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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 14, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm MSK

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the police are watching especially closely this year. traffic rules for personal mobility devices were regulated in 2023, the maximum speed was limited to 25 km/h, and driving on highways and roadsides was prohibited. this young man, who had just rushed across a zebra crossing, hardly expected that they would be interested in his violation. assuming that the conversation will be long, the offender gets rid of it.
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it seems that the driver did not notice the sudden obstacle. similar confrontations between machines and personal equipment mobility often ends not in favor of the latter. this is the most recent case. moscow, yartsevskaya street, tuesday night. courier electric bikes are killed under the wheels of a tanker truck. the film crew of our program was one of the first to arrive at the scene of the incident. correspondent vladimir bazov announced preliminary versions. the courier was moving along this street, parallel to yartsevskaya street. and at the same time. a utility vehicle was working here, the driver of the tanker backed up and the courier most likely ended up in a blind spot. by the way, the number of accidents with the participation of scooter drivers grew in proportion to their number on the roads and sidewalks of moscow. if in 2019 about 200 cases were recorded, then in 2022 there are almost a thousand. it was only last year that the numbers finally went down. perhaps tightening control over the movement of electrical gadgets helps, but what is still difficult to check is... the age of renting a scooter, for
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example, if you are under eighteen, is prohibited, but many get around this restriction, they ride together together, which is also against the rules, right now i'm warning you, next time there will be your parents have been called, and the traffic police inspector will deal with you, the sore problem with extreme skating teenagers in rental companies, of course, they know, solutions are still announced. we are looking at different ones. technologies at the moment, one of them that may be used is the use of bank ids in order to more accurately determine the user’s age. the police, in turn, explain that in some cases children can still legally stand on a gadget with an electric motor, but there are nuances: children cannot use electric scooters, specifically rented ones, that is, the power does not allow them to ride, the scooters that were bought for them.
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parents, they can use it, this is already the responsibility of the parents, firstly, and secondly, parents should also watch the speed limit. the main thing that everyone should know is that bikes, unicycles and scooters are quite serious participants in the movement, which means they do not combine with drunkenness. if the inspector suspects drunk driving, the fine will be 1,500 rubles. in moscow data centers are being trained by smart city cameras, which... recognize violations on scooters, the system is already working in test mode. maxim shevchenko, vladimir bazov, marina gromova, alexey gorshkov and dmitry chernikov, lead. duty department. at the end of the issue, we will once again announce the president’s decision on the appointment of ministers of the security bloc. so, the heads of the ministry of internal affairs of the ministry of emergency situations vladimir kolokultsev and alexander kurenkov retained their posts. viktor zolotov will again head the russian guard, and sergei naryshkin will head the foreign intelligence service. alexander bortnikov remains as director. fsb, and dmitry
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kochniev, federal security service of the russian federation. konstantin chyuchenko remains the minister of justice, alexander linets, head of the main department of special programs of the president of the russian federation. let me remind you that the entire operational news feed of legal news in the telegram channels of vesti dezhurnaya is an honest detective. that's all for us, see you on the russia-24 tv channel. well, at the beginning of this hour, again about the decrees of the president, who approved the new composition of the federal government, after the candidates were approved by the federation council and the state duma. so, the cabinet of ministers has 10 deputy prime ministers, tatyana golikova, alexander novak, alexey overchuk, marat khusnulin, dmitry chernyshenko, yuri trutneev remained in their places. also , dmitry patrushev and...
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mikhail murashko, irek faizulin, maksud chadayev and, respectively, alexey chikunkov became deputy chairmen of the cabinet of ministers. in addition, the president ordered the appointment of five ministers who report directly to him. this is foreign minister sergei lavrov, defense minister andrei belousov, minister of internal affairs vladimir kolokoltsev, head of the national emergency situations alexander kurenkov and
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head of the ministry of justice konstantin chuychenko. also, putin reappointed the head of the svr sergei naryshkin, the director of the fsb alexander bortnikov, the head of the russian guard viktor zolotov, the head of the fso dmitry kochnev, the head of the main department. will not happen, despite the promises of the country's authorities. kiev, we have a cancellation, as the scandinavians make excuses for slamming on the brakes. russia has successfully tested its own maritime drone, kamikantsy. what are its characteristics? and most importantly, what kind of targets are planned to be hit with
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its help. ukrainian courts intend to rule in favor of the central central committee automatically; it will be possible to appeal from the trenches. and also an intimate detachment of sushi women, in order not to be sent to zero, they will have to spend the night with the commander, he is with all the russaphobic forces for ukraine, but ukraine doesn’t care. in kharkov , director ephrus gets hit with a plan, although his son dmitry krymov supports the kiev regime and where is he now? considers the situation critical and names the capabilities of the armed forces seriously. limited, these are excerpts from a surprisingly pessimistic interview given to the new york times, one of the seemingly key witnesses to the ukrainian victory, namely kirill budanov, the director of the terrorist gur in this case , for some reason, does not promise to drink coffee in russian cities and does not build pretending to be a brilliant intelligence officer, on the contrary, confirms
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that the kiev regime essentially missed the beginning of active operations of our troops in the kharkov region, that is, it was not ready to stretch the front, and is now at a loss, due to why this very front could be stabilized, in short, the face is full of complaints, openly defeatist reports, obviously in the hope of a reaction from the western masters, from whom kiev still expects additional help, although washington and brussels are hardly capable of solving the main problem of the armed forces of ukraine, which one specifically will anton potkovenko explain? terrorist budanov is panicking or pressing for pity, or most likely both: one of the most odious kiev terrorists, the head of the main intelligence department of the ukrainian ministry of defense, phoned new york times from a bunker in kharkov, they write this: i painted the situation of the armed forces of ukraine for an american newspaper with the darkest colors: there are few weapons, the front is stretched, and most importantly, the ukrainian forces have minimal reserves, this is a direct quote, here’s another one to catch up, i used everything, what we had, unfortunately,
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we don’t have anyone else in reserve, that’s how, by and large he admits the catastrophic situation with the ukrainian mobilizers, but there’s another aspect, we shouldn’t write off, this is what exactly in the kharkov region budanov formation there are rdks and krakina, who are directly connected to the mountains of ukraine, and he is like a patron, he sees that this is his, this is his pretarian guard, which he wanted to use not at all in the hottest areas. budanovsky’s polisbunker, we are on the verge, this is according to zelensky’s principle in an indirect text, but in essence , begging from the west. new supplies of weapons, in addition to begging for the next supplies, but in this statement there is panic, an attempt to cover up your weak points, if you are a military intelligence officer, if you are positioning yourself as you know everything and you can get everyone, then why
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didn’t you foresee what is happening now in the kharkov direction, the armed forces of ukraine really don’t seem to have any reserves, including... mobilization ones, that’s what one of the former employees of the kharkov berkut unit told us , you can’t show your face to him, there are relatives left in the kharkov region, and the schoolboys are fierce there. in many ukrainian villages it’s just... it didn’t work out then, but there were really a lot of pro-russian citizens,
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now look, people in kharkov regions, to put it mildly, are not too inclined to evacuate, this is a fragment of a bbc story from volchansk, an elderly woman is clearly not in the mood to go anywhere, no matter how much the police stand over her, come on already, i want to taste you with a rag, let’s go with a rag, oh my god, how are you afraid of them? the cameraman immediately turns off the camera, because the western story about evacuation away from the terrible russians clearly didn’t go according to script, but the woman is right, the ukrainian security forces are terrified of our troops, that’s how it should be, but civilians should be afraid there is absolutely nothing, that’s why they actually don’t want to be evacuated, especially understanding how exactly this evacuation happens; one of my friends told me that they were evacuated, loaded onto buses, and simply taken out.
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a unit of the southern group of russian troops inflicted a massive fire defeat on the formation of the ukrainian armed forces in the areas of georgievka,
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kleshcheevka, krasny, novomikhailovka and several other settlements of the donetsk people's republic. according to the defense ministry, the result of such attacks was the liquidation of over 500 people are enemy manpower, but there are also those who make the right choice by surrendering. what they are now saying about their commanders and the political leadership of the kiev regime will be told by vgtrk military correspondent alexander sladkov. a ukrainian prisoner escorted by a volunteer brigade soldier. named after nevsky, they told you in 1914, the truth is behind us, god is with us, we did not betray our ancestors, we did not betray the memory of our fathers and grandfathers who fought, and did you waste the painted over dollar paper, all of europe, the donetsk front, the direction hourly yar, ukrainian prisoners are taken here almost every day, most of them have recently been mobilized.
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group and stormed us, i wanted to run away to
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a neighboring position, i just jumped out of the hole, they threw grenades, i was a little shell-shocked, fell into the grass, they came up to me, they said, i’m still alive, they took off the armored armor, they dragged my jacket, are you glad you came here , not glad that i'm alive, what's the attitude here anyway? normal relations, food, water, why do you think it started, we started with this, that ukraine started in nato, america started its to carry out a policy in ukraine, well, ukraine is to blame, it was necessary, yes, well, to come to an agreement with the neighbors, everything was fine, what kind of future do you see in ukraine, what will the future
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of ukraine be like, they drove ukraine. something needs to be changed, the top needs to be changed, the verkhovna rada, everyone wants to go home, to be honest, they’re already sick of it, well, where, where are you going to run, you’re running away, you know, they’re putting you in prison, oh, you don’t want to go to prison, you don’t want to go to prison , but here you want to die, you don’t want to die, you don’t want to go to prison, we have such a situation. why do you think this happened in general? they fought against which people? against donetsk. please tell your comrades, former, uh, what do you wish for them, maybe you want to say hello to someone? yes, hello, there’s no one to tell, tell me, i want to tell
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my compatriots that don’t go to war. this is not yours: alexander sladkov, pavel vydrin, galim vergasov, leading donbass. well, and more about the situation at the front, a spectacular video of the right bank of the kherson region, where a drone of the dnepr group of troops spotted a whole stream of enemy drones, they were obviously being prepared to launch, but did not have time, because having received the coordinates of such a convenient target, our artillery immediately worked on it, and the enemy, accordingly, lost at least a dozen uavs, as well as several launchers along with operators. all this relates to the issue of the russian reconnaissance and strike contour, thanks to which accumulations of ukrainian armed forces equipment are identified and destroyed very quickly. and who knows, maybe that’s why the west is again hesitant about transferring f-16 fighters to the kiev regime. let me remind you, just yesterday it was stated that ukraine will receive the first of them from denmark no later than mid-june. well, it seems that the guarantees were personally given by the prime minister of the scandinavian kingdom, but now they have again decided
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to shift the deadlines to the right, and this time copenhagen’s excuses simply sound mocking to the junta. evgeniy nipot will confirm. kyiv, we have a cancellation. the scandinavians once again beckoned to ukraine with their wing, but then, apparently, the braking parachute worked. a local journalist turned out to be extreme and confessed to his audience, saying that it was not so i understood the words of my prime minister, who, it turns out, announced the f-16 months later. but the news about the june phenomenon of nato supersonic fighters over ukraine spread across the local media. problems with pilots, infrastructure, which is under the fire control of russia, experts have repeatedly spoken about this, what happens to enemy planes in the sky, the whole world knows very well from the well-burning pianos in
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memory of the liquidated ukrainian pilots, and western fighters will become a priority... soviets are still in service cars, russian wars are increasingly getting at them right at the airfields, and of course, we should not forget about the unacceptable risks for the overplayed donor countries. there remains the option of taking off these aircraft, for example, from the territory of nato countries. but in this situation , a conflict arises, about which, in principle , our state officially warned that the transfer of such aircraft, their appearance on our territory or... as our territories, we will consider as the appearance of nuclear weapons carriers, because the f-16 in these modifications is the bearer of tactical nuclear weapon called the american-made b-61 bomb, which is stationed in european countries. a number of other factors cannot be ruled out: firstly, catastrophic uncertainty about where russia will now strike in ukraine with full
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force, and secondly, doubts in the west about the success of the independent european on the battlefield. ukraine is experiencing huge problems with weapons, everyone admits this, the west is too slow when i hear that the excellent czech initiative for the supply of ammunition will only be launched in june, because there is no time before it was clear that with financing, my hair was gone. stand on end, but an even bigger problem is the lack of personnel. ukraine is gradually bleeding out, they cannot form a sufficient number of reserves, so does it make sense to transfer even outdated, but still expensive ones? or air defense systems. in return for its destroyed cheetahs and giris, germany will deliver new models, or rather, promises to supply them. but with blown up american petriats
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it’s more complicated. poland, for example, says it will not donate anything because the country is already she has been waiting for the complexes for 17 years, the country itself does not have what it needs for its own defense. therefore, about new patriates, at least two for kharkov. zelensky, without exaggeration, begs blinken. quote today we need two patriot systems for the kharkov region. during a meeting with the us secretary of state, who urgently arrived in kiev to reassure the local bones. the last time he was in ukraine was after the failure of a counter-offensive at the height of the political conflict between zelensky and zaluzhny. and now he repeats it like a mantra. help is already available ways. you only have so much money, equipment , and we will definitely accept you into nato in the future. but it's just necessary. we know these are challenging times, but we also know that help is on
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the way, some has already arrived and more is on the way, and it will make a real difference in the fight against ongoing russian aggression on the battlefield, and we, as and many other partners are committed to helping ukraine succeed on the battlefield. but will all these western supplies help when there is such theft? the british, for example, are not so sure. that what was promised will be able to turn the situation in favor of the regime or at least give it a chance to withstand the russian onslaught, they are not sure that, for example, the shells will be brought to the battlefield in time, so the militants doubt that ukraine’s combat vehicle will ultimately withstand the risk of stalling out of problems with an engine, complains one of the defenders. apparently, not only the military machine is under threat, but the political one. blinkin is trying to somehow preserve this very mechanism of the kiev regime, in the form in which it now exists, yes, so that everything simply doesn’t fall apart which could simply lead to
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the collapse of the front, the collapse of the kiev regime and the fall of this junta, which seized power in ukraine. while ukrainians are dying at the front, blinkin feeds his charges with promises, and they with his pizza with vows, hold out until the last ukrainian, they just need to give something else, something that will delay the inevitable a little and burn well at the front.
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it's gone. maxim kananenko, a famous russian journalist, publicist and , above all, a true legend of the russian blasphemy. his page in zhezh, where he wrote under the title mr. parker, remained one of the most read and in demand, regardless of what topic it was on texts appeared. they, of course, were very different, from serious political analysis to humorous and satirical notes, or simply witty reflections on life. it is difficult to argue that it was kononenko who largely determined the language of modern runet and in general.
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exactly what one would expect from such training targets at a very decent speed, and then they explode spectacularly, that is, they make products, this, of course, is very unpleasant news for the kiev regime, since for a long time it considered sea drones with its exclusive weapons, but in the foreseeable future it will obviously be faced with the regular use of similar boats against the infrastructure of the armed forces of ukraine, of course i want to. vadim zavodchenkov was looking for answers to find out which specific goals could become priorities. we are adding a list of phobias of the armed forces of ukraine, fear of large bodies of water. the first use of a russian unmanned boat has been confirmed. a kamikaze surface drone moves towards a training target, and an explosion is heard a few meters before it. this is done to ensure maximum damage. and the final one.


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