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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 14, 2024 6:00pm-6:30pm MSK

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activities of the ministry and departments, in order to, as it were, bring to life the truth that you can make mistakes, but you cannot lie, this phrase stuck in my mind, belousov, a famous man, i have also known him well for a long time, this is this openness and honesty in assessments that was voiced today in the hall of the plenary sessions of the federation council, it perhaps determined the entire atmosphere of today's meeting. i am convinced that as a result of the consultation, the documents will go to the presidential administration today and so on, we will soon learn about the results, the conclusions are appropriate, the main thing is the mood of the people who will occupy these responsible positions will be very constructively aimed at strengthening the position of our homeland, both externally and internally, because among the candidates there was also a candidate for minister internally.
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committees, a plenary meeting devoted to all these issues, and it seems to me that , thanks to the initiative of our chairman, valentina ivanovna matvienko, we worked out the very algorithm that allows us to do all this within two days, probably this is important in the current difficult situation, well on future rhythm always determines success, without rhythm successes come infrequently, thank you, thank you for your comment.
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we continue to talk about what important news was heard here in the state house. alexander kozlov said that the geological knowledge of the far east can increase to... 60%. according to him , the ministry of natural resources and environment has already prepared a plan for the geological study of these territories within a year and a half. well, what other priority tasks does the ministry face? about this alexander kozlov told in an interview with our tv channel. alexander alexandrovich, good afternoon. the plenary discussion has just ended . first question: what priority tasks do you set for the near future, for this year?
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everything related to these issues, we will now present our program to the government, get approval and begin this work, but at the same time we need to complete the national project, which ends in 24, it is very important to take into account the comments that were also discussed that reports should not be on the homepage, but should be that the result that we have always talked about and promised people, and if it is not achieved today, we must say how we will correct it.
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probably from those priorities, you named 10 main points when speaking, this is what you think is the most important of these, this is where you will start your work first? the main thing for us is the people, the far easterners and northerners, we are the only regional ministry in the cabinet, and we bear a special responsibility for ensuring that our regions are a priority in all national projects, fet projects, in all government programs, at the same time, as i said, we are working in conditions where the significance, significance of the far east and the arctic for russia... for the future of russia is greater than ever, and opposition to their development is growing from our enemies, but at the same time, all challenges create opportunities, therefore today for us this is the development of cities, today there are all modern technologies, there is a government decision that allows us to live
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in the far east in the arctic with dignity, comfort and interest, people should not suffer because we live in the most largest country in the world, we live in a rather cold country, we live in eternal... we live, how we build, how we manage in the north and to make sure that the north is warm, the far east is close, we will concentrate our efforts on this , thank you very much and good luck in realizing these goals, thank you very much, well, these are the statements that were made here in the state duma, now we will find out what was discussed today in
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the federation council during the day, i give the floor to yuri bogdanov, yes colleagues, thank you, we we have the opportunity to ask questions for the ampred.
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the fact that we were able to ask all the questions that interested us at the plenary session, and, in my opinion, none of these questions repeated the much more numerous questions that were raised yesterday at committee meetings, suggests that the senators of the russian federation, indeed, there are substantive topics for discussion with candidates for holding such responsible high government positions, well, with our interlocutors in all of them without exception.
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the information that we were able to obtain as a result of the consultation, we have already exchanged after everything was completed with my colleagues, what needs to be clarified, i’m already answering your question. we decided that there will be some kind of accompanying information letter, could you tell us what it is and what information it will
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contain? in accordance with the constitution and the regulations of the federation council, based on the results of these consultations, a letter is sent from the chairman of the federation council, the president of the russian federation, and there is not only our resolution, it was announced today, it quite succinctly consists of three paragraphs, but it comes with all those documents that... accompanied these consultations and at the committees, at the plenary session, of course, these are documents that relate to the candidates themselves, but also those issues that were discussed during the consultations, all this is in full volume goes to the president of the russian federation, from here from the walls of the federation council, absolutely this discussion is not limited to the laconic resolution that was presented to the senators today for which they voted, it is a significant volume of documents and i...
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the chairman of the government, who had previously gone through the same procedure, submitted to the state duma the approval of candidates for positions in the power bloc, plus the minister of foreign affairs submitted to the federation council the president of the russian federation. we held consultations, which are determined by the relevant articles of the constitution, but the final decision, in contrast to the procedures that the constitution provides for the state duma, is a final decision on a bloc of ministers and leaders. federal executive authorities passing through the federation council makes the final decision solely and entirely up to the president
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of the russian federation, this is absolutely correct, this is absolutely fair, this is absolutely consistent with the logic, spirit and letter of the constitution of the russian federation. konstantin iosifovich, thank you for answering the questions. let me remind you that we talked with deputy chairman of the federation council konstantin kosachev. children are growing up, we need new solutions, such as a children's sber card, limited design, free registration, access to a sim card with a wow tariff, a month of communication free and 100 gb, full control of my expenses payment sticker, apply now for a children's savings card - an adult approach. magnet, pasta makfa 499. magnet, price
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we continue to work in the state duma and talk about the most important statements regarding the sphere. in science education , such flagship programs as priority 20-30 and advanced engineering schools, all of them make it possible to reduce the distance between business universities, and what are the key tasks now facing the ministry of education and science, including updating the higher education system, this is what valery polkov said about this in
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an interview with our tv channel after the meeting. valery nikolaevich, good afternoon. "hello, the discussion at the plenary session has just ended, of course , a lot of theses were voiced today regarding priority tasks for the near future, what is this? our main priority task or one of the tasks in the higher education system is, in principle, a transition to other foundations, i would say so, what we call a new national model of higher education, on behalf of the president, six universities, starting from may 12 last year, we have been participating in a pilot project for a year now. in principle, the pilot project itself is designed until 2026, but in a year we have already accumulated all the necessary knowledge , we understand what we need to do, so in the near future we will sum up the results of this this year we will make a decision on how we will scale up further. well, the most important question, one of the news that sounded today, is how the system will be reformed, and in our national system there will be no concept
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of bachelor’s degree, there will be the concept of higher education and specialized higher education, when this change can happen, how are the discussions going on. by the end of this year we will definitely prepare the regulatory ones, you know how, these are different stages, the first is the actual regulatory framework itself, which will be introduced, it will no longer contain the corresponding concept, further, respectively, the twenty-sixth and subsequent years are a gradual implementation, it is important not to implement everything at once, it is important that the rights and interests of the legitimate of a large number of people are respected, thank you very much, valery nikolaevich, for taking the time for our conversation, thank you. and right now i again give the floor to my colleague alexandra suvorova. thank you, masha, we can say that we are actually standing next to each other, among the topics discussed today is, of course, healthcare. we were able to communicate with while acting minister of health mikhail murashko, we discussed with him the main tasks facing the ministry. greetings, let's
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probably start with what are the main tasks facing the ministry today, especially since you already have experience of going through completely different periods in this position? taking into account all previous events that occurred during the work period. governments in particular and the ministry of health, the situations that we have encountered, it is certainly important to create a stable powerful infrastructure of the healthcare system in particular and primary care, because the load on this particular area is always maximum, including the pandemic, which has shown this, now it is not an infectious disease, accompanying patients.
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plus - the introduction of already defined standards for the provision of medical care and those decision support systems, facilitating the work of the local doctor and nurse, this is a whole range of measures, this is the introduction of a scientific organization of work and much, much more. the next block of questions is an emergency help, which also requires, today we see emergency situations and the healthcare system responds to them. quickly, in a timely manner, but we must improve our approaches in the future, of course, we see we understand what needs to be done, so
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we will start this next year, plus another such important component, we must develop medicine as an innovative direction, so science is today for our priority is the development of drugs and medical devices. there are treatment methods that are generally unique, this is exactly the essence of screening, when we can identify and promptly begin treatment, and other genetic diagnostic methods that
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come into our practice today, and more, so to speak, resource-intensive, science-intensive, we are developing them and preparing for the next stage, then there is medicine, one way or another, it is becoming more and more technologically advanced.
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work on benchmarks, on the distribution of emphasis, all this will definitely be discussed with the regions,
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because we must... including hearing them aspirations and hopes, they consolidate the opinion of specialists, experts, each in their own subject, therefore, well, in general , the management system today is built in such a way that we see the problem in every region, in fact, in every area, our analytical systems today make it possible to do this very well, it is precisely this reduction of differentiation, differences between subjects and between, even within one subject, between municipalities, this is an important task that remains to be solved, this is a difficult, very serious way to improve efficiency of each specialist, each medical organization. thank you very much for the interview, thank you very much,
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