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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 15, 2024 5:00am-5:31am MSK

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act in unison with parliament and the regions, quickly resolve personnel and financial issues. this is
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vladimir putin’s first instruction to the new government. after signing the decree on appointments, the president held a short meeting with the cabinet of ministers and said that he was planning a meeting with those who were not included in it on wednesday and that the entire previous composition would receive state awards for worthy work. anastasia efimova will tell you what else the president paid attention to at the personal meeting with the ministers. there are many tasks ahead, and for sure development, it is important to act together, the president's reminder. to the new government, with which the head of state met on tuesday evening in the catherine hall of the kremlin. as vladimir putin recalled, the cabinet was updated, six new ministers, four of whom - sergei tsovilev, anton alikhanov, mikhail dekterev and roman starovoyt, until recently headed russian regions. the government has been updated, we have six new ministers, four of them came from the regions of the russian federation, these are people well known to us from good. experience, some of them with experience
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working in the federal government earlier, now having worked in the territory, they have acquired even more experience, knowledge, a sense of this territory where they worked and the territory in general, i really hope that they will use all their best skills , all my developments in the regions of the russian federation in order to solve the problems facing them at the level of the federal government with maximum effect, at the same time i count on the fact that the government leadership and all colleagues will work in parallel work tracks, will provide them with the necessary assistance so that they act successfully. as the president clarified, most of what should be done in the next 3 years has already been worked out, in other words, all the necessary decisions have been made, which means the practical implementation of the assigned tasks. nothing
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should interfere, while the head of state urged not to stop, implementing plans for the next six years. in a short time , personnel decisions will have to be made at the level of ministries and departments so that the team is fully formed. to everyone who worked in the previous composition of the cabinet, vladimir putin will present state awards. quote: this is the right decision. well, a decree was signed on awarding state awards to colleagues who have worked. in the previous government, they worked with dignity, i think this is the right decision, i want to thank you for this work, congratulate you on state awards, i also intend to meet with colleagues who left their posts in the government of the russian federation, i also want to thank them for their work and agree on how and where they are could apply all their knowledge and skills in new areas so that their knowledge and experience... would not be lost, they could
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work effectively for the benefit of the russian people and the russian state. decrees on the appointment of members of the government of the russian federation and directors of services were signed by the president on the same tuesday evening. each of the ministers went through the approval procedure in the state duma, for the first time in full accordance with the amendments to the russian constitution adopted in the summer of 1920, and , as the head of the cabinet clarified, this approach increases the level of interaction.
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will allow us to ensure, on the one hand , the continuity of those state programs and national projects that we have been involved in, on the other hand, the feedback that colleagues from the region will bring here is very important. as vladimir putin recalled, in the near future it will be necessary to determine the financial support for plans, mechanisms for supporting families, citizens, and businesses. this is a continuation of the work that has been carried out over the past months; in general , everything is clear here. the government, as the head specified cabinet, addressing the president, this quote. your team is ready to begin solving all the assigned tasks. presidential decrees on the appointment of deputy prime ministers and ministers of the new government, as well as directors of special services, have already been published on the kremlin website. let us remind you once again about the main changes in the composition of the cabinet of ministers.
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denis manturov became the first deputy chairman of the government. previously, he combined the posts of deputy prime minister and head of the ministry of industry and trade. dmitry patrushev, ex-head. oksana lut, roman starovoyd, ex-head of the kursk region, now minister of transport, sergei tsevelev, former governor, rose to the rank of minister. deterioration of relations, and washington imposes sanctions and calls to change course. reaction to today's vote in the georgian parliament during which
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the law on foreign agents was finally adopted. the meeting was accompanied by a traditional rally, however, as noted in the russian foreign ministry, it is already clear that western sponsors simply deceived and threw... to avoid riots in the square freedom, it’s not far from parliament, they pulled up police equipment. the building itself was put on red alert, especially after demonstrators tried to break through the iron barriers. the georgian opposition escalated the situation all day. by
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evening, the protest ceased to be peaceful, dangerous objects flew from the crowd, and the instigators began to be detained. after the law was passed, a boycott was declared against parliament. national interests, in reality acts against the sovereignty and statehood of their own country, and they are incited by people who themselves are without family and without a tribe. among the main instigators, the paris-born president of the country, slame zorubishvili, instead of being with georgian deputies this tuesday, she met with the heads of parliamentary committees
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on foreign affairs from european countries, germany, lithuania, poland, the czech republic, finland, later on for a full hour and a half , she was alone behind closed doors with the assistant to the american secretary of state.
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but because of using georgia at the right time for their own interests. expressed extreme concern about the situation in georgia the head of the british foreign office, because the law on foreign influence will greatly limit this influence. we actively support the georgian people, we have made it clear that this bill is wrong. petty revenge of an englishwoman, an announcement on the doors of the british embassy in tbilis, the acceptance of visa documents has been suspended indefinitely. they are alarmed in the united states, because the law is hitting numerous american ngos in georgia. this law goes against democratic values ​​and will push georgia further away from values.
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to interfere, we, on the one hand, state the firm desire of the georgian leadership to insure their country against undisguised interference in their internal affairs, in fact, as the vast majority of countries in the world do this, but on the other hand , we again see undisguised interference in the internal affairs of georgia from the outside , we even hear threats of applying sanctions against georgia if they pass this or that law in their country, so what if... 84 votes for only 30
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against. having learned the results, demonstrators at the street reacted violently, and head of state solomeshvili and his western partners only added fuel to the fire of protest. override her symbolic parliamentary veto. the chinese nuclear power plant is already being prepared for shipment along the difficult volgodonsk-tanwan route. as rosatom reported, the parts have already been shipped from the production site. the tenwan station is the largest economic cooperation project between moscow and beijing. the npp is being built according to the latest russian design and will travel from the rostov region to china by the end of the year
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several more elements of power units will be sent. report by veronica bogma. a few minutes before the team , representatives of the rosatom plant and the customer arrived and put symbolic signatures on photographs of the finished products. this is the second nuclear reactor vessel and the eighth steam generator that atommash ships for the one under construction in the sky. ac. translated from chinese, the nuclear reactor vessel has been successfully accepted. and these words are expensive. the chinese side controlled the production process at all stages. the specialists lived in allagadonsk for several years, along with many professional terms in russian, probably remembered the word pan. exactly. with love at home. this is complex energy equipment as its creators call it. is it difficult to work with the chinese? what is hard, what is good? it’s easy to work with them, because they are actually very competent specialists, they are very technically
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savvy, and they have a great desire to make products, but the problem is that they push us a lot, but there’s a rush inappropriate, 70% of the time that goes into the production of each unit is taken up by quality control, input ultrasonic, x-ray, flaw detection, testing of mechanical properties from casting a metallurgical billet to shipment. at the same time, welding of the closing seam of a nuclear reactor vessel for another nuclear power plant is underway in the same workshop. in india, this interesting technological process will continuously last 2 weeks. many stages are automated, smart, reliable equipment works, but the main thing here is the people, the team highly qualified specialists, workers, engineers. i am pleased with the stable salary and constant work. and the young guys go. they come, they even rush here. today , atomash produces complex equipment
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for almost all nuclear construction projects, kursk, as2, as well as those being built with the participation of russia, as, bangladesh, india, china, and turkey. veronica bogma, eduard lin, vladimir shemakov, ekaterina bakhttova and denis denisov, conduct volgodsk. in the moscow region , preliminary results of the entire reconstruction of federal roads in the region were summed up. as reported governor of the moscow region andrey vorobyov, now more than 50 road facilities are under... construction, 23 of them are of federal importance. the head of the region also spoke about the largest important facilities that the authorities will launch this year. was accepted. this is a decision in 2013 to modernize the road network in the moscow transport hub, this is a presidential program that has been very actively implemented for almost 10 years, the region is a growing metropolis, it requires modern interchanges, roads, communications, and the quality depends on this life, and of course the economy. the project team
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of the moscow region, a national project for a safe, high-quality road, is really on the move, so discuss it. solving all the issues, within the framework of the work of the regional commission on road safety, the project team of the national project, there are no limiting factors today. the international halal fair kazan halalmarket opened in tatarstan. products were presented by about 70 companies from abroad and russian regions, this is more than 4,500 items. the event became the first official event within the framework of the russia-islamic world international economic forum. dozens of sessions, round tables and signing of agreements are planned. all the details are in the report by diana disaeva. this is a universal set; this seasoning is perfect for meat and fish. juicy vegetables and fruits will add color to the spice palette. products according to halal standards were placed on the shelves of the kazan halal market. more than 4,500 items, for example, kyrgyz dried fruits.
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organic pure products such as apricots, nuts. seven more countries are participating in the exhibition, dried fruits were brought from... ghanistan, sweets from kazakhstan, here you can find iranian drinks, azerbaijani juices, tea, indian, even sri lankan, now we have just approached the stand from turkey, national treats are presented here, this is pokhlavai, turkish delight, of course, you can try everything, on the contrary, russian- made delicacies, fresh meat, exquisite horse meat sausages from farms in neighboring bashkiria, eight types of goats that we produce, horses young, any product melts in your mouth, you get just ribs and meat, try it. amazing, most luxurious products, mm, such tender meat, very tasty, and also aromatic honey, homemade marshmallows, medicinal herbs, cheeses, the halal market united almost 60 regions of the country. this is the second year that the forum is a general federal event, the number of its participants has increased multiple times, this reflects the importance and need for further development of
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russia’s relations with the islamic world. and about 12 million dollars. these are our products was sold for export precisely according to halyae standards, for the current year we are increasing the plan by approximately $16 million . plans to export not only halal-branded products for the next 5 years were discussed in annapolis at a meeting on the implementation of the national project international cooperation and export. the goal set by our president vladimir vladimirovich putin is to increase raw materials and energy exports by no less than 2/3. we will now set ourselves precise development goals industrial export. development of export of agro-industrial products, development of infrastructure, construction of new industrial parks, logistics centers and port infrastructure, both in russia and abroad, where tatarstan supplies its product. there are more than 100 countries where we supply all our products; today, of course, our leaders are turkey, china, belarus, kazakhstan, uzbekistan, azerbaijan and the
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cis and european union countries. the list of countries will only increase, the dialogue will continue on the sidelines of kazan-expo, business. forum program russia islamic world will bring together 18.00 guests from 85 countries, dozens of sessions, round tables, signing of agreements are planned, and a forum of young diplomats from oic countries will begin. diana dasaev, iskandar tyuminev, rinad shibgareev, lead tatarstan. the caen film festival in france opened, but not without scandals; hundreds of technical workers are threatening to disrupt the events within a week if management does not meet them halfway. a huge staff of staff trains is required.
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receives less than the minimum established salaries, since they work on temporary contracts, which means they are not protected by law. we are responsible for the piety of this festival, our work often goes unnoticed. due to terrible working conditions, our professions are under threat, we cannot live on the money we receive. contracts do not guarantee employment, reform the unemployment insurance system. do not allow us to have an adequate standard of living. the local press fears that the strikes could, if not completely disrupt, then significantly harm the film festival. members professional organization with the self-explanatory name poverty for...
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non-existent balance between work and personal life, overwork, the feeling that you are an expendable variable, people lose self-esteem, growing uncertainty in knowledge and skills, but this is not... the only scandal in front of the participants a criminal case is unfolding against the key person of the festival, the head of the national center for cinema and animation, dominique bouton. just 3 years ago, according to the prosecution, he abused his godson, twenty years old. student, but this did not prevent the french ministry of culture from extending the official’s powers. the young man said that his godfather tried to hug him in the bedroom. having received a refusal, he began to rape. the victim has withdrawn.
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that i am standing in front of a wall of silence, unshakable, with all kinds of formulations and rhetoric that are well thought out, but do not enter into dialogue, because dialogue is when you tell each other the truth, looking each other in the eyes and using real words. famous actress judith gave a comment to the french tv channel gadresh, who will arrive in kano tomorrow with mitu's short film, is about the fight against harassment. starring a thousand victims of sexual assault. the oil stink is fueling rumors that any day now the french press will publish a revealing article with a list of sex offenders in
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the national cinema. there are people who say: i should shut up, on the contrary, we need to talk about violence as much as possible, and the peephole of these stories frees you from decades of verbal imprisonment and fear. experts note that such a poisonous bouquet is only the beginning of a series of high-profile scandals that are yet to happen during the showing of the films. for it seems that the trend towards comprehensive apatage has become mainstream in recent years in the west, now the triumph of this artistic technique, one way or another , 22 films will compete for the palme d'or this year. the jury is headed by american director greta gerwick, known for last year's blockbuster barbie. the results will be announced on may 25. emil mersaev, news. let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history right now. hello. may 15, 1252 pope on kenty iv. announced the bulla hell exterpanda or for eradication. this meant the eradication
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of heretics, that is, those who disagree with the dogmas of the roman catholic church. they were declared robbers, murderers of souls and thieves of divine sacraments. now these unfortunates were allowed to be tortured using the most monstrous methods. a similar fate often awaited even witnesses. they set the maximum term of... sentences at 5 days. according to various estimates, from 50 to 200,000 people became victims of the inquisition, among them the knights templar, joan of arc, jordan bruno, dante alegiri, jan husy and other outstanding personalities. inquisitors confiscated the property of the murdered for the benefit of the church, state and informers. the protestants did not have an official organization called the inquisition, but they joined in the burning of heretics and especially women accused of witchcraft with great zeal. in germany, france, especially the netherlands, protestants did this with particular cruelty, using damp wood so that they would burn more slowly and suffer longer. this terrible bloody page in the history
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of christianity was closed only at the beginning of the 19th century. century, when the next pontiff, pi 7, prohibited such methods of finding out. on may 15, 1682 , a streltsy riot broke out in moscow. the main reason was the struggle of the boyar clans. naryshkins and miloslavskys. after the death of the childless tsar fyodor alekseevich , the naryshkins took over and the boyar duma elected his younger half-brother, nine-year-old peter, as ruler. but on his mother’s side, fyodor alekseevich byloslavsky, like his other brother ivan, as well as his sister sophia and miloslavsky, staged a palace coup. to do this, they attracted to their side streltsy, promised to pay them a salary, which they had not received for a long time. when the miloslavskys announced that naryshkin and tsar fedor. poisoned, brother ivan supposedly strangled, the new government intends to oppress the streltsy army, soldiers broke into the kremlin. they killed the unwanted commanders and demanded that
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they put someone on the throne other than peter. ivan was a sickly young man and did not live long, but peter, when he grew up, entered into a struggle for power with sophia, won, exiled his sister to a monastery, and went down in history as peter the great. may 15, 1955 at vienna, in the belvedere palace, the ministers of foreign affairs of the ussr, usa, great britain and france signed the state. treaty for the restoration of an independent and democratic austria. this country was the first victim of hitler's aggression, but having become part of the reich, it itself took part in the war on the side of the nazis and had to bear responsibility for it. in 1945 it was divided into four occupation zones: soviet, american, british and french. our former allies put forward various projects to include austria in the western sphere influence and even make it part of nato. they did not
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agree with the demands. ussr on monetary reparations to compensate for damage caused by the war. things moved forward thanks to soviet diplomacy, which set a course to take austria beyond the bloc framework and restore its sovereignty. moscow also refused reparations, agreeing to compensation with supplies of goods. the austrian parliament passed a law on permanent neutrality, and vienna tried to pursue a flexible course in relations between east and west. however, today anti-russian sanctions... complicate our relationship. on may 15, 2018 , the road part of the crimean bridge was officially opened. this unique structure has no analogues in russia and europe. length 19 km. the bridge goes from the taman peninsula through the island of tuzlo. crosses the kerch strait, dies cape akburun and reaches the crimean coast. about 7.0 piles and 600 supports support
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the weight. hundreds of thousands of tons. construction required the most modern technical solutions, including taking into account seismic activity. along the entire length of the bridge shock transmirs were installed to redistribute dynamic loads. the design of the shipping span required the most complex calculations. it consists of forty sections, height 35, and large vessels pass under it. the road transport part has a flexible suspension made of high-strength steel wire, and the railway part is tightened into... a through truss with a rigid suspension. the name of this engineering masterpiece was determined by popular vote. the options of the kerch bridge and the reunification bridge were considered, but they settled on simple and clear - crimean bridge. this is what this day in history was like.
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on july 29, 1937, japanese troops captured beijing, puyi appeared in the northeast not by chance, all this was planned in advance by the japanese, he was a real japanese puppet, massacres of civilians occurred everywhere then. it was china that paid the greatest price for this common victory of humanity, and this gives us a special right not to give, to rewrite history. this newsreel was captured by soviet soldiers in august 1945. where are you from? 11 b, no hello, i'm from 11 b. we are also from
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the eleventh b, in the eleventh b, in the eleventh b, i only need one boy, here he is, i had to come all this way to watch this good film, why are you studying this, i really liked it, beautiful actors, young, beautiful filming, expressiveness, all this, these were all the emotions, it was very cool, this is the first goal film, which i was absolutely delighted with, the humor is good, i need to get to school 7:33, i’m there nephew, but yes, it’s not like that yet, wait, i hey, it was funny, yes, the rating is like this, very cool, if you have any questions, ask, how can i even end up here, what kind of meeting, sometimes you want to cry, at which you want to laugh, great, oh, there you go this is the situation, yes, this is the situation, we will meet in the future, a hundred years from now, we are looking to explore the
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educational world. programs and documentaries, watch, watch, for free without registration.


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