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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 14, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm MSK

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such areas of moscow as western dyagunino, northern village, troparevo, nikulino, brateev, warm stanun, not a set of district police officers of 75%, that is, it turns out a district police officer who must serve a certain area with a certain number of population, he except. his plot is also forced to work three neighboring plots, and he physically only has the opportunity, well, 10 hours, 12 hours, i mean in unpaid time, but simply due to his increased intensification of his work, he still works the neighboring plots for himself and three more neighboring plots, so of course there are complaints, the main reason is , of course, non-competitive salaries, an insufficient level of social...
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so that we include in the minutes of the meeting, an instruction to the budget committee, financial markets, an instruction to the defense committee, on constitutional legislation, you are right that the time has definitely come at the state level to seriously consider this issue, which vladimir sanovich speaks about with such pain, colleagues, the problem is already overripe, we , for our part, as legislators, as the chamber of regions, with the participation of the governor...
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this is a signal to both the government and the ministry of finance, and of course, it is fair that you raise them here in the chamber of regions, andrey anich shevchenko, please, thank you. migrants, publications appear almost every day demanding to limit the flow of migrants into the country and strengthen migration control, an opinion is being expressed that we do not need labor migrants, please tell me what you think about this, thank you, please, i will answer briefly, very briefly, sometimes happens to us... substitution of the concept in society, here is the ministry of internal affairs, it is responsible for monitoring the presence of all foreign citizens here in our country, preventing crime among this category of citizens, solving crimes, organizing the work of foreign citizens, about migrants, if we are talking,
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we have specialized federal executive bodies authorities are the ministry of labor, and the beneficiaries of this labor are other ministries and the ministry of labor. labor migration, strengthening control over stay, and as for committing offenses and crimes committed by foreign citizens and migrants, i can
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say in quantitative terms, this figure is not so high; in our country , only 4% of the total crimes are committed by foreign citizens in our country. but how high is the tension in society because of the behavior of these foreign citizens, that we simply have to react to even isolated cases like this, these are just citizens who come here from other states, neighboring countries, they sometimes behave in this way, that the whole society will be agitated from how they behave, especially. now this increased attention to this category of guests in our country is, of course, due to the terrorist attack in crocus city, and i want to say that we, in our movement, in our desire to streamline their stay,
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to legitimize their stay, to get them out as much as possible more from the shadows of this category of citizens to exercise stricter control over them, and that we... within the framework of this reform, which we are now developing, we will try to do, we must not fall into another extreme, we cannot allow the growth of xenophobia and the unjustified application of measures of influence against these citizens, which is what our strategic opponents, who sleep and see, expect from us in order to shake up the situation within our country between different segments of the population and then rub their hands with... look, what happened to them, we must not allow this, we must, in any case, within the legal framework, solve the tasks that we have to solve, perform the functions that are prescribed to us, but don’t go to the other extreme, thank you, thank you, vladimir aleksandrovich, for
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your very informative answers, perhaps your questions have been exhausted, you want to add something, speak, please, i want to add that... to assure all the assembled members of the federal assembly of the council federation, that the internal affairs bodies are doing everything in their power to ensure law and order in the country, in any case, in the final result, this is partly achieved, i can name the numbers that i mentioned yesterday, now for everyone to hear, i can name over the past 10 years , the number of murders has decreased by 40%. it has halved. causing serious harm to health, the number of robberies has decreased by 3 and a half times, the number of assaults has decreased four times, but we, our employees, cannot achieve such results alone, we have always relied on the help of legislators,
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because only through joint efforts can we solve this problem, well, i ’ll take this opportunity to be brief, i wanted to express special gratitude to the chairman of the federation council valentina ivanova. you, because how close you take the problems of the internal affairs bodies to your heart, i am not saying this in order to say your address to such legislators in this room.
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the candidacy of vladimir aleksandrovich kolokoltsev took place. thank you. thank you, vladimir ivanovich. dear
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vladimir alexandrovich, i thank you for participating in our meeting. we wish you success and look forward to continuing our close cooperation. thank you. konstantin anatolyevich chuychenko is invited to the podium. if you would like to ask questions, please sign up, colleagues. the recording is in progress, andrey arkadyevich klimov is the first to begin his question, please, thank you very much, valentin ivanovna, dear konstantin anatolyevich, first of all, thank you and your department for your active support of the work of our commission to protect state sovereignty, my question is about what steps the ministry of justice plans to further humanize the penal system, thank you, thank you very much. for this question, it is really very important for us because
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regulation and supervision of the activities of the service, the federal penitentiary service, occupies a very important place in our work. for 4 years we have been actively working in the direction of humanization and execution of punishments, we have done a lot, but more remains to be done. currently, we have formed a definite plan for the implementation of the principles of humanization and its further strengthening in the activities of the federal penitentiary service. thus , we have prepared legislative initiatives aimed at establishing the possibility application of deferment of serving a sentence in the form of restriction of freedom to persons with minor children. also holding pre-trial visits of suspects or accused of
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committing crimes by defense attorneys via video conference, we have organized work to introduce the position of assistant to the head of the pre-trial detention center for work with believers , and currently the corresponding bill has been prepared and presented. we are the government, and we do not intend to limit ourselves only to pre-trial detention centers; we have already begun work aimed at to introduce the appropriate position of assistant, chief in institutions whose scope of activity is to ensure the execution of punishment in the form of imprisonment, this is the most important component of the work. in principle, we proceed from the fact that this should increase the key indicator
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of the effectiveness of the federal penitentiary service, namely the reduction of recidivism, because it is very important that people will appear who, on the basis of faith, will put people on the righteous path. in addition to this, currently over time, we have developed new samples of new clothing for convicts. uh we have already held a corresponding exhibition in our office together with simp and we intend to present these samples for public viewing uh.
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over the period from the twenty-first year, the number of places in correctional centers has increased more than tenfold; today, about 33,500 convicts are serving a sentence in a correctional center in the form of forced labor, why this is very important, because recidivism, namely repetition of the commission.
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by persons who have served their sentences in correctional centers, it is many times lower than the recidivism rate for persons who served and were released from prison; also, from january 1, 2024 , the approbation law came into force; this is essentially a new direction in activity.
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a new fundamentally infrastructural system of institutions of the federal penitentiary service must be formed, where the principle of humanism, humanization will be embodied in concrete ones, which is called a wall, where people serving sentences, first of all, form of deprivation of liberty, their
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rights will not be affected and their human dignity will not be infringed. thank you, very good question,
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actions, this is really a step forward, but nevertheless, it seems to me that it requires further improvement, the sphere
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of tariff regulation of notary activity is the only one of its kind, where the object of tariff regulation sets its own tariff, it seems to me that this wrong, the notarial function is a state function, namely the right to carry out notarial actions before... the state, a private notary, and it seems to me that the state itself should set tariffs and regulate itself, given that, in accordance with the constitution , the notary is a subject of joint activity, then accordingly it seems to me that the system of tariff regulation should consist in the fact that there should be a federal tariff, well, and accordingly there should be a regional component, which will already be established by the state at... the regional level, of course, the state should hear the notary community, interact with him, but today it seems to me that it is wrong that
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notaries themselves are actually very actively involved in their tariff formation. thank you, alexey vladimirovich sinitsin. thank you very much, dear valentin ivanova. dear konstantin anatolyevich, today state legal bureaus operate in approximately half of the constituent entities of the russian federation, will the ministry of justice continue the line further? creation of state legal bureaus, yes, thanks for the question, indeed, for today, state legal bureaus have been established in 49 regions, let me remind you that 4 years ago, there were only 20 of them, and we proceed from the fact that indeed a state legal bureau is the most effective form of providing free... assistance, and this is confirmed by statistics , well, we see that as soon as a state legal bureau is created in a region, the number
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of cases of providing free legal assistance increases manifold, so as a standard, as an example, we always cite the ulyanovsk region, where the state legal bureau has existed for quite a long time, today, for example, for the twenty-fourth year they have budgeted about 40%. millions to ensure this activity, and the presence of free legal assistance in the ulyanovsk region is ensured in every municipality at the district level, and those statistical indicators that take place in the ulyanovsk region, they evoke deep respect, in fact, they confirm that the state legal bureau - this is an effective form of providing our citizens with free legal assistance, which there are obstacles on this path, but these are
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primarily issues of financial support; in general, the creation of a state legal bureau costs the region about 10-15 million rubles. this is serious money, especially in today’s conditions, in the conditions of a special military... operation, but we are trying to interact with the ministry of finance in order to include, as they say, in matters of financing, the federal component, while we have, honestly speaking, it doesn’t work out very well, but for our part we provide assistance, yes, well, for example, we received about 100 special cars representing themselves as a mobile office to provide free assistance, and accordingly we provided,
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ivanovna, dear senators, the ministry of justice interacts with the federation council on an ongoing basis, we have developed constructive, fruitful cooperation in all areas of the ministry’s activities , i would like to outline the main priorities in the work of the ministry of justice, the ministry of justice of russia and i will start with the systematization of legislation.
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it is this work that ensures the health of all legal system. we will be actively engaged in systematizing regional and municipal legal acts. a record of their current verified editions must be kept, which will allow the entire legal body to be streamlined at a fundamentally higher quality level. it is expected that the result will be the creation of a fund of verified texts of legal acts in their current versions in machine read. form. perhaps one of our most important areas is working with npos. and now the reporting of non-profit organizations has been unified. in the near future an electronic platform for non-profit organizations will be launched. in light of the illegal actions of unfriendly countries, the strengthening of statehood is of particular importance. this is one of the components of the mission of the russian ministry of justice, deciding the issue of
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recognition of a particular person.
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modern, accessible and efficient forensic system. today, the presence of forensic institutions of the ministry of justice of russia is ensured throughout the entire territory and annually. these institutions perform over 130 thousand forensic examinations and expert inheritance, one of the largest areas in the work of the ministry, as i have already said, is the development of the criminal correctional system, and we will form a whole range of tasks, primarily those related to improving legislation for humanization and infrastructural development, which continues.
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