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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 14, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm MSK

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we are now continuing our work here in the lower house of parliament, i would like to remind you that today the approval of all candidates for ministerial positions took place, there were 16 people in total, all were approved, including the ex-governor of the kaliningrad region anton. good afternoon, anaton andrevich, i congratulate you, firstly, on the fact that the procedure in the state duma has already been completed, and what are the most important priority tasks facing the ministry of industry and trade now? well, i think the most important thing in my work right now is to hold a series of industry meetings, we have mikhail vladimirovich already had such a detailed conversation regarding that. what priority areas
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to concentrate on, this is aviation, this is microelectronics, this is machine tool construction, production of capital goods, and a number of others, it is clear that the ministry is very capacious, there are a lot of areas, but these are the areas that will now require special attention, and of course a very large block is the defense-industrial complex, everything related to meeting the needs of the army, navy, shipbuilding, well now, i hope also in in the near future from the leadership of the ministry of defense. meet to discuss possible changes before setting up a payment system for supplied products within the framework of the state defense order, there are a lot of topics, all of them are extremely important, some are already frankly overripe, and we need to propose solutions to the country’s leadership, i hope we will work out one in the near future. what do you think about the experience that you gained as head of the kaliningrad region, how will it be useful to you in your new position? well, you know, governors are very broad people profile, yes that is. you have to understand
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agriculture, healthcare, a lot of things, but i already said that, of course, this is a unique opportunity to understand how federal support measures, the ministry of industry and trade, really work, how to combine them with the measures administered by the ministry of economic affairs development, the ministry of digital development and other departments, in fact, also administer a large number of different support measures, business, public-private projects, so here this is probably a key competency, to be able to correctly combine resources.
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throughout the country about the correct distribution of production forces and in combining the availability of personnel, production capacity, energy capacity, this is all quite a complex issue, and here the help of my government colleagues will be required, i am sure that we will cope with all the tasks, thank you very much and good luck in implementing the tasks, thank you, well, today there is active work not only here in the state duma, but also in the federation council, there today my colleague, yuri bogdanov, is here, yura, i give you the floor. well, we are again in direct communication from the upper house of parliament, where consultations were held on the candidacies of the ministers of the security bloc for the heads of the intelligence services and departments responsible for defense and security, we have the opportunity to communicate with the first deputy head of the committee on international affairs vladimir dzhabarov, vladimir mikhalovich, hello, how do you evaluate these consultations, did you manage to ask all the questions, did you answer everything? satisfied me. satisfied all
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the questions and answers, for the first time, such a practice, considering consultations regarding the appointment of security ministers, and most importantly the head of special services. drivers of special services says that everyone feels a high responsibility for the upcoming appointment, i received great pleasure, satisfaction, somehow this format needs to be further developed, do you think, you know, there will probably be some, maybe something... then perhaps some innovations will be introduced in the regulations, since
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this is the first time this has been done, but in principle i think this is a good practice, because we have always been like, well, we deserved ministers before, so the special service is new again for me.
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tur, who was being considered for the post of minister today, and there was another governor, not only anton alkhanov, whose conversation we listened to quite recently, but also the ex-head of the khabarovsk territory, mikhail dekterev, whom mikhail mishutin proposed for the post of minister of sports, with we also managed to communicate with him. well, i said in my speech, children's and youth. the outback regions should participate in this process so that everyone has the opportunity to show their talents, not because someone paid more money or
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saved up for a uniform, but because they have an advantage in sports, that is, better than others. this is the main sports principle, you are talking about working with the regions, given that you yourself headed the region until recently, how ready are the regions for such work in general? our regions are wonderful, of course, i know all the governors as a colleague, i know that there are strong teams through the regional ministries of sports, we will gather them regionals in the near future, we will definitely see where, what kind of venue.
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on direct communication from the upper house of parliament, next to us is vladimir chizhov, first deputy chairman of the committee on defense and security. vladimirevich, i would like to hear your assessment, how do you assess the format that we observed these 2 days in the federation council? well, today, this format is still
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unique, because the procedure for approving leaders, the so-called security forces departments to which in this format.
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a complete list of combinations of which, i think, is possible, but the general public did not have a clear idea, but nevertheless, from this point of view, this experience, i think, is very important, not only for us, the current senators, but also for those who will replace us, what is this experience important for... for ordinary citizens, this experience is important for ordinary citizens, because it not only
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, so to speak, increases the social status of the federation council, so we can talk, as if with feeling satisfaction, like everyone else, but it demonstrates, in general, the strengthening of the democratic principles of our constitution in life, in political life.
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everything else, and the general staff is responsible for directing the armed forces, including in the context of a special military operation. vladimir alekseevich, thank you for your comments, thank you for answering the questions. well, i give the floor to my colleague maria kudryavtseva. yuri, thank you very much, we continue to work in the state duma and talk about the important theses that were voiced here. russia it is necessary to switch to a new model of economic growth, which is based on proposals for this to be made today. maxim reshetnikov told the deputies. he noted that the ambitious task is to ensure the growth of private
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investment, despite the rather high rates; according to him, we are talking primarily about the technology sector. according to maxim reshetnikov, support tools are already there, but it is important to customize them, depending on the request that comes from both business and regions. well, in an interview with our tv channel maxim reshetnikov spoke about how to line up personnel.
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we want to extend it to the entire economy so that people have the right to choose, so that the issues of these overtime payments are clearly regulated, because we understand that businesses there interpret the legislation differently, we are here together with the ministry of labor, as it were yes, that is, we need to give people the opportunity by protecting their rights and at the same time give businesses the opportunity to clearly regulate how much and how they should pay, there is also a package of changes related there to the flexibility of transfers, layoffs there for recruitment, and so on. with there being guarantees of all the labor rights that exist, i’ll say this right away, yes, but it was thanks to administrative procedures that we assessed the package of changes that now exists, this is equivalent to approximately 200,000 workers, well, for two 3 years, when all this comes into effect, will give us, yes, that is, these are the mechanisms we need to move, well, plus, of course, this is work with
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labor productivity, here we have a national project, we have trained 600 enterprises, here i am i have already said that... it is important that these are not just one-time improvements, we bring to the enterprise a culture, a culture of constant improvements, a culture, well, these are all japanese systems, there is 5 sigma there, and so on and so forth, yes, here is lean manufacturing, kanbans and so on, this works really well, because even when you come to the enterprise there after a few years, you see that constant changes are taking place, that is, the culture is taking root, wow, so we planned the next time, now we will propose within the framework of the national project and...
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still, what are the expectations, what are the results? as a result of these support measures, unemployment may still decrease, well, listen, to be honest, it may still decrease, but in fact it is already abnormally low, well, here it is now, for the last month, 2.7%, although everything below four, we thought, well, it’s already good, there’s already a shortage of personnel, now it’s 2.7, that is , it’s really nothing good, well, for the economy
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to continue to decline, it’s already like being unemployed no in this regard, but that’s why it’s here we need to tune in, so there
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are people there, and so on and so forth, well, a lot of people need to prepare information systems, train the work, but from this then, bit by bit , that efficiency is added up , the economic growth for which we are fighting, i understand, restarting the investment cycle, oh what many people are saying now, and what does this mean for the regions and for... well, look, firstly, there is no need to restart anything yet, because it’s not like it’s not broken, yes, plus 10% growth in investment according to last year, this is quite a good figure, but this is not a reason for peace of mind, because the stakes are high, enterprises, among other things, are slowing down investment cycles, moreover, we also need a structural restructuring of investments, that is, we need investments in those sectors where there was no such volume before, that is , the same economy. supply, everything that works for the domestic market, tourism, machine building, processing, electronics, it, and so on and so forth, and at the same time, despite the fact that we have money in other
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sectors, yes, large-scale chemistry, oil industry, metallurgy, including, and so on, that is, we need these spillovers, some industries need such adaptation investments, there is the same forest, as it were, yes, well, timber processing, which in the north-west is facing a crisis, because far.
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literally since the beginning of this year, all the decisions have been made, they have put pressure on many large projects, now we can talk to foreign investors with a different position, we have an assembled project, we have construction going on, we are purchasing equipment for you, well, yes, we have it there conventionally, money is more expensive, so we can take your money from you, you will earn money, we will save win-win, in short, yes, but not in the sense that our project is being stopped, help, save, take it for a penny, that’s it this was fundamentally important for us, well, plus supporting these machine-building and other investment projects, taxonomy.
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hotels, water parks, ski resorts, amusement parks and so on, while the demand is greater, we have not covered all the projects, now they are getting there, well, it’s taking a long time for the flywheel it is developing, as you know, yes, projects are now being delivered, banks have formed entire divisions that deal with tourism, investors have believed, but at the same time there are very difficult ones, where the development of new ski resorts is not always economical, for example, seems to fit even into the preferential conditions that we offer, so we will continue to concentrate on...
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so here, well, there are a lot of other things there, i don’t know, checking into a hotel is done not only by, which means there by passport, but now we are expanding the list there, there is code , new ones have appeared, well, these are the things to fine-tune everything because, well, tourism regulation lags a little behind the needs of the day, while we are trying to catch up together, reboot the classification system, and so on, well, in general , this is another big conversation, i am always ready to support it because we do this every day together with, by the way, a
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lot of legislative deputies.
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in order to, as it were, bring to life the truth that you can make mistakes, but you cannot lie, this phrase stuck in my mind, belousov, a famous person, i, too, have known him well for a long time, this openness and honesty in assessments that was heard today in the plenary meeting hall of the federation council, it perhaps determined the entire atmosphere of today’s meeting, i am convinced that - based on the results of the consultation, the documents will go to the presidential administration today and so on, we will soon learn about the results, the conclusions are appropriate, the main attitude of the people who will occupy these responsible positions will be very constructively aimed at strengthening the position of our homeland, as in outside, so inside, because among the candidates there was also a candidate for minister inside.


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