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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 15, 2024 2:00am-2:31am MSK

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today, at the very end of the day, just a few minutes ago, vladimir putin signed a decree on the appointment of members of the government of the russian federation to the director of services, after which the president held a meeting with the new government and gave the first instruction. thanks a lot. composition of the government, i congratulate you on this, you have gone through the procedure for approving the state duma, in accordance with me, decrees on the formation of a new one have been signed , dear colleagues, good evening, i have just read the constitution of the russian federation, i want pay attention to the fact that during these discussions with parliament, with members of the state duma, they probably didn’t just
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discuss candidates, they probably talked about the state of industries, about what and how, from the point of view of state duma deputies, needs to be done in order to implement everything the plans we have, i ask you to take this seriously, and from what we have outlined and from the way we have planned to do it, to take into account in practical work the proposals of the state duma deputies, we have many tasks ahead, it is important for the long term.. . stable confident development of our country, to act together in a single system, as they say, in military terms, together with state duma deputies , together with the regions of the russian federation. by the way, you know, the government has been updated, we have six new ministers, four of them came from the regions of the russian federation, these are people well known to us with... with good experience, some of
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them with experience in the federal government earlier, now having worked on the territory, they acquired even more experience, knowledge, and a sense of this territory where they worked and territories in general, i really hope that they will use all their best skills, all their achievements in the regions of the russian federation, in order to solve the problems facing them at the level. and the federal government with maximum effect, at the same time i count on the government leadership and all colleagues on parallel tracks of work to provide them with the necessary assistance so that they act successfully. we have many tasks, and you and i have worked out almost everything that we need to do in... the next 3 years, but not
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only, we also agreed that we will build, organize our work for six years, and i ask you not to forget about this, in a short time we need to make the necessary personnel decisions at the level of the ministry and department, so that the team is fully formed confidently and would work effectively on the proposal of the prime minister .
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thank for the work and agree on how and where they could apply all their knowledge and skills in new areas, so that their knowledge and experience are not lost. the final was already parliamentarians, for the first time in accordance with the constitution, as you said, all the relevant procedures went through, and here i want to say that this procedure increases the level of interaction between the executive legislative authorities, such openness is created when we see,
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including from parliamentarians, that feedback from the people that you always talk about, the composition of the government, you know, has generally been preserved, strengthened at the expense of the governor... corps, and this is also very important, this will allow us to provide with one on the one hand, the continuity of those state programs and national projects that we were involved in, on the other hand, the feedback that colleagues from the region will bring here is very important. the main task for our government is to implement , first of all, the decree on national goals, the new decree and, of course, all the tasks that you set in your message to the federal assembly. vladinovich, the government of the russian federation is your team. and we are ready to begin solving all the assigned tasks. thank you. thank you. dear colleagues, in in the near future, we will have to determine the financial support for our plans, mechanisms for supporting russian families, citizens, and businesses. well, in general, you all
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understand what i’m talking about, we have been working on this for almost the entire previous year, well, at least 6-8 months, and maybe a year. statements from representatives of the future government, they concerned both the goals of the tasks that need to be solved within the country and the external political course. particular attention was paid to the new minister of defense andrei belousov, he outlined the main a principle that should guide all politicians and officials. i am fully aware
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of my responsibility to the country, to the russian people, to the president of the russian federation in accordance with the planned appointment. i undertake to use all my strength, health, if my life is needed to solve the assigned tasks, and you know, i have always been guided by the principle , i want to call it, i try to be guided and will be guided, the reinforced concrete principle, you can make mistakes, you can’t take it, this is what i want to end with, thank you, yes, this is very fair, you can make mistakes, you can’t remove them, there are many interesting statements about...
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the guys served three shots during the entire service, and that was good, no, under shaigu this is a new army, this is a restored school, this is respect for a person in uniform,
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this is a completely different level of social and everyday solutions, yes, of course, you always want to do better, this is obvious, but it cannot be compared with what it was 10 years ago, and what is very important is that this continuity. she feels respect for people who worked out, now the new appointment of sergei kazhugetovich is of course a promotion, this is a very responsible job and...
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everything that is effective, advanced in the country, everything should work to achieve victory and ensure the solution of the tasks of the armed forces. the second task set by the president is to make the military economy and the work of the ministry of defense as open to innovation as possible. this applies not only.
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of course, personnel training is the most important thing, and the most important thing is what i always talk about and have been talking about, this is, of course, combat readiness, combat readiness, this is exactly what we said in this regard, we raised the issue of the need for us to have heavy weapons, tanks, artillery, mortars, this is an important component, this is an armored unit in order to respond to the enemy , both internally and externally, we have already seen internal maths, happened, practically happened.
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went to the president for signature and at the same time the appointment of all deputy prime ministers and ministers took place in the state duma, that is, by the evening of today ministerial governing bodies in the country were formed, in parallel with this , the reassignment of the presidential administration of the russian federation took place, that is, in general, tight deadlines in a very working mode, but at the same time... absolutely informal, but meaningful, because, of course, it was necessary to listen, well
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all discussions, all statements, pay attention to what questions were asked, what demands were built, in a short time, in a working manner and meaningfully, the approval of all institutions of public administration took place: presidential term, that is, for the next 6 years, and as i understand it, the principle of maintaining stability and continuity, and on top of it adding the necessary...
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will be implemented by the president himself, why is this important, you said about this whole hysteria, but it’s absolutely noticeable, it’s just visible, yes, and you can see how it switched, well, since i ’m monitoring all this for work, you can see how the register switched, but at first there was either ridicule, so to speak, or some people expressed outright fear, well, from these changes, but then there was great hope. on the ukrainian side, i think now there and in the west they will adapt to the team, that now discord will come, well, now we have hope, now discord will come among the russians, no discord will come, no discord will come, by the way, then that this enemy campaign is noticeable also confirms what
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the presidential press secretary, peskov, said today, for example, he said that... the kremlin does not expect any disruptions in the work of the ministry, well, i’m retelling it in my own words, here is the exact quote i don't remember, that's it and this means that a reaction was required from the presidential press secretary to these attempts, yes, which are coming from there, so i am convinced that the absolutely planned, calm work will continue, all the innovative components will undoubtedly be there...
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the situation is bad, a very, very bad situation, it is depressing, on the ukrainian side and on the western side, it is depressing, well, first of all, it must be said that for the last six months the armed forces of the russian federation have categorically held the initiative, well, look at how much
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liberated in recent months and what losses have been inflicted on the enemy? last year, they will bet on keeping the situation on the defensive until the elections, this is a very risky bet. russia, and
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the conflict, in a global confrontation with intervening and turning it into a big one , i think this is a situation that forces them to answer this question, yes or no, but it is approaching for the americans, first of all, they will need to decide this, here ukraine will blackmail. they will literally say: we cannot hold back, we are not able to hold, come in, because for the zelensky gang this is the path to personal salvation, this is how they see it as the path to personal salvation, so i believe that the situation is as follows: in the west, the united states must make a decision in the near future , here... about what they will do about it? here, by the way, is a signal from the head of our foreign intelligence, yes, today sergei naryshkin said that a number of uh, western
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leaders, euro-atlanticists, as he put it, are considering the outbreak of a big war for the sake of preserving their own hegemony, i would agree i took great attention and seriously to this statement by the head of the foreign intelligence service, because... to discuss in detail, this needs to be discussed in detail, but the reshuffles and changes that the president made to the
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public administration system, from my point of view, are fully consistent with this this increased threat of global confrontation, and accordingly, well, for a long time, a different type, a different type of resources, political tasks. how the visit to china is being prepared, but this is a very serious matter, a very serious delegation we are coming in all directions, everyone who had
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their partnership relations with the relevant ministries, large companies in china is coming, and of course there is a very serious line of interaction between the personal chairman and the president of russia. and how - the head of the security council, because from the point of view of this threat of a big clash with the west and a long-term clash with
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the west, the task in the security council is to coordinate the efforts of everyone, not just the law enforcement agencies, but in fact our heads go to the security council, well, how is it it was, well, it’s customary to say that the head of all branches of government, practically, but coordination. this entire control system in the context of the threat that is now emerging, and blinken managed to say that we are bringing ukraine closer, but we will accept it into nato, yes, on the one hand this can be considered as a sedative injection for the ukrainians, but on the other hand i don’t care about the state of ukrainians’ nerves, but i view this as a direct threat that you expressed towards us, well, ukraine signed the verdict. americans don’t have anything else,
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so we need to talk separately about what’s there is happening in the economy, there probably won’t be time now, but a whole set of factors fits into the puzzle for me that the risk of americans making, first of all , decisions about a global conflict in several places, perhaps at once, has never been so high, i would like to give the floor to our...
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welcome to asia, here the heart of the continent beats.
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and from switzerland i will also tell you information, very interesting things in switzerland with...


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