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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 15, 2024 6:30am-7:00am MSK

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it's easy to get caught up in the facts when you only see part of the big picture. in pursuit of views , entire locations are changed, it’s easy to make fake ones. we
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will expose all fakes. news from the middle of the hour, briefly. vladimir putin gave the first instructions at a brief meeting with the new government. the president stated the need to act in unison with the parliament. regions to promptly resolve personnel and financial issues. well, on the eve of his state visit to china , putin gave an interview to the chinese news agency xinhua. topics included: development of bilateral relations, resolution of the conflict in ukraine and the formation of a multipolar world. in the southern donetsk direction, the russian military defeated fortified positions in the isu. the combat mission was carried out by the crews of the most powerful mortar in the world - the tulip. with shells. libro
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240 mm, they allow you to break through even three-meter concrete walls. the west openly allows the kiev regime to use its weapons on civilians and refuses to condemn such terrorist attacks. russia announced this at a meeting of the un security council. the opera oprichnik was presented for the first time in novosibirsk. the production was brought by the mikhailovsky theater troupe during its siberian tour. he appeared on stage in the role of ivan the terrible.
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even the most experienced artists are nervous before the premiere. today, for example, the weather was beautiful in novosibirsk, it was actually summer, and i managed to visit the central park, and you won’t believe it, i enjoyed, of course, the musical fountain, saw the attractions , allowed myself to plunge a little into childhood and take my mind off the excitement. oprichnik, third opera tchaikovsky, a rarity on the stages of musical theaters.
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but you will see a combined orchestra, the musicians of the mikhailovsky theater and navato played together over several rehearsals, the spatial sound of the music, powerful vocals, including a rare countertenor. a unique, ultra-high male voice performs the part that tchaikovsky himself planned to give to a woman. the bright colorful scenery is an exact copy of those in the mikhailovsky theater; they were specially scaled for the novosibirsk stage, and a video projector was used for complete immersion. the background changes every scene, now the royal chambers, now the lush gardens, surprise the audience, even the sophisticated ones, in the finale the artistic director of the mikhailovsky theater comes on stage, aka ivan the terrible, vladimir kekhman, there are no meanings here at all, it’s just the director’s
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decision that it’s always exciting, of course, that’s why i always take a rehearsal, so that there are no problems directly at the performance, here you don’t need to go into character, for one simple reason. because i play myself, yes, and the priest is on tour of the mikhailovsky theater gift for navat's birthday. at the end of june , another premiere of the opera is expected, which will be performed by the novosibirsk troupe. ksenia klimena, sergey babichev, elena goleeva. vesti, novosibirs. the best chefs of the russian guard demonstrate their skills at the all-russian competition of food service specialists. 55 participants, nine teams from different military districts. each task is to feed the soldiers deliciously in a field kitchen, larisa tvertinova, secrets of culinary masterpieces. a little bit of cream there, a little bit sour cream, you’ll get the taste that yes, yes, that is, several in parallel, yes, about five,
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probably, the orange jam on the stove cherry is already ready, alexander brusnitsin has served in a special forces detachment for 10 years, almost half of this time he wins in the district culinary competitions participates in competitions all over russia. the best chefs of the russian guard show their skills at the all-russian competition of food service specialists, a total of nine teams from different military districts and a separate operational division, 55 participants. at this stage , the first, second, third and compote will be prepared, here is bread, pastries. well, then every day will give something new, here we will naturally choose the strongest, who in the future can go to the championship between departments, this is the ministry of defense and other countries. each team needs to prepare and serve a table for 10 people. lilia from
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simferopol intends to surprise the jury with the special southern taste of her dishes. everywhere with love, and specifically our southern borscht is dealt with by the guy who went to work with us donskoy. is also on the menu, so we brought a little of our warmth from there and will add it, this time the menu has products such as dried carrots, dried onions and stewed, canned beef, as if we were in pain and needed to do something very interesting, accordingly, i make potato sauce with grated vegetables, in parallel the teams work in the field, use gas cookers, these are cutlets, cabbage, carrots and the usual field kitchens, the dish is prepared... in a portable kitchen kp-30, the main thing - maintain stable operation of the nozzle, focus on a sound reminiscent of an airplane goal, it buzzes, which means everything is in order. bread and loaves are baked in tents next door. everything is done by hand. we are not allowed
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to use any additional elements; leaves, flowers, we cut everything out by hand. we have been participating for the third year now, we are counting on it.
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his page in zhezh, where he wrote under the nickname “mr. parker,” remained one of the most read and in demand, regardless of what topic the texts appeared on there. they, of course, were different, from serious political analysis to humorous and satirical notes or simply witty reflections on life. defined the language of modern runet and, without exaggeration, made a huge contribution to its development.
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maxim kanonenko was only 53 years old. mr. ceo of this company. the cyclone, which recently brought winter back to the southern urals, is making its way deep into siberia. olga mikhailova will tell you what cataclysms this led to and where the real storm will break out today. stormy winds can blow natural fires in southern siberia, where today the air flow will accelerate the most. and will the cold front bring a lot of precipitation to the region? this is the weather, a joint project of the russia 24 tv channel and the fubus center. i'm olga mikhailova. hello. a cold front will hit the siberian metropolis today. until now, winter and spring have coexisted quite peacefully behind uranus, and even within one region the weather could differ radically. for example, these photographs were taken in the extreme north-west of the tomsk region. it snowed in the city of strizhevoy the day before. landscapes were so reminiscent of january that many motorists did not take the risk... on the road, everything is in order, may 14, guard, a few
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cars are driving because they have already changed their shoes to summer tires, and this is already the extreme south of the tomsk region, it’s hard to believe, but in on tuesday , the air here warmed up to july temperatures of +28, and against the backdrop of abnormally hot weather, a forest caught fire in the vicinity of tomsk. according to space monitoring data, the day before natural fires were also observed in the kemerovo, novosibirsk regions and krasnoyarsk territory. the culprit. contrasting weather in siberia is clearly visible on a satellite image, this is a cloud ridge of an atmospheric front stretching across the mid-latitudes of the region. to the north of this zone , arctic air spreads, so precipitation turns into snow, and to the south, drier conditions create favorable conditions for the occurrence of natural fires, but gradually masses of clouds make their way further into the southern latitude, so that here, too, the period of abnormal heat will soon end. a collision of air masses of different signs about... today it will blow over a vast territory from the steppes of kazakhstan to the western
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uluses of yakutia. the most powerful gusts are up to 20-25 m/s. expected in altai, sayan mountains, upper reaches and nesey. of the major cities, krasnoyarsk falls into the storm zone. just yesterday it was as hot here as in tomsk, but today the situation will change dramatically. by evening the temperature will drop to just +9. in addition, the wind will accelerate to... the storm will peak in the afternoon. during bad weather , we recommend that city residents do not take shelter under trees and avoid weakly secured structures. along with the storm, the cyclone will bring fields of rain clouds to siberia. precipitation will occur from the banks of the lena to verkovey and rtysh. at the same time, in the north they will again turn to snow. the heaviest rainfall will hit the central uluses of yakutia, sayan, the upper abi and yenissei. here in some places more can fall in just a day. a quarter of the monthly volume of moisture, say, in novokuznetsk by the end of wednesday 15 mm
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of rain will pour out, this is usually collected in total over one ten-day period of may, and the daytime temperature will drop from yesterday's +27 to +16, which is quite normal for this time of year, in the following days the weather will improve air again it will begin to warm up nicely, on weekends in the city it will be +20-21°, and a few words about the capital of our homeland: warming will continue in moscow, today... the thermometer will rise to +16, and then the temperature regime of the metropolis will be within the limits of the may climate , during the day + 17-19°, the highest probability of showers is possible on friday. that's all for me, goodbye. now a short advertisement, then we will talk about the economic aspects of vladimir putin’s upcoming state visit to china. only in
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vtb card in rubles, thank you, thank you, in your pocket you won't put it down. here are rubles, vtb, together everything will work out. grant and grand picant pairs at an attractive price. only tasty, period. attacked by credit card debt? i 'll show you a couple of tricks. we collect all credit card debts onto one halva fathers bank card, refinance them for 24 months and conveniently pay them off. and with halva from ottsovkombank we can effectively buy in installments. kholva - simple installment plans. the state has abolished fees for transfers between accounts in different banks. from may 1, russians can transfer their money from one bank to another. the law came into force. now you can receive a salary from one bank and immediately transfer it to another, where it is more profitable. transfer money to a free alpha card, receive a super cash in rubles and
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withdraw cash for free from any atm. not just profitable, alpha profitable. to achieve such changes, the russian leader noted, it is necessary to increase labor productivity through the introduction of scientific achievements, new technologies, innovations, the creation of modern jobs, the infrastructure for this is being created. behind
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over the past few years , tremendous work has been done to establish an effective management system. economics, the government, relevant departments use large amounts of data, modern digital platforms and computer networks covering all sectors of the national economy, the entire territory of the country. we will continue this work, increase the efficiency of long-term planning, implementation of programs and national projects. today russia is one of the five largest countries in the world in terms of purchasing parity capabilities. now we set the goal of becoming one of the four largest economies on the planet. at the same time , quality, efficiency in the development of all areas, and the growth of the well-being of our citizens are of primary importance to us. on other topics, the volume of housing construction in april increased by more than 2% year-on-year, rosstat reports. over the first 4 months of this year , the figure increased by more than 1.5%. the main share of new housing falls on
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individual houses; they added 20% to the construction of apartment buildings in turn. decreased by a quarter, but what if if we take the previous year, then for the entire twenty -third year the volume of new buildings showed an increase of 7.5% due to the introduction of a record 110 million km of housing. the previous maximum was recorded in the twenty-second year. almost 95% of the insurance liability amount was paid to kiwibank depositors. this is 2 months after the license of the credit institution was revoked, the deposit insurance agency reported. more than 10,000 depositors have applied for the announcement that payments will begin with creditors in july. let me remind you that the central bank revoked the license of qiwi bank in february, as reported regulator, the credit institution was involved in settlements between individuals and shadow businesses, such as crypto exchangers, illegal online casinos and bookmakers . shareholders of the novolipetsk iron and steel works approved
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dividends in the amount of 25 rubles per share. as the company noted, the profitability will be 10%. in total, almost 152.5 billion rubles will be allocated for payment. earlier it became known that in annual terms, nlc’s profit increased by a quarter, and revenue by 3.5%. let me remind you that the novolipetsk iron and steel works is returning to payment of dividends after a break of more than two years. and at the end of the issue, i will remind you that the exchange rate today is 91 rubles for the dollar. 35 kopecks euro 98.66. and that 's all for now. roman, masha, thank you. let me briefly talk about some of the central themes of the hour. vladimir putin gave the first instructions at a brief meeting with the new government. the president stated the need to act in unison with the parliament and regions, operationally. resolve personnel and financial issues. moscow supports beijing's initiative to resolve the conflict ukraine. vladimir putin stated this in an interview with xinhua on the eve of
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his state visit to china. it will be the president's first foreign trip since taking office. russian air defense repelled a new attack by the ukrainian armed forces on belgorod. several air targets were shot down while approaching the city. two civilians were injured. the woman suffered a shoulder injury, the man suffered burns and was hospitalized. in one of the villages. the situation is complicated by heavy rains. after advertising a day in history, a selection of the most important and interesting events of this day in different years and eras. uralsip is a bank for business and we work on the principle of all or nothing. everything for
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entrepreneurs and nothing extra. we offer free service for 3 months when opening a business account. bank ural siib. nothing extra. what do you remember about this day? we'll tell you the story right now. hello. may 15, 1252, pope on kenty. announced the bulla hell exterpanda or for eradication. this meant the eradication of heretics, that is, those who disagree with the dogmas of the roman catholic church. they were declared robbers, soul killers and plunderers divine sacraments. now these unfortunates were allowed to be tortured using the most monstrous methods. fate often awaited even witnesses; the maximum period for execution of sentences was set at 5 days. according to various estimates, from 50 to 200,000 people became victims of the inquisition, among them the knights templar,
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joan of arc, jordan bruno, dante aliguiri, jan hus and other outstanding personalities. inquisitors confiscated the property of the murdered for the benefit of the church, state and informers. protestants did not have an official organization called the inquisition, but to the burning heretics, especially. women accused of witchcraft, they joined in with great zeal. in germany, france, especially the netherlands, protestants did this with particular cruelty, using damp wood so that they would burn more slowly and suffer longer. this terrible bloody page in the history of christianity was closed only at the beginning of the 19th century, when the next pontiff, pi the seventh, banned such methods of inquiry. on may 15, 1682, an outbreak broke out in moscow. streltsy riot. the main reason was the struggle of the boyar clans in the ryshkins and miloslavskys. after death the childless tsar fyodor alekseevich was taken over from ryshkin and the boyar duma elected
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his younger half-brother, nine-year-old peter, as ruler. but on his mother’s side, fyodor alekseevich was miloslavsky, as was his other brother ivan, as well as his sister sophia. and miloslavsky staged a palace coup. to do this, they attracted the streltsy to their side, promised to pay them the salary that they had long ago... received when the miloslavskys announced that the naryshkins poisoned tsar fyodor, allegedly strangled their brother ivan, the streltsy army, the new government intends oppress, soldiers burst into the kremlin. they killed unwanted dignitaries and demanded that , in addition to peter, tsarevich ivan also be elevated to the throne. this happened, but in reality, instead of the young brothers, princess sophia began to rule. ivan was a sickly young man and did not live long. and peter, when he grew up, entered into a power struggle with sophia and won. exiled his sister to a monastery and went down in history as peter the great. on may 15, 1955, in vienna at
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the belvidere palace, the minister of foreign affairs of the ussr, the usa, great britain and france signed a state agreement on the restoration independent and democratic austria. this country was the first victim of hitler's aggression, but having become part of the reich, it itself took part in the war on the side of the nazis and had to bear for it. moscow also refused reparations, agreeing to compensation with supplies of goods. the austrian parliament passed a law on permanent neutrality, and vienna tried
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to pursue a flexible course in relations. between east and west, but today anti-russian sanctions are seriously complicating our relations. on may 15, 2018 , the road part of the crimean bridge. this unique structure has no analogues in russia and europe. length 19 km. the bridge goes from the toman peninsula through the island of tuzlo, crossing. piles and 600 supports support a weight of hundreds of thousands of tons. construction required the most modern technical solutions, including taking into account seismic activity; shock transmirs were installed along the entire length of the bridge to redistribute dynamic loads. the design of the shipping span required the most complex calculations; it consists of forty sections, height 35 and under it...
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the motor transport part has a flexible suspension made of high-strength steel wire, and the railway part has a tie in the form of a through truss with a rigid suspension. the name of this engineering masterpiece was determined by popular vote; the options of the kerch bridge and the reunification bridge were considered, but they settled on a simple and clear one - the crimean bridge. this is what this day in history was like. your brother is there in the donbass in the aurora battalion, how is he alive, no one knows anything, alexander mikhailov, in short, you have to go there, this is war, war, vitaly kishchenko, you understand that i have neither dry rations nor weapons for you, get ready to go to moscow, we are registering your brother as missing, this will not go well, i came for him, i have to find him, hope.
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the militia passenger becomes a full-fledged soldier of the aurora battalion.
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vladimir putin gave the first instructions at a brief meeting with the new government. the president stated the need to act in unison with parliament and the regions, to quickly resolve personnel and financial issues. ahead of the state visit to china. putin gave an interview to the chinese news agency xinhua. topics included the development of bilateral relations, the resolution of the conflict in ukraine and the formation of a multipolar world. in the southern donetsk direction, the russian military defeated fortified positions of the ukrainian armed forces. the combat mission was carried out by crews of the most powerful mortar in the world - a tulip with 240 mm caliber shells.


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