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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 14, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm MSK

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closely monitor the actions of insurance companies in these cases, especially emergency situations, so that all bona fide agricultural insurers receive the required amount of compensation within 10 days, so we will also report to you separately here. thank you. this was a broadcast from the state duma to the lower polata of the parliament. we 'll be back today. vladimir putin signed decrees on appointments in the presidential administration. anton vaina was reappointed as head of administration. his first deputies will be alexei gromov and sergei kiriyenko. deputy heads.
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igor komarov in the volga federal district, vladimir yakushev in the ural federal district, anatoly seryshev plenipotentiary representative in the siberian federal district, anton kobyakov, igor levitin and valery fodeev were appointed presidential advisers. also, for the first time , elena yampulskaya became an adviser, sergei ivanov was appointed. special representative of the president on issues of environmental protection, transport ecology, artur muravyov, was appointed plenipotentiary representative of the president in the federation council, gariminkh in the state duma, and alexander kanovalov in the constitutional court vladimir putin will visit china on may 16 and 17 at the invitation of sidzenping, according to the kremlin press service, the leaders of the two countries will discuss a comprehensive partnership and strategic interaction. in addition, vladimir putin and... will determine key
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directions for the further development of russian-chinese practical cooperation and exchange views on the most pressing international problems. following the negotiations, it is planned to sign a joint statement by the heads of state and a number of bilateral documents. during the visit the russian leader will visit beijing and harbin, where he will take part in the opening of the eighth russian-chinese expo, and also meet with students and teachers of the local polytechnic university. the state duma is today considering candidates for ministerial positions in the new government. there are 16 people on the list proposed by prime minister mishustin. each candidate will have the opportunity to speak to deputies and will have to answer their questions. at the end of the meeting, which is expected to last about 9 hours, there will be a vote on all candidates. our correspondent natalya solovyova is now in direct contact with okhotny ryad. natalya, over to you, what new details do you have? yes, vera,
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hello, i can say that about a third of this list has now been completed, oksana lut has just finished answering questions from deputies, let me remind you that she is running for the post of minister of agriculture, and she is not from the governor’s pool, but previously and now in that including working in the ministry of agriculture, since about 2018 , she has been a deputy minister since the twenty-first, she gave a brief report, what are the main goals of the task she sees for herself... in her new post she spoke about russia’s strong position in the global food market and said that already this year, despite rather difficult weather conditions, frosts, a record harvest is still planned, and of course, they will try to maintain this trend. the mid-term guidelines for the agro-industrial complex are determined primarily by the presidential decree of may 7 on national goals, in particular by 2030.
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the agro-industrial complex will have to increase production by 25%. this this is an ambitious task, and we are certainly developing a work plan for it. we understand that despite the fairly solid foundation that has been created for the development of the industry,...
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will you start solving regional problems first ? indeed, the kaliningrad region is useful in a new responsible position and how extremely difficult it is in terms of logistics, now the main problem was logistics, the governor’s experience allows him to take a comprehensive look at what opportunities the region has in terms of financial support measures, other support measures, like combine measures support from various departments, the ministry of economy, the ministry of digital development, science and many others, so this is the consolidation of efforts and the ability to find support among other departments. right now , olga lyubimova, the minister
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who is now acting minister of culture, is answering the questions of the deputies, but i will return to the governors, who will also apply for posts in the new cabinet of ministers, one of them as...
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including large companies, this a system of priorities that has been built over many years, we need it to break, it is necessary that the funds of large sponsors begin to be directed to the development of children's sports, and of course, that the practice of selecting the most talented ones and then sending them abroad should stop. well, i’ll add two more new names, these are roman stravoy and sergey tsevelev, one of them is applying for the post of minister of transport, the second for the post of minister of energy, their reports will be heard today during the day, but only after each of the contenders for the ministry . the briefcase will appear in this hall, will answer questions from deputies, will a vote has been scheduled, it will become open, and then we will definitely know the names of the new ministers, vera. natalya, thank you, our correspondent,
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natalya solovyova, was in direct communication from the state duma. i am something good, the best, and i am useful, oh yes, and you manage me, regularly, and i am the new vtb loyalty program, choose the categories you need every month, for example, clothing, groceries, sporting goods , get cashback up to 25% on any vtb card rubles, thank you, thank you, you can’t put it in your pocket, here are rubles, vtb, together everything will work out, thanks to mega purchases. comfort in the apartment, someone will go on a long-awaited vacation, sellers at the megamarket are changing the world, megamarket - just grow with us, someone will reach the finish line first, someone will create mothers, write us a message, why, or
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it is profitable to retire with sberbank. for pensioners free sber card, favorable deposit rate, cashback bonuses in pharmacies - loan discount. apply for a pension at sberbank online or in a branch. the federation council will today hold final consultations on candidates for the posts of ministers of the security bloc and heads of the foreign ministry of the accounts chamber. the day before, the applicants were discussed by specialized committees at meetings. today the discussion will continue at the plenary session. we’ll find out more details from anna voronina, she’s in touch. hello anna, once again, what details do you have up to this minute? hello, colleagues, but we have already found out that all ministers, all candidates for ministerial positions.
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this is a confirmation of the continuity that russia has pursued and will pursue
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an independent foreign policy, that today we are glad that russia is the leader of the movement towards a multipolar world, this, of course, is largely the merit of the ministry of foreign affairs, the minister personally, at such times it is very important, so that our powerful ministry of foreign affairs is headed...
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thank you, in direct communication from the federation council was our correspondent, anna voronina. the head of the main personnel department of the ministry of defense, yuri kuznetsov, was arrested, having previously been detained on suspicion of receiving a bribe on an especially large scale. the criminal case was initiated by the main investigative department of the investigative committee of russia. according to the investigation, in
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2021-2023, being the head of the eighth directorate of the general staff, kuznetsov received. a bribe from representatives of commercial structures for performing certain actions in their favor. during the search , rubles and currencies totaling about 100 million were taken from the suspect. rub. as well as gold coins, collectible watches, luxury items. the mayor of sochi, alexey kapaygorodsky, resigned and is moving to a new job, as reported by the press service of the krasnodar territory administration. governor of kuban during a meeting in krasnodar. confirmed and supported the decision of his subordinate, and the head of the region noted the high professionalism of kp gorodsky thanked him for his fruitful work. alexey kapa gorodsky led sochi from. september 2019, previously he served as vice-governor of krasnodar region on domestic policy. a court in
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korachavo-cherkessia sentenced supporters of isis, banned in russia, who were preparing terrorist attacks in the region, to 18 and a half years. the three accused will serve their sentences in a maximum security colony ; according to the investigation, the criminals established contacts with militants in syria and arrived in cherkessk, where they rented an apartment. purchased the necessary components for an explosive device and were preparing for a terrorist attack, they were detained right during the assembly of an explosive device, which they planned to use to attack one of administrative buildings. for headaches , there is ascafen p at an affordable price and ascafen ultra with an enhanced composition to combat headaches and migraines. askafen - when you have a headache. are attacking credit card debts, i’ll show you a couple of tricks: we collect all credit card debts into one place and conveniently pay them off within 24 months, and don’t forget about
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anyone can get a fire rate on a deposit at gazprombank. interest rate up to 17% per annum on deposit for 6 months. receive real income in a reliable bank. open a deposit on now we return to the appointments of the presidential administration, decrees on this were signed by vladimir putin, this is how presidential press secretary dmitry peskov commented on the new appointment. the president signed many decrees concerning the presidential administration, oreshkin became deputy head of the administration, he will deal with economic issues, as he actually did in the past. connected with history, with
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historical heritage, will now... deal with cultural issues, together with it yampolskaya, who was appointed advisor to the president, will also interact on cultural issues; under the supervision of sergei kiriyenko, yampolskaya will also be involved in the topic of youth policy. dyumin, the new assistant to the president, will oversee defense industry issues, deal with the state council and oversee sports in the presidential administration. nikolai platonovich patrushev also became an assistant. president, he will deal with shipbuilding issues, this will be one of the main, so to speak, areas of his supervision, but there will be others, perhaps edel gereev, who became assistant to the president, he retains his functions, these are ecology, climate, and levitin, who became adviser to the president and special representative for international cooperation in the field of transport, he will mainly concentrate on the international transport route, north south. and
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the northern sea route. russian troops of the north group continue to strike at the positions of the armed forces of ukraine in the kharkov region. as previously reported, fighters improved the tactical situation in populated areas volchansk, not boring liptsa and fun. continuation, the advance of the assault detachment is assisted by artillerymen. one of the calculations is entirely made up of residents of the belgorod region. i talked to the soldiers.
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fights through a dense forest, off-road, black soil is not an obstacle for hail, it takes only a few minutes to aim at the target, the crew works in a well-coordinated manner, rocket artillery fire helps the assault units of the northern group of troops to move forward, a large-caliber shell falls on the enemy positions, opens even powerful fortifications, the range is about 20 km, the package consists of 40 shells, caliber 122 mm, the covering area is large, because of this it is very difficult to escape, as if from it, about 20 personnel were destroyed, four light armor, crew grad consists of natives of the belgorod region, the fighters say that every destroyed enemy military vehicle means the lives of their fellow countrymen are saved, the enemy very often hits
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civilians, that’s me... i said his main goals, unfortunately, this is already closer to some genocide, indeed. our task is to protect civilians, so that there are no casualties and to drive the enemy as far as possible from our border. artillerymen are hunting for enemy personnel and military equipment in the ssu, suppressing any resistance. the jet fighters also suppress enemy attempts to attack peaceful settlements in the belgorod region. work is carried out around the clock. when it's behind me behind my back. all my loved ones and the father of two sons, how can i give up on something or not finish my work, rest assured that my calculation is due, by the way, my calculation is completely worth it of all belgorod residents, we will complete any task, for courage and professionalism, every member of the crew of the rocket launcher was awarded medals for courage, the soldiers say that the armed forces did not come for orders, their main
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task is a peaceful sky. belgorod was attacked by ukrainian drones today; the defense reported that one of the drones was shot down by air defense systems. earlier, governor vyacheslav glotkov said that several air targets were shot down. according to gotkov , nine apartment buildings were damaged. houses and several private ones, glass was broken and roofs were visited. there is also damage to the power line; emergency services are reconnecting. on the reserve line, there is preliminary information about one person injured with a spinal injury, the woman was taken to the hospital, now the information of the victims is being clarified. powerful explosions occurred in ukraine in recent hours; residents of kharkov heard the roar early in the morning. before this, the same messages came from uman in the cherkasy region. around midnight , information appeared about an attack in dnepropetrovsk,
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a little earlier, explosions occurred in kiev. regions ukrainian


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