he was introduced today, he was the head of the department, this is a very important structural unit, key. one can also say, like committees in the state duma, without committees we cannot do anything, only our committees prepare laws, introduce them, discuss them, everything revolves around work in the committee, just like departments in the ministry. dear colleagues, let’s move on to the third issue on our agenda, approval.
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russian federation, will present a candidacy, plenipotentiary, chairman of the government of the state duma aleksandrevich senenko. please, alexandrevich. in accordance with the second part of article 112 of the constitution of the russian federation, the chairman of the government of the russian federation, mikhail vladimirov mishustin, introduced the candidacy of mikhail vladimirovich dekterev to the state duma for approval to the post of minister of sports of the russian federation. please review and approve. please, dmitry aleksandrovich svishchov, chairman of the relevant committee, will make a report on committee positions. dear vyacheslav viktorovich, dear colleagues, the state duma committee on physical culture and sports reviewed and unanimously voted to approve the candidacy of mikhail
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vladimirovich for the post of minister of sports of the russian federation. many of us know michal vladimirovich from his work in the state duma, in the last convocation he headed the committee on sports, tourism and youth affairs, in the twentieth year he headed the khabarovsk territory, where... special attention was paid to the development of sports. i am sure that his experience of working in the state duma in the region will not only allow him to effectively organize work.


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