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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 14, 2024 10:30am-11:00am MSK

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leads not only to the failure of american green projects, but to a series of new shocks in international economic relations. according to antonov, moscow will now speed up the implementation of projects in other countries. the georgian parliament will adopt a law on ban agents today. the prime minister of the country, ieraklei kabakhidze, announced this the day before. he emphasized that the local opposition has no chance of repeating the maidan scenario. i want to remind you that this is not... ukraine, we are a restored sovereign state that can respond to any violence and attempt at violence. the law on foreign agents, which will be adopted tomorrow in the third reading of parliament, will play a crucial role in ending the externally imposed polarization of society. the political minority in georgia does not have the resources to destabilize the situation in the country. these forces are completely discredited. the night before in tbiris.
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there was another rally against the adoption of the document, thousands of people with flags of georgia and the european union marched to parliament, several student groups went on strike, the most violent ones were detained, it is reported that among them was a us citizen. the two components of phosphoglyph help not only restore liver cells, but also fight the cause of their destruction, inflammation. phosphoglyph, now in savings. pack of 96 capsules. thanks to shopping at the megamarket, someone will reach the finish line first, someone will create comfort in their apartment. someone will go on a long-awaited vacation. megamarket sellers are changing the world. megamarket - just grow with us. appetite anywhere. only dad will tame it. sausages will help. what's your mood? you feel light today and
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airy, romantic and sensual, relaxed sublime, find the vernelle scent to suit your mood, i am something good, the best, and i am useful, oh yes, and you manage me, regularly, and i am the new vtb loyalty program, vtb, choose the right categories . thank you, thank you, you can’t put it in your pocket, here are rubles, vtb, together everything will work out. magnet, price just right, bear barnik from 79.9. hunting is your thirst for the main trophy from 20 million. your chance to take yours in 15 minutes for only 100 rubles. hunt,
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come out to win! robot vacuum cleaner midea with wet cleaning functions with a 42% discount. and silver sokolov earrings with an 81% discount. on yandex market. introducing the new, perfect taste of baltika 7 non-alcoholic, brewed from 100% malt and hops grown in altai. new baltika 7. non-alcoholic feel the perfection of taste, again a leap into the past, time travel is not a toy, if anyone knew how delicious it was, they wouldn’t be so busy, alexander petrov’s star combo for 355 rubles, i love it, it’s delicious and the dot under the silver delicious with foil. the finest chocolate layer inside
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beautiful, perfect, planbier, airy, natural, happy in the heat of july, carries a silver bullet, when you cook with pleasure, dirty dishes can stop the rhythm of your kitchen. the gold tablet itself with an intensive cleansing formula effectively removes burnt-on stains, let you have a delicious meal together, and let the samat take care of the dishes. meet the free children's room. sbercard, limited design, access to a sim card with a wow tariff, a month of communication for free, payment sticker, children's sbercard - an adult approach, buy goods for construction projects at low prices on avito, it’s just space, the taste of ham with pork ham from cherkizov’s own farms, cosmically delicious, cherkizovo!
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last minute news: the head of the personnel department of the ministry of defense was arrested on suspicion of receiving a large bribe. in relation to yuri kuznetsov
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, a state of hurricane has been initiated, one trip can be normal, even 100 times, but 101, something can happen, so we are trying to exclude such moments. hurricanes are usually found in sheltered, open areas the car is extremely vulnerable, so the driver always drives at the highest possible speed. the hurricane is a fairly old car, but in fact it performs well in combat conditions , it is maneuverable, unpretentious, and can accelerate to 70%. the car moves towards the border of the dpr and zaporozhye, along the way the fighter talks about himself. i’m from buryatia, from the city of london, i’ve been under contract since i was fifteen years old, i like the work, the people are good, the team is dedicated. this rocket
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launcher is now operating on targets that hidden behind enemy lines. in response , hurricanes are also often shot at, but the main danger is kamikaze drones. there are anti-drone specialists. stands, if he sees a bird or something, he jams it, takes it to the side, they score, at this moment we do it, we immediately roll up, maneuver, leave, rszzo, hurricane. can cover an area the size of several football fields, artillerymen from buryatia are constantly maneuvering, working day and night. as a rule, the first shot is a sighting shot, the rest are to kill. this missile, it would seem, does nothing different from usual. in fact, there are not wareaters inside, but 10,000 leaflets. this is what the leaflets that are dropped on enemy positions look like, they are stylized as banknotes, dollars, euros, but the most important thing is that the telegram channel is indicated here, i want to live, where you can write from here. ukrainian. serviceman yevgeny pogrebnyak found one of these leaflets and surrendered at the first opportunity. we suffer normal
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losses like this. no matter how officers don’t go to positions with us at all, we don’t have armored vehicles, we don’t have salaries, we chip in on cars so that was how to get to the landing site. artillerymen from buryatia are working along the entire line of the southern donetsk front, consistently pushing the enemy out of fortified positions. believe it or not, even during the second world war, when the fighters. went to war, according to the buryad tradition, they took the grief of the earth with them, this means that the spirit of the land where you took it from, that is, your native spirit, it will protect you. eduard punigov, alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. the mayor of sochi, alexey kapaygorodsky, resigned due to the transition to a new work. the governor of the krasnodar territory, veniam kandratyev, supported this decision of the head of the resort city, as the head of the region noted, during his work. sochi has noticeably transformed, much attention was paid to the creation of modern
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resort infrastructure and green areas, and serious work was carried out to solve the problems of defrauded shareholders. alexey kapaygorodsky has headed sochi since september 2019; the issue of his resignation will be considered at an extraordinary session of the city meeting tomorrow. to other topics, 400 people had to evacuate this night from several populated areas. in yakutia they were flooded due to congestion on the rivers, the water came unexpectedly, people were taken out by boats and helicopters, rescuers monitor the situation around the clock, and also carry out blasting work in dangerous areas. about the situation in the region, vitaly prokopyev. the water reached the village of kyllakh late at night, people had to leave their homes on boats, taking only the most necessary things with them. streams.
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more than 150 yards were flooded. operational groups of the ministry of emergency situations evacuated residents by air, only from in one settlement , 27 people, including five children, were transported to a safe place. that means they are equipped. to combat the elements , an emergency situation was declared in the area, the cause of the sharp rise in water was a jam downstream, during the day it collapsed and the water gradually began to decrease, but in the meantime another jam managed to form on the lena, but in order to prevent new flooding, they flew to the place rescuers and demolition workers. several
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powerful explosive charges weakened the ice field, active ice drift began in alekmensk, the water is gradually receding, a working commission is calculating the damage in order to begin restoring the affected villages. there is a decline, near the settlement of solyanka, near the settlements of kharintsy daban, this means that these are potential threats to the population. and in the nyurbinsky district a high alert regime has been declared; here, too , there is congestion on another river, the veluy, several houses and a bridge have been flooded. in general, i want to say that the situation is under control, an interdepartmental operational working group is working at the tsuks base of the main directorate for monitoring and decision-making, also the entire yakut territorial subsystem of the republic of sokha yakutia is given. into high alert mode. the republican operational headquarters continuously monitors changes in ice conditions on rivers.
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experts continue to monitor the situation around the clock; in the near future , ice drift will approach the capital of the region. vitaly prokopyev, alexander knyazyev, news, nikutia. the omsk region is preparing for the peak of the flood. it is expected in the coming days. the most difficult situation is in the ustishimsky region. level water is growing, in some places it already exceeds.
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last may, rescuers fought fires in the engine room. 20 people were killed as a result of idf strikes on the palestinian refugee camp in jabali, the wafa news agency reported. sources on the spot claim that due to the increasing frequency of airstrikes on accommodation centers, there are no longer enough places in the gas where people are trying to escape from shelling, but strikes are now being carried out on the central part of the enklab. after night attacks on... rafah to launch full-scale surgery in the coming days. cnn reported this with reference to the biden administration. however, washington is not sure that israel will decide to take such a step. 14 people
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died in mumbai after a huge advertising bill collapsed. still about. gas station where people were, rescue work is now underway on the spot, they are complicated by injuries, the structure fell due to weather conditions, a dust storm has been raging in mumbai for the last 24 hours. our own correspondent in the region, evgeniy davidov, provides details. hurricane winds destroy buildings tears off roofs and knocks down trees. the storm demolishes a huge hundred-meter billboard, it falls right on a gas station. where people are sheltering from the wind, as indian television channels report, dozens were injured as a result of the fall of an advertising structure in mumbai, about a hundred may remain under the rubble. i don’t believe what happened, we call people who were left under the rubble, we hear calls, but they don’t answer. rescuers and volunteers
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are trying to reach them, but in this weather it’s not easy. the elements have covered state of maharashtra in western india, mumbai wind gusts reached 70 km/h, the wind tore off the cladding of buildings, double-glazed windows, everything that was weakly held immediately became dangerous for others, heavy trees were torn out by the roots , low clouds and walls made of sand, footage from on the upper floors of buildings, like something out of an apocalypse movie, a dust storm covered the settlements closest to mumbai. due to human weather. air traffic was disrupted, the operation of the metro and commuter trains was stopped for several hours, resulting in a crush on the platforms, many people, desperate, walk along the tracks. the exact number of victims and the amount of damage from the disaster are being established; now the wind has died down, but meteorologists say that it is too early to relax, the monsoon season is ahead. 3 days ago, a similar
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sandstorm covered the indian capital, according to official data, two dozen were killed in newdelhi , several dozen were injured, and windows were broken in the house where our film crew lives. in general, at this time of year for the country such natural disasters are not uncommon; in the morning and during the day the heat is over 40°, well in the evening everything can change dramatically. evgeny davidov and vladislav dadonov, news from india. southeast asian countries have begun to view china as a more reliable partner than the united states. meanwhile, the us-china trade war is escalating, the american media predicts. new import duties on electric vehicles produced in china, batteries and solar panels. measures could be announced today. maria filippova has details. the joe biden administration has accelerated to hundreds. the wall street journal reports a possible sharp increasing tariffs on electric vehicles, critical minerals, solar panels and batteries from china. according to
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the newspaper's sources, the duty on electric cars will immediately increase almost fourfold, from 27.5 to 100. it makes sense to consider such an increase in tariffs as absolutely protective tariffs so that not a single normal chinese car crosses the american border, and there are two reasons: -firstly, of course, this is an attempt to strike at china, or more precisely , even to show at what point it will strike, they will to beat the united states in the future, and secondly, to protect american manufacturers from relatively cheap and high-quality chinese cars. in the first quarter of this year, china became the world leader in automobile exports in physical terms, overtaking japan. largely due to the sharp increase in sales of electric cars. china is the largest manufacturer of such cars and batteries for... electric cars from the middle kingdom occupy quite a bit of about 10% of the european market, so belgium and spain are leading in imports in the first quarter this year. but the share of the american market
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for china is insignificant. chinese electric cars were not sold directly in the states. a twenty percent duty was considered a high protective measure. first of all , china is interested in its domestic market, which is quite large, with more than 24 million cars per year. sold there, but the competition is very high, and many chinese manufacturers, primarily those producing electric cars, are trying to enter the american market, certain restrictions will be extremely unpleasant for china, for its future, this includes a certain product policy in relation to manufacturers and the united states, well, we are primarily talking about tesla, according to the american authorities, cheap chinese... electric cars can destroy the local auto industry, for example, the base model from bioid costs about 11 thousand dollars, while the cheapest tesla will cost about 30,000. last year, the chinese
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manufacturer surpassed tesla in the number of cars sold, 3 million versus almost two. looking at previous cases of increase tariffs from the us, then the chinese country is usually also sufficient. promptly responded by increasing duties on certain categories of goods that may be critical for american companies, who may have restrictions associated with the same rare earth metals, according to experts, the response to the reaction will not be long in coming, the official representative of the chinese foreign ministry, lendzian, said that the current american administration continues to make the mistakes of the previous one, despite the attempts of the two countries to stabilize diplomatic relations.
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china responded by introducing a 43.5% duty on american propionic acid. however, its imports last year amounted to only $7 million, but the upcoming increase may provoke a more severe response. there are only two rounds left in the russian football premier league before the end of the season. dynamo is sensationally in the lead, overtaking zenit krasnodar. in an interview with my colleague ilya kazakov, a well-known football player spoke about the intrigues of the end of the championship. she is not a coach, vadim evseev, he became a guest of the russian football program. not to say that yes, the players of the players take the zenith
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of the same brazilians, they don’t seem to correspond, no, i can’t say that, probably, teamwork is probably not enough, because we see a lot of games, they start in the same formation, during the break there is, as it were, a perestroika under a different scheme, but this is... in the leadership of the presidential administration, this was reported in the kremlin, it is reported that vladimir putin appointed nikolai patrushev as assistant to the president of the russian federation.
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we continue, in ukraine, accusations against the authorities responsible for the construction of defensive fortifications in the kharkov region, instead of deep entrenchments, anti-tank structures and powerful firing points, either belt-length trenches or completely bare ground. enemy troops have nowhere to gain a foothold. forced to retreat, evgeny nipet will continue the topic. no money, no line of defense, the predators are indignant, accusing the gouleiters of the kharkov region of corruption due to theft. entire sections of the border were left without fortifications. they write about billions of hryvnia stolen from this very profitable business. remember yatsenyuk’s impregnable wall made of chain-link mesh and complain that well-fortified ones should have appeared on the border over the years. the bunkers, in some areas there were not even minefields, are asking that this is crazy theft or sabotage, to repel the attack, information, the bank left alone.
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an information spread about the fact that building a fortification of the first line of defense with minus three floors under constant enemy fire, as one military man said today, is absurd, because it is a great danger for military personnel, engineering units and civilians personnel who erect defensive lines. but a month ago. zelensky from the sun inspected the construction of defense lines in the kharkov region, in the picture there were trenches, and the so-called dragon’s tooth, and excavators, in the video they showed two. construction equipment, the rada says, is now almost in greater short supply than military equipment, and there simply isn’t enough of it. it turns out that the head of the regime took part in another production, a high-budget one, in less than a year, the kiev regime allocated about a billion dollars for
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erection. fortifications, in april this amount increased by another 201 million, which sunk, including in the kharkov direction. judging by objective data, prosification is really in the category of imitation, money has been spent somewhere, withdrawn, there are no practical structures, this is quite obvious, out of habit, the ukrainian armed forces use settlements, residential buildings and human shields for defensive battles . judging by these publications of ukrainian bloggers, who demonstrate trenches half a man’s height, it is true that square officials are in quotes have mastered the art of fortification well. the militants themselves talk on social networks about how fortifications are being built in ukraine, using the example of pavlograd, that on the way to dnepropetrovsk, the dug trenches crumbled, loopholes were made of white bags in the fields, in the same place as the trenches, not in forest plantations. honestly
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, apparently, otse, so honestly. also, by decree, the president appointed midinsky, mironov, fursenko and ushakov as assistants, this message is with reference to the kremlin, shchogolev, kutsan, ustinov, chaika, komarov, yakushev and sersheva were also reassigned, they are listed as presidential envoys in the federal districts.
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