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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 14, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm MSK

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openly, honestly, and do not hide all the shortcomings that exist in the transport industry. please support. thank you, evgeniy sergeevich, it must be emphasized that the candidate is professional, has gone all the way, and is an engineer by training. and recently he worked as the governor of a very difficult region, based on the current situation, but he succeeded. and it showed its effectiveness. it should be noted, he says less, more he says that the person is effective, he does, these are exactly the kind that are needed, please, to present the program of the main directions activities of the ministry of transport of the russian federation, you are invited.
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storovoyd, candidate for confirmation to the post of minister of transport of the russian federation. please! dear vyacheslav viktorovich, dear deputies! first of all, of course, i want to thank the prime minister, mikhail vladimirovich mishustin, for his trust. to be honest, this offer was for me. unexpected, but on the other hand, my whole professional life is certainly connected with transport, by the way, tomorrow is my birthday exactly 19 years since i entered the public service, i began public civil service in the team of the governor of st. petersburg valentina ivanovna matvienko, where i was responsible for the construction of the western high-speed ​​diameter, pulkovo airport. creation of
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a new passenger terminal for cruise ships in the alluvial areas; i have been heading rusavtodor for 6.5 years; out of more than 52,000 km of federal highways, we managed to bring 40% to the standard, and at the initial stage up to 85% that were within the standard. we have built the most complex roads objects for the olympics in sochi, including a backup for resort avenue. together with you, we will celebrate exactly 6 years since the grand opening of traffic on the road part of the crimean bridge, that day our president vladimir vladimirovich putin, driving a kamaz , was the first to drive across the bridge, for the construction of which i was responsible as a customer. 5 years have passed since i headed my native kursk region, where i was completely immersed in regional issues as a senior official. just like you, dear deputies.
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candidacies of the current heads of the constituent entities of the federation who well understand the problems of the regions, who know the needs of the people well, and are now ready to apply their gubernatorial and managerial experience at the federal level. in my opinion, this is a very correct and popular trend. despite this transition period, the government has already actively begun work on the implementation of strategic goals. development
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of russia until 2036, approved by the president in the new may decree, work continues to fulfill the tasks set... the formation of the government continues, in accordance with the provisions of article 102 of the constitution, the federation council is responsible for conducting consultations on
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the candidates proposed by the president for the positions of heads of the federal executive bodies in charge of issues. defense of state security, internal affairs, justice, foreign affairs, public safety, emergency prevention, liquidation of the consequences of natural disasters. these are the heads of key ministries and departments, from the effectiveness which, of course, depends on maintaining political and economic stability, ensuring security, firmly defending the national... interests of russia in the international arena. yesterday , meaningful consultations were held in the relevant committees of the federation council and we were convinced that the president presented very worthy candidates who have dedicated their entire lives
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to serving the fatherland, experienced, professional, reliable, proven personnel capable of solving the most complex problems. which they have repeatedly confirmed in practice, i want to confirm and emphasize that this is the first time we are implementing such a consultation procedure, i took part in all the meetings, and i want to note that our special senatorial style of balanced, substantive, thoughtful discussion of candidates ensured a high level of competence of the committees of the federation council. carrying out procedures effectively, efficiently, efficiently, most importantly in accordance with the provisions of the constitution of the russian federation, legislation and our regulations. today at the plenary session we will continue consultations and, based on the results, we will send the president
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information in full. i want to emphasize that the appointment of a candidate for this bloc is exclusive. the competence of the head of state, it is he who makes the decision. also today, in accordance with our constitutional powers, we will have to consider for the first time the candidacy of boris yuryevich kovalchuk for the post of chairman of the accounts chamber, presented by the president. thank you for your attention, we continue to work. the first question is about the draft agenda for the meeting, colleagues, draft agenda. available in your hands, i propose to accept it as a basis, please vote, voting is in progress, it is accepted, colleagues, will there be
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any comments, additions, clarifications to the proposed agenda? no, i propose to conduct our work without, our meeting without interruption. do you have any objections? no, it is accepted. i propose the agenda of the 567th meeting of the federation council to approve document number 137 as a whole. i ask you to vote. voting is underway. decision is made. we move on to consider the second issue of considering the proposals proposed by the president of the russian federation for. consultations of candidates for the position of heads of federal executive bodies, including federal ministers in charge of issues of defense, state security, internal affairs, foreign justice, emergency prevention,
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disaster management, public safety. in accordance with article 102 of the constitution of the russian federation, colleagues, we are moving on to the consideration of the candidates submitted by the president. the suggested order is as follows: presentation. as you already said, quite productive consultations on the presented outlines took place yesterday, consultations
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were held for 9 hours, all questions posed by the senators were answered, the candidates gave comprehensive answers, which i propose to limit to three, no more than three questions to each candidate so that we have a very busy work schedule, i think it will be productive and effective, thank you, colleagues, no objections, it seems to me a reasonable proposal, agreed, the floor is given. for the purpose of consultations with the following candidacies for the positions of minister of internal
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affairs of the russian federation, vladimir aleksandrovich kolokoltsev, minister of the russian federation for civil defense, emergency situations and liquidation. consequences of natural disasters kurenkov alexander vyacheslavovich. minister of foreign affairs of the russian federation. lavrov, sergei viktorovich. minister of defense of the russian federation. belousov, andrey removich. minister. justice of the russian federation. chuchenko konstantin anatolyevich,
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director of the russian foreign intelligence service federation. on ryshkin. sergei evgenievich, director of the federal security service of the russian federation. bortnikov alexander vasilievich. director of the federal service of the national guard of the russian federation, commander-in-chief of the national guard of the russian federation, zolotovo, viktor vasilyevich, director of the federal security service of the russian federation, kochnev, dmitry viktorovich. head of the department, main directorate of special programs of the president of the russian
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federation, alexander leonidovich lenz, president of the russian federation, vladimir putin. thank you, artur alekseevich, colleagues, do you have any questions? no no. thank you, have a seat. you are invited to the podium. please sign up, registration is underway, please, ivan nikolaevich abramov, thank you, valentina ivanovna, dear sergei viktorovich, the president of the russian federation will visit china in the near future, today beijing is demonstrating that it is not afraid of sanctions pressure from the united states for its relations with russia. today, now, what are the approaches of russia and china to the formation
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new world order. thank you very much, this is one of the key issues on today’s agenda; indeed, the struggle for the west to maintain its hegemony has already entered such a very acute phase. you mentioned that beijing is not afraid of sanctions from the west for cooperation.
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order that would reflect the real weight of the state of their associations, members of the group of friends cooperate with us within the un in defense of the charter of the united nations, this is a very important structure, the number of which is growing, together with us, of course, members of brix, members of the shanghai cooperation organization, after the expansion of brix there were more of us in the group of twenty, almost half.
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the sco, the eurasian economic union, the sco, asian, the eurasian economic union also have relations, sosian is developing these relations, we also china and russia, we have extensive ties with such structures as the cooperation council of arab states, the persian gulf, and if we take others continents, then on the african continent the african union and numerous subregional groupings.
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and of course, all this will be for the benefit of the democratization of international relations, when everyone will take their place in world affairs, fairly, according to their real contribution to the development of the world economy, world politics, the world security system, and not through blackmail, threats, ultimatums , as the west is doing now, so i conclude, i can safely say that moscow and beijing play the most important duet,
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they have already met several times, there were some meetings on industry areas cooperation, and we generally feel that the process is going well, the process is going well. the second fundamental task, of course, is to ensure the build-up of our foreign policy coordination on multilateral platforms, i have already mentioned in the role that brix and like-minded people of ours...
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in an expanded format and, of course, the focus of our attention will be cooperation in the international arena of establishing coordination priorities include countering new challenges and threats, terrorism, drug trafficking, information crime, corruption, money laundering, legalization of criminal proceeds, in all these areas, within the framework of brix, there are corresponding sectoral, sectoral structures, and... another important task is to establish a dialogue with states that show interest in rapprochement with brix, interest in a wide
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range from full membership before establishing working partnerships, there are about thirty such states, the question of how we can strengthen dialogue with them will also be one of...
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cultural exchanges, we pay special attention and parliamentary diplomacy , a parliamentary forum of the brics countries is planned in july in st. petersburg, and i know that the federation council is actively involved in its preparation, so there is plenty to do.
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the main issues that are on the agenda, including the implementation of the declaration and action plan adopted at the second summit; all five documents were adopted between the african union and the government of the russian federation; they, of course, are aimed at developing practical interaction , areas of investment, trade, creation of new supply chains, transition to... trade with payment in national currencies or through the creation of alternative payment platforms , a new development bank operates. brix, which
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is located, whose headquarters is located in the republic of south africa, which, of course, pays increased attention to the implementation of projects in african countries, we actively support this. our participation is in the same vein; we joined the african export-import bank a couple of years ago, this is a useful mechanism that allows us to find new opportunities for investments, implementation of mutually beneficial projects, russian export center. it also helps to work in this direction, well , there is a public structure, the association for economic cooperation with africa, we want it to be more actively implemented in practical matters to implement the agreements that were reached in st. petersburg in july last year. this concerns practical cooperation, the material basis of our interaction, but in political terms, of course, african countries, our allies on many issues...
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on the un agenda, where we vote in solidarity, there is now close cooperation on the palestinian issue, because in general the horror that we see in the gas sector, well, in the past, no, this year in february african participants were among the most active within the held an inter-party forum to combat new forms, new manifestations and practices.
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what i want to say, in light of everything i noted today and many other factors, we, in the course of the currently planned structural adaptation of our ministry to new, new realities, we will pay special attention to significantly increasing the share of those resources, including human resources, increasing organizational capabilities, and working in the african direction. thank you.
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reinforces our overall work to implement the foreign policy approved by the president. yesterday at the committee meeting following our discussion, valentin ivanovna , together with her colleagues, formulated a number of wishes that we took into account, including those related to the organization of the practical activities of our foreign institutions, including how...


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