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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 15, 2024 3:30am-4:00am MSK

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why should they understand it, they reason differently, if the scheme works, what difference does it make to them, they did not understand the culture of the indians they were destroying, the scheme does not work, they withdrew their troops from afghanistan in a pitiable manner, they really said goodbye to their large-scale plans in in iraq, in fact, their scheme does not work, so they are no longer the world hegemon, which is the scheme we have in mind. americans always export
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only one thing - chaos and inflation from the position of inflation - this is a consequence of chaos, but if you look, this is exactly what works here ideally, they come, they destroy statehood, they withdraw troops, but at the same time they accelerate their economy, corruption mechanisms always work , just look at the wild chain and in general the clans that have risen and are rising due to this, by the way.
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powers, they destroyed them, they brought war there, they did the same with europe, stupid europeans said, no, well, you can’t do that with us, no, what are you going to do to us, what are you going to do to us like that, he says yes, how are you different, well now, in my opinion i think we give americans more weight than they have, because based on this theory, they succeed in everything, they achieve everything, i’m sure they make mistakes.
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a simple formula: boy, your task is to light the matches, that’s it, well then the situation is even more dangerous than i describe it, then the danger of a global conflict in this region, as well as... but it’s from this point of view that they look at our new government , they understand that our new government will not work out absolutely, it will not be possible to reach an agreement there, awareness of the fact that the situation in the world is very dangerous, the game is on, and they look at
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our government in shock, because their people are not there, they suddenly got a government that is nationally oriented, that does not feed on western ideas, that’s not enough... which still uses experience in everything that has worked, including the soviet economy, correctly, well , yes, and does not scream horror, horror, scoop, that is , they just really have a tragedy, they see a government of technocrats who are also patriotic and also religious, as he said gorchakov, he is concentrating in russia, oh, yes, your heated argument of the last minutes forced me to break my outline and urge me to stand on the solid ground of marxist methodology, that’s good. you are discussing these subjective, so to speak, parts of the superstructure, in fact, the basis is the main one, here is the basis, but the first world war did not start because wilhelm ii took, calculated, said: “oh, we have at this moment
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there are more guns, and the fleet, wow, let’s strike now, well, we could resolve this situation, if it were not beneficial to other participants, and in exactly the same way, well, hitler, he came to power in thirty-three , he thought, so i will fight." i will defeat them all with the soviet union and the usa, and great britain, he did everything in order for this, well, of course he wanted war, but he did it in such a way as to first break up great britain and come to an agreement with it, perhaps, and then break up the soviet union, then somehow change it and so on, what the united states is doing, they are following in the same way, of course, they are interested in defeat separately, first the russian federation, then china, their policy objectively leads to the fact that they lead to the formation...
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expanded, it is no longer only ukraine, it is one eastern european, and it is already the baltic sea, this, unfortunately , the region of the belarusian-polish-lithuanian border, that is, where russia and belarus collide with the nato bloc, this time, the second time.
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rushing from one theory to another, we didn’t calculate, we didn’t know, there were no insights, there were no leaks, it turned out to be a surprise, we we see, the next important point is, of course , this is what we talked about today, demonstrating the face of the russian bureaucracy, we are used to using the whole word bureaucracy as something negative, but we see a high class, a high class of the highest russian bureaucracy in the best sense of the word, then there are administrators who are technocrats and... you can call them, who are responsible for specific areas and they are government officials, let's just call them
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statesmen, let's say in russian, let's move away from this french, you know, political french figures such as macron, unfortunately, have discredited the french political language, from which we have the word bureaucracy, we will gradually abandon it, as probably some other words, and this is really very cool, this is the information impact, it is visible , how it simply knocks westerners to the wall, they do not have time to analyze what is happening, another very important point in connection with the appointment of andrei removich belousov is the political role of the russian armed forces, and how internal political, externally political, foreign policy, let's speculate on what the west is afraid of, they criticize the russian army, they are still trying to do this, but the russian armed forces are now the most combat-ready, most experienced armed forces in the world, there are americans with the british send their instructors to ukraine, not a single instructor of theirs can compete with
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those with the officer corps that is now formed in the russian armed forces, moreover, the ukrainians, i’m already looking after their publics, they openly say who you sent to us to instruct us, we already have any battalion commander and the company commander knows more than this british instructor, where he fought, that is, the west is afraid of this, because after the victory this factor will remain, let’s not...
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in the ssu now there is a kombrik, well, let’s take the azovtsy, there is the third assault, the ninety -second, which is there in the kharkov
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direction, there are others, around them there is a whole well-fed circle of military correspondents, bloggers, volunteers who create the image of this to a specific kambrig, yes, they are promoting them, this, by the way, interferes with management schemes within the armed forces of ukraine, there is nothing like this in the russian army, the vertical is clearly built, political interaction, i think it is very important now to rebuild the shoigu belous connection. what is the essence of the conflict in the western understanding of statehood, it doesn’t matter here, it’s
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russian, ukrainian, belarusian, georgian, and so on. who is the president of georgia now? solome zarabishvili, yes, she is georgian, but she is a french citizen, originally, a person who, mind you, spent 30 years in french diplomatic service, it is important to constantly emphasize this, because this woman, yes, she is georgian. roots, but she did not work on georgian issues, if she had georgian roots, there was a government in exile, she was the daughter of these ministers, she would have worked in the name of georgia, she worked and works in the name of france, in the name of the west, but ... she spent 30 years in the diplomatic service, and after saakashvili came to power, she moved from the post of french ambassador to georgia to the position of minister of foreign affairs, now she president of georgia, this is an ideal, such candidates as saakashvili himself is, as foreign ministers were in
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the post-maidan government, as valkus and other people are.
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in a relatively small country that is politically and economically dependent on the west, capable of pursuing its line, this is one of the signs of this crisis of us global leadership. now advertising, let me continue it with a new lineup. on july 29, 1937,
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japanese troops captured beijing. it was not by chance that ui appeared in the northeast. all this happened planned in advance by the japanese, he was a real japanese puppet. mass killings of civilians then occurred throughout nanjing. it was russia and china that paid the greatest price for this common victory of humanity, and this gives us a special right not to give, to rewrite history. there was this newsreel. captured by soviet soldiers in august 1945, i’ll tell you why blinkin comes to kiev, why they all go there, it’s not about the fact that there are no shells
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, you have to wait, help will come now, it’s not that do not surrender kharkov until the elections in america have passed. no, we need to cover our tracks, because if suddenly this whole scam called ukraine ends, they start asking questions, and it turns out that an eighty-two-year-old american pensioner was scammed by a telephone scammer from ukraine out of $62 billion, it will only be this year, it will be a sweetheart it’s a joke, but in reality what we’re dealing with, we’re dealing with terrorists, and blinken arrives as... what they call it in the mafia, a chancellor who must decide the problem of the don, information should not, should not come out, because the don found himself in a difficult situation, today the former nord of the verkhovna rada andrei derkach spoke directly and directly stated
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that ukrainian terrorism was sponsored by partners of the biden family. it was possible to identify all members of the group involved in the undermining of the northern streams, and the threads lead to the lascivious little wisp of the current head of the white house. the amount of the bribe was 50 million. in fact, we have these documents in the reports of prosecutors who monitored this process, but 6 million was in cash, that is, cash was handed over by the ukrainian law enforcement to close the burizma case, it was all documented. the person who transferred these funds was caught on camera; it was one of the employees of the burizma company, kicha, a lawyer. all of europe was looking at the biggest bribe in the cash of 6 million dollars.
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he told me a lot of interesting things, listen, he ’s not just a people’s deputy, he’s the son of the former head of the ukrainian security service, he’s a very informed person, when a person says such things, it means that his every word is confirmed by a document, let’s let's also listen to andrey, they were trained for a long period of time, they trained on the territory of the zhitomir region, there is such a sokolovsky quarry, there is about 110 m of depth, training first took place there. then they took place in romania near the nato base mangalia, they trained on the southern streams, then they rented a large yacht, then they were transported to
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poland, there was already such a smaller yacht, andromeda, well, about which, in fact, western publications wrote, romanian ones did them passports, all this happened under supervised by christopher smith, this is the second person in the embassy at that time . state in ukraine, such a well-known cirushnik, today he holds the post of assistant secretary of state for europe and asia. the guy was promoted, he had a very good personal relationship with the former leader of gura burba, and he also participated in the preparation of this operation, in fact, his student is kirill budanov, such an interesting person who participated and even organized a cover operation, they are not just abandoned by the tsars, they ordered.
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weaklings, yes, they call it that or not, well, that is, that’s not what we’re talking about, the main question is so that the documents don’t leak, because
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there, of course, the whole biden gang has their faces in the cannon, and it’s absolutely in vain for us to communicate with them, as with legitimate authority, we are dealing with sponsors of terrorism, who now, so that their ears do not come out in the explosions of streams, in political assassination attempts on...
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on her, and new weapons, of course, will continue to be sent, only new ones or she, who- someone will then ask a question, what do we mean to them? splurged, for what money? the french happily say: we supply missiles that need to be disposed of, it’s cheaper to give them to ukraine, but what difference does it make if they explode there right on the territory, the question is at what price do they consider it, and most importantly, who will ever return this money? great-grandchildren of rich ukrainians? so they won’t be able to earn money, there’s simply nowhere, the country is destroyed, so they’ll write it off, of course they’ll write it off, and this must be understood very clearly.
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it's easy to get caught up in the facts when you only see part of the big picture. chasing views changing entire locations. easy to do.
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at the end of last year, the flow of tourists to the far east and the arctic zone increased by more than 40%, but along with tourists come new investments, a new trend has already appeared, the number of investors is already such that we can talk not about quantitative, but about qualitative changes. vladivostok.
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russian island, they grow oysters here, tripanga , these are the pacific coppers, this is our crab, but how did you get it here, you only have scallops here, for tourists, a person came, touched it, will always remember, well, eat one more little secret, you said, you have to touch it, but now you also bought it. everything that the shaps, shmaps and other bastards say there, what difference does it make to us, we must defeat them all, just all of them, they must understand, not one of the sponsors of the ukrainian nazis.


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