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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 15, 2024 2:30am-3:01am MSK

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[000:00:00;00] welcome to asia, where the heart
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of the continent beats. and from switzerland, i will also tell you very interesting information. in switzerland , today's newspapers, for example, and today's information that was disseminated in switzerland on the situation, the military situation with ukraine, it sounds something like this: if zelensky comes to the peace conference, it will only be to ask for political asylum in switzerland, because he will not be able to achieve any other goals here, that is, everyone began to play. this note was absolutely crushed, it miss down, here is a very interesting moment, i may have gone a little away from the question you asked me, vladimirovich, but a very interesting moment with the pope, whom they are trying in every possible way to force to create a situation for him so that he cannot help but go to this conference in switzerland, there is such an interesting moment here, suddenly suddenly in
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the vatican it begins... as is happening today, so today’s situation is structured in this way, i am absolutely sure that this is - in german this they say, this is a fremd operation, that is, this is someone else’s operation to force the pope to switzerland, he is now placed in such conditions, and for health reasons he is not very capable of resisting many many , some kind of pressure from the outside, and he is placed in such conditions that he will either have to go to switzerland, and of course i will set him... on conditions, that is, if you don’t go to switzerland, the strike will continue until people simply stop working, there will be noise there and all these other things , but you can’t have them just anathematize? well, i think that i think that you would do it, increase it, you’ll burn all the water, yes, but i think that everything goes towards forcing dad to go on sick leave or refuse to resolve this issue,
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then it comes to second place. .. secretary parolin or foreign minister gallagher, who should go to switzerland, this is the kind of operation that is now being carried out to try to raise the level of this very swiss can be sent anywhere, including to switzerland, it won’t be worse, who is the dad signs a sick leave, by the way, a really good question, one franovich, who signs a sick leave for dad, belarusians are always asking questions that are impossible to answer, it’s terrible, just no, he has. there is a local doctor, i know, who, in fact, you are laughing, but in fact, dad really receives sick leave, he is paid sick leave, as far as i remember, 63% of his salary, but why does he need a salary at all, but how, well, with his holiness must also live for something, but what do you think? i just imagined how his holiness goes to the store to buy some boots for himself, there is a suit in his pocket, or he comes to a restaurant and
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says, and now everyone is walking or what? germany, the issues of restructuring he is very... in germany there is also such a concept, it’s called compensation, well, i don’t know if, but he’s a monk, that is, he cannot have property as such, that is, well well, as it seemed to me, i don’t want to climb again. about the property of the vatican, it’s better to remain silent, no, the property of the vatican and the church is one thing, but personally, the pope of rome - it’s another thing that you ’re picking on all the old people like this, i’ll specifically expand on this topic in one of the following speeches, how is this organized, which means that
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now there is such an attempt to create a new structure of the bundeswehr, this includes everything, the creation of new clans some kind of troops related to unmanned aerial vehicles and... and the creation of some completely new management structures, and of course, a conscript army, which is what everyone is talking about now. in this regard , i will simply name a few numbers to make it clear that germany is going to do, how is it going to solve this, they are going to make all these structural changes by spending on this this special fund in the amount of 100,000 euros, expenses, 100 billion, i'm sorry, 100 billion, 100 billion, 100 billion euros, expenses or ... the budget of the ministry of defense per year is 63 billion and one more figure for comparison, they simply create 100 billion, which they take from taxpayers without giving it to social expenses, and germany has paid 32 billion since the beginning of hostilities
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in ukraine, in the form various military aid ukraine (32 billion), that is, in terms of 1 year, germany spends a quarter of its military budget to support the defense of a foreign state. taking this money from their law-abiding taxpayers, and one of the leading experts of the bundeswehr is mr. masala, who wrote, well, we can, he wrote a book called conditionally defensible, and he is in this book, it really came out last year, but he wrote in this that if the bundesphere has to defend itself, then all the reserves of the bundesphere of capabilities will be enough for exactly 2 weeks, therefore, this whole structural rearrangement, returning to this issue of a big war, it, of course, can go on, but for this big war, at least germany is definitely not ready, these are just big plans that are devoured for now by spending on ukraine, so far by nothing not justified for germany, and i think that taxpayers will definitely
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return to this issue, thank you, alexandrich, now advertising, then we will continue, it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country of gas stations. take russian digital solutions to a new level height, there are prospects, even more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more than exactly what the numbers help, you are incomparably original in your questions, and what about production, raw materials and exports in general, what is our product like? the americans today, of course , are not burning like children, after all, people really have a hole in their heads, it’s surprising that the hegemon has completely screwed up, the united states is imposing sanctions against
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the georgian authorities, if democracy is undermined in the country, and the more it is undermined, the more that georgians are passing a law that almost similar to desha's law, much softer, even softer. but this undermines everything that americans think about georgia, while the georgians are protesting very peacefully, very peacefully, supporters of democracy are very peacefully using crowbars, breaking into gas masks, very peacefully, they are beating, they are beating peacefully, they are fighting peacefully from democracy, they are democratically, they fight peacefully,
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very peacefully, very democratically. something about the subject of your study is becoming dull before your eyes, don’t look at me like that, i wasn’t the one who suggested this president to you. it even turns out that it’s not the president, not the president, he works for kamala haris, your girlfriend, by the way he works there, my name is joe biden, i work for kamala haris, fresh, i asked her to be my vice president because i knew i needed someone smarter than me , at the same time he clearly reads, yes, that’s not enough, unfortunately, one day he apparently saw the guy on the prompter speed up, uh-huh. grandfather almost lost his tongue, he’s all over
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the place with commas, oh well, look at this, cities like this are very different from vidlag, this is the kind where money doesn’t determine such values, everyone is worthy of respect, deserves a chance, no one will be left behind the america we are building, so i have never been more optimistic about being, i speak quickly
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because of the rain, we must remember who we are usa. i told you, the guarantor of stability will also be here and there now, by the way, who are these people, these are the people who don’t want to ride in chinese cars, these are the people who want to get ballpoint pens for free, they are there they give it back when they connect, there is only one, no, there are several, there are several pieces, there are several pieces lying around, so to speak, then later it will be a good souvenir, yes, do you have it? it’s just that when you look at this, this is the readiness of the commander in chief, by the way , so yes, this is the commander in chief, well, let ’s just say they are now they talk about leadership all the time, let’s call them the first nuclear power in the world, in terms of warheads, they really are to us they are inferior in terms of carriers, they are also inferior , well, at least the second nuclear power of the modern world is he the commander-in-chief? here when he gives orders to his
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generals, well, millie is no longer there, but we know what millie did, but i don’t know how millie was an infantryman, a mile worse from this place, but here’s charles brown, he’s a pilot, maybe he ’ll act a little differently, but although i think that in these conditions he will do exactly this, it’s interesting, of course, how he has changed, before coming here i looked at the blogs a little, here are the first p... now he’s done everything, now he’ll go he’ll still
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come to an agreement with sizenpin, and we have elections just around the corner, yeah, we have a series of elections, ah-ah-ah, and the russians are already going to interfere in everyone and everyone is everywhere, each has its own candidate in every election, this is already a big one, russian, russian, russian candidate is everywhere, well, trump is there and everything else, these people are already ready, that is in russia everything has already passed. she carried out everything, it turned out that nothing worked, but why hold elections in
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america, you can use the ukrainian blinkin formula, you can, you can, if the people deem it necessary to vote, then you can make a choice, which tradition, which can it’s a distant tradition in a country that is the age of the big theater, so what about the young people being weak, that every person is an american. direct ones, they can crash, now, for example, for these elections, already, in general, one of the candidates, so to speak, is leading to the fact that he can, as it were, yes, sakha said so, and physically, maybe he can’t help but live, yes, yes, like, he ’s a lot of years old, she, she’s kind, a cucumber, yes, and this old fart, well, i don’t know, a cucumber, not a cucumber, but
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he has it in pimples, yes, biden, biden has it
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solid rears, he now called them, kamalas. but also, i think, they also noticed that andrei rymich, he is such a post- statist, that is, he is not a liberal in economics, well, this is also scary for them, because well, it was that bloc of, let ’s say, economists, where it seemed to them that they had staked out their image for a long time, we them and andrei removich is definitely not a supporter of gaidar’s models, andrei removich is a statist, this is certainly simple in its time, well, this is the history of our faculty, so i
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can probably say a few words when. .. i am very glad that, in general, this tradition is now, of course, in such a situation, i would honestly say that it is a wise decision of the president that sergei viktorovich remains in... the post of minister of foreign affairs, this is very important at the present time, when he now talks about the fact that most countries,
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in fact, we have a lot of allies, their number is growing, and the fact that we are truly striving for a multipolar world, in this even more important year, the americans also now appreciate this, because what are we going to do now? consolidate brix, so we'll go further there, what kind of discussions, they are very afraid that brix will now go over. i just have a small comment, after all , when he now started talking about the european model of the economy, everything else is european, listen,
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i honestly say, there is a feeling that in 3 years he will end his term as president of france, yes , and now he’s not yet 50, that’s why, in principle, no, he’s been since 1977, and not yet, so when will he finish. from the presidential post, he will, in fact, speaking, well, a politician at the dawn of his powers, yes, he aspires, now all these statements of his, they go towards the fact that guys, you see, i, i can lead nato, and the european commission, the european council, everything , whatever, that’s why there’s such a personal thing here, that’s why with these leaders who are building, as it were,
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order, defending the old order, and he... i mean, that’s how it is, because there are now two main teams competing in washington, and regarding what to do next, in fact, in the american internal political life, and accordingly, from the external side too, it will depend, these are those who want to keep biden, and this means for everyone that after some time kamela harris will become president, they are trying to convince everyone, well, this is normal, this will work, all it takes is trump to be imprisoned now, well, there, say, in the state of new york,
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so that the federal authorities will come to this. on july 29, 1937, japanese troops captured beijing, puyi appeared in the northeast, it was no coincidence, all this was planned in advance by the japanese, he was a real japanese puppet, massacres of civilians
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then occurred throughout nanjing. it was russia and china that paid the greatest price for this common victory of humanity, and this gives us a special right not to give, to rewrite history. this newsreel was captured by soviet soldiers in august 1945. where are you from? from 11 b, no hello, but i'm from eleventh b. we are also from the eleventh b, in the eleventh b, in the eleventh b, i only need one boy, here he is, i had to go this way to see this one good film, why are you so lucky, i really liked it, beautiful actors, young, beautiful shooting, it’s impressive, all this, these were all the emotions, it was very cool, this was the first film, that’s what
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i was really excited about i'm delighted, the humor is good, i need to get to school. i have a nephew there at night and it’s not like that yet, wait i hey it was funny yes the rating is very cool if you have any questions ask how i could even end up here what kind of meeting sometimes you want to cry sometimes you want to laugh super this is the situation yes here this situation we will meet in the future 100 years ago we look ahead to learn about educational programs and documentaries, watch it for free, without registration,
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in the application or on the website. i propose to change the call sign of the passenger to the call sign of rebin, no, i’m my brother’s pose,
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you remain a passenger, that’s right, funny. passenger! the whole world is now facing a very serious american issue, the point is not that this is a civil war even in a nuclear power, in fact, there is no other financial
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architecture except the american one in the world not yet. there are a certain kind of building blocks that, well, the indian ministry of defense, for example, said that they have something like that, we talked about the fact that we are moving towards this, indeed brix will discuss, apparently, financial issues, and this race. over time, because no other


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