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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 14, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm MSK

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it's easy to get caught up in the facts when you only see part of the big picture. the pursuit of views is changing. we will expose all fakes. well, today the federation council held consultations with candidates for the positions of heads of security foreign policy blocs; according to the new constitution, the heads of these departments, after approval of the upper house of parliament, will be appointed by the president, and today by the federation council. approved the new head
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of the accounts chamber, boris kovalchuk. we will find out all the details from anna voronina. at the beginning of the plenary session, the chairman of the council federation valentina matvienko summed up some of the results of all yesterday’s consultations that took place in the relevant committees; she was present at every meeting and managed to communicate with all the candidates. the president presented very worthy candidates who have visited throughout their lives.
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members of the group of friends cooperate with the un in defense of the charter of the united nations, this is a very important structure, the number of which is growing. together with us, of course, are members of brix, members of the shanghai cooperation organization. after the expansion of brix us there were more than twenty in the group, almost half were either brix members or like-minded people. then candidate for minister of defense andrei belousov answered the senators' questions. he noted that he began to become familiar with
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the cases and the most pressing issues related to the special operation. the main one is the supply of ammunition and drone missiles to the northern military district zone. it is also necessary to improve military education and to quickly master new technologies. the senators asked a question about strengthening control over expenses in the department, and andrei removich replied that in some areas it is necessary. and as for the costs of capital construction and investment. projects, here, from my point of view, a significant strengthening of control over the expenditure of these funds along the entire chain is required, and also keeping in mind, probably, the main goal, the main task, the creation of new types of weapons, and not new types of weapons, requires very clear, synchronous planning and implementation of infrastructure creation. for
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the protection and use of these weapons. candidates for the post of head of the ministry of internal affairs asked about the situation with staffing. and here vladimir klokoltsev, not without regret, announced a shortage of 152,000 people. and the point here is non-competitive salaries and a lack of social guarantees, as he explained. in addition, the ministry needs the support of legislators in punishing telephone and internet scammers, who last year caused damage of 156 billion rubles. most of these crimes are committed by hacking into government service portal accounts. are there platforms? in order to solve this problem interdepartmentally, yes, the platform exists, we are using it now, we have already developed a bill on our initiative in the government , as i said, it is on the way out, of course, we need the support of the legislation of the legislator in order to support the law which was proposed for the position and the ministry
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of justice asked about homogenization of the penal system, this is what work is going on in this direction. we have prepared legislative initiatives aimed at establishing. with natural fires, working with the population on civil defense, as well as how the work of the ministry of emergency situations is organized in new regions. in the new regions that became part of the russian federation, territorial bodies of the ministry of emergency situations of russia were created, the number of the ministry was increased by 18,536 people, the staffing level is
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more than 60%. work on comprehensive provision of territorial bodies in an organized manner continues. alexander. bortnikov, who was offered to once again head the federal security service, during a conversation with senators spoke about countering the intervention of foreign intelligence services and persons trying to destabilize the situation in russia. we pay very serious attention to the issue of identifying those structures and those individuals who are related to these activities. this is also due to the installations going abroad to these groups.
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between partners, the candidate for the post of head of the russian guard was asked a question about countering extremism and terrorism. viktor zolotov noted that this is the main agenda facing the structure’s management. as part of a joint group troops, troops of the national guard perform these tasks in the syrian arab republic in
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the north caucasus region, under the protection of the russian guard there are 70 nuclear, chemical, biological, and industrial safety facilities. direction, all this is carried out by the russian guard, this security, so the candidate for the position of head of the federal security service was asked a question about countering drones, which are also used for terrorist attacks, dmitry kochnev noted that this requires legislative changes, and in-depth study of the latest technologies. state security agencies have created specialized units to combat idps, together with research institutes. research and development work is being carried out and various systems for detecting counteraction to unmanned aerial objects are being put into service. fosu russia, together with the russian ministry of defense and other interested departments, is taking the following additional measures: strengthening control over
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airspaces, restoration of additional special posts with means of detecting uav suppression. a new technique has also been tested and shown to be effective. well, the candidate for the post of head of the main directorate of special programs of the president, alexander lenes, spoke about the priorities in the department’s activities until 2030. the main thing is to increase the stability of state and military control of the russian federation from reserve control points of the state and armed forces, to improve systems. mobilization training in the russian federation, development of a warning system for government agencies. i would like to note that all relevant committees of the federation council recognized the consultations as valid. in addition, today the senators considered the candidacy of boris kovalchuk for the post
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of chairman of the accounts chamber. during his speech, he noted that the priority in the work will be the implementation of national goals set by the president, including achieving the technological sovereignty of the country. a huge number of people work in russia talented people capable of creating truly unique products and technologies. in this regard, the task of the accounts chamber is to do. everything for the states to efficiently fulfill their function of supporting the creation and development of new industries and technologies. the candidacy of boris kovalchuk in the federation council was approved unanimously. anna voronina, nadezhda nefedova, alexander makridin, sergey kuznetsov, news. well, now to the most important international news: vladimir putin’s first foreign trip after his re-election to office president. on may 16 and 17, the russian leader will pay a state visit to china. chairman of the people's republic of china xijenping. a busy program is expected. according to
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the kremlin press service, the leaders of the two countries will discuss a comprehensive partnership and strategic interaction, and also exchange views on the most pressing international problems. following the negotiations, it is planned to sign a joint statement by the heads of state and bilateral documents. during his visit , vladimir putin will visit two cities: beijing and harbin. the president will take part in harbin in the opening. the eighth russian-chinese expo, and also meet with students and teachers of the local polytechnic university. the focus is the expansion of production, joint creation of joint production between russia and china, despite the fact that we have a very large trade turnover, we, as i like to say, have one-touch interaction, that is , simple raw material trade and simple purchase of what there are a large number of chinese goods and the groundwork for growth in the humanitarian sector. cooperation culture is obviously that certain breakthroughs are required in
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the direction of studying the russian language and the spread of russian and chinese culture in neighboring countries, that is, we are talking about such a deepening. well, a little about the history of harbin, why the city is so important in the context of discussing bilateral cooperation. harbin is the administrative and economic center of hailu province. it borders on the jewish autonomous and amur regions, the trans-baikal territory of khabarovsk. about 10 million people live in the district and , importantly, every 2 years harbin hosts russian-chinese expo, but this is not the only thing that connects harbin with russia. among the twin cities of the chinese city are the sverdlovsk region, khabarovsk, yakutsk, krasnodar, murmansk and vladivostok. and the only foreign consular office in harbin is the russian consulate general, opened in 2019 . as for history, the city was founded on may 16, 1800, ninety-eight by the russian engineer shedlovsky, during the construction of the chinese eastern
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railway, a large number of russian engineers and road construction technicians came to harbin builders, traders, priests, and after the revolution of 1917, the flow of immigrants from russia increased. the russian community of the city made a huge contribution to its development, large industrial enterprises were created, the service sector developed rapidly, and numerous cultural facilities were built. as well as an educational institution. it was the russian community that created china's first symphony orchestra, ballet school, theater and cinema. harbin developed rapidly and dynamically. from 1931 to forty-fifths the city was under japanese occupation. in august 1945, the red army liberated the city ; on september 16, harbin hosted one of the four victory parades held that year. in the fifties, soviet specialists. actively helped the city recover, created a new system of higher education,
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new industrial facilities, and to this day harbin is considered the center of chinese power engineering and heavy aviation engineering. harbin is a city that is in many ways traditionally associated with the history of development russian-chinese relations, kharmin was once founded and developed by russians. harbin today is one of the largest centers between... between russia and china, it is there that the majority of chinese companies that work with russia are concentrated, several dozen joint russian-chinese enterprises have now been created there, and the traditional arbin fair is the most important center in when russian and chinese partners find each other. what else is important: harbin is one of the leading scientific and educational centers of the province heilundan. there are more than 500 research organizations there. and fifty higher educational institutions, which mainly specialize in
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aerospace, medicine, work technology, biotechnology, exploration of the world's oceans and the earth's poles. the local polytechnic university is worth special mention; its history is closely connected with the life of russian migration in northeast china at the beginning of the 20th century. today harbin polytechnic university is a major center of key scientific and technological developments and innovations. university installed. and partnerships with 40 universities and scientific organizations in russia, with which it develops cooperation in research activities in personnel training, among them st. petersburg. moscow state university, bauman moscow state technical university, moscow aviation university and many others. it is also worth noting the historical heritage on the territory of helnuyan province: there are 36 military memorial sites out of 85 erected in memory of soviet soldiers who died during the liberation of northeast china from japanese invaders in august-september 1945. right in the middle
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harbin is already there, the monument is located. to the army in the city center and military burials at the huangshan cemetery. the only operating orthodox church in harbin is the church of the intercession of the blessed virgin mary. russian troops occupied the village of bugrovadka in the kharkov region and advanced into the depths of the enemy’s defense. the ministry of defense reported this today. according to the military department , the enemy is suffering significant losses. read more about the special progress. we will learn about the military operation from denis alekseev. actions the northern group of troops is concentrated as much as possible around volchansk, in the kharkov region. in this area, the ukrainian armed forces have the longest section of defense, which the militants are still trying to somehow hold. but every day it becomes more and more difficult to do this. the russian army is pushing out the formation of the ukrainian armed forces from populated areas, where militants
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have equipped fortifications and firing points for attacks on border towns and villages. attempts by our troops to cut off the ukrainian group in volchansk, well, what was left of it there, supplies from the south. even in kyiv they already admit that the situation is critical, the tactics of our military clearly caught the armed forces commanders by surprise. offensive actions, only from commanding heights, no movements along the nezins, and colossal support from long-range artillery. infantry and tanks
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advance under the watchful gaze of combat crews. the armed forces of ukraine were obviously running out of strength.
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by the same token, that the group entered, cleaned up, and came out without losses, personnel shortage, coupled with a shortage of weapons, a ubiquitous picture in the ranks of the ukrainian army, this is confirmed every time those who run to our side with their hands raised say that they even spent a lot of personal money on the needs of their units, just to survive, we don’t have the equipment in our unit for cars to get to at least... where they drop us off, we need it ourselves, the soldiers chip in from the money they receive, salaries, we chip in on cars, guys, we have nothing to fight with, we have a shortage of shells, i don’t know if it’s in one direction or in all directions, we have a shortage of shells, we have a shortage of equipment , with us it’s simple, we’re just meat,
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operational-tactical aviation and artillery are on the eve. the production and storage of drones has affected ammunition and fuel warehouses, in particular in those areas of the kharkov region that the armed forces of ukraine still call the rear. in kharkov itself, the target was a temporary military police station, where new battalions of the ukrainian armed forces were being formed to be sent to the front line. well, now to the economic news. against the background of the growth of the moscow exchange index, investor interest in equity funds is increasing. at the end of april there was a net influx. new dividends this year trading participants expect large-scale payouts from issuers. christina kuruma will tell you all the details. equity and money market funds share the lead in inflows in april. first of all, investor preferences were influenced by the favorable situation on the stock market. the moscow exchange index
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updated its two-year high the day before, and at the end of april it stopped near the mark of 3,470 points, and this is plus 12% since the beginning of the year. the top 10 equity funds have returned more than 20% since january. the situation is due to the fact that things are going wrong in the economy. we have more coming which is good, that is, last year our growth was 3.6%. this year , macroeconomic growth continues and this, in principle, has a positive effect on the stock market, since companies usually show better results, against the backdrop of a growing economy, revenue increases and profits increase, and this allows us to build a base for higher prices. the most profitable stocks remain on the moscow exchange. the bank's net profit for april exceeded 131 billion rubles, which is more than 8.5% year on year. with january sber earned more than 495 billion rubles.
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improving the figure by 5% compared to the same period last year. analysts believe that by the end of 2024 we can expect a record for net profit. the forecast for shares reaches 360 rubles. net inflows into equity funds were the best since december 2021 . rub 11.4 billion at the same time, the most conservative money market funds maintain a minimal lead of one hundredth of a billion. the returns shown by money market instruments are, on top of everything else, quite convenient, yes. you can in place funds there at any time by pressing one button in the trading terminal, and also quickly exit money market instruments, except for the brokerage commission, which is very small. you don’t pay anything there, even stock market professionals use these funds, interest in equity funds is fueled by the emergence of new issuers. according to reuters
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, this year the public offering of developer apri, microelectronics manufacturer gk element, video conferencing service technologies and others are expected. except in addition, a number of companies change jurisdiction, that is, they undergo a redomiciliation process. among them, for example, head hunter, cian and md medical group. vladimir putin announced to the meeting the need to increase the capitalization of the stock market in his message to the federal government; by 2030
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it should double and amount to 66% of gdp. according to the president, it is important that russians have the opportunity to reliably invest their savings in the development of the country and receive additional income. capitalization of the stock market only at the end of last year exceeded 50%. rubles, in february this almost reached 62. according to commercial analysts, equity funds will continue to strengthen their positions, despite the high key rate. investor interest in a more conservative instrument, bond funds, may be restored if the central bank's monetary policy softens. georgia will have to pay a high price for adopting the law on foreign agents. sanctions may include resetting the status of a candidate for the european union. this was stated by mikhail rod, one of the commission delegates representatives of the european parliament, whose representatives arrived in tbilisi the day before specifically to prevent the parliament from adopting the scandalous document. however, the law on foreign
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influence was agreed upon in the third final reading, which provoked the opposition to another attempt to storm parliament; by this time, 13 participants in these riots had been detained. our colleague boris ivanin has details. the square in front of the georgian parliament on ishata rustavelli avenue, after the high-profile law on foreign agents was adopted, turned into in the confrontation between the opposition and the security forces. to avoid unrest , police equipment was deployed to freedom square, not far from parliament. the building itself was put on red alert, especially after demonstrators tried to break through the iron barriers. georgian opposition.
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some of them came into the hall as if to a street rally wearing a respirator and goggles, and then the already tense debate escalated into a fight. the brawl, after which it was necessary to call a break, was provoked by the opposition, without evidence-based accusations against deputies from the ruling georgian dream party. supposedly they are exerting force.
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young people think that by standing there they are serving national interests, in reality they are acting against the sovereignty and statehood of their own country, and they are instigated by people who themselves are without clan and without tribe. among the main instigators, the paris-born president of the country made a name for herself; instead of being with georgian deputies today, she met with the heads of parliamentary committees on foreign affairs from eu countries. germany, lithuania, poland, the czech republic, finland, and later she retired behind closed doors for a full hour and a half.
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we actively support the georgian people, we have made it clear that this bill is wrong, petty revenge on an englishwoman, an announcement
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this is a big information evening, that's what we will talk about in the next hour.


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