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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 14, 2024 6:30pm-7:00pm MSK

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accept stability in any operating conditions. how comfortable does that sound? teboil diamond - the engine purrs with pleasure. children are growing up, we need new solutions, such as a children's sber card, limited design, free registration, access to a sim card with a swow tariff, a month of communication for free and 100 gb, full control of my expenses, etc. payment sticker, apply now, children's savings card, adult approach, selfish, it means i already have heartburn from it, it’s burning, we’ll put it out, but i have heartburn from your food, this is easier, heartburn from eating, take it, it extinguishes, fights heartburn, pain and heaviness with increased acidity in the stomach, is active from the first minutes, extinguishes heartburn. we are returning
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to the state duma, president vladimir putin outlined national development goals until 2030 and for the future until 2036. the russian economy should become the fourth largest in the world in terms of purchasing power parity. and what are the tasks set in the field of digitalization?
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in the eyes of modern technology, in general, for some they naturally cause concern, this means that someone, on the contrary, today asked to launch new services, so on almost any topic that was discussed today, digital, digital technologies, digital agenda, it was present, that’s why, well, we also plan to develop digital services in order to have even more convenience for citizens, comfort, and of course we will support our industry.
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sales yes, and of course we want them to choose russian solutions, and these solutions should not be inferior in quality and functionality to leading foreign ones analogues, we must be competitive, today you are 80%, yes, but state company 95 they have an increased plan, in general, by the thirtieth year, 80% of all organizations, all key industry, and key sectors of the economy, they must use the most modern software solutions, products. to manage your work, production, how can this be achieved, is it just support measures from the state or is it the creation of some kind of infrastructure that is more understandable, on the one hand we must stimulate demand, here in including by economic methods, in general giving certain benefits, interesting business in introducing modern solutions on the other hand, our task is that the solutions themselves are competitive, so that our developers , so to speak, do not stop there...
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this, of course, means certain financial losses for our and belarusian operators, but they are not that significant in our understanding, and here convenience and, so to speak , ensuring a seamless movement process, in general, seems more important to us priorities. maksut igorovich, do you think this is a question for this year or will it still continue? well, as always, this is a complex, international issue, here is our country and we have figures, as a regulator, we have confirmed our readiness to cancel roaming and roaming fees.
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thank you very much, thank you very much and again.
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this is russia 24, a big political day, the most important personnel decisions, the formation of the cabinet of ministers, we will return to this topic later, well now to the most important international news,
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vladimir putin’s assistant yuri ushakov told details about the upcoming visit president to china, this will be the first visit after putin’s inauguration, so the visit will take place on the 16th and 17th. so, the leaders at the negotiations in beijing will discuss the situation around ukraine, the middle east and northeast asia. yes, it is also noted that moscow supports beijing’s balanced position on the ukrainian crisis, and the people’s republic of china understands its causes. an informal meeting is also planned between putin and sendzempina, in which belousov and shaigu will participate. what else is known about putin’s visit? a large volume of bilateral documents has been prepared, including of a commercial nature, because it is known that there will be meetings at the highest level. chernyshenko, mantrov, novok, trutnev and golikovo will speak at the negotiations in an expanded format, as representatives of bilateral commissions, as well. yes, and the delegation will also include
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oreshkin, lavrov, nabiulina, seluanov, belozerov, likhachev, borisov, gref, derepasko, kostin, mikhelson, sechin, shuvalov and shokhin, that is, the entire spectrum of the economic bloc. this trip, yes, i’m sure that the pool of journalists will be large, well, now a short advertisement, after let's go back, the pain can be different, it doesn't matter
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what caused the pain, if there is pintalgin, a universal remedy against different types of pentalgin, we can do without pain, children are growing , we need... new solutions, such as a children's savings card, limited design, free registration, access to a sim card with a wow tariff, a month of communication for free. complete control of my expenses payment sticker apply now children's savings card - adult approach - innovation in plant protection will instantly identify and destroy the main garden pests, safe for man, the batrider will defeat the pests, the state has abolished commissions for transfers between its... accounts in different banks. from may 1, russians can transfer their
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money from one bank to another for free. the law came into force. now you can receive a salary from one bank and immediately transfer it to another, where it is more profitable. transfer money to a free alpha card, receive a super cash in rubles and a 16% rate on savings. not just profitable. alpha is profitable. hello, this is l1. my principle. give your best both in sports and in music, even if everything is not going according to plan, flashup will charge you with energy to move on, flashup energy is always charged, now in a new design, for msfreshness products we grow, collect and deliver fresh vegetables, mushrooms and herbs, msfreshness from the garden to the shelf at the speed of freshness, only online magnet, attacks credit card debt? i’ll show you a couple of tricks: we collect all credit card debts in one go, conveniently pay off them within 24 months, and
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don’t forget about installment purchases. kholva - simple installment plans. when you cook with pleasure, dirty dishes can stop the rhythm of your kitchen. samot gold tablet with intensive cleansing formula effectively removes burnt-on dirt. let you have a delicious meal together, and let samat take care of the dishes. thanks to... disabling cashback for purchases up to 25% in vtb rubles , together everything will work out, this is a corporate party for
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hangovers, entermin, a new generation entersorbent, removes toxins while preserving nutrients, a smart solution against poisoning, it’s hard not to notice the legendary alphabank credit card with a whole year without interest for all. purchases: get a supercake in rubles every month for free, withdraw cash from any atm, it’s not just profitable, it’s alpha profitable! hello, the live legal program is being hosted by the duty department, tatyana petrova is with you. a loud verdict in the saratov region, the court announced the decision in the case of the former minister of construction and housing and communal services of the region dmitry. the prosecution proved that it was precisely because of the actions of the ex-official that about 400 orphans were unable to obtain adequate
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housing. what sentence was ultimately given to tepin? and what role the former governor of the saratov region played in his case, alexander ostakhov will tell. the lawyer of the former minister of construction and housing and communal services of the saratov region, dmitry otepin, actively gesticulating, urges his client to look somewhere into the distance, but tepin’s prospects are by no means rosy. according to the court decision, the next five. he must spend time in a colony, under a roof over his head. but the orphans, who, as investigators learned, never received the apartments they were entitled to due to the fault of the official, have problems with this. and the queue doesn't last at all. if you have been given the task of providing orphans with living space where they should live, then you must complete this task. according to the law, under certain conditions, an orphan in our country has the right to receive an apartment from the state or a certificate for its purchase, essentially money. anastasia fell into this category. but the girl had already grown up, she had children herself, and the queue for the apartment still did not move forward,
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nastya spent more than 10 years in it, the remaining almost 5,000 orphans in the saratov region can only envy her, they have the right there are still no square meters, and questions also arise regarding the finished housing, this girl, the one with the rose in the cellophane, seemed to have been given an apartment, although there wasn’t even water in it, there’s no turning it on, explain when a person moves in, then he connects everything so that she gets a hard-on there for the management company. only when dmitry tepin, then still the minister of construction and housing and communal services of the saratov region, justified himself in these shots; later he had to look for suitable words already in the investigator’s office, it turned out that real estate prices grew rapidly, the government allegedly did not react to these changes. as a result, the developers were offered payment much lower than the market price, but the business did not want to build housing for orphans for that kind of money. as a result of the criminal actions of the convict , more than 290 million rubles of budget funds were not spent, more than 400 orphans were not provided with living quarters, which caused significant harm to the rights and legitimate interests
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of this category of citizens, and about 350 ready-made apartments could already be transferred. orphans, but the official supposedly this process is not controlled, and the living space went to other people, although the chairman of the state duma, vyacheslav volodin, for example, repeatedly came from moscow to encourage his colleagues to work, but why then do i have to deal with shareholders, deal with children , deal with large families, if you are all good, so work, in 2019 dmitry tepin, after an unsuccessful resignation from the minister, moved to the position of head of the engel municipal district, but a year later he resigned , not with all the problems.
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deputies in the saratov region think that what to do with the queue of thousands of homeless children in front of the gates to a new life. it is obvious that in the near future there will not be enough apartments built for everyone, we have to look for other more non-standard methods. alexander ostakhov, sergey zanin and vladimir pavlov, lead the duty unit. the head of the personnel department of the russian ministry of defense, yuri kuznetsov, was arrested by decision of the moscow garrison military court. information about another criminal case against a high-ranking employee of the ministry of defense. distributed by the investigative committee. in the department reported that kuznetsov is accused of receiving a bribe on an especially large scale. during searches at the places of actual residence and registration of the suspect , funds in rubles and foreign currency in the amount of more than 100 million rubles were discovered and seized. gold coins, collectible watches and luxury items. according to the investigation, from 2021
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to 23, while still the head of the eighth directorate of the general staff of the russian armed forces, the officer. allegedly received illegal monetary rewards from representatives of commercial structures. to the hospital on two wheels, despite the cool may, dozens of electric scooters have already appeared on the streets of the capital and other russian cities. for owners of popular gadgets, this is a convenient means of transportation, but for pedestrians and motorists it is often a serious problem. do sim owners always follow traffic rules and how do inspectors deal with them on the roads? together with the staff. picturesque views that open from the observation deck not far from moscow state university attract numerous tourists and lovers of riding, scooters, especially on weekends, they are not honored here, as violators;
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the police are watching especially closely this year for those who have never opened a brochure with traffic rules. traffic rules for personal mobility devices were regulated in 2023, limiting the maximum speed to 25 km/h, and prohibiting driving on highways and roadsides. this young man, who had just rushed across a zebra crossing, hardly expected that it was his violation that would be of interest. a your documents? assuming that the conversation will be long, the offender gets rid of the iron horse, ending the lease. still , it’s not cheap, rental is almost ten cents per minute. a fine would have been ordered for a mediocre violation of 800 rubles. everyone who crosses the roadway on wheels must dismount; this requirement is not accidental; traffic cameras have repeatedly recorded collisions at crossings. these are just some of the examples. here the driver of the scooter confidently rushes right
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under the car; in this recording, it seems that the driver did not notice the sudden obstacle. similar confrontation. with means of individual mobility often end not in favor of the latter, this is the most recent case: moscow, yartsevskaya street, tuesday night, courier electric bikes are dying under the wheels of a tanker truck, one of the first to go to the scene of the incident was the film crew of our program, correspondent vladimir bazov voiced preliminary versions : the courier was moving along this street, parallel to yartsevskaya street, at the same time a utility vehicle was working here, the driver of the tanker backed up and... the courier quickly i ended up in a blind spot. by the way, the number of accidents involving scooter drivers grew in proportion to their number on moscow roads and sidewalks. if in 2019 about 200 cases were recorded, then in 2022 there are almost a thousand, only last year the figure finally went down, perhaps tightening control over the movement of electrical gadgets helps, but it is still difficult
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to check age, rent a scooter, for example, if not eighteen, it’s prohibited, but many people get around this restriction, they also ride together, which is also against the rules, right now i’m warning you, next time your parents will be called and the pdn inspector will... will deal with you. rental companies, of course, are aware of the pressing problem with extreme skating teenagers. solutions are still being announced. we are considering various technologies, at the moment, one of them that may be used is the use of bank ids in order to more accurately determine the user’s age. the police, in turn, explain that in some cases children can still legally stand on a gadget with an electric motor, but there are nuances. children cannot use. there is that power that does not allow them to ride, those with rented electric scooters, then
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they can use the scooters that their parents bought for them, this is already the responsibility of the parents, firstly, and secondly, parents must also watch the speed limit. the main thing that everyone should know is that bikes, unicycles and scooters are completely fine. serious participants in the movement, which means they cannot be combined with drunkenness. if the inspector suspects drunk driving, the fine will be 1,500 rubles. in moscow, data centers are being trained by smart city cameras that recognize violations on scooters. the system is already working in test mode. maxim shevchenko, vladimir bazov, marina gromova, alexey gorshkov and dmitry chernikov, lead. duty department. delivery problems. a pensioner from ufa complained about deception on the part of the marketplace. in the internet. a person purchased a product three times that he was not satisfied with, tried to return it, but never received the money in his bank account, even after several months, and such there are thousands of stories across the country, is it possible to protect
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yourself from such situations, and what kind of law are deputies ready to develop on this matter? reporting by ekaterina nalikhomanova. despite his advanced age, ufa pensioner rashid gilyazov and his wife actively used the services of marketplaces. in essence, it was a forced measure. me myself. the spouses on one of the largest marketplaces in russia, clothes, as requested, everything arrived on time, but with one thing. they all turned out to be too small and had to be returned, but
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the money did not reach the bank, it was blocked with credit card. the money was never returned. the amount would seem small - 7,000 rubles. and for single pensioners it is noticeable. for several months now, the gelyazovs have been trying to contact the supplier through an online platform. communication takes place exclusively through the bot. who, obviously, did not understand the essence of the problem. i see that you have issued a refund, how can i help? buyers indeed note many problems in the operation of marketplaces, primarily attributing this to non-transparent terms of sale. today online shopping - a huge platform, the turnover of which is, just think, 8 trillion rubles annually, while the activities of marketplaces are not regulated in any way, which means that consumers are not fully protected. and the principle is always the buyer. it definitely doesn’t work here, which is why it was proposed to create a separate bill that would regulate the work of all marketplaces. a working group of deputies is already dealing with this issue.
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there should be certain regulation in order to protect the rights of consumers, the most important thing, in order to there were no abuses, such as, for example, test purchases, the same vapes prohibited for teenagers, they were sold or other prohibited goods, or goods without the appropriate documents. representatives of the consumer union. russia offers aggregator owners to provide up-to-date and complete information about sellers, as well as to enable the buyer to directly contact the store, for example, to solve problems related to the quality of goods. we believe it is fundamentally important that marketplaces are legally required to to control the situation here is technically not difficult for them. however , business representatives themselves stated that they were not ready for such changes, allegedly any changes for them would mean financial losses. marketplace - it will most likely shift these costs to the seller, increase
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commissions, make it paid. acceptance and so on, the tools that they have, because any implementation of some kind of technology or function is development, this is a big development. recently, the state duma adopted a new employment law, attention emphasized, including on the platform, this means that officials plan to take into account the interests of not only consumers, but also representatives of online businesses, giving them the opportunity to develop. in the meantime, buyers, namely a pensioner from ufa, will most likely have to independently solve the problems of returning the day. the most popular bribe size in russia was amounts ranging from 10 to 50 thousand rubles. this data is provided by the publication kommersant, having studied judicial statistics on corruption cases . at least 5245 people last year they were caught taking exactly these bribes and were convicted. there were much more modest offerings, for example, up to 500 rubles. but as
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you know, the amount of the bribe. the article does not affect, and even for such bribery about 700 people were brought to justice, well, in total, in this article, 22,000 citizens appeared before the law, most often the subject of a bribe is banknotes or transfers, but some corrupt officials prefer to receive, i quote, services of a non-property nature, 3,760 people used these, making this method the second most popularity, bribes in the amount of 1.00 to 10 thousand rubles are in third place. closing this kind of anti-rating are amounts from 150,000 and from 1 million. what is called on a large scale, 1,800 people took the risk of being put in the dock. in the stavropol territory, an investigator is finding out the circumstances of a high-profile story about horse abuse. we are talking about a horse farm, where rare horses of a thorny breed live. hungry, tortured and unkempt volunteers found them literally on the brink of death.
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excited. criminal case, which was taken over personal control, chairman of the investigative committee alexander bastrykin, but have the horse owners come to their senses and where are they now, from the stavropol territory, alexandra mostovaya. the scandal around the kanezavod in the aleksandrovsky district of the stavropol territory is flaring up with renewed vigor, we came here again to assess the situation, to see how the situation has changed. let's find out if they will let us into the territory... again, let's go! aggressive employees are not happy with journalists. we have the right, anton, let's go, we have the right to look. this cannery in the stavropol territory contains the main stock of horses, the unique tsersk breed. she was taken out back in the twenties of the last century by order of marshal semyon budenov. and now she is on the verge of extinction. there are three hundred unique horses left throughout russia. it would seem that every canopy is gold. and here the animals were literally starved
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to death. the scandal is raging. weeks, but the situation at the enterprise has not changed much, hungry horses look sadly into the eyes of people, here is a white horse, carefully look, he has wounds on his torso, he is afraid of us, he runs away, does not allow himself to be petted, this stud farm in the stavropol region became notorious throughout the country when these terrible footage appeared in the public domain, emaciated horses lying on the ground without strength, animal rights activists stated that the unique horses are on the verge of starvation... death, after our program drew attention to the situation, the enterprise is diligently trying to restore the reputation. and now, as soon as we crossed the threshold, oats and hay are imported into the territory, but why then do horses move with difficulty? still, probably not groundless complaints from volunteers, from ash defenders, well, you were there yourself, we saw, yes, that the horses were thin, well, it’s correcting the situation. but do you agree with the claims? no, we don't agree. maybe the employees of kanezavod
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... would have agreed differently, but the work is expensive, only two employees decided to tell how things really are at the enterprise, and now both have been fired, but what did they even tell you, you’re all fired, well, here you are what do you connect this with, well, probably what they told the truth, don’t you think it’s strange that they were suspended exactly after they started talking about problems on camera, telling journalists about it, well, do you see the situation now? you see, now all people are adequate. in the stables, meanwhile, the picture is sad, there is dirt and garbage everywhere. meanwhile , veterinarians from the equestrian federation are coming to the stud farm; they were not allowed into the territory for a long time, but a week later, the staff finally opened the gates for specialists. right now veterinarian examines.


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