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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 15, 2024 5:30am-6:00am MSK

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so he had to come all this way to watch this good film, why are you so lucky? i really liked it, beautiful actors, young beautiful shooting, everything was expressed, these were all these emotions, it was very cool, this was the first film that i was absolutely delighted with, the humor is good, i need to get to school 733 , my nephew is there at night, but they haven’t done this before, wait, hey, was that funny? yes, the rating is like this, very cool, if you have any questions, ask, how could i? to be here, what a meeting, sometimes you want to cry, sometimes you want to laugh, super, this is the situation, yes, this is the situation, we will meet in the future, 100 years in the future, we watch to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries, we watch, for free without registering. in
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the application or on the website.
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hello, there is a legal program on air, the dispatcher is presenting, tatyana petrova is with you, millions for air, metropolitan policeman.
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exposed a fake legal services company, the criminals concluded contracts with clients for large sums of half a million rubles, but as soon as they received the money, they disappeared without providing any legal assistance. seven people were detained on suspicion of fraud in different regions of the country. report by daniila sukuruchko. without any further ado , russian national guard special forces soldiers enter the apartment of those suspected of fraud. the inhabitants of the home are very surprised by such a visit; out of fear they even forget what to do.
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the amount of material damage amounted to more than 10 million rubles. according to this fact, investigators from the department of internal affairs in the south-eastern district of the capital , 16 criminal cases were opened under the article of fraud, which were combined into one proceeding. fraudsters often pretend to be lawyers, this opens up great opportunities for deception, which is why there are a lot of fake law offices in the capital. for example, here is a case from the recent past, deceived clients are trying to get into one of these and get their money back. but the company was not happy with either former clients or the press. first, the guests were accused of lying, either by your employees or your manager, and then the security was called, which was aggressive and used obscene language, pushed out the dissatisfied. this company with the self-explanatory name protects citizens, but it seems that it is already necessary to protect citizens from it itself, this man, for example, ended up in the office after he was deceived in the previous one, they promised to return his wasted money, of course not for free, they say , let's dial 110. now we'll go
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and solve your problem in 5 minutes, but nothing was returned, when alexey showed up at the company's door with complaints, its employees beat him up to shaking of the brain. many clients of the office then wrote a statement to the police, they hope that the deceivers will receive a well-deserved punishment. the investigation into the case of false lawyers from the capital continues. the police are looking for accomplices, swindlers and those who could have suffered from them. daniil sukhorochko, lead. duty department. the basmanny court of moscow has arrested a new defendant in another criminal case against a retired defense ministry employee. the investigation believes that it was lev martirosyan who gave the bribe in the form of property. on a particularly large scale to the boss human resources department yuri kuznetsov, whom i knew personally from work. what specific services the ministry of defense employee provided in return is not specified, but kommersant reports that it could have been assistance in concluding government contracts for the provision of hotel services worth 372 million rubles.
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but the property transferred to kuznetsov can allegedly be valued at 30,500,000. kuznetsov himself had previously been sent to the season by the moscow garrison military court. during searches at the places of actual residence and registration of the suspect, they found and funds in rubles and foreign currency in the amount of more than 100 million rubles were seized. gold coins, collectible watches and luxury items. according to the investigation , kuznetsov received a bribe from representatives of commercial structures in the period from twenty- first to twenty-third, when he was still the head of the eighth directorate of the general staff of the russian armed forces. the court announced a loud verdict in the saratov region. in the case of the former minister of construction and housing and communal services of the region dmitry tepin. the prosecution proved that it was precisely because of the actions of the ex-official about 400 orphans were unable to obtain adequate housing.
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alexander ostakhov will tell you what sentence tepin was ultimately given and what role the former governor of the saratov region played in his case. the lawyer of the former minister of construction and housing and communal services of the saratov region, dmitry tepin, actively gesticulating, urges his client to look somewhere into the distance. but tepin has prospects. according to the court decision, he must spend the next 5 years in a colony, under a roof over his head, with orphans who, as investigators learned, never received apartments assigned to them due to the fault of an official, there are problems with this, and the queue does not last at all, if you were given the task of providing orphans with living space where they should live, then you must complete this task, according to the law, under certain conditions, an orphan in our country has the right to receive an apartment from the state or a certificate for its purchase, money, anastasia fell into this category, but the girl had already grown up, she herself had children, and the queue for the apartment still did not move forward, nastya spent more than 10 years in it, the remaining almost 500 orphans in the saratov region can only envy her, they still don’t have adequate square meters, and
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questions also arise about ready-made housing; this girl, the one with the rose in cellophane, seemed to have been given an apartment, but it’s not it turned out there wasn’t even water, the water doesn’t turn on, explain, when a person comes in, then that’s it for him. in these footage , dmitry tepin, then still the minister of construction and housing and communal services of the saratov region, is justified. later he had to look for suitable words in the investigator’s office. it turned out that real estate prices were growing rapidly, and now they allegedly did not react to these changes in any way. as a result, the developers were offered payment much lower than the market price, but the business did not want to build housing for orphans for that kind of money. as a result of the criminal actions of the convicted person. war over 290 million rubles of budget funds, more than 400 orphans are not provided with living quarters, which caused significant harm to the rights and legitimate interests of this category of citizens, and about 350 ready-made apartments could already be transferred to orphans, but the official supposedly he did not control this process and
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the living space went to other people, although the chairman of the state duma, vyacheslav volodin, for example, repeatedly came from moscow to encourage his colleagues to work, but why then do i have to be a sharecropper ? work on children, work on large families, if you are all good, then work like that. in 2019, dmitry tepin, after an unsuccessful job as a minister, moved to the post of head of the engel municipal district, but a year later resigned . not all problems solved cope, not all expectations were met. maybe he felt that the clouds were gathering, but he turned out to be right. during the trial, tepin said: “mole worked honestly.” those who worked before him did eight times worse. according to the figures, those who worked after him are 10 times worse, both of them work under power, there is no complaint against them. this is where my question arises, why? tepin's lawyers promised to appeal the verdict. meanwhile, deputies in the saratov region are thinking about what to do with the queue of thousands
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of homeless children in front of the gates to the new life. it is obvious that in the near future there will not be enough apartments built for everyone, we have to look for other more non-standard methods. the work on investigating theft during the implementation of national projects will be significantly intensified, said the chairman of the investigative committee, alexander. bastrykin during an operational meeting with representatives of the department. discussions concerned establishing the reasons for the delay in work on several national projects, including healthcare, housing and education in certain regions of the country. bastrykin noted that corruption the risks in this area are high, and the thefts that occur impede the implementation of the tasks set by the head of state. 364 criminal cases were sent to court, more than half of them related to fraudulent activities. when. does not fulfill the plan for the national project approved by the president, does not use
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the money that was allocated from the federal budget in accordance with the plan, this is typical negligence, negligence, improper performance of official and official duties, the composition is clean. let me add that the head of the department instructed the leaders territorial investigative departments to strengthen monitoring of the situation in the regions and stop possible abuses and ineffective spending. motorists who hide registration plates may face a year and a half of deprivation of their license. the government commission on legislative activities supported tougher punishment for overly resourceful drivers; there are still a lot of them, as well as camouflage devices, alexey knor was convinced of this. kuznetsky most is the very center of moscow. a van with a logo stands across the sidewalk, walking unloading of goods. the driver prudently removed the license plates so as not to receive a fine for violating parking rules. there is another one in the next alley. a truck is blocking the pedestrian area, they are unloading furniture, the rooms are covered with rags, if
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, for example, i also stand loading and unloading, i will receive a fine every time, so i will have to pay it myself, i have to somehow cover the room so that the fine does not arrive, it turns out that in order to save on parking and not get a fine, car owners go to any lengths tricks, here's a classic, part of the license plate is covered with a piece of paper, as if stuck by accident, the license plate is not visible, no problem, drivers are sure how not to pay for the toll... all the cars are without license plates, with the help of such folding frames and flips, motorists try to evade punishment for speeding and other traffic violations. now i’ll drive more fun, put more pressure on the goshette, run away from the cameras, buying and installing such a miracle of technology is no problem, the kuntsevo car market, a real one in the world of auto parts, exists.
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was charged from a credit card, the money was never returned, the amount seemed small, 700 rubles, but for single pensioners it was significant, for several months now the gelyazovs have been trying to contact the supplier online. buyers indeed note many problems in the operation of marketplaces, primarily attributing this to non-transparent terms of sale. today, online stores are a huge platform, the turnover of which amounts to, just think about it, 8 trillion rubles annually, while
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the activities of marketplaces are in no way regulated, which means consumers are protected. fully. and the principle the buyer is always right certainly doesn’t work here. that is why it was proposed to create a separate bill that would regulate the work of all marketplaces. a working group of deputies is already dealing with this issue. there must be a certain regulation in order to most importantly protect the rights of consumers, so that there are no abuses, such as, for example, test purchases were made, the same prohibited for teenagers, they were sold, or others prohibited goods, or goods without compliance. representatives of the russian consumer union suggest that aggregator owners provide up-to-date and complete information about sellers, as well as enable the buyer to directly contact the store, for example, to solve problems related to product quality. we believe it is fundamentally important that the marketplace is legally required to control
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the situation here; this is not technically difficult for them. business representatives themselves stated that they were not ready for such changes, allegedly any changes for them are financial losses. market place - it will most likely shift these costs to the seller, increase commissions, make paid acceptances, and so on, the tools that they have, because any introduction of some kind of technology or function is a development, this is a big development, recently a new law on employment was adopted in the state duma, attention was also focused on... formally, this means that officials plan to take into account the interests of not only consumers, but also representatives of online businesses, let them an opportunity to develop, but in the meantime, buyers, a pensioner from ufa, will most likely have to independently solve problems regarding the return of money; in the near future he intends to go to court. ekaterina likhomanova, lead, duty department. a hospital on two
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wheels, despite the cool may , dozens of electric scooters have already appeared on the streets of the capital and other russian cities. popular gadgets are convenient means of transportation, but for pedestrians and motorists this is often a serious problem. do sim owners always follow the rules? traffic and how inspectors deal with them on the roads, together with traffic police officers, my colleague maxim shevchenko took part in the raid. the road patrol crews on vorobyovy gory are constantly on alert; the picturesque views that open from the observation deck not far from moscow state university attract numerous tourists and ski lovers to this point. scooters, especially on weekends, are not honored here as violators; the police are especially keeping an eye on those who have never opened a brochure with traffic rules this year closely. traffic rules for personal mobility devices were regulated in 2023, the maximum speed was limited to 25 km/h, driving on highways and
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on the side of the road was prohibited. this young man, who had just rushed across a zebra crossing, hardly expected that it was his violation... at crossings , these are just some of the examples, here the driver of the scooter confidently rushes right under the car, in this recording it seems that the driver did not notice the sudden obstacle, similar confrontations between cars and personal protective equipment mobility often ends not in favor of the latter, this is the most recent case, moscow, yartsevskaya street, tuesday night, an electric bike courier dies under the wheels
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of a tanker truck, one of the first to go to the scene of the incident was the film crew of our program, a correspondent. vladimir bazov voiced preliminary versions. the courier was moving along this street, parallel to yartsevskaya street. at the same time , a utility vehicle was working here, the driver of the tanker backed up and the courier most likely ended up in a blind spot. by the way, the number accidents involving scooter drivers grew in proportion to their number on moscow roads and sidewalks. if in 2019 about 200 cases were recorded, then in 2022 almost 1.0. only last year the figure on... finally went down, perhaps tightening control over the movement of electrical gadgets helps, but it is still difficult to check age, renting a scooter, for example, if you are under eighteen, is prohibited, but many... bypass this restriction, two more people ride, which is also against the rules, now i’m warning you, next time there will be your parents have been called and
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the traffic police inspector will deal with you. rental companies, of course, know about the pressing problem with extreme skating teenagers, and they are still announcing a solution. we are considering various technologies at the moment, one of them that may be used is attraction. firstly, and secondly, and also parents should watch the speed limit. the main thing that everyone should know:
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bikes, unicycles and scooters are quite serious participants in the movement, which means they don't mix with drunkenness. if the inspector suspects drunk driving, the fine will be 1,500 rubles. in moscow, the data center is fully trained on smart city cameras that recognize violations of scooters. the system is already working in test mode. maxim shevchenko, vladimir bazov, marina gromova, alexey gorshkov and dmitry chernikov, lead: duty department. let me remind you that the entire operational feed of legal news in telegram channels is run by an honest detective on duty. that's all for us, see you on the russia-24 tv channel.
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your brother, there in the donbass, in short, it is necessary go there, call sign passenger, well, i’m not a fighter, i came for my brother, i have to find him.
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it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country of gas stations, we can take russian digital solutions to new heights, there are prospects, ours are more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more than exactly what digital helps, you are incomparably original in your questions, what’s going on in general with production, raw materials and export, what it is, our product,
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putin at a brief meeting.


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