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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 15, 2024 1:30am-2:01am MSK

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it's easy to get caught up in the facts when you only see part of the big picture. changing entire locations in pursuit of views is easy to do.
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equity and money market funds share the lead in inflows in april. first of all , investor preferences were influenced by the favorable situation on the stock market. the moscow exchange index updated a two-year high the day before, and at the end of april it stopped near the mark of 3,470 points, which is plus 12%. year to date, the top 10 equity funds have returned more than 20% since january. the situation is due to the fact that in our economy is doing more than well, that is, last year our growth was 3.6%. macroeconomic growth continues this year, this, in principle, has a positive effect on the stock market, since companies, as a rule, show better results against the backdrop of a growing economy , you... the point is growing, and profits are increasing,
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and this allows, this builds the basis for more tall boats. sber shares on the moscow exchange remain the most profitable. the bank's net profit for april exceeded 131 billion rubles. this is bigger 8.5% year on year. since january, sber has earned more than 495 billion rubles. improving the figure by 5% compared to the same period last year. analysts believe that by the end of 2024 we can expect a record for... profit, while the forecast for shares reaches 360 rubles. net inflows into equity funds showed the best result since december 2021, rub 11.4 billion. at the same time , the most conservative money market funds maintain a minimal gap of 1/4 billion. those returns that money market instruments show, they plus everything else quite convenient, yes, you can place money there at any time.
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by pressing one button in the trading terminal, it is also quite quick to exit money market instruments, except for the brokerage commission, which is very small, yes, you don’t pay anything there, even stock market professionals use these funds. interest in equity funds is fueled by the emergence of new issuers. according to reuters , public offerings of developer apri and microelectronics manufacturer element group are expected this year. video conferencing service. ava technologies and others. in addition, a number of companies change jurisdiction, that is, they undergo a redomiciliation process. among them, for example, are head hunter, tsang and md medical group. another positive factor is the expectation of dividend payments. there are a lot of dividends coming into the market in the near term. the volume is estimated at approximately 3 trillion rubles. this is the volume that investors’ accounts may receive in the spring and summer of this year and...
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part of it will be reinvested, which will give the market an additional incentive for growth, extra boost. according to analysts' forecasts, about 176 billion rubles of these... 3 trillion can be reinvested. vladimir putin, in his address to the federal assembly, announced the need to increase the capitalization of the stock market. by 2030, it should double and amount to 66% of gdp. according to the president, it is important that russians have the opportunity to reliably invest their savings in the development of the country and receive additional income. capitalization of the stock market only at the end of last year exceeded 58 trillion rubles. and in february of this. almost reached 62. according to commercial analysts, equity funds will continue to strengthen their positions, despite the high key rate. investor interest in a more conservative instrument, bond funds, may be restored if the central bank's monetary policy softens.
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reservoirs, the first use of a russian unmanned boat has been confirmed, the kamikaze surface drone is moving towards a training target, an explosion is heard a few meters before it, this was done so that the damage was maximum, and the final product was tested directly in the nwo zone, now the drone can be launched into all enemy waters. this project is not only a prospect. for the navy, in order to use it, for example, as a torpedo or missile carrier, as a carrier of a baplane, a neural network that works, carriers of electronic reconnaissance equipment, as well as engineering reconnaissance of various water areas. we managed to contact
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the designers of the people's bek; they are not yet ready to reveal the appearance and exact characteristics of the boat, but they told us something: the product is a small boat. with a combined inertial satellite optoelectronic navigation system, is capable of floating 250 km away from the operator, has secure communication channels, but the most impressive figure is the mass of the warhead (250 kg) with the possibility of increasing to 350 (floating plant). the drone was created by tula gunsmiths, and the main one.
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objective reasons: firstly, kiev had ready-made samples almost from the very beginning of the north military district; they were donated by the usa and britain, which once invested money in the development. mode, supports of bridges along which supplying the armed forces of ukraine, as well as what little
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remains of the military shipbuilding square, hidden workshops where british komikaze drones are assembled and stored, so a new industry has been launched, drones are being developed not only for people, there are large products from large companies, it is obvious that such equipment will not replace the classic fleet. but it may well expand its capabilities, why didn’t we have this before, we didn’t set ourselves such a task to make unmanned boats and submarines , because what is unmanned a boat, this is the same torpedo, only in a different form, controlled, unmanned boats were not required to solve combat missions, now they are thinking about this, in general the problem of unmanned ships. submarine vodkas, airplanes, this is all our future, the near future, and it will be under the control
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of artificial intelligence, the more threats to the enemy from the sky, from the ground from the water, the better, let them be afraid, well, by the way, a little about british generosity, it has the downside is that we have learned very well how to resist naval drones, this is the enemy of such i’m not at all ready for attacks, are you from 11th b, no hello, i’m from... we’re also from eleventh b, in eleventh b, in eleventh b, i only need one boy, here he is, i had to come all this way to look here this is a good film, why are you so lucky, i really liked it, beautiful actors, young, beautiful shooting, exciting, all this, all these emotions were there, it was very cool, this was the first film that i was right in delighted, good humor, i need to get to school, 7:33 i’m there nephew at night, but they haven’t done that before,
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wait, i hey, it was funny, yes, the rating is like this, very cool, if you have any questions, ask, how could i even end up here, what a meeting, sometimes i want to cry, sometimes i want to laugh, super, oh, this is the situation, yes, this is the situation, we’ll meet in the future, 100 years in the future, what this day in history is remembered for, we’ll tell you... right now, hello. on may 15, 1252, the pope of kentius announced the bull of ad exterpanda or for extermination. this meant the extermination of heretics, that is, those who disagree with the dogmas of the roman catholic church. they were declared robbers, murderers of souls and thieves of divine secrets. now these unfortunates were allowed to be tortured using the most monstrous methods. a similar fate often awaited even. witnesses set the maximum period for execution of sentences at 5 days. according to various estimates,
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from 50 to 200,000 people became victims of the inquisition, among them the knights templar, joan of arc, jordan bruno, danta aliguiri, jan hus and other outstanding personalities. the inquisitors confiscated the property of the murdered for the benefit of church, state and informers. the protestants did not officially have an organization called the inquisition, but they joined in the burning of heretics, especially women accused... with great zeal. in germany, france, especially the netherlands, protestants did this with particular cruelty, using damp wood so that they would burn more slowly and suffer longer. this terrible, bloody page in the history of christianity was closed only at the beginning of the 19th century, when the next pontiff, pi 7, banned such methods of inquiry. on may 15 , 1682, a streltsy riot broke out in moscow. the main reason was the struggle between the boyar clans, the ryshkins and the miloslavskys. after the death of
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the childless tsar fyodor alekseevich , naryshkin was taken up and the boyar duma elected his younger half-brother, nine-year-old peter, as ruler. but on his mother’s side, fyodor alekseevich was miloslavsky, as was his other brother ivan, as well as his sister sophia. and miloslavsky staged a palace coup. to do this, they attracted the archers to their side and promised to pay them a salary that they had not received for a long time. when milan. and peter, when he grew up, entered into a relationship with sophia ivan was a sickly young man and did not live long; he won the struggle for power, exiled his sister to a monastery and went down in history as peter the great. may 15, 1955 in vienna, in the belvidere palace,
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minister of foreign affairs of the ussr, usa. britain and france signed a state treaty to restore an independent and democratic austria. this country was the first victim of hitler's aggression, but having become part of the reich, it itself took part in the war on the side of the nazis and had to bear responsibility for this. in '45 she was divided into four occupation zones: soviet, american, british and french. our former allies put forward various projects to include austria in the western sphere of influence and even to do so. part of nato, did not agree with the ussr's demands for monetary reparations to compensate for the damage caused by the war. things moved forward thanks to soviet diplomacy, which set a course to take austria beyond the bloc framework and restore its sovereignty. moscow also refused reparations, agreeing to compensation with supplies of goods. austrian parliament
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adopted a law on permanent neutrality, and vienna tried to pursue a flexible course in relations between east and west. however , today anti-russian sanctions are seriously complicating our relations. on may 15, 2018 , the road part of the crimean bridge was officially opened. this unique structure has no analogues in russia and europe. length 19 km. the bridge crossing goes from the taman peninsula through the island of tuzlo. crosses the kerch strait, mysakburun dies and reaches the crimean coast. about 7. piles and 600 supports support weighing hundreds of thousands of tons. construction required the most modern technical solutions, including taking into account seismic activity. shocktransmirs are installed along the entire length of the bridge to redistribute dynamic loads. the design of the shipping span required the most complex calculations. it consists of forty sections, height 35, and
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large vessels pass under it. the vehicle part has a flexible suspension made of high-strength steel wiring. and the railway part has a tie in the form of a through truss with a rigid suspension. the name of this engineering masterpiece determined by popular vote, the options of the kerch bridge and the reunification bridge were considered, but they settled on the simple and clear: the crimean bridge. this is what this day in history was like. we watch to understand the world. educational programs and documentaries. let's see. in the application or on the website.
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on july 29, 1937, japanese troops captured beijing. puyi appeared in the northeast not by chance, all this was planned in advance by the japanese, he was a real japanese puppet. mass killings of civilians
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then occurred throughout nanjing. exactly russia exactly. china paid the greatest price for this common victory of humanity, and this gives us a special right not to give, to rewrite history. this newsreel was captured by soviet soldiers in august 1945. a note on citizenship on a child’s birth certificate is now required to cross the border. with which countries, in what other situations it will be needed, where and how you can get it, we will tell you in 5 minutes in the program instructions. so, new rules came into effect in march. departure children under 14 years of age abroad, they relate to the birth certificate, it must contain a mark of citizenship with a red official seal, this will be needed to travel to a number
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of states that accept russians on national documents, these are abkhazia, belarus, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan and south ossetia. this concerns the list of countries with which the russian federation has signed interstate agreements. interstate treaties are belarus, abkhazia, south ossetia, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan and armenia, but armenia with a reservation. unfortunately, in the interstate agreement between the russian federation and armenia, the birth certificate does not appear as a document by which a child can cross the border. accordingly, a child needs a foreign passport to visit the republic of armenia. if the child has his own passport, there are problems with confirming citizenship. will not arise if it is not there, and there is no mark on the birth certificate either; along with the certificate , you can present the internal passport of the parent, if the child is included there, or a foreign passport,
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again, if it contains information about the child itself. everything is clear with trips, let's go back to the very mark on the child's citizenship in the birth certificate, parents are obliged to put it, putting the corresponding mark on the village birth forms
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, including by putting the corresponding mark, one of the child's parents can apply directly to the territorial body ministry of internal affairs of russia, for this you will need to present the birth certificate form and parents’ passports. i must say that in itself a birth certificate issued in russia does not confirm citizenship, because the document looks the same for a child whose parents are russian for a child whose, for example, one of the parents is foreign. when a child’s birth certificate is issued on the territory of the russian federation, there is a need to clarify what citizenship he has, whether he has the citizenship
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of a foreigner’s parent or the citizenship of the russian federation, in which case the parents will have to submit a document, a notification of citizenship in territorial body of the ministry of internal affairs, either about the absence of russian citizenship, or about what they accept. ministry of internal affairs on issues of migration at the place of residence. in some regions , such an opportunity is available at the mfc. the queue is either live or online. if citizens of the russian federation are abroad, they can contact our diplomatic services. and representative offices in foreign institutions, respectively, there they will be helped in registration. please note that the service is free, there are no commission fees. let's repeat the most important thing:
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a mark on citizenship must be placed on the birth certificate. it will be needed for the child to travel to countries that accept russians with national documents. if he does not have his own passport. in order for the stamp to appear, you need to submit an application, this can be done at the territorial... ministry of internal affairs for migration issues or the mfc. a citizenship stamp will be useful not only when traveling abroad, but also for receiving government services and social support. do you have any questions, would you like to learn more about how to get certain necessary documents or take advantage of benefits, subscribe to our telegram channel, ask questions, we will learn from specialists and tell you everything in one of the next releases of the instruction program. your brother is there in the donbass in the aurora battalion, so
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he is alive. nobody knows anything, alexander mikhailov, in short, you have to go there, this is war, war, vitaly kishchenko, you understand that i have neither dry rations nor weapons for you, get ready to blow your mouth, we must register the missing, no, that’s not let's go, i'm for it he came, i have to find him, hope markin, he looks a lot like him, sergei gorobchenko, tell him that he doesn’t have a brother, they killed him.
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where are you from 11 b? i'm from 11 b. now it’s 2.124 years old, this is not science fiction, this is love, lisya and i don’t seem to understand, you don’t mind, 100 years ahead. the russian ministry of emergency situations warns: protect your home, install a fire detector. safety starts with you, russian emergency situations ministry.
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