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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 14, 2024 3:30pm-4:00pm MSK

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systems of correctional centers, i’m already talking about this too, in the future we intend to create about 80 thousand places, i would like to emphasize that the recidivism rate should become one of the main indicators when assessing the effectiveness of the federal penitentiary service. another important area is increasing the efficiency of enforcement proceedings. the priority here is the digitalization of enforcement proceedings, the transition to a paperless electronic document management system, that is, to the so-called registry model. dear colleagues, i have designated us as the main directions of activity of the ministry of justice, and i would like to thank, valentina ivanovna, you personally, all the senators for the attention paid to the activity. yusta for that interaction,
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mutual understanding, and i am convinced that together we will definitely achieve our goals, thank you for your attention, thank you, konstantin anatolyevich, please take a seat, the floor is given to andrei santovich klishes, chairman of the committee on constitutional legislation, please, dear colleagues, yesterday as part of a joint meeting of committees with the participation of valentin ivanovna matvienko.
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secondly, municipal districts are ordered to create, create, municipal fire departments for protection, to protect populated areas from fires and advancing fire.
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and also the third point increases administrative responsibility for lighting fires, the fourth proposes to establish a fire-fighting distance from the boundaries of settlements in areas prone to landscape fires to buildings and structures by at least 100 m. the fifth point subjects of the russian federation will have to develop plans for extinguishing wild fires. should the russian ministry of emergency situations establish the development procedure? thank you, alexandrovich, a very clear answer, thank you. sergey vasilyevich gornyakov, please. thank you, dear valentin ivanovna, dear alexander vyacheslavovich, in connection with the conduct of a special military operation by the ukrainian armed forces , attacks by various types of weapons continue on the territory of the russian federation, as well as sabotage and terrorist acts against objects infrastructure. in this regard
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, new requirements and measures for civil defense are of particular importance, and what actions are being taken by the russian ministry of emergency situations in this direction. thank you. thanks a lot. for the question. the main activities in the field of civil defense that require close attention are: first: evacuation - temporary resettlement of citizens to safe areas. the second is the creation of shelters for citizens working in production with a continuous cycle, well, a production cycle. and third - delivery and distribution water products and medicines. these issues are implemented in cooperation with the constituent entities of the russian federation.
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sonskaya regions, thank you, thank you very much for your question: in the new regions, in order to maintain the required level of response to emergency situations, man-made fires, logistics are provided to units, the supply of fire-rescue equipment, and sets of fire-technical weapons, radiation, chemical and bacteriological protection, as well as some other property, personnel... have been given a bonus of 65% of the official salary for special conditions of service. in the new regions that became part of the russian federation, territorial bodies of the ministry of emergency situations of russia were created, the number of the ministry was increased by 18,536 people,
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and the staffing level is more than 60%. work on comprehensive provision of territorial bodies is organized and continues. thank you, alexander vyacheslavovich, colleagues, questions have been exhausted, alexandrovich, take a seat, yes, bulavin, vladimir ivanovich, chairman of the committee, i ask you, dear valentin ivanovna, dear colleagues, to a joint meeting of the three committees of the federation council on security defense, constitutional legislation and state building, regional federal structure. politics, local self-government and northern affairs, with the participation of the chairman of the federation council and deputy chairman of the federation council, consultations were held on the candidacy of alexander vyacheslavovich kurenkovov proposed by the president of the russian federation for the position
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minister of the russian federation for civil defense, emergency situations and disaster relief. for all questions. the senators received detailed , meaningful answers. there is a corresponding conclusion, taking into account today’s discussion, the committee recommends that the federation council recognize the consultations on the candidacy of alexander vyacheslavovich kurenkov as having taken place. thank you. thank you, dear alexander vyacheslavovich, thank you for participating in our meeting. we wish you success. colleagues, we let's continue. you are invited to the podium. if you want to ask questions, please sign up, bortnika, please, alexander vasilyevich, recording is in progress, good afternoon, please, so sergey nikolaevich perminov is the first to ask a question, please, thank you, valentina ivanovna, dear alexander
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vasilyevich, today a serious threat is the possibility of using ethnic criminals communities by foreign intelligence services, extremist and terrorist organizations, what measures should be taken? extremism, neo-nazism, ukrainian nationalism in new subjects of the russian federation. thank you. thank you, significant attention is being paid to this issue, since we understand that it is very important from the point of view of ensuring the country’s security. we work within the framework of the decisions that were made by the national anti-terrorism committee, that’s what they were.
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dear alexander vasilievich, during the preparation and conduct of the presidential elections of the russian federation, attempts were repeatedly noted by foreign intelligence services to interfere with persons and organizations affiliated with them. destabilizing the situation and discrediting the electoral process. please tell me how the russian fsb prevents data? thank you, the destructive activities of a certain category of citizens on the territory
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of the country, carried out including by our opponents abroad, of course, pose a very serious threat to the security of our state, we pay very serious attention to the issues of identifying those structures and those individuals who are related to these activities , it's connected. attempts by the collective west aimed at russia's international isolation has almost
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completely failed, while our geopolitical opponents are not ready to put up with this, in this regard, how do you see the prospects for the development of international cooperation, including with colleagues from the brix states. and the second question, if i may, how do you assess the prospects for maintaining russian border guards in the republic of armenia? thank you. in connection with international activities, the federal security service is authorized to resolve issues with partner intelligence services many countries of the world. today we maintain official relations with 263 intelligence agencies from 122 countries. among these states, naturally, there are also representatives of brix, with whom effective, so to speak, work contact has been established.
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between the russian federation and armenia, to provide assistance at the request of the armenian side in ensuring border security and in accordance with this decision , the fsb border department was created, to which the right to ensure border security in two sections was delegated, iranian section and turkish section. taking into account the events that recently occurred in karabakh and the work that was carried out, including by the russian federation, to pacify, that is, the conflict, within the framework
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of the agreement reached in november 2020, the armenian side approached us with a request to provide assistance and border units of the fsb on the demarcation line between armenia and azerbaijan in order to level out problems. which took place in this area, in these areas, since the official there was no state border between armenia and azerbaijan, we gave our consent and, within the framework of temporary operational groups, set up 11 posts, which, in fact, solved the problem of information contacts between armenians and azerbaijanis, on the one hand, resolving the localization of conflicts that arose at that time. time, in principle, we managed to do this, taking into account the changes that have occurred
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recently in the situation on the territory of armenia, which means that in the subsequent stay of the leader of armenia in moscow, meeting with president of our country putin, the armenian side made a request to withdraw temporary operational groups from the demarcation line, in fact, in this way to close the problem. passes at the zvartnuus international airport, which, in fact, we will do in the near future, but our presence - in the person of the border guards in armenia remains, while the issue has not been discussed in any other way, they ask, in fact, so that we continue to fulfill our functional duties border protection with turkey and iran. thank you, alexander
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vasilievich for your clear, professional answers. is there anything you would like to say in conclusion please? first of all, i would like to thank you all senators for the great work of assistance that you provide to the security bloc, and, above all, to our service, in matters of creating the appropriate regulatory and legal framework, taking into account the changes in the situation that are constantly developing, make amendments and adjustments to this work, this work is very important to us, and we are of course interested in this the process continued. thank you, thank you very much, please take a seat, alexander ivanovich bulavin, you can’t read the first part, it’s already, we heard it, how the conclusions were passed, please, thank you, valentina ivanovna, at the meeting of the committees of the federation council, alexander vasilyevich, senators, questions were asked
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regarding solving security problems.
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foreign intelligence russia maintains partnerships with more than 100 intelligence and special services from friendly and unfriendly countries, which as for countries that we classify as unfriendly, these contacts are not interrupted, they are preserved, but on
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a significantly smaller scale than before, but... it seems to us that they need to be preserved, and even in such a difficult international situation to solve especially thorny issues, and to remove, so to speak, a high degree of mistrust between partners, thank you, thank you, sergei ivanovich, kislyak, please, thank you very much, dear sergei evgenievich, you once said, i almost quote, that... the west, losing its hegemony, is rushing around in rage, like a wounded animal, and that this situation is a microphone, please move closer, yes, you said that the west is rushing around in rage, like a wounded animal, and that this situation is very dangerous. in this context , a question arises, i would like to ask for your point
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of view, is there a risk that the west will resort to some major provocations, perhaps even nuclear ones. to try to blame russia for it in this context to try to change the development of events to their advantage. thank you. thank you, dear sergey ivanovich, for your question. briefly answering it, i will say that, uh, according to the intelligence data available to the service, some of the politicians and euro-atlanticists really believe that it is possible, in order to maintain their hegemony, to unleash a large-scale military conflict, the goal is to this conflict...
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can really happen if the so -called western god considers it, firstly, beneficial for himself, and secondly, uh, sufficiently safe, but i would like to say that there are, present responsible, both global and regional players, who, having united, are able to... ensure the impossibility of unleashing such a conflict and the impossibility of the situation in the world sliding into chaos, into such a full-scale
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military conflict, including the use of nuclear weapons, the russian foreign intelligence service, together with its partners the special services and intelligence services are very closely monitoring the development of the situation in this area. thank you, thank you. sergey gerasimovich mitin. thank you, dear valentin ivanova, dear sergey evgenyevich. what are the main priorities for the development of your service in the medium term in the current geopolitical realities? thank you, sergei germasievich, answering this question, i would like to remind you, dear colleagues, that the main task of the foreign intelligence service is to constantly...
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range of issues related to the interests of the state in the economic, political, military-strategic scientific -technological spheres. thank you, thank you, sergey evgenevich, for very interesting answers, the questions have been exhausted, maybe you would like something in conclusion, please, i would just like to thank you, dear valentina ivanovna, and my dear colleagues for very such. meaningful and deep consultations that were held yesterday for the respectful attitude of members of the federation council, the intelligence profession, for
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their interested attitude in developing and improving our work. thank you! thank you very much, please take a seat, vladimir ivanovich bulamin, chairman of the committee on defense and security, please dear valtina ivanovna, dear colleagues, yesterday at a joint meeting of the committees, a meaningful, interesting and educational dialogue with sergei evgenevich took place for the senators. convincing answers were received to all the senators' questions. the committee’s conclusion was sent taking into account today’s discussion; the committee recommends that the federation council recognize the consultations. on the candidacy for sergei evgenievich ryshkin, which took place. thank you. thank you, we even agreed yesterday that he would play the main role in a new film, like 17th century.
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video, please, your question. thank you very much, dear valentin ivanovna. dear viktor vasilievich. the actions of sabotage and reconnaissance groups from the territory of ukraine is a significant problem in ensuring the security of the russian border regions. in this regard, how do you assess the participation of national guard troops in countering terrorism, extremism and protecting
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the russian state border? thank you. thank you very much for your question. dear valentina ivanovna. dear comrade senators, i want to tell you in military terms i wish you good health. in answer to your question, i want to say that the issue of terrorist-extreme security, precisely the fight against terrorism and extremism, is the main agenda facing the leadership of the russian guard, and today we held the federal operational headquarters under the leadership of alexander vastrykin on this very topic. under the protection of the russian guard there are 70 objects directly related to nuclear safety, chemical, biological, industrial, all this is carried out by the russian guard, this security, i want to say that we will also directly ensure the safety of rosgadia officials, on the instructions of the president, who
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are and remain in the zone... officials, political, public figures, last year alone more than 7,500 tasks were completed by the rosguard, this indicates that what i want to say is also to note that everyone who goes to the zone asks to be protected by the russian guard, this speaks of the high professionalism of the personnel of the russian guard, directly in the area of ​​​​our attention, of course there are both the territory and the lines combat contacts, we formed 116, specially 116 special forces detachment, which... there were three operational regiments , one of them is now in the belgorod region, carrying out tasks together with the ministry of defense to protect state borders and advance in the kharkov direction, so it is very there are many tasks, also the task of providing direct support to the armed forces, toll support, i already spoke about this yesterday, because this is very important, when the toll part of the armed forces is protected, they need not be afraid that they will attack points on command control posts, that they will not blow up warehouses and
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so on, they will not raise... they won’t put a knife in the back directly, as they say, these are the tasks they carry out, in addition to this, we also directly carry out the tasks of detecting the destruction of caches with weapons , ammunition, and so on, and assistance to the local population in various issues, this is a very important issue, as for the border guards, we work with them all the time along the entire line of the state border, that’s what i said, in the combat zone contact. directly where the border with ukraine is, there we are always close to the armed forces. thank you, viktor vasilyevich, thank you, andrey aleksanovich bazilevsky, please, dear viktor vasilyevich, here i am, here he is, again, thank you, donetsk and lugansk people's republics, zaporozhye, kherson and kherson regions must be fully integrated into russian legal system, this applies to issues of arms trafficking. please tell me which one
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okay? currently, civilian weapons are owned by residents of new constituent entities of the russian federation. thank you. thank you, this question was on the agenda, this question is immediately answered by federal law 207 of june 13, 2023, which states that residents of new regions, constituent entities of the russian federation, they can directly use permits that exist until 1 january 2026. after this, directly, it means that we will change this... system, that is, then it is necessary to submit medical certificates, hunting tickets, and so on, but throughout this entire time, even if their license has expired, it is automatically renewed, extended, and uh, we issue documents without charging state fees, thank you, thank you, bair eduardovich puteev, please, thank you very much,


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