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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 14, 2024 1:30pm-2:00pm MSK

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i must say that as a rule, of course, the effects of those projects that we implement in the social sphere are related to the convenience of users, be it patients, be it i don’t know, kids in schools and so on, yes, that is, this like this, but this is also an important way out and this is also an important, important effect, plus we need to further increase the flexibility of labor, so we are based on the proposal of the rsp, business russia, which means that the pillars of russia have now prepared a package of amendments. there was a large package of amendments to change the labor legislation, there are such subtle issues , very sensitive, like overtime work, and its payment procedure, the procedure for hiring, dismissal, transfer, and so on and so forth, anton olegovich and i are in very close cooperation, well, we found the compromise that we are ready discussion of the government then, respectively , the state, i think, due to this set of issues, we will be able to significantly support further. thank you, maxim
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gennadievich, dear colleagues, let us thank the speaker. thank you. let's move on to consider next question. the eleventh issue on our agenda. on the approval of anton germanovich seluanov, minister of finance of the russian federation. the minister, plenipotentiary, chairman of the government, alexander yuryevich senenko, will present. please, alexander yurievich.
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and we created flexible response mechanisms, today the economy is developing, the main problems, including sanctions, have been overcome, the question that the state duma raised over the past year is the return of normal budget procedures. so we agreed that we are returning to normal consideration of the budget, not just a list, but consideration of amendments, that is, the possibility of all deputies.
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to take part in this process, yes, of course, it is necessary to preserve those rapid response mechanisms that have proven themselves well, but the main thing is normal, traditional, standard budget procedures, we agreed on this, a lot of questions were devoted to how we will carry out six-year planning , because the president said that it is necessary move on to long-term planning, we also talked about how laws will be introduced, i want to say now that anton germyvich... has already said, amendments related to changes in the budget, from those instructions that follow from the president’s message, this will be a budget package has been introduced, we will have to consider it directly at the spring session, amendments will be made to the budget code that will ensure the write-off of the regions' debt, how we will write it off, this is something that we also have to decide.
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here’s a question: the president set the task of proactive budgeting, these are the initiatives that people locally, in municipalities put forward, but we don’t have practice of interaction between the federal budget and the municipal budget, how to solve this? we talked about this, and a huge number of issues on which we agreed to work together, this
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does not mean that we do not have disagreements, i don’t think that in any committee there are as many disagreements as in the budget committee, but these we resolve disagreements. thank you andrey mikhailovich, please anton germanovich, present the program of the main activities of the ministry of finance, the floor is given to the candidate for the post of minister of finance, please. dear vyacheslav viktorovich, dear deputies, the key task of the ministry of finance for the next 6 years is the financial support of the tasks that the president formulated in his message, namely the implementation
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of national development goals. among the main priorities are the well-being and support of citizens, ensuring technological sovereignty. strengthening defense capabilities and the need for full funding of a special military operation. supporting citizens and families with children, fulfilling social obligations is the main priority. more than 30% of federal budget expenditures are allocated for these purposes. and if you look at the expenses of the budget system, then such expenses are more than 50%. there will be additional financial resources.
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this area will receive additional funding in accordance with the instructions of the president. new projects will be launched, an unmanned invasion system, promising space technologies and service, new materials and chemistry and a number of others. support for aircraft shipbuilding will continue. radio electronics and automotive industry. we count on broad participation of business in the development of new high-tech industries; the state here will support demand through offset contracts and stable orders. allocations for the development of transport, housing and communal
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infrastructure will be increased. it is necessary not only to provide resources for the task at hand, but also to ensure that every ruble is used as efficiently as possible. recoil. all events. will be united in a single plan to achieve national development goals, which will be strictly controlled by the government and parliament. to do this , we are forming a long-term financial plan for 2025–30. the first three years of this plan will form the basis for the draft budget, with financial sovereignty as one of the objectives of the ministry of finance. this task is ensured by the sustainability of both public finances and a self-sufficient capital market. let's continue. responsible budgetary policy, for this purpose, from the twenty-fifth year , we will ensure the primary structural balance of the budget in accordance with budget rules. this will curb inflationary processes, accelerate the return of interest rates to normal levels, and ensure investment development. forming
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a deep domestic capital market to transform investment savings is also an important task of the ministry of finance. we will continue to form new mechanisms for long-term financial resources, such as the program of long-term savings for citizens. it is necessary to create equal tax conditions by eliminating tax loopholes, and what is important, what
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priorities do tax revenues go to, what problems are solved with the help of these resources? we will discuss these basic approaches at the expert council of the tax budget committee in order to prepare a package of tax proposals verified with deputies, regional development, regions should be included in the implementation of national development goals, with the necessary financial resources. and our priority is to increase sustainability regional finance, so that all social problems are unconditionally solved and infrastructure development is accelerated. to achieve this, we will increase financial assistance to the regions, including providing infrastructure loans and writing off two-thirds of the budget debt to the federal budget. the task is to achieve economic growth in the regions, create new jobs, and increase regional budget revenues. reduce differentiation in their development. we will continue to integrate new regions
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into the country’s budget and financial system. in in conclusion, i would like to note that in order to implement the assigned tasks, a package of legislative acts will be prepared, which the government will submit to the state duma for consideration at the spring session and consisting of amendments to the federal budget, which andrei mikhailovich spoke about, we are the amendments that will need to be made as part of the implementation of the message will be included in this document. budget tax code of the russian federation , amendments to these documents will be necessary to implement long-term development goals. resource for implementing the president's message resources will be taken into account when preparing the draft budget for the upcoming three-year period, which the government will submit to the state duma in september of this year. thank you for your attention. thank you, anton germanovich, we are discussing your speech. it is based. in numbers, and you say all this with your consciousness, colleagues,
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you know, we may have different political beliefs, but we must note the professionalism of the minister of finance, this is the most difficult, difficult part of the work, the situation with challenges, with sanctions, a lot depends from... the minister of finance and the ministry, i must say, sillanov is distinguished by his professionalism, competence, responsible attitude to business, but as for the dialogue with the state duma, it’s a sin for us to complain, everything is learned in comparison, we remember what happened before him, we came out to an agreement, he said yes, that means yes, but here comes the excitement again.
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and this is also in support of him, no one was taken there from the street, it means he is a reliable person, he will look after others, the communist party faction, shchapov, mikhail viktorovich, please prepare panish, dear anton germanovich, faction communist party of the russian federation repeatedly over the course of a number of years. made a proposal to introduce a progressive personal income tax scale, and these proposals have so far not received government support, despite
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the fact that their implementation could significantly contribute to the growth of budget revenues. during his address to the federal assembly in february of this year, the president voiced the need to move to a more equitable distribution of tax time towards those with higher incomes. justice is different for everyone. what do you think should be a fair progressive taxation scale? according to the communist party faction, simultaneously with increasing the tax burden on the wealthiest citizens, it is necessary to reduce the tax burden on the least wealthy. what is your opinion on this approach? and don't you think so? that the time has come to cancel the budget rule imposed on us from the outside. thank you. thank you, dear mikhalirovich, dear deputies. as for justice, i tried to apply the principles in my report voice. i will only add to this that for those citizens, categories of citizens who need state support, i think that it
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will be possible and necessary to solve this through adjustments to the tax system. it's about. about tax deductions, primarily for those families who have children who need support from the state, plus of course we will add to this and we will implement a mechanism of subsidies, direct funds from the federal budget, which will work to support the most needy categories of people, it is in this spirit that we will discuss the proposal to improve the tax system at the expert council,
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prepared, dear anton germevich, you and i are in a constant, open, constructive dialogue, in conversation we argue, find solutions to our proposals, and these decisions are always in favor of citizens. the president in his report noted the need for a more equitable distribution
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of tax time. currently, personal income tax is paid to the budget for the employee by the employer. at the location of the enterprise. the ldpr faction proposes to give the opportunity to pay taxes in the region where a person lives, that is, to establish the possibility for taxpayers to choose where to pay personal income tax. citizens ask us about this when they travel; we believe this approach will be fair. thank you. thank you, we have really been discussing this issue for a long time, but there are some advantages here. there are also disadvantages, in our opinion, there are still more disadvantages, i will talk about this now, because first, what are the considerations for leaving the current the system that exists today, namely the payment of personal income tax, directly from the tax agent, that is, the entrepreneur, in this case the entrepreneur, where our citizens work, first, regions,
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regions create new production, create new jobs, and of course, hope for ... will go to other constituent entities of the russian federation. first consideration. secondly, people, we are talking about the following: let's pay locally, according to the place of registration of these people, but it is not a fact that people who work in another region use the infrastructure of the region where they are... they work and use the same social system , since many often live where the infrastructure is, where they carry out their work activities. third, let’s also consider this fact, when a person can be registered in one region, actually live in another region, and work
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in a third, as we do in this case for an enterprise administrator, means creating a fair one. the procedure for distributing taxes among their employees who may work in different regions, of course, this will further complicate administration, therefore, here we still see the need to maintain the order at the moment, when personal income tax is paid directly at the place where the employer is located, in our opinion, this shows the sustainability of interest. regions to develop business on their territory, respectively, creating new jobs. thank you, please, the fair russia faction for the truth remiskov, alexander alexandrovich, will prepare. dear anton germanovich, the just russia faction was for the truth the main initiator of the introduction of a progressive tax scale, only
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submitted nine bills to the state duma for consideration; accordingly, the presidential decree on national development goals outlines the goal: to reduce the gini coefficient, the so-called gap between the incomes of the rich and the poor, primarily this is possible due to the progressive scale, but not only that, a regressive scale has been established for insurance premiums, with an increase... the size of contributions is significantly reduced and the funds do not receive additional funds. our faction has repeatedly presented calculations that the indexation of pensions for working pensioners would return almost 2 million workers, but we have no funds in response. isn’t it time to cancel the regression in insurance premiums, which will cover the costs of indexing pensions for working pensioners? this return to a progressive tax scale for fizlis will be in line with the president’s words about the fairness of the tax system. thank you. thank you, dear alexander alexandrovich, dear deputies. the question of a progressive income tax rate individuals, we know, was indeed raised by various factions, and by the communist faction of the communist party of the russian federation, a fair,
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fair russia, we will consider this issue together with others when we discuss issues of improving the tax system, well, now you have focused on - the issue ...
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of the country on first of all, our neighbors, where the regime is more loyal, with lower rates, here we need to look at this issue very deeply - carefully,
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before i change anything from the point of view of taxation - that means the wage fund - the order that exists today regarding insurance premiums, i would not touch it for now, thank you, thank you, please, the final question of the new people faction demin, alexander vyacheslavovich. thank you, dear anton germanovich, in his message to the federal assembly, the president said that people themselves should not extort benefits and support measures from the state, everything should be formalized in a proactive manner, and is it possible already this year, in the year of the family, to develop a mechanism for notifying families with children about the right to a tax deduction and receiving it by clicking one button. to obtain tax deductions , you still need to collect a significant amount of documents offline, although information about all families, including large families, is already available...
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and this is an unnecessary complication of administration, starting from the end of the twenty-fifth year, in the twenty-sixth year such a mechanism will automatically accrual of all deductions and automatic deductions, when there will be no need to collect certificates, go to various authorities will be launched, this will be done in accordance with the instructions of the president in in accordance with yours, with your request too, thank you, dear colleagues, thank you.
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soviet school, hardening, you will envy, you will not envy, because you went through everything, good luck to you, colleagues, let’s move on to the 12th question on the approval of sorovoyt roman vladimirovich as the minister of transport of the russian federation, please introduce aleksandrovinenko, plenipotentiary representative of the government. in
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accordance with part two of article 112 of the constitution of the russian federation, the chairman of the government of the russian federation, mikhail vladimirovich mishustin, the candidacy of roman vladimirovich starovoit was submitted to the state duma for approval to the post of minister of transport of the russian federation. please review and approve. thank you, please, for the opinion of the relevant committee, the candidacy has been considered by the committee on transport and transport infrastructure development.
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kursk region, he did not forget transport, he headed the commission under the state council on the program for safe and high-quality roads. this is by far the most effective
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program. and when we made up the frank conversation, we agreed that the decree that was issued on may 7, the ministry of transport pays special attention to it, and this is on the development of public passenger transport, on the development in the regions, in our subjects of the development of all sectors of transport, and we agreed that the committee on. .. transport, development of transport infrastructure, work with the ministry of transport 24x7 in order not to blush in front of our constituents that there are a lot of problems in transport that are not being solved, therefore the candidate for the position the minister of transport told us that we work openly, honestly and do not hide all the shortcomings that exist in the transport
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industry. please support. thank you, evgeniy sergeevich, it must be emphasized that the candidate is professional, has come all the way, is an engineer by training, and recently worked as the governor of a very difficult region, based on the current situation, but he succeeded, showed his effectiveness, therefore, colleagues, yes, a new position, it requires a lot, how it will turn out. will show, but the entire previous path, he talks about that a person is effective, it should be noted, he talks less, does more, these are exactly the kind that are needed, please, to present the program of the main activities of the ministry of transport of the russian federation, you are invited.


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