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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 14, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm MSK

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is not heard anywhere, no one talks about their successes, that is, they were not helped abroad, the foreign agent tolakonnikovs and others like them will be paid for hatred exactly until they are needed. the same krymov has performances in germany, latvia and lithuania on his playbill for 2 years and until the end of 2024. apparently, only there there were enough relocants to fill the halls, but how long before it slides down to the kabaki? anastasia ivanova, question. whose krymov consultations on candidates for the posts of heads of law enforcement agencies ended today in the upper house of the russian parliament the ministry of foreign affairs of the accounting chamber each of...
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in view of the very detailed consultations the day before, which lasted about 9 hours, it was decided to limit ourselves to three questions for each candidate, and sergei lavrov was the first to answer; vladimir putin proposed to reappoint him to the post of minister of foreign affairs. the senators were interested in how relations with foreign partners are developing in the formation of a new world order, in particular with china. sergei viktorovich noted that against the backdrop of the acute struggle of the west to maintain hegemony, partners, more and more people want to get rid of it. and china is far from alone in its efforts to reform the international system, to promote the formation of a multipolar world order that would reflect the real weight of the state of their associations, members of the group of friends cooperate with us within the un in defense of the charter of the united nations, this is a very important structure of strength which grows with us, of course, members of brix, members. at the shanghai
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cooperation organization, after the expansion of brix there were more of us in the group of twenty, almost half are either brix members or like-minded people. then the candidate for the minister of defense, andrei belousov, answered the senators’ questions; he noted that he began to get acquainted with the affairs and the most pressing issues related to the special operation. the main one is the supply of ammunition, missiles and drones to the northern military district zone. it is also necessary to improve military education except. and as for expenditures on capital construction and investment projects, here, from my point of view , a significant strengthening of control over the expenditure of these funds along the entire chain is required, in including referring to...
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people, and the point here is non-competitive salaries and a lack of social guarantees, as he explained. in addition, the ministry needs the support of legislators in punishing telephone and internet scammers, who last year caused damage of 156 billion rubles. most of these crimes are committed by hacking into government service portal accounts. are there platforms to solve this problem interdepartmentally? yes a playground. exists, we
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use it, now we are drafting according to our the initiative has already been developed, in the government, as i said, it is on the way out, of course, we need the support of legislation, the legislator in order for the law... to support konstantin chuichenko, who was proposed for the post of head of the ministry of justice, they asked about the homogenization of the criminal justice system systems, this is what work is going on in this direction. we have prepared legislative initiatives aimed at establishing the possibility of applying a deferment of serving a sentence in the form of restriction of freedom to persons with minor children, as well as holding pre-trial visits to those suspected or accused of committing crimes. defenders via videoconferencing, we organized work to introduce the position of assistant to the head of the pre-trial detention center for work with believers. the candidate for the post of head of the ministry of emergency situations was asked questions about fighting wild fires, working with the population on civil
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defense, and also how the work of the ministry of emergency situations is organized in new regions. in new regions that became part of the russian federation, territorial bodies were created. ministry of emergency situations in russia, the number of the ministry increased by 18,536 people, staffing is more than 60%. work on comprehensive provision of territorial bodies is organized and continues. alexander bortnikov, who was offered to once again head the federal security service, during a conversation with senators spoke about countering the intervention of foreign intelligence services and individuals trying to destabilize the situation in russia. we. we pay very serious attention to the issues of identifying those structures and those individuals who are related to this is an activity, this is connected, among other things, with the attitudes coming from abroad to these groups, the financing of these so to speak groups and individuals,
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as well as information support for these activities, it is within the framework of a general approach to this component, so to speak, that we build our work, that’s according to ... the issue of foreign intelligence, the senators were interested in how interaction with foreign intelligence services goes, especially from unfriendly countries, and sergei naryshkin noted that the russian foreign intelligence service maintains partnerships with intelligence services of more than 100 countries. as for the countries that we classify as unfriendly, these contacts are not interrupted; they continue, but on a significantly smaller scale than before. but it seems to us that they need to be preserved , even in such a difficult international situation, in order to resolve particularly pressing issues, and, well, to remove a high degree of mistrust between partners. the candidate for the post
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of head of the russian guard was asked a question about countering extremism and terrorism. viktor zolotov noted that this is the main the agenda that stands before the management of the structure. groupings of troops, troops of the national guard carry out these tasks in the syrian arab republic, in the north caucasus region, under the protection of the russian guard there are 70 objects directly of nuclear security, chemical, biological, industrial orientation, all this is carried out by the russian guard, this security. but the candidate for the post of head of the federal security service was asked a question about countering drones, which are also used for terrorist attacks. dmitry kochnev noted that legislative changes and in-depth study of the latest technologies are needed here. state security agencies have created specialized units to counter uavs, together with research institutes,
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research and development work is being carried out , and various systems for detecting and countering unmanned aerial objects have been adopted. fosu of russia together with the russian ministry of defense and other interested departments. accepts the following additional measures: strengthening control over airspace, restoring additional special posts with means of detecting uav suppression. also, a new method of destroying aircraft-type uavs with drones from the first forest has been tested and shown to be effective. well, the candidate for the post of head of the main directorate of special programs of the president, alexander lenes, spoke about the priorities in the activities of the division. until 2030, the main thing is to increase the stability of state and military management russian federation, reserve control points for the state and armed forces, improvement of the mobilization training system in the russian
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federation, development of a warning system for government agencies. i would like to note that all relevant committees of the federation council recognized the consultations.
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on the official portal of legal information, her staff was replenished with several new assistants and advisers. by decree of the head of state , anton vaina was reappointed as head. alexey gromov and sergey kiriyenko remain first deputies. deputy head of administration maxim oreshkin was appointed, who was promoted from the post of assistant to the president. dmitry kazak, magomedslam magomedov, vladimir ostrovenko and dmitry peskov also remained deputies. he also retained his post as presidential press secretary. yuri sviridov was appointed his deputy, vladislav kitaev will be the head of the protocol. his deputy will be mikhail kazarinov. vladimir midinsky, dmitry mironov, yuri ushakov, andrey fursenko, ruslan edelgiriev, larisa barycheva, dmitry kalimulin and dmitry were appointed assistants to the president shalkov. for the first time in the administration as assistants to the head of state. alexey dyumin, who headed the tula region, and nikolai patrushev, who previously held the post of secretary of the
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security council, were appointed. in addition, igor shchogolev was appointed presidential plenipotentiary representative in the central federal district, alexander gutsan was appointed in the northwestern federal district. vladimir ustinov in the southern federal district, yuri chaiko in the north caucasus federal district, igor komarov in the volga federal district, vladimir yakushev in the ural federal district, anatoly seryshev in the siberian federal district. advisors to the president.
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he will deal with shipbuilding issues, this will be one of the main,
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so to speak, areas of his supervision, but there will be others, perhaps edel gereev, who became an assistant to the president, he retains his functions, these are ecology, climate, and levitin, who became an adviser president and special representative for international transport cooperation, he will mainly focus on international transport route, north-south and...
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in the new cabinet, five newcomers were noticeably worried about the candidate for the post of head of the ministry of agriculture, oksana lut worked for 6 years in the ministry, which she will head. the most pressing question today is: how to help farmers?
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projects in the field of radio electronics. now there is an active formation of key machine tool industries, medical equipment, small-scale chemistry, unmanned aircraft systems, new technologies for energy, and various types of transport. special attention, of course will be devoted to supporting the rhythmic work
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of sectors of the defense-industrial complex. most of the new government candidates. three newcomers have a positive attitude towards sorovoyt, i am sure that this governor will cope with the post of minister, also to tsevelev, because he is an experienced power engineer, he has an excellent command of everything related to the coal industry, i think that he will cope with other areas in the energy sector. but those who had already worked in the government
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were asked the most questions. the head of the ministry of digital development was asked about the efficiency of mail russia, which is also part of the department. shadayev promised to present an anti-crisis plan at the next government hour; one of the ministry’s tasks for the next 6 years will be the creation of a russian analogue of starlink, and they are already working on abolishing roaming between russia and belarus. we have already reduced the cost of roaming tenfold, and now together with our belarusian colleagues we are discussing a complete abolition. here, unfortunately, the problem is that these are quite large losses for belarusian operators, in fact, ours operators accept financial losses.
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higher education, which will be from the twenty -fifth year there will be no concept of a bachelor, we will have higher education and specialized higher education, and today we are gradually increasing the number of programs, using the powers that we have, lasting 5-5 and a half years, giving more opportunities for our graduates, anyone who has received a higher education can also go get a specialized
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education for free, to the ministry of finance, questions in parliament there is always the acting head of the department, anton syulanov, and he is the last to lead it. 13 years old, stated that the main priority of the budget is the fulfillment of social obligations. mps ask when the next step will be taken. the president said that people themselves should not extort benefits and support measures from the state; everything should be formalized in a proactive manner. and is it possible already this year, in the year of the family, to develop a mechanism for notifying families with children about the right to a tax deduction and receiving it with the click of one button? today indeed, in order to receive a tax deduction, including a deduction for children, it is necessary to collect. certificates must be given to the employer, and this, accordingly, requires time and money, and this is an unnecessary complication of administration, starting at the end of 25 years. automatic calculation of all deductions and automatic deductions when there is no need in the twenty-sixth year, such a mechanism for collecting certificates and going to various
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authorities will be launched. when, according to the procedure, the candidate for the post of the ministry of energy was presented, the lights in the hall suddenly flickered. here chubais's legacy to you. the minor incident did not interfere with the work of the deputies. sergei savelev, who until now headed the keimerovo region, a region rich in coal. turned out to be one of the few ministerial candidates who were not asked additional questions. tech must be cost-effective, reliable, and safe to successfully compete in the international market. tech must rely on the russian school of engineering, on russian science, on russian industry, and use the best experience, russian experience, in its work.
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make them the programmatic work of our government, which is what the president requires of us, if we support the president, around whom today not only russia, but the new global majority is consolidating,
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let us give the members of the government the opportunity, with our active support, to work as efficiently, as professionally as possible, what kind of support the future head of the department received in the state duma can be understood from the voting results. the state duma worked to externally consider candidates for ministerial posts almost around the clock on weekends, hours-long meetings continued, and today, as a result of a plenary meeting that lasted almost 8 hours, the cabinet of ministers was approved in full, and the state duma fully communicated its expectations to the new government. anna semyonova, stanislav ponomarenko, alexander feaktistov, irina kharlamova, alexey korpukhin and yana streblyanskaya, news from the state duma. an informal meeting with...
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it looks like a russian place, but sosey looks like a chinese place, you know, in the historical quarters min-min knows every nook and cranny of harbin, its characteristic turrets, stucco moldings; a lover of harbin antiquities even opened a small museum, there are many pictures of the old city and truly unique things, like this phonograph. the city where vertinsky and chaliapin regularly performed was generally the center of russian art, the first ballet school in china, the first music school, and despite the fact that harbin was built as... a station of the chinese eastern railway, it determined the development of the entire region , from economics to science, the famous harbin polytechnic, the forge of engineering personnel in china
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, grew out of the technical school of the chinese eastern railway. this building was built in 1906 as the russian imperial consulate; in 1920 it was transferred to the russian-chinese technical school. in 20 years of living in harbin, the head of his russian club has never felt like a stranger here, after all. in russia, if you believe the chinese signs, even the smell here is reminiscent, you are immediately transported back to those times, here the atmosphere is similar, it’s about the aroma of fresh bread, in carbine it even became the chinese word lebo, and millions chinese tourists who come to the north of the country sweep it off the shelves, along with sausage, on the main pedestrian street of junyang, known as arbat, russian products, the main souvenir. it was not by chance that harbin was called eastern moscow; the historical center is literally imbued with russianness. take at least the visiting card of the city, st. sophia, so many churches, let alone the former ones, in the sofia museum now there is no where else, in china, alekseevskaya church on the corner of gogol street, local grandmothers
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are now like...
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who helped us become a strong country, if would not soviet soldiers, we would not have been able to cope on our own, and the chinese will never forget this, it was the soviet union and china that suffered the greatest losses in the second world war, that is why they are seeking the truth, telling the world about the atrocities of the nazis, in the same harbin, japanese detachment 731 carried out inhumane experiments on living people, developing biological and bacteriological weapons, there were russians among the prisoners, and tamara aleksandrovna pekereva was sent to detachment 73. the japanese calculated the body’s reaction to frost, obviously preparing for war with the soviet union. at the huang shan military cemetery in the suburbs of harbino, the graves of soviet soldiers are carefully looked after, now stella has been restored, and the point is not that china is waiting for the russian president, it’s just that there is a special attitude towards the general pages of history here, and in preparation for a large-scale economic forum , which our countries
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will open here on friday. now it’s 2124, it sounds plausible, this is from the future, 100 years in the future.
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