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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 14, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm MSK

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there is preliminary information about one person injured with a spinal injury; the woman was taken to the hospital. information about the victims is currently being clarified. powerful explosions have occurred in ukraine in recent hours. early in the morning , residents of kharkov heard the roar. before this, the same messages came from uman in the cherkasy region. around midnight, information appeared about an attack in dnepropetrovsk. a little earlier
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, explosions occurred in the kiev region, ukrainian media reported about the work of air defense, the sounds of detonation were heard in kherson, controlled by the kiev regime, information about damage is being clarified. awesome, very cool, energizing, awesome, funny, i haven’t felt such emotions for a long time, the actors are just gorgeous, mom, this is alice, i liked alice and her boyfriend, and sasha petrov, in general, i really, really made this film, i see everything, i fan of konstantin khabensky, the indicators are normal, we can start, i liked ki the most. yuri borisov is
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the best actor, everything was just done very cool, it came right off, i don’t know if this will actually be the case in 100 years, but i would like it to be like this, you are so sensory, your hands, we’ll meet in the future, 100 years from now, i ’ve thought a lot over these 100 years, i got used to watching videos all the time, it stopped working. we install, open, watch, russian channels, all series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch in the application or on the website.
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a taxi driver, you know, and i’m really not a comedian, i’m a real businessman, and how much do you pay for service at psb accounts, cash withdrawals and transfers in excess of up to 10 million rubles. for free. now about the weather, in another region of yakutia a state of emergency was introduced due to a difficult flood situation. at the same time , rain and snow fell on europe. and in the regions of siberia, storm warnings of high fire danger are common for background of heat. we'll talk about everything in more detail with tatyana belova. tatiana, greetings. how can we explain the rain that is happening there? it’s hot here, the transition from winter to summer is unusual this year, but still the spring process continues to develop, and due to the sharp warming, the flood situation in yakutia is becoming more complicated. this footage shows the rescue of a herd of horses from the drowned village of volekmensky, ulus of yakutia. the water level has risen sharply from the ice jam on the lena river. not everyone had time
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to drive the horses away to the hill. today a state of emergency was introduced in three populated areas points of the nyurba ulus due to the complications of the situation on the veluy and markha rivers. because of the ice. from the jam, water came out onto the floodplain and flooded some houses almost to the roof. natural fires are flaring up in the south of siberia; heavy smoke today seriously impaired visibility on the novosibirs-chulym highway. in the novosibirsk region , the air has been warming up to +20 or more for about a week. strong winds contribute to the spread of fire. strong wind in novosibirsk, a harbinger of the approaching cold front. the weather change will be quite abrupt, for example, in kurgan on sunday evening it was +22°. on monday the maximum temperature was already +5, the city was drowning after extreme rain. in kurgan , 45 mm of precipitation fell in one day. this is the second heaviest may rainfall here in the entire history of meteorological observation. bad weather is sweeping across europe, with heavy rain leading to flooding in france and belgium. traffic in normandy
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, for example, was temporarily paralyzed due to flooded roads. well, in turkey, meanwhile , it got colder and, as the local media ironically says, snow came from russia for vacation. according to local. at least tens, in ten villages in the west of the country, a five-centimeter snow cover formed. let's talk in more detail about the processes that determine the weather today. yakutia under the influence of anticyclones and the warm sector of the cyclonic system. in altai, in soyany, on the slopes of the stanovoy highlands, in the upper reaches of the lena, southwestern winds prevail, which push warming along the river valleys. pre-urals, urals, and now western siberia. cyclonic system on the path of the nordic streams. powerful cold wave has already reached the black sea coast and the caucasus and even turkey. at the same time, in the central part of russia, due to the influence of the anticyclone, there will be fewer clouds, but the south of the country will remain on the periphery. in the caucasus,
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kuban, kherson and zaporozhye regions in the atmospheric front zone, in some places over 20 mm of precipitation will fall. the anticyclone will continue to expand its eastern border. the strong may sun will gradually warm up the russian plain in central russia this afternoon 10-15° in the south of the country in some places up to 20, well, the cold wave will continue to advance. east to siberia, in kemerovo there will be a period of sharp weather change tomorrow, today in the capital of kusbas it is sunny and hot for summer +27, but the wind is already picking up, tomorrow morning there will be heavy rain, in the first half of the day alone more than 10 mm of precipitation will fall per bucket of water meter of area, and the daytime temperature will not exceed 13°. in moscow today it will be cloudy with clearings, light rain is possible, the maximum temperature today is already lower. +12, yesterday it was only eight, tomorrow in the capital no precipitation, partly cloudy,
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in the afternoon +17°, on thursday 19. on friday will pass rain, it will become a little cooler, and then warmer again. these are the forecasts. tatiana thank you. tatyana belova spoke about the weather in russian regions. in the southern donetsk direction, russian artillery launched an information attack on the enemy. powerful hurricane multiple launch rocket system. before each departure for a combat mission , the commander personally checks the technical condition of the hurricane. you can go out normally on one trip, even 100 times, but the 10th time something might happen, so we try to eliminate such moments. usually hurricanes are in shelter, in open areas the car is extremely vulnerable, so
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the driver always drives at the highest possible speed. the hurricane is a fairly old car, but in fact it performs well in combat conditions , it is maneuverable, unpretentious, and can accelerate to 70 km/h. the car moves towards the border of the dpr and zaporozhye, along the way the fighter talks about himself. i am from buryatia myself, from the city of ond. i'm already under contract. years, i like the work, the people are good, the team is well-coordinated, this rocket launcher is now working on targets that are hidden behind enemy lines, they also often shoot at hurricanes in response, but the main danger is posed by kamika drones, there is an anti-drone operator who stands by, if he sees a bird or something, he jams it, takes it to the side, shoots it down, in this the moment we do it, we immediately fold up, maneuver, leave, mlrs. a hurricane can cover an area the size of several football fields. artillerymen from buryatia are constantly maneuvering, working day and night. as
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a rule, the first shot is a sighting shot, the rest are to kill. this jet the projectile, it would seem, is no different from a regular one. in fact, there are not wareaters inside, but 10,000 leaflets. this is what the leaflets that are dropped on enemy positions look like; they are stylized as banknotes, dollars, and euros. but the most important thing is that a telegram channel is indicated here, i want to live, where i can write from publishing. insk soldier yevgeny pogrebnyak found one of these leaflets and surrendered at the first opportunity. we suffer normal losses like this. no matter how officers don’t go to positions with us at all, we don’t have armored vehicles, salaries, we'll pay for the car so we can get to the drop-off point. artillerymen from buryatia are working along the entire line of the southern donetsk front, consistently pushing the enemy out of fortified positions. let’s believe, even during the second world war, when... the soldiers went to war, according to the buryad tradition, they took with them a guest of the land, this means that the spirit
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of the land from which you took it, well, that is, the native spirit, he will protect you. eduard punigov, alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. us secretary of state anthony blinken arrived on an unannounced visit to kiev. according to the state department, he will meet with zelensky, as well as the prime minister and the head of the ukrainian foreign ministry. they will discuss the situation on... any and a new aid package. the scandinavian countries are trying to save the kiev regime. their leaders gathered for a summit. denis davidov has details. the leaders of the five scandinavian countries hold summits regularly, but this meeting is special. for the first time we gathered not only as neighbors, but also as nato allies. sweden and finland have been in the alliance for several months already, and for this step are still making excuses. the situation in ukraine is critical; not only the security of ukraine is at stake, but our
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own security. we do n't need to act slowly. they call on everyone to supply ukraine with as many weapons as possible and suggest taking an example from the main european sponsor. the german chancellor, an invited guest at the scandinavian summit, but behaves like a boss, talks more than anyone, mainly about how much berlin spent on kiev, already under 30 billion euros. which would be suitable for soviet cartridges caliber 7.62 mm, the scandinavians promise air support. norway, denmark, together with belgium and the netherlands, are preparing a batch of f16 for the ukrainian armed forces. ukraine will receive the first fighters from denmark in the next month. it is very important for ukraine to see these planes in the sky. but
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there is more symbolism in this gesture than meaning. neither the airfields in ukraine are really ready to receive american fighters. not people. western partners promise ukraine 45 fighters, but the question is who will fly them? now, with grief, i’m retraining 12 pilots pass from soviet to american planes. the main difficulty is to master the english language. the situation is even worse with the technicians who must maintain the f-16. one fighter requires eight to 14 specialists on the ground. cnn journalists use the phrase bad several times in their material about ukraine. the news notes the rapid advance of the russian army and the catastrophic situation at the front. in general, the news is bad on all fronts, the disaster is growing. the news isn't just bad, it's getting worse every day. earth the front line is drying up and we are entering the offensive season. russia is gaining momentum, the likes of which have not been seen since march of '22. ukraine is forced to admit how bad its affairs are. the day before, the top of the armed forces of ukraine and
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the pentagon command discussed the situation on the fronts by telephone for an hour and a half. they promised from washington. cover the rear so that the ukrainian military goes to the front line in the heat. denis davidov, ilya bernadsky and daniil gabdulin, lead. consideration of the bill on foreign agents in the georgian parliament again turned into a fight. opposition mp livan khabieshvili accused the representative of the ruling party, dmitry samkharadze, of
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running down demonstrators on the street on his instructions. in response, he threw a bottle of water at khabieshvili at his opponent. southeast asian countries have begun to view china as a more reliable partner than the united states. meanwhile, the us-china trade war is escalating, the american media predicts. new import duties on electric vehicles produced in kanr, batteries and solar panels. measures could be announced today. maria filippova has details. administration joe biden accelerated to hundreds. the wall street journal reports possible sharp increases in tariffs on electric vehicles, critical minerals, solar panels and batteries from china. according to
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the newspaper's sources, the duty on electric cars will immediately increase almost fourfold, from 27.5 to 100%. it makes sense to view such tariff increases as absolutely protective tariffs so that not a single normal chinese car crosses the american border, and there are two reasons for this: firstly, of course, this is an attempt to strike at china, or more precisely, to even show at what point the united states will strike in the future, and secondly, to protect american manufacturers from relatively cheap and high-quality chinese cars. in the first quarter. this year, china has become the world leader in automobile exports in physical terms, overtaking japan, largely due to a sharp increase in sales of electric cars. china is the largest manufacturer of such machines and batteries for them. electric cars from the middle kingdom occupy about 10% of the european market. so belgium and spain lead imports in the first quarter of this year. but the share of the american market for china is insignificant.
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chinese electric cars were not sold directly in the states. a twenty-seven percent duty was considered sufficient. a high protective measure, first of all, china is interested in its domestic market, which is quite large, with more than 24 million cars sold there per year, but at the same time the competition is very high, and many chinese manufacturers, primarily those producing electric cars, are trying to enter american market, certain restrictions will be extremely unpleasant for china, for its future, this is... usa, well, we are primarily talking about tesla. according to american authorities, cheap chinese electric cars. can destroy the local auto industry, for example, the basic model from bioid costs about 11 thousand dollars, while the cheapest tesla will cost about 30,000. last year, the chinese
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manufacturer surpassed tesla in the number of cars sold, 3 million versus almost two, if you look at previous cases of increase tariffs from the united states, then the chinese country is also usually quite prompt. reacted by increasing duties on certain categories of goods that may be critical for american companies, these may be restrictions associated with the same rare earth metals, i remember experts, a response will not be long in coming, the official representative of the chinese foreign ministry, lendzian, said that the current american administration continues to make the mistakes of the previous one, despite the attempts of the two countries to stabilize diplomatic relations, trade tensions only make the divisions worse. the wto has already recognized these tariffs as contrary to the rules of the world trade organization. instead of ending
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this wrong policy, the us continues to politicize trade issues and plan to increase tariffs, china will take the necessary measures to protect its rights and interests. in april, joe biden called for tripling tariffs on chinese steel and aluminum. responded by introducing a 43.5% duty on american propionic acid. however, its imports last year amounted to only $7 million, but the upcoming increase may provoke a harsher response. 14 people died in mumbai as a result of the collapse of a huge advertising bill, and about seventy others were injured. the structure fell on a gas station where people were. rescue operations are currently underway at the site; they are complicated by weather conditions. a dust storm has been raging in mumbai for the past 24 hours. our own correspondent in the region, evgeniy davidov, provides details. hurricane winds
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destroy buildings, tear off roofs and knock down trees. the storm demolishes a huge hundred-meter billboard, it falls right on a gas station, where people are sheltering from the wind. as indian tv channels report, as a result of the fall in advertising. structures in mumbai, dozens are injured, about a hundred may remain under the rubble. i don't believe what happened. we call people who are trapped under the rubble, we hear calls, but they don’t answer. rescuers and volunteers are trying to reach them, but in this weather it’s not easy. the storm hit the state of maharashtra in western india; wind gusts in mumbai reached 70 km/h. the wind tore building cladding, double glazing. everything that was weakly holding on immediately became dangerous for those around him, heavy trees, low clouds and walls of sand were torn out by the roots, footage from
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the upper floors of buildings was like something out of an apocalypse movie, a dust storm covered the nearest populated areas in mumbai. due to bad weather , air traffic was disrupted, the operation of the metro and commuter trains was stopped for several hours, as a result there was a crush on the piers, and people , in despair, walked along the tracks. the exact number of victims and the amount of damage from the disaster are being established. now the wind has died down, but meteorologists say it's too early to relax. monsoon season is ahead. 3 days ago, a similar sandstorm covered the indian capital. according to official data, two people were killed in newdelhi and several dozen were injured. there were broken windows in the house where our film crew lives. in general, at this time of year for the country, such natural disasters are not uncommon in the morning and during the day, the heat is over 40°, but by the evening everything can change dramatically. evgeny davidov and vladislav dadonov, news from india. a note about
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the child’s citizenship in the certificate of birth is required to travel to a number of countries. in what other cases is it needed and are parents required to put it down? stanislav berenwald has all the details in the program instructions. a note on citizenship on a child’s birth certificate is now required for crossing the border with which countries, in what other situations it will be required, where and how it can be obtained, we will tell you in 5 minutes in the program instructions. so, from march, new rules for the travel of children under 14 years of age abroad began to apply, they relate to the birth certificate, in it there must be a mark of citizenship with a red official seal. this will be needed to travel to a number of states that accept russians under...
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interstate agreements, these are belarus, interstate agreements, abkhazia, south ossetia, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan and armenia, but armenia with a reservation, unfortunately, in the interstate agreement between the russian federation and in armenia, a birth certificate does not appear as a document according to which a child can cross the border; therefore, for a child to visit the republic of armenia a passport is required. if the child has his own international passport, there will be no problems with... confirmation of citizenship, if he does not have one, and there is also no mark on the birth certificate, along with the certificate you can present the parent’s internal passport, if the child is included there, or a foreign passport, again but if it contains information about the child itself. everything is clear with travel, let’s go back to the very mark on the child’s citizenship on the birth certificate, the parents are obliged to put it on the forms
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birth certificate corresponding. markings are not new and have been carried out by internal affairs bodies since 2002. on october 26 last year, a new federal law on citizenship of the russian federation came into force, which detailed the procedure for registering russian federation citizenship for children by birth. but it must be emphasized that sanctions, that is, any punishment, fine, or anything else for the absence of this seal, have not been established or established. a citizenship stamp will be needed in many situations, and this is not only going abroad, but also, for example, receiving the first passport at the age of 14, and also social benefits, the mark indicates on what basis the child is a citizen of russia for the departments, this means that the check has been carried out and they can safely to work with documents, this is an important point: in order for birth certificates to be stamped, you need to submit an application
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with an application for registration of citizenship. body of the ministry of internal affairs of russia, for this the child will need one of the parents to contact the territorial office directly submit the birth certificate form and parents’ passports. it must be said that a birth certificate issued in russia itself does not confirm citizenship, because the document looks the same for a child whose parents are russian and for a child whose, for example, one of the parents is a foreigner. when a child’s birth certificate is issued on the territory of the russian federation, there is a need to clarify what kind of citizenship he has, whether he has the citizenship of the foreigner’s parent or russian citizenship federation, in that other case, parents will have to submit a document, a notification about the presence of citizenship to the territorial body of the ministry of internal affairs, or about the absence of russian
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citizenship. or that they are accepting russian citizenship, asking that their child be granted citizenship by birth, because the father is also a citizen of the russian federation. so, you can put a mark on citizenship at the territorial division of the ministry of internal affairs for migration issues at your place of residence. in some regions, such an opportunity is available at the mfc. queue or live or online. if citizens of the russian federation are abroad, they can apply. to our diplomatic missions, to foreign institutions, respectively, they will be helped with registration there. please note that the service is free, there are no commission fees. let us repeat the most important thing: a mark on citizenship must be placed on the birth certificate. it will be needed for the child to travel to countries that accept russians with national documents. if he does not have his own passport for the stamp to appear,
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an application must be submitted. this can be done. in the territorial division of the ministry of internal affairs for migration issues or the mfc. a citizenship stamp will be useful not only when traveling abroad, but also for receiving government services and social support. if you have any questions, if you want to learn more about how to obtain certain necessary documents or take advantage of benefits, subscribe to our telegram channel, ask questions, we will learn from specialists and tell you everything in one of the next issues of the instructions program. and again a broadcast from the state duma. for approval to the post of minister of economic development of the russian federation.
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please review and approve.


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