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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 14, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm MSK

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all the shells hit the residential sector, this is a densely populated area of ​​the city, this is the place where one of the shells hit, it hit a children’s playground, after the explosion it was destroyed, here lies a metal part of this shell, this is a fragment, hundreds of such damaging elements scattered meters, only by a lucky coincidence at that moment there was no one on this playground on the pedestrian path...
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just a little during the morning shelling , nine apartment buildings were damaged, local authorities report this, and these are glazing, balconies are damaged, in addition, the roofs in private estates are cut, there is also damage in the fifteenth city school, six cars were damaged by shell fragments, i’m getting ready for work, i got up at 5 o’clock and then boom, i actually think, well, i hear what it is right here nearby. i think somewhere, somewhere, i was thinking, everything in my kitchen went flying, i came out, i thought, lord, i can’t understand anything, i ran when it was already over, and i got hit, though he got hit on the fifth floor in the corner into glass and there was a small hole that flew from there, yes, yes, and even into that under that in that one of those entrances it also flew, that’s basically what happened, that ’s how it is that the entire fourteenth entrance was also damaged. on the power line, but
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employees of the electric grid company quickly arrived on the scene and restored the power supply, there is also damage in the suburbs of the regional center, damage to a residential private house, and damage to a car, in addition, tonight ukrainian militants attacked the shevekinsky urban district, it is located right on the border, as a result there is damage to residential buildings, damage to the power line, one street remains without light, as soon as the operational situation allows, employees of the energy network company will move there, the light supply will also be restored. igor pikhanov, mikhail vidkin, olga prokanova, conduct the belgorod region. yes, it seems possible. well, let's go to nature? oh, what is this? and this is a schematic diagram. there are different cards with cashback. for what? you need one vtb card. vtb. transfer to it for free from any
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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats. back to live broadcast from please consider and approve the report
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of vladimir ivanovich kashin, sit down with the committee on agrarian issues, on this candidacy in the conclusion of the committee. thank you, dear viktorich.
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or there, that means, 1.7 times, vegetable oils, and many, many areas, including, say, cheese, 1.7 times, this is all that, by and large, oksana nikolaevna was doing, especially to her, in my opinion, managed from the first day to create a system of mechanisms for a comprehensive program for the development of rural areas, in principle, the ministry is ready today to coordinate everything ministries of departments who... work in the countryside, and today we ask, once again anton eermanovich, to color the money that goes to rural schools, sports, healthcare, and that our ministry, dear comrades, is the curator, the development of science, here import substitution, this oksan
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nikolaevna is also involved, in general, i want to say again that she deserves support, and we have formed orders, so i would like us to see the seventh table... look, here is a comprehensive program for the development of rural areas, look, to the first according to the original passport, by the twenty-fifth year there should have been 2.3 million m2, we are drawing 1 million by... by the thirty-first year, infrastructure sites are also four to five times, the second program is a similar situation, anton yaromovich, you in this regard, well, in the end it’s time to turn to the village the way it should be turned, if there had not been a three-fourfold reduction in funding, we would have had amazing results, then the peasants would have believed us, business would have believed, the people living in the territory would have believed directly, we... he
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today it has 25%, 60%, formed troops at the front. i hope, dear comrades, that we unanimously support, aksana nikolaevna, thank you. thank you, vladimir ivanovich. the floor to present the program of the main activities of the ministry of agriculture is presented to oksana nikolaevna. lut, please, oksana nikolaevna. thank you very much, dear vyacheslav viktorovich, dear colleagues, first of all i would like to thank the prime minister for presenting my candidacy for the post of minister of agriculture farms. and today i will present plans for the development of the main directions of the russian agricultural industry. in recent years, the industry has achieved significant results; the harvest and volumes of livestock products make it possible to annually supply the country’s domestic needs with raw materials. due to this, most of the indicators of the food security doctrine have already
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been fulfilled. our self-sufficiency is systematically growing in other areas. in addition, russia maintains a strong position in global food markets. such results in largely provided by systematic work to create favorable conditions for agricultural producers. including in our four government programs for which they are responsible. mechanisms are provided to support all main areas of production and processing of agricultural raw materials, the fishery complex, as well as to involve agricultural land in circulation and create comfortable living conditions for people in rural areas. speaking about plans for the twenty-fourth year, i would like to emphasize that we set ourselves the task maintain the achieved results and, of course, continue to increase production. in general , the current situation in all sectors allows us to count on this. despite the difficult weather conditions, a new harvest will certainly be provided. fulfillment of food safety guidelines. we also forecast growth in livestock farming,
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agricultural production and processing by the end of the year. in addition to production , the implementation of our other areas continues, so the activities of the state program for the development of rural areas will cover 11,500 by the end of the year settlements and 14 million people - that's a third of our population who live outside big cities. dear deputies, the guidelines of the agro-industrial complex for the medium term are determined primarily by the presidential decree of may 7 on national goals. in particular, by 2030 the agro-industrial complex will have to increase production by 25%. this is an ambitious task, and we are certainly developing a work plan for it. we understand that despite the fairly strong foundation that has been created for the development of the industry, we still have certain risk areas that require increased attention. in this regard, taking into account our priorities to maintain the achieved results and ensure import substitution , many tasks will have to be solved in the coming years. in particular , seed selection should be developed today.
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two more such projects will be successively implemented in the coming years in the areas of selection and development of production of organic amino acids, vitamins, biochemicals and biofertilizers. in terms of production, i would like to note that we are already 100% self-sufficient vaccines for especially dangerous diseases, but we certainly have to increase capacity for other types of these products. in addition, together with our colleagues from the ministry of industry and trade, we must focus on areas such as production. plant protection, agricultural machinery and equipment for the food processing industry. we also, of course, need
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our own fleet for the agro-industrial and fishing complexes. and a separate issue that requires a lot of study at all levels is actually our common problem for all industries, this is staffing . we have a shortage of specialists, and to solve this problem we are first of all trying to transform the system of training specialists. in past years , educational programs were updated and the practical component was significantly strengthened. now, together with the ministry of education and science, we are working to strengthen the sectoral specialization of our departmental universities. in addition, it is necessary to build a full cycle system from school to employment at agricultural enterprises. for in this regard, the emphasis is on career guidance, including jointly with the ministry of education, in accordance with the instructions of the president, through the system of agricultural classes, the olympiad movement and strengthening of secondary vocational education programs. dear deputies, to ensure systematic work for the future in all of these areas, intelkhoz is developing a national project for technological support of food security. in its composition, by 2030, it is proposed
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to implement eight fet projects in the areas which i indicated earlier. through the implementation of the national project, we expect to significantly increase the level. technological independence of the military-industrial complex to increase production volumes. another task outlined by the president is to strengthen the export focus; by the thirtieth year, it is necessary to increase supplies abroad by one and a half times. to further develop exports, we will adjust the system of support measures, including planning to fine-tune the existing mechanisms. dear colleagues, i presented only the main promising areas of activity of the medical farm. the deputy corps is traditionally deeply immersed in the specifics of the agricultural industry, and i would like to thank you, vyacheslav viktorovich, deputies of the state duma for constantly.
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a set of science and menopause, we are just building a full cycle system from the agricultural class, yes, we now have about 1,800 agricultural classes already existing, they need to be increased, then there is secondary vocational education, higher education, agro-industrial complex personnel and, of course, scientific personnel for the agro-industrial complex, which we are very unhappy right now enough, we are now actively involving business in this process, business at first , well, a few years ago, was relatively on
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the sidelines, now everyone understands that we have a personnel shortage, business is actively involved in this issue of training, in the personnel training program . of course, we are working to ensure that more people, more students are admitted to the targeted form of education, this is very important for us, which will then be assigned to a specific farm or a specific military-industrial complex company, but also to its own on the other hand, of course, we offer support measures for employment, we have them in our state program for the integrated development of rural areas, this is compensation for the costs of targeted training for practice, and of course we will increase these measures based on the needs of the industry, thank you, thank you. dear oksana nikolaevna, i am asking a question on behalf of far eastern fishing, fish processing and shipbuilding enterprises. in 2017 , a very important project was launched aimed at solving problems
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food security of our country, quotas under the keel. and there is already a good one. in this regard, how does the ministry of agriculture evaluate the implementation of the first stage of the keel quota program and what support measures may be needed from legislators? for the successful launch of the second stage. stanislav aleksandrovich, it means that indeed, when the first stage began, we encountered certain difficulties, for us, well, mostly these were the case.
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as part of this incident. currently being considered by the minister of agriculture since the start of this incident, we had only 11 ships delivered, now we have 24, and we generally believe that we have achieved a fairly good rhythm in the construction of ships. here we... have already adjusted a number of regulatory documents, there are also proposals for adjustments that we will discuss, i hope they will be supported, plus a decision has been made on additional funding for shipyards due to the fact that there is a certain lack of funds funds for the construction of ships. in general, it seems to us that we have now formed a very constructive dialogue with the ministry of industry and trade and with the united shipbuilding corporation in order to continue to rhythmically move towards the second stage, for which we also have big obligations, and we believe that we will be able to fulfill these obligations with confidence. that we have all the capabilities to create a modern slave fleet in russia. thank you. thank you. please, faction of a just russia for the truth, oleg
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anatovich nilov, prepare a scratch. oksana nikolaevna, of course, i thank you for your on behalf of all our heroic workers of the fields for outstanding record results. recent years in the production of grain, meat, poultry, fish. but there are industries, so to speak, that , to put it mildly, have not received due attention: the production of vegetables and flowers in russia, well , is catastrophically stagnant, or even retreating, for some reason we have fruit and vegetable products from turkey, flowers from holland, as if they themselves do not grow in greenhouses, what is the reason, what measures are you going to take to get away from this dependence. and support our producers, yes, ours products should not only be on our shelves, we should send them for export, tell me what plans we have,
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anatolyevich, so let’s first briefly talk about the numbers, but i’ll start with last year for vegetables, for potatoes, and as a basis, the main our vegetable, we have achieved a benchmark of 97% , we have fulfilled the doctrine of 95, for vegetables we are almost close to... the indicator established by the doctrine of 89.4 was achieved with a threshold of 90, and we, of course, have a certain imbalance every year, you know everything this is due to weather conditions, however, we believe that the industrial sector in vegetable growing and potato growing is at a fairly high level, our producers manage to collect the necessary harvest to meet domestic needs, from the point of view of highlighting this industry, it means now according to the measures support , we have all... important support measures for vegetables - these are direct subsidies, preferential lending, lysine reimbursement of capital costs for the construction of a vegetable storage facility, plus we have since the twenty-third year, we have generally
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allocated vegetables to a separate fet project within the framework of our state program, we have allocated 4.5 billion funds for this year, there is enough of it, the regions confirm that this is enough to grow in production volume, as for greenhouse vegetables, yes, that means we have been able to do this here over the past 10 years. provide the central part of russia completely with greenhouse vegetables, well, our main two types, yes, these are tomatoes, tomatoes, yes, tomatoes and cucumbers, respectively, now this year we have already collected 500,000 tons, this is 5.5% more than last year, we are currently implementing greenhouse projects in siberia, in the far east, where there is still a shortage, here we are providing support measures, we there is preferential lending for this, and accordingly we see that by 2030 we will completely cover our country’s needs for... closed ground, well, actually open ground, separately by flowers, yes, here, well, flowers are so special theme because flowers are not a theme food safety, yes, well, it’s clear that these are
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crop products, nevertheless , we have provided a measure of support, we have preferential loans for the construction of greenhouses for long periods that correspond to the payback period, and we are now working together with the ministry of economic development, of course we are considering measures of customs and tariff regulation in order to limit the import of flowers from unfriendly countries. thank you oksana nikolaevna, the ministry of agriculture is carrying out systematic work to improve veterinary rules. over the past 2 years, new rules for conducting veterinary and sanitary examinations have been approved, this year the requirements for keeping horses and birds have been approved, but of course for
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absolutely nothing.
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we clearly understand that procedures related to the implementation of veterinary rules should be convenient and accessible for agricultural producers of all forms, including small forms, so here we are ready to look at all the proposals that you have, together with you, to develop acceptable ones options for our small agricultural producers engaged in livestock farming. thank you, thank you, aksana nikolaevna, please, final question united russia faction nikolai goncharov.
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aleksandrovich. dear oksana nikolaevna, as you correctly noted, agriculture is an open-air workshop with corresponding risks. and recently , difficult weather conditions have developed in a number of regions of russia. frosts that came to the european part of the country in early may led to the loss of winter crops, sunflowers, corn, vegetables crops additionally, this is already observed in the southern regions. drought, now we need to find additional financial resources to replant crops, is it necessary to expand the volume of preferential lending for these purposes? what joint steps, in your opinion, should the state duma, the government, and the ministry of agriculture take to promptly respond to the current situation to ensure sufficient financing for farmers with preferential loans, thank you, yes nikolai alexandrovich,
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this is indeed the situation we have this year. quite severe, we have the central federal district, a number of regions of the central federal district, volgograd federal district, volgograd region, got into frosts, in the south, indeed, we are approaching drought, yes, if it doesn’t rain now, then of course it can be stated as a drought, but we now have three digital regions, you know, a regional frost emergency has been introduced, about 500 hectares have fallen, now yes, so far here are preliminary data for 500,000 hectares, everything needs to be reseeded, as you said. semin, we have, from a financial point of view, limits that are provided for the sowing season, including we have enough for the upcoming reseeding, we will control the situation, if suddenly there is not enough finance, then we will find opportunities to finance everyone who needs it. plus, i also want to touch on a point related to insurance companies, this is a separate topic for us, and yes, about which our agricultural producers complain all the time, now we will closely monitor the actions
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of insurance companies. companies in these cases, especially pes, so that all bona fide agricultural insurers receive the necessary the amount of compensation within 10 days, so we will report to you separately here too. thank you. this was a broadcast from the state duma to the lower floor of parliament. we 'll be back today. vladimir putin signed decrees on appointments in the presidential administration. anton vaina was reappointed as head of administration. his first deputies will be alexei gromov and sergei kiriyenko. dmitry kazak was appointed deputy head of the administration.


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