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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 14, 2024 1:00pm-1:30pm MSK

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ministry of internal affairs for migration issues or mfc. a citizenship stamp will be useful not only when traveling abroad, but also for receiving government services and social support. if you have any questions, if you want to learn more about how to obtain certain necessary documents or take advantage of benefits, subscribe to our telegram channel, ask questions, we will learn from specialists and tell you everything in one of the next episodes of the instructions program. and again a broadcast from the state duma. for approval to the post of minister of economic development of the russian federation. please review and approve. thank you,
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please, maxim anatolyevich tapelin, committee opinion. dear colleagues, the committee on economic policy, may considered the candidacy of maxim gennadivich reshetnikov submitted for approval for the post of minister of economic development of the russian federation.
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sanctions, anti-sanctions actions, we adopted many laws, the result, the committee believes, is, last year the gross domestic product grew by 3.4%, the first quarter of this year is already 5.4%, but we discussed a number of problems that i would like to briefly outline, they are related to the implementation of the presidential decree, to which the ministry must in a certain way pay attention, we...
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today we are talking a lot about the shortage of labor resources, about the shortage of personnel, about the task that faces the ministry economic development, these are measures to stimulate increased labor productivity. the president's decree on this directly determines attention. so, according to simple calculations, an increase in labor productivity of only 10% will provide additional economy of about five or six, or even 7 million people.
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we'll definitely work on it very closely. the second topic is experimental modes. we currently have legislation under consideration. by the second reading, we agreed that due to new technologies, due to new approaches to certain industries, and experimental modes have shown themselves to be very important in the development of drone programs, we will also put these programs under control with the ministry and we will be very closely involved in this study. we are preparing additional incentive proposals investments, these are changes to the legislation on the protection of investments, on concession agreements, on concession agreements, too , vyacheslav velikrovich conducted such a serious, serious dialogue, and as we agreed with the ministry, that we must change those legislative norms that cause everyone has a fairly large number of disputes, create... a normal information
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system where all concession agreements will be monitored, and so that the issues that are arising now do not arise the committee offers to support. deputies, i thank the economic policy committee for supporting my candidacy. the day before yesterday we had a big discussion with industry committees. taking into account the proposals voiced, i will outline the main tasks of the ministry for the next 6 years. the activities of the ministry, as well as the entire government, will be
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aimed at achieving national goals, which are approved by the president of the country. in this work, the ministry of development will continue to act as an operational and strategic headquarters and prepare a macroeconomic forecast. on different time horizons, analyze the risks of socio-economic development and accompany the work to manage them. the ministry will continue to coordinate work on the formation of new national projects and government programs and, in general , to achieve national goals. strengthening its role as a center of expertise, we will continue to evaluate the effectiveness of government support measures, budget expenditures, public investments and specific transport, housing and utility projects. social and other spheres. there is a transition to be made to a new model of economic growth based on supply. this includes constant monitoring of prices, identifying bottlenecks in specific markets, assessing the balance of supply and demand. in short, the immediate perspective to the long term. and also the development of
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balancing measures, including prompt decision-making regarding customs and tariff regulation, duties, quotas, restrictions, and so on. and also on the long-term development of supply in specific industries, and here the key task is the growth of investments, in conditions of high interest rates we it is necessary to support the investment process, the request for accelerated growth of private investment, primarily in the technological sectors of the economy. to do this, it is important to create both predictable conditions for business and correctly distribute risks between investors and the state in specific projects. it is necessary to solve not... the issues of capital shortage in certain sectors of the economy, reduce the cost of lending, and provide benefits for investors. tools have been created for this; they need to be quickly adjusted to take into account new ones. opportunities and challenges, but first of all rely on the demands of business and regions.
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the next task is to overcome restrictions in the labor market. anton olegovich katyakov has already announced our forecast until the thirtieth year for... especially in industries where it is growing more slowly than in the economy as a whole, we see great potential for productivity growth in construction, in transport, in trade, in tourism, there will also be more work intensively to train personnel to increase the flexibility of the labor market, we are now preparing a package together with the ministry of labor changes for this. the new economic model will also be based on the qualitative growth of the sector and smes; it is necessary to further create infrastructure and support business, concentrating resources on those areas, on those sectors where proposals are being formed,
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including the so-called support for so-called sme companies, in order so that our business has incentives for continuous development. a separate task is to help businesses in new regions. tourism has become an important point of growth. in response to growing demand, we will continue to increase our supply, build hotels, create points of attraction, including large new points of attraction - these are seaside resorts on the coasts of the five seas, as well as lake baikal. but i would like to emphasize once again that we do not have regions unattractive for tourism, so it is extremely important to do this everywhere. an effective competitive economy presupposes the balanced development of subjects, this will be facilitated by targeted mechanisms. including the individual development program extended by the president, as well as the spatial development strategy, which will be updated when your support and approved by the end of the year, as noted by the prime minister. in terms of foreign economic activity, the ministry will continue to fine-tune tools for increasing trade and
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investment with friendly countries, including coordinating and developing the work of the intergovernmental commission, and countering trade barriers both in a bilateral format and through the wto. and promote russia’s interests on the climate agenda, to accelerate the technological agenda, the ministry will continue to stimulate investments in neo-cr, private developments, develop small technology... companies, coordinate the implementation of artificial intelligence in industries, develop experimental legal regimes, deal with the protection of intellectual property and its transformation into an asset for economic development. dear vyacheslav viktorovich, dear colleagues, the president has set ambitious tasks for the economic bloc, the challenges we face are quite serious, we are aware of them. the ministry knows how to answer them; this, of course, will require maximum concentration additionally.
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them, including for the construction of import-substituting enterprises, taking into account the fact that today they are used as
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expensive bank loans, but should be used as interest-free personal investments, thank you. nikolaich, thank you for the question, well, first of all, we had an increase in investments last year of almost 10%, in nominal terms, more than 34 trillion rubles, that is, we see that the volume of investments, well, in general, is comparable to the deposits that exist. although, of course, the task of involving of all these resources , one of the key ones is in the investment process, at the same time we are quite actively creating new enterprises, you know, we have raised statistics since the twenty-first year, how many new enterprises have appeared in our country that declare declarations of product conformity , which means or certificates of conformity, namely new russian manufacturers, 80,000, including 15,000 that have appeared in the light industry. new manufacturers, 3,000 in the production of furniture, 3,000 in the production of machinery and equipment
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so on, that is, we have really seen such a large flow of new enterprises since the twenty-first year, this indicates that production is being created, we see the same thing in special economic zones, we now have 1,200 residents in the twenty-third year alone, more than 200 new residents, and we see production being constantly launched; last year, 350 billion rubles were invested. at the same time, of course, we cannot stop there and assume that the mechanism that we have created is sufficient; from our point of view, we need to link the topics of support industry with the topics of customs and tariff policy, that is, on the one hand, we must protect our market, on the other hand, we understand that now the task is to transfer capital, because those deposits you are talking about are formed by enterprises from some areas of the economy,
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there will be a law on ppp in space, you are considering the issue of concessions in the industrial sector, we believe that these are new instruments with great potential, because the state, on the one hand, we cannot clearly say in within the framework of budget legislation, that we will need this volume of order, for example, through the forty-fourth law , we will order this volume, but we can say that we guarantee business that there will be such a volume of demand in our economy and let it be. business invests for this, this may be similar to the idea that you say
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government orders, yes, but it is formulated precisely within the framework of those tools in terms of a market economy, so it seems to me that we will continue to use these tools increase investments exactly where necessary, colleagues, please, the ldpr faction stanislav aleksandrovich naumov will prepare for the hartung, dear maxim gennadievich, with us. a joint question with my colleague ivan konstantinovich sukharev, deputy chairman of the property committee, it is in the development of what fellow communists said. by the way, i will be glad if they accept the answer about the need. development of a market economy , encouraging private investment; for the purposes of national development, indicators such as an increase of 60% in the volume of such investments, whether this is ambitious enough to solve the problem of accelerated growth of private investment in technological sectors, how well the current measures work, and whether it is worth
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thinking about more radical measures to stimulate such processes. stanislavich, thank you very much for your question. well, the question here is probably not the 60% figure, but rather the structure, yes, because we understand that we need a structural maneuver, we need a multiple increase in investment in mechanical engineering, in aviation, in the automotive industry, in shipbuilding, in machine tool building, in microelectronics, and into the domestic market, into light industry, and so on and so forth, we understand this very well, and this is precisely the question of this capital flow, in recent years we have really all together done a lot for... that so that the instruments appear, an agreement on the protection of capital incentives for investments, we see that since the twenty- second year, more than 2 trillion rubles, we have concluded these agreements, and even now, in conditions of high interest rates, business is going on, business is presenting projects, is ready invest, and from our point of view this is extremely important, on the other hand, of course we need to expand those instruments that
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are now dampening these high interest rates that we have here, well... and anton andreevich already spoke about the cluster the investment platform, which is run by the ministry of industry, yes, this is also an instrument that involves subsidizing interest rates. through the ministry of economy, we are developing a project financing factory on the basis of the all-russian bank of russia, where there is an interest rate hedge, and accordingly with high interest rates, we finance this program, but recently we decided to expand this program, and 12 projects were supported by an additional one. it was supposed to be supported with the help of foreign capital, and not western, but foreign, since foreign capital has paused, we cannot afford to stall the implementation of our large projects in various industries, so, but from my point of view,
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of course, we need to be more active in industrial policy and support ours more actively, including using rubles. industry, because subsidizing interest rates and so on is not always enough, because capital is simply needed somewhere, if we understand that our enterprises there in, for example, the automotive industry are significantly overleveraged, they have debts there and the problem is such ratios , then they don’t just have investments in the creation of new cars, new products to bring to the market, and here, well, somewhere there is private capital, somewhere there are owners, but somewhere the state should still take on these issues, and despite something we don't always have positive experience. but nevertheless , analyze mistakes, but invest money, because only by creating the conditions and expecting that business will do everything itself, now it won’t work like that, we must be active in our economic policy, thank you, please, fair russia faction for the truth gartong , valery karlovich, prepare starbaeva, dear akhim
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gennadievich, with both hands for what you said, we must be active in our economic policy.
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indeed, from our point of view, the signs considering that the economy is overheated, there is overheating, although, for example, restrictions from the point of view of the labor market, from our point of view, are not as significant as expected, so the economy is capable of developing, even if at a slightly higher level of inflation than there is, what is designated as a target, but... we must understand this volume of lending, where it goes, is it really going to those sectors that we need, or is it going to some other areas, look for this balance, that is, consumer lending. we need it in such volumes, and jerks in mortgages, our mortgages are growing at double-digit rates, then , then, it means overheating sets in, the rate
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of growth in housing prices goes through the roof, and so on, we need to be more, more predictable and more consistent in this, leaving space for lending to industry, if lending to some industries for banks seems more profitable than what we need, well, that means compensation. from the budget, including subsidizing interest rates, yes, but at the same time understanding that we cannot play budget policy versus monetary policy, as they say, we can adjust slightly, because the central bank says: you will subsidize a large volume of the portfolio, well, credit, yes, then i will raise interest rates for the remaining ones even higher, because i we need to limit the overall lending in the economy, it seems to me that we have done over the years, we have definitely advanced in the dialogue with the central bank. we definitely understand within the government together with the central bank that we put this complex picture together and discuss it, but of course, let’s correct it, i am also a supporter of the idea that
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a larger volume, let’s say project financing factories, a larger volume of interest risk, we should take on to support the real sector, we are in mortgages by 10 trillions were hedged against interest rate risk, which means in the real sector, well , even taking into account the factories, and five trillion if we collect ituri. there are also programs of the ministry of industry and trade, but we understand that with all due respect, we need to take on more of ourselves a larger amount of support, so let’s move together with you, we have always had common positions here with the ministry of industry and trade, we carefully together with the ministry of finance are always looking for this balance, thank you, new people faction torbaev, sanganzhe andreevich, prepare kravchenko. maxim gennadievich, by presidential decree new targets and development tasks were approved. our tourism industry until 2030, well, this is actually a very ambitious task, because well, i’ll name some of them, increase the share of
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gdp to 5%, now it is around 2.5 the export of tourism services has almost tripled, but i’m wondering, as the chairman of the committee and as a member of the party, new people, in what ways is the ministry going to achieve these results? thank you very much for your question about that work, we have discussed many times how to really achieve this very ambitious task, but the first thing, probably, without which there will be no development of tourism, is without the development of the number of rooms, we understand this, and here it is extremely important support, this is the big support package that thanks to the president, which means we received and the industry received in the form of a program to support the construction of hotels, those 58,000 rooms, and those water parks, amusement parks, ski resorts. on which we subsidize interest rates, the total volume of these investments is 1.3 trillion rubles, and we , by and large, have formed such a very powerful investment project in this
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area, and many banks told us that thanks to these programs we have they have created entire areas of business lending, and this is, of course, such a significant step forward, another point is that in the future all these hotels and small businesses will be formed around them, these are such powerful growth points, but we understand that this will take time. while the demand is already now, we are seeing an increase in prices, unfortunately, already now, we need to react to this at the moment, so last year we implemented a program to support modular hotels for almost 18,000 rooms, while only a part was introduced last year, the main more than 12 thousand numbers will be introduced into the regions this year, we are we are finalizing it, well, we need to continue working with such tools within the framework of the national project, we also plan to continue supporting modular hotels, the second... we see the load on trains on planes, in fact, the maximum
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, we understand that, well, in general, at the moment we, unfortunately, it is extremely difficult to increase power, so we need to develop auto tourism, we need to develop trips throughout the country, we should focus regional programs on this so that there are large tourist. and there are also water parks, ski resorts, preferably, of course, resorts, but due to the extent of our country, well , some local spa resorts, a lot of underground springs, sankur, and so on and so forth, this is a comprehensive program that we have now prepared in the form of a national project and which has probably never been financially supported in such volumes, as we are setting aside more than 400 billion rubles, we are already setting aside for this, plus we are also discussing additional sources, i think that all this is very powerful . will support tourism, but at the same time, of course, we must involve other resources, you know, we are involving the resources of the national project for smes, a quarter of it is also spent on tourism, well, we need
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to actively... dear maxim gennadievich, i absolutely agree with your thesis that we it is necessary today to support domestic industry and investment in the real sector. however, we have a big problem: unemployment, which today is at historical, historical minimum values ​​of 2.8% points. this is not good because we understand that if we we are talking about the need to grow the domestic economy and industry above
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the world average. pace, then this seems to be a big problem for us, and the shortage of personnel, one might say, has become the bottleneck of our economy, does not allow it to grow further, you heard in the hall today, after one or two questions we touched on personnel and the shortage of personnel, for there are two ways to solve this problem: manual regulation, this is with the direction of the flow of specialists, priority industry through budget places in universities, benefits and so on, and the other the path consists in a general increase in labor productivity. please, yes, the question is about labor productivity in general regarding the shortage of personnel, and well, firstly, i would once again emphasize this idea that our economy has been developing for 2 years already at a low unemployment rate for us, which , you can probably say, are already abnormally low, yes, that is, those restrictions that exist, this suggests that the labor market in the economy is flexible.
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suggests that enterprises, offering employees high costs, salaries, including including receiving a larger volume of labor, in that they can reconfigure processes and actively replicate, and i believe that in such flexibility of our labor market and the work of enterprises, but also the contribution of the national labor productivity project, which is the last 6 been implemented for years, these are 6,000 enterprises, these are large enterprises, but it is important that this project does not bring improvement in specific processes. to the enterprise, he brings culture, and even when you visit enterprises that were there in the nineteenth, in the twentieth year it was still the first since they were part of the national project and so on, you see that this culture is working, already from the point from which they started, they have gone far ahead, plus we monitor the situation according to rosstat data, according to the tax service and we see that this is confirmed by real indicators, so the first task here is to further replicate the national project,
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including in those areas that i mentioned, we have planned in the draft national project 6,000 enterprises precisely in the basic non-greenfield sectors of the economy for their replication, and in addition to this we we create industry competence centers, we have regional competence centers, which we sort of load with work and the regions actively work with enterprises, we also add industry competence centers there, including some regions that take on this function themselves, we, for example, there krasnodar region works very well with tourism, that ’s why. we made them senior leaders for this block, and we will create a similar center in siberia, and so on by industry. the second topic that we still have is labor productivity in the social sphere, because the large sector of employment is the sector for which we are directly responsible, there is a lot that can be done in terms of improving processes, improving the management of property complexes, the right approaches, and so on. i must say that as
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a rule, of course... the effects of the projects that we implement in the social sphere are related to the convenience of users, be it patients, be it i don’t know, kids in schools and so on, yes, then there is this one, but this is also an important way out and this too an important important effect, that’s a plus, we need to further increase the flexibility of labor, here we are , based on the proposals of the rsp, business russia, which means that the pillars of russia have now prepared a package of amendments, well, there was a large package of amendments to change.


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