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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 15, 2024 7:00am-7:30am MSK

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at a brief meeting with the new government, vladimir putin gave the first instructions; the president stated the need to act in unison with parliament and the regions, to quickly resolve personnel and financial issues. ahead of his state visit to china, putin gave an interview to the chinese news agency xinhua. topics included the development of bilateral relations, the resolution of the conflict in ukraine and the formation of a multipolar world. in the south donetsk direction, the russian military defeated fortified positions in the isu. the combat mission was carried out by crews of the most powerful mortar in the world - a tulip with 240 mm caliber shells. they allow you to break through even three-meter concrete walls. the west openly
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allows the kiev regime to use its weapons on civilians and refuses to condemn such terrorist attacks. russia announced this at a meeting of the un security council. vladimir putin gave the first instructions to the new government. the president, in particular, stated the need to act in unison with parliament and the regions, to quickly decide personnel and financial issues. the head of state held a short meeting with members of the cabinet of ministers afterwards. signing the decree on appointments. the president said that he plans to meet with those who were not included in the cabinet of ministers today, and the previous composition will receive state awards for worthy work. anastasia efimova will tell you what else vladimir putin paid attention to during the meeting with the ministers. there are many tasks ahead, and for confident development it is important to act together, a reminder from the president, to the new government, with whom the head of state met on tuesday evening in ekaterinsky. hall of the kremlin, as
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vladimir putin recalled, the cabinet was updated, six new ministers, four of whom - sergei tsovilev, anton alikhanov, mikhail dekterev and roman starovoyt, until recently headed russian regions. the government has been updated, we have six new ministers, four of them came from the regions of the russian federation, these are people well known to us with good experience, some of them have previously worked in the federal government. now having worked in the territory, they acquired even more experience, knowledge, a sense of this territory where they worked and the territory in general, i really hope that they will use all their best skills, all their achievements in the regions of the russian federation, in order to solve tasks facing them at the federal government level, with maximum effect, while at the same time counting on the leadership.
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i want to thank you for this work , congratulate you on state awards, i also intend to meet with colleagues, who left their posts in the government of the russian federation, i also want to thank them for their work and agree on how and where they could apply all their knowledge and skills in new areas so that their knowledge and experience were not lost, they could work effectively for the benefit of the russian people. and the russian state. decrees on the appointment of members of the government of the russian federation and directors of services were signed by the president on the same tuesday evening. each of the ministers went through the approval procedure in state duma. for the first time, in full compliance with the amendments to the russian constitution adopted in the summer of 1920. and as the head of the cabinet clarified, this approach increases the level of interaction not only with the legislative branch, but ultimately with the citizens of the country. all. the candidacies
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of deputy prime ministers and ministers that we discussed with you were approved by parliamentarians, for the first time in accordance with the constitution, they went through, as you said, all the relevant procedures and... here i want to say that this procedure increases the level of interaction between the executive and legislative authorities, this is achieved by openness when we see, including from parliamentarians, that feedback from the people that you always talk about, the composition of the government, you know, has generally been preserved, has been strengthened by the gubernatorial corps and this is also very important, this will allow us to ensure, on the one hand, the continuity of those state programs and national projects that...
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russia positively evaluates china’s initiatives to resolve the conflict in ukraine, vladimir putin stated this in an interview with the chinese news agency xinhua on the eve of his state visit to the prc. the president emphasized that the plan put forward by beijing speaks of the need to overcome the cold war mentality and the importance of respecting international law and the un charter. this approach could become the basis for future negotiations. a comprehensive, sustainable, fair resolution of this conflict through peaceful means and are open to dialogue on ukraine, but these must be negotiations that take into account the interests of all countries involved in this conflict, including our interests, coupled with a serious conversation about global stability, about
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security guarantees for the opposing country and of course for russia, and these must be reliable guarantees and the main problem is precisely the reliability of any guarantees , since we are dealing... with states whose ruling circles prefer a world order not based on international law, but an order based on rules that they constantly talk about, but which no one has seen, with which no one agreed, and which, apparently, change depending on the current political situation and the interests of those who come up with them. vladimir putin also paid attention to the position of the west. the president noted that most people on earth consider our planet a common home. where all residents have equal rights, but countries that consider themselves to be part of the so -called golden billion take a different point of view. the us-led western elites refuse to respect civilizational and cultural diversity and reject the traditional
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values. in an attempt to maintain their global dominance, they arrogated to themselves the right to tell other nations with whom they can cooperate and with whom they cannot. they are denied the right to choose. own development model, do not take into account their sovereign interests, as in past times, strive to ensure their well-being at the expense of other states, and resort to neocolonial methods for this. naturally, this state of affairs does not suit either russia or its partners. with our active participation, we were successfully created there are functioning multilateral associations, independent of the west, whose activities are based on the principles of equality, justice, and openness. respect for mutual consideration of each other's interests. convincing examples of such mutually beneficial cooperation are the shanghai cooperation organization and brix, which have firmly established themselves as key pillars of the emerging multipolar world order. they have become authoritative,
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dynamically developing international platforms, within which their participants build constructive interaction in politics, security, economics, as well as in the humanitarian sphere. separately, vladimir putin focused on bilateral relations between russia and china. the soviet union was the first in the world to recognize the kapr on the second day of its existence. and this year the countries celebrate the seventy-fifth anniversary of diplomatic relations. i have noted more than once that our peoples are bound by long-standing and strong traditions of friendship and cooperation, and this is one of the most important foundations of bilateral relations. for 3/4 centuries by our countries. passed a lot sometimes a difficult path. we have fully taken into account the historical experience of our relations at different stages of their development. today we understand how powerful an impetus for all-round rapid development comes from the combination of complementary advantages. it is important that modern russian-chinese
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ties are independent of ideology and political conditions. their multifaceted development, a conscious strategic choice based on broad coincidence. fundamental national interests, deep mutual trust, strong public support and sincere friendship peoples of two countries. the roar of explosions was heard tonight. but not in the evening in ukraine, messages also came from the city of sumy. local publications have not yet provided details; a new series of detonations occurred in kharikov, the eighth in a row in the last 24 hours. explosions occurred in kherson, controlled by the kiev regime. air raid sirens in regions of ukraine sounded several times during the night. in total, this regime was announced in four regions. ukrainian cities were left without electricity for several hours. the day before throughout the country experienced power outages. according to representatives of ukrenergo, this happened as a result of damage to the infrastructure due to the load on the network due to
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cold weather. the company claims that the outage affected only 10% of customers. in the southern donetsk direction, the russian military defeated the fortified positions of the ukrainian armed forces. the combat mission was carried out by crews of the most powerful mortar in the world - a tulip with 240 mm caliber shells. they allow you to break through even three-meter concrete walls. brought the equipment out of cover at maximum speed and brought it to the firing line, where in a matter of minutes they aimed the gun and fired a salvo. speed of action allows you to hit the target and avoid a retaliatory attack, including with the help of drones. with precise strikes, buried control points and defensive fortifications were broken. i actually came to my senses in september, but here i’ve been using this car since december, honestly it’s very easy, even for the first time they showed me and told me how. it’s done right away, somehow we leave every day, that is, at night, always
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at night, well, in any case, there are three goals there, two, this definitely always there, that is , they call us all the time, high-explosive steel mines , ordinary ones, penetrate up to 2-3 m of shelter, concrete ones, destroy them completely inside, in the belgorod region they are eliminating the consequences of a new air attack by the kiev regime, the regional authorities report that air defense shot down several targets on the approach to belgorod, two
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with disabled children were injured, the construction of the development of a children's health camp in the crimea, in evpator, this is our project, so we have not stopped anything, with the exception of those projects that are directly in proximity to the border, we are building animal shelters, we have the largest number of beaches - in the central federal district, this year, in my opinion, we will open 127 beaches, because we do not want it to be not only comfortable, but a security issue , therefore... nothing was stopped by six or completely interviews with the governor of the belgorod region vyacheslav glatkov,
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watch on our channel after 10:00 am moscow time, now footage from israel, a large fire broke out at a military base, now you can see how it is there all this is happening clouds of black smoke are visible, and even residents of tel aviv notice these clouds; first there was an explosion in the warehouse, then fire. spread throughout the entire base, rescue services report that 28 fire brigades are on the scene, there is no information about casualties, and the cause of this large fire is still unknown. turkish president recep tayyip erdogan held an emergency meeting with the heads of intelligence and the ministry of justice, the turkiya newspaper writes. the topic of discussion was the possible preparation of a coup d'etat, the president erdogan was warned about the rebellion by the leader of the turkish nationalist party. his information, the threat of a coup is brewing in the ranks of law enforcement agencies. let me remind you that earlier in turkey there was a series of high-profile dismissals
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of police officers, presumably they were associated with a large criminal group. us secretary of state antony blinken performed a song in a local bar during his visit to kiev. the results of the trip were symbolic. composition by neil young. rocking in the free world, dedicated. social injustice carried out by the american official on the kiev stage sounded at least ominous if blinkin hoped to support the ukrainians with a cheerful song, the lyrics were about poverty and satan. he was obviously let down. after the concert, the head of the state department was criticized by the ukrainians themselves, accusing him of frivolity, saying that such behavior is unacceptable when the armed forces of ukraine are collapsing on the battlefield . now economic news, maria grigorieva joins me. masha, good morning, economic ties between russia and china are strengthening. rom, good morning. yes,
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now i’ll tell you where the greatest dynamics? moscow and beijing have long made a conscious choice in favor. equal , mutually beneficial economic ties, vladimir putin stated this in an interview with the chinese news agency xinhua on the eve of his state visit to the prc. as the russian leader noted, strategic cooperation in the energy sector is developing, good dynamics are observed in the supply of russian agricultural products to the chinese market, initiatives are being implemented in investment and production spheres, transport and logistics corridors between our countries, such results against the backdrop of global turbulence and economic turmoil in the west. vladimir putin said. once again they confirm the correctness of the choice of the sovereign course. trade and economic relations between our countries are developing at a rapid pace, demonstrating stable immunity to external challenges and crisis phenomena. over the past 5 years, we have been able to double russian-chinese trade turnover. if in 2019 it totaled
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$111 billion, then last year it already reached 227.8. billion dollars, with more than more than 90% of payments between our companies are made in national currencies, so it would be more correct to say that bilateral trade now amounts to about 20 trillion rubles, or almost 1.6 trillion yuan. china has been our main business partner for 13 years, and russia in 2023 immediately rose to fourth place in the ranking of china’s commercial counterparties. the chinese foreign ministry reacted with lightning speed to new us protective duties in the field of electric vehicles, solar panels and batteries. the ministry representative did not began to limit himself to general phrases about double standards, and described in detail what the united states, which less than 10 years ago were the main ideologists of the global free market, are now doing. according to
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us logic, when they provide subsidies they are considered essential industrial ones.
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regions, vladimir putin set such a task for the ministers of the new government. the president met with the cabinet of ministers after signing the decree on appointments. moscow supports beijing's initiative to resolve the conflict ukraine. vladimir putin stated this in an interview with the chinese xinhua agency on the eve of his visit to china. it begins tomorrow and will be putin's first foreign trip since taking office. another attack of ukrainian nationalists on belgorod was repelled this morning. the air defense immediately shot down several air targets on approach to the city. as the governor of the region reported, in one of the villages a private house caught fire when a shell hit it, and two people were injured. more than a thousand houses in the area were flooded as a result of flooding in north of the omsk region. the entire usteshimsky district is threatening to go under water. the rts level is growing,
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the situation is complicated by rains, 2/3 of the monthly norm fell in one day. sports news, the issue will be presented by danila makhalin. good morning. the russian judo team has announced the composition of the team members who will go to the world championships in abu dhabi. who made the list? good morning, there are 18 athletes in total, including, in particular , olympic bronze medalist madina taymazova and tamerlan bashaev. kaliningrad baltika made it to the russian football cup superfinal, which is not never done in its history, reaching a maximum of 1/4 of the tournament. in the home match of the regional finals. schlagi in the stands of the rosttech arena beat moscow spartak. the hosts managed to score a quick goal; already in the fourth minute, kevin andrade scored, accurately shooting into the far corner of alexandrakhov's goal. later there was a real benefit performance for baltic goalkeeper evgeniy latyshonko, who was impenetrable that evening, thanks to his play , the costa rican
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striker ugalda failed to score twice when going one on one in the last minutes the latvian, despite the difficult ricochet , demonstrated real skill as a goalkeeper. baltika defeated spartak 1:0 and will now play in the luzhniki stadium on june 2 in the battle for the trophy. against the winner of the pair zinit cska, who will play their second match today in st. petersburg. the first ended in a 1:1 draw in moscow. the end is near in the english football championship, where the leader has only one match left to play in the premier league. london arsenal were in the lead with 86 points, but city had a game in hand against tottenham away, however guardiola's team did not fail. erling hollan scored a double. goal, but
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the moment was ruined by goalkeeper ortega who played well. 2:0, city won, deadlock to the end, ahead of arsenal by two points. in the last game of the season, man city will play at home to westham, and arsenal will play at home to everton. russian tennis player karenkhachanov was defeated in one. the only representative from russia at the rome masters was daniil medvedev, but he, being the fourth racket in the world, lost to the american tommy in two sets half, 1:6 and 4:6, again medvedev was unable to win any tournament at least once in his career for 2 years in a row, and therefore lost a large amount. points. the handball players of the capital cska won the first match of the final playoff series of the russian championship against the chekhov bears near moscow. the meeting
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took place in moscow and ended with a score of 26-25 in favor of the hosts. the army team took the lead in the best-of-two series 1:0. according to the results of the regular season , cska and chekovsky bears took the top two lines of the standings. at the same time, your the only defeat the army team suffered was from their opponent in the final. where is the best so far? the scorer is cska player daniil shishkarev, with seven goals to his name. the second match will take place on may 19 in chekhov. the organizers of the silk road marathon rally formed a group of several crews and went on an expedition to carefully study the route of the race, which will take place in july this year. the silk road 2024 will pass through the territory of two countries, russia and mongolia. start in tomsk, finish in lanbater. for eleven.
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it will only be checked as soon as the flood subsides, there in the kemerovo region, in the tomsk region , but now we can say that the route this year is very interesting, varied, that is, we start in tomsk, cover the wooded roads of siberia, then to altai we are moving, these are quite mountainous areas, where the altitude is more than 2,500 , we climb mountains, rocks and mountain roads with stones, that is, everything we like. that's all for now, the word from the studio. thank you, we continue, private investors in russia are ready to take risks, they are investing more and more funds in shares of enterprises; the inflow into these funds
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exceeded 11 billion rubles, almost equaling the receipts on the money market. christina kuruma will tell you the details. equity and money market funds share the lead in inflows in april. first of all, investor preferences were influenced by the favorable situation on the stock market. moscow index. the stock exchange updated a two-year high the day before, and at the end of april it stopped near the mark of 3,470 points, and this is plus 12% from the beginning of the year, the profitability of the of the top ten equity funds has risen above 20% since january. the situation is due to the fact that our economy is doing more than well, that is, last year our growth was 3.6%. this year, and macroeconomic growth continues, this, in principle, has a positive effect on the stock market, since companies, as a rule, show better results against the backdrop of a growing economy, revenue grows and profits
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increase, and... this allows, this builds a base for higher cats. the most sber shares on the moscow exchange remain profitable. the bank's net profit for april exceeded 131 billion rubles. this is more than 8.5% year on year. since january, sber has earned more than 495 billion rubles. improving the figure by 5% compared to the same period last year. analysts believe that by the end of 2024 we can expect a record for net profit. the forecast for shares reaches 360 rubles. net inflows into equity funds were the best since december 2021 . 11.4 billion rubles. at the same time, the most conservative money market funds maintain a minimum gap of 0 billion. the returns shown by money market instruments are, on top of everything else , quite convenient, right? you can place funds there at any time by pressing one button in the trading terminal.
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it is also quite quick to get out of money market instruments, except for the brokerage commission, which is very quite small, yes, you don’t pay anything there, even stock market professionals use these funds. interest in equity funds is fueled by the emergence of new issuers. according to reuters, this year the public offering of developer apri, microelectronics manufacturer gc element, video conferencing service iva technologies and others are expected. in addition, a number of companies. rubles, this is the volume that investors’ accounts may receive in the spring, summer, of the current year, and some of them will be
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reinvested, which will give... the market an additional incentive for growth, an additional impulse. according to sberbank analysts, about 176 billion rubles out of these 3 trillion can be reinvested. vladimir putin, in his address to the federal assembly, announced the need to increase the capitalization of the stock market. by 2030 , it should double and amount to 66% of gdp. according to the president, it is important that russians have the opportunity to reliably invest their savings in the development of the country and receive money at the same time. additional income. the capitalization of the stock market alone at the end of last year exceeded 58 trillion rubles. and in february this almost reached 62. according to commercial analysts, equity funds will continue strengthen positions despite the high key rate. investor interest in a more conservative instrument, bond funds, may be restored if the central bank's monetary policy softens.
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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats.


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