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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 14, 2024 10:30pm-11:00pm MSK

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well, here are eloquent videos of test applications: drones really work properly, approach given training targets at a very decent speed, and then explode spectacularly, that is, they do exactly what you should expect from such products, this, of course, is very unpleasant news for the kiev regime, since for a long time it considered naval drones its exclusive weapon, but in the foreseeable future it will obviously be faced with the regular use of similar boats against the infrastructure of the armed forces of ukraine, of course i want to find out what specific goals... can become a priority, vadim zavodchenkov was looking for answers. we are adding a list of phobias of the armed forces of ukraine, fear of large bodies of water. the first use of a russian unmanned boat has been confirmed. a kamikaze surface drone moves towards a training target, and an explosion is heard a few meters before it. this is done to ensure maximum damage. the final product was run directly. in the nwo zone, now
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the drone can be launched into all enemy waters, this project is not only perspective for the navy, in order to use it, for example, as a torpedo or missile carrier, as a carrier of a bapul on a neural network that works, carriers of electronic reconnaissance equipment, as well as engineering reconnaissance, various water areas, we managed to contact the designers of the people's bek , are not yet ready to reveal the appearance and exact characteristics of the boat, but they told us something: the product is a small boat with a combined inertial satellite optoelectronic navigation system, capable float 250 km from the operator, has secure communication channels, but the most impressive figure is the mass of the warhead, 250 kg with the possibility of increasing to 300.
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united by the same interests, we do everything for our own money, the guys and i gathered there, chipped in, spent and it was there are a colossal number of different difficulties, but they do not stop us. naval drones are a rare case when the enemy has something, but we practically do not. however, there are objective reasons for this: firstly, kiev had ready-made air defense forces almost from the very beginning samples, they were donated by the usa and britain, which once invested money in the development of surface drones and wanted to test risky know-how in practice, and secondly, unlike the independent ones, we have them. there is a fleet that
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such boats are trying to resist. in general , for russia, the development of maritime drones has not been a pressing problem, but this does not mean that we will not find how to use them. the targets for kaze's quotes, for example, may be the coastal military infrastructure of the kiev regime, the supports of bridges along which supply of the armed forces of ukraine, as well as what little remains of the military. independent shipbuilding, hidden workshops where british kamikaze drones are assembled and stored, so a new industry has been launched, not only national drones are being developed, there are large products from large companies, it is obvious that such equipment will not replace the classic fleet, but may well expand its capabilities, why didn’t we have this before, we didn’t set ourselves such a task to make bezekipa.
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threats to the enemy from the sky, from the land, from the water, so much the better, let them be afraid. well, by the way, a little about british generosity, it has a downside, we have perfectly learned to resist naval drones, but the enemy is completely unprepared for such attacks. over the belgorod region, air defense crews destroyed a french guided bomb fired by ukrainian militants. just as the ministry of defense began, an attempt by the ukrainian armed forces to attack the region with a drone was stopped. like in
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belgorod an hour ago missile warning signals sounded again. the air raid alert has already been announced 14 times today. none of the civilians was not injured, but on shchorsa street, where the entrance to the house collapsed as a result of the impact. the ukrainian armed forces found two more dead residents. thus, the number of victims in the barbaric attack increased to 17 people. from belgorod. report by alexander rebunov. sandbox, swing, slide, as decided, a ukrainian shell hit the playground. the fragments scattered throughout the area, glass and mosquito nets on the ground were carried away by the blast wave. another hit at the gymnasium funnel from rszzo vampire next to the shopping center. all these are consequences again. and the armed forces of ukraine in residential areas belgorod, crazy people, crazy, because people don’t have civilians, it’s like you’re fighting with people, and where you’re fighting, that you ’re fighting with civilians, the deafening howl of sirens, the message of missile danger comes one after another, the streets are empty, the townspeople
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are trying do not go far from houses, cannonade sounds in the sky, the air defense system is working, according to the ministry of defense, today 25 missiles fired from ukraine were shot down over belgorod. despite the constant threat, emercom employees continue to manually disassemble the remaining fragments of the destroyed entrance to the house on shchorsa street. now, with the help of an aerial platform, rescuers are trying to get into the apartments adjacent to the site of the collapsed entrance in order to pick up people’s belongings. the surviving residents of the high-rise building are asking them about this, to at least get documents. people still cannot forget the horror they experienced. all our windows, all our frames were blown off. from the side of the kitchen, the bedrooms of the hall, that is, we found ourselves confined in a small corridor, there was no access to the danger car, again a missile danger, we go into the same house, the victim, where there have already been flights, this is
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the third time this morning, the perimeter of the building is under police protection, many apartments remained open, people left their homes in panic, you can get inside by showing your passport, this apartment is in in the fourth entrance of the house... on shchorsa, people were evacuated from here, but this week the restoration of destroyed communications will begin, hot water, gas, electricity will be installed, people will gradually be returned here, naturally, as soon as conditions allow. the day before, specialists carried out an examination of the load-bearing walls and interfloor ceilings, it was decided to demolish the damaged sections and build a new house in their place according to the project. according to the regional governor vyacheslav glodkov, all work will take about a year. everyone -
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discussions with parliament, with members of the state duma, they probably didn’t just discuss candidates, they probably talked about the state of industries, about what and how, from the point of view of state duma deputies, needs to be done in order to implement everything the plans we have, i ask you to take this seriously and, from... what we have planned, from how we have planned to do it, take it into account in practical work and in the proposals of state duma deputies. we have many tasks ahead, it is important for long-term, sustainable, confident development of our country to act together in a single system, as they say, in military terms, together with state duma deputies , together with the regions of the russian federation. by the way, you know, the government has been updated, we have six new
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ministers, four of them came from the regions of the russian federation, these are people well known to us with good experience, some of them had experience working in the federal government earlier, now having worked in the territory, they gained even more experience, knowledge, feeling this territory where they worked and the territory in general, i really count on them... for them to act successfully, we have many
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tasks, and you and i have worked out almost everything that we need to do in the next 3 years, but not only, we also agreed that we will build, structure our work for a six-year period, and i ask you not to forget about this either, in a short time we need to make the necessary personnel decisions at the level. ministries and departments so that the team is fully formed would work confidently and effectively, according to the proposal of the chairman of the government of the russian federation, i have also now signed a decree on awarding state awards to colleagues who worked in the previous government, worked with dignity, i think this is the right decision, i want to thank you for this work, congratulate with state awards, well, tomorrow i also intend
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to meet with colleagues who left their posts in the government of the russian federation, i also want to thank them for work and agree on how and where they could apply all their knowledge and skills in new areas, so that their knowledge and experience were not lost, they could work effectively for the benefit of the russian people and...
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from those government programs, national projects that we were involved in. on the other hand, the feedback that colleagues from the region will bring here is very important. the main task for our government is implementation. russian federation is your team, and we are ready to begin solving all assigned tasks. thank you. thank you. dear colleagues, in the near future we will have to determine the financial support for our plans, mechanisms
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for supporting russian families, citizens, and businesses. you all understand what i’m talking about, we worked with you on this for almost the entire previous year, well, at least 6-8 months, and maybe a year, in general everything is clear, but nevertheless, if there is a need for something fine-tune in terms of determining the source of funding, this must be done as quickly as possible, i wish everyone the best i congratulate you on starting work in the new government, all the best. vladimir putin meets with the new government in the catherine hall of the kremlin. well, now there is a live broadcast from the un. at the same time , you will not hear a single word of truth about what is happening in ukraine about the first causes of the ukrainian crisis from your western colleagues. the sponsors
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of the kiev regime, including those lining up, like today, are not members of the security council and countries. the eu are instead practicing horror stories about the situation on they are trying to create an impression in ukraine that the civilian population is suffering unbearably as a result of russia’s actions. it is quite difficult for them to do this, since the strikes of the russian aerospace forces on objects related to the military potential of the kiev regime are of a highly precise nature, and the life of ukrainian cities proceeds generally in a normal mode, except for the raid.
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mr. chairman, if our western colleagues sought to convey to the world community at least a small fraction of the truth about what is happening in ukraine, they would not pass by in silence, but would condemn another cowardly terrorist attack committed the day before yesterday. it is well known that on may 12, the peaceful russian city of belgrade was once again subjected to massive rocket fire.
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the latvian ministry of defense also confirmed that ukraine received weapons from its partners with permission to attack russian territory. at the same time , western capitals bashfully avoid condemning the openly terrorist and gilov methods that their wards use when organizing an assassination attempt journalists and activists on...
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in april, kiev notified the council of europe about the restriction of the constitutional rights and freedoms of ukrainians. in other words, the zelensky regime
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decided in this way to formalize the long- established practice of oppressing its citizens. information about the incredible scale of human rights violations in ukraine is so difficult to silence that even a report from the american state department published at the end of april points to numerous facts.
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tricks to deceive your border guards, moreover, the danger of going to the front awaits only the poor and powerless, while the rich have
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it possible. i got there, the question that once came to romolna is getting louder and louder: why should ukrainians fight for whom? for the insolent kiev leader and his clique, steeped in corruption, who trampled on his own constitution and is losing even formal legitimacy on may 21. for western geopolitical interests in
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weakening russia. ordinary ukrainians are increasingly beginning to understand that their interests in this war, to which the united the states and their satellites have been preparing the country since at least 2014, they simply haven’t, especially when they don’t receive news about how life is getting better in the territory liberated from the kiev regime, where former ukrainian citizens are finally gaining their trampled rights, including the right to speak their native language, russian. in conclusion, i would like to appeal to our colleagues from developing countries: think about all these trends, the truth of which you can easily see the next time you are called upon to support certain formulas plans promoted by the ukrainian leader and his western sponsors. they are so divorced from reality that any gatherings at which they are proposed to be discussed will, at best
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, be a waste of time. at worst, you will become accomplices in efforts to prolong the fire of the kiev regime, and the price for this will be tens, if not hundreds of thousands of lives of ordinary ukrainians, who, against their will and against the interests of their country, are thrown into a senseless meat grinder, can it be stopped by sending zelensky and his gang yes all the maidan power to where they deserve dustbin of history. this is exactly what we are doing now. thank you. this was a broadcast of the speech of russian permanent representative vasily nebendi at a meeting of the un security council. children are growing up and we need new solutions, such as a nursery. sber card,
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