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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 15, 2024 8:00am-8:31am MSK

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the first instruction to the new government from the president: what the head of state said, what topics are in the spotlight. multipolar world and bilateral russian-chinese relations, vladimir putin gave an interview before his state visit to china. a new terrorist attack on belgorod was repelled by russian air defense. there are wounded. why is our lucky un condemned western countries. pulpan for nationalists. the most powerful mine. capable of breaking through three-meter concrete walls. we will show how the fortified positions of the militants were destroyed. oprichnik in novosibirsk. the mikhailovsky theater production was surprised by the powerful and rare vocals. who is in the role of ivan the terrible? the new government of russia has many tasks, and in order to solve them it is necessary to act in a unified system. vladimir putin announced this at a meeting with the cabinet of ministers after he... wrote a decree on appointments, here is footage
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from this meeting: thank you very much, dear colleagues, good evening, i have just signed decrees on the formation of a new composition government, i congratulate you on this, you have gone through the procedure state approval. duma in accordance with the constitution of the russian federation, i want to draw attention to the fact that during these discussions with the parliament, with members of the state duma, they probably didn’t just discuss candidates, they probably talked about the state of industries, about what and how from the point of view state duma deputies need to do in order to implement all our plans, i ask you to take this seriously. and from what we
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have outlined, and from how we have planned to do it, take into account in practical work and proposal of the state duma deputies, we have many tasks ahead, it is important for the long-term, sustainable, confident development of our country to act together, in a single system, as they say, in military terms, together with the state duma deputies, together with the regions of the russian federation, by the way, you know, e government has been updated, we have six new ministers, four of them came from the regions of the russian federation, these are people well known to us with good experience, some of them with experience in the federal federal government. government earlier, now having worked in the territory, they have acquired even more experience, knowledge, feeling for this territory where they worked and the territory in general, i really hope that... they will apply all
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their best skills, all their achievements in the regions of the russian federations in order to solve the problems facing them at the federal government level with maximum effect. at the same time , i hope that the government leadership, all colleagues on parallel tracks of work, will provide them with the necessary assistance.
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i would like to congratulate you on state awards for this work, well, tomorrow i also intend to meet with colleagues who left their posts in the government of the russian federation, i would also like to thank them for their work and agree on how and where they could apply all their knowledge and skills in new areas , so that their knowledge and experience are not lost, they could work effectively for the benefit of russia.
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dear colleagues, well, first of all, i would like to thank you for your support, all the candidates for deputy prime ministers and the ministers that we discussed with you were approved, today was the finale, parliamentarians, for the first time in accordance with the constitution, went through, as you said, all the relevant procedures, and here i want to say that this procedure increases the level of interaction between the executive and legislative authorities, such ... creates openness when we see, including from parliamentarians, the feedback from people that you always talk about. the composition of the vlanovich government, you know, was generally preserved and was strengthened due to governor's corps, and this is also very important, this will allow us to ensure, on the one hand, the continuity of those state
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programs and national projects that we have been involved in, on the other hand, the feedback that colleagues from the region will bring here is very important. the main task for our government is... well, in general, you all understand what i ’m talking about, we worked with you on this for almost the entire previous year, well , at least 6-8 months, and maybe a year, in in general everything is clear, but nevertheless, if there is the need to adjust something in
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terms of determining the source of funding, this must be done as quickly as possible, i wish everyone all the best, congratulations on the start of work in the new government. best wishes. in russia they evaluate positively, but in russia they do not evaluate china's initiatives to resolve the conflict in ukraine positively. vladimir putin stated this in an interview with the chinese news agency xinhua on the eve of his state visit to the prc. the president emphasized: in the plan that put forward by beijing, talks about the need to overcome the cold war mentality, the importance of respecting international law and the un charter. this approach could become the basis for future negotiations. we want a comprehensive, sustainable, fair resolution of this conflict by peaceful means and are open to dialogue on ukraine, but these must be negotiations that take into account the interests of all countries involved in this conflict, including our interests, coupled with a serious
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conversation about global stability, guarantees of safety and the opposing country, and of course for russia, and these must be reliable guarantees, and the main problem is precisely the reliability of any guarantees, since we are dealing with states whose ruling circles prefer a world order not based on international law, but an order based on rules , which they constantly talk about, but which no one saw, with which no one agreed, and which, apparently, change depending on the current political situation and the interests of those who come up with them. vladimir putin devoted the attention and position of the west, the president noted, is the majority. on earth they consider our planet a common home, where all residents have equal rights, but countries that consider themselves to be part of the so-called golden billion adhere to a different point of view. the us-led western elites refuse to respect civilizational and cultural diversity and reject
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traditional values ​​that have been formed over centuries. in an attempt to maintain their global dominance, they arrogated to themselves the right to tell other nations with whom they can cooperate and with whom they cannot. they are denied the right to choose their own development models, they do not take into account their sovereign interests, as in past times, they strive to ensure their well-being at the expense of other states, and resort to neocolonial methods for this. naturally, this state of affairs does not suit either russia or its partners. with our active participation, successfully functioning multilateral association mechanisms, independent of the west, were created, the basis of which is the principles of “fairness, openness, respect” mutual consideration of each other's interests. convincing examples of such mutually beneficial cooperation are the shanghai cooperation organization and brix, which have firmly established themselves as key pillars of the emerging multipolar
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world order. they have become authoritative, dynamically developing international platforms, within which their participants build constructive interactions in politics, security, and economics. as well as in the humanitarian sphere. separately, vladimir putin focused on russia’s bilateral relations and china. the soviet union was the first in the world to recognize the prc on the second day. its existence, this year the countries celebrate the seventy-fifth anniversary of diplomatic relations. i have noted more than once that our peoples are bound by long-standing and strong traditions of friendship and cooperation, and this is one of the most important foundations of bilateral relations. over the past 3/4 centuries, our countries have traveled a long and sometimes difficult path. we have fully taken into account the historical experience of our relations at different stages of their development. today we understand how powerful the impulse is. gives all-round rapid development combination of complementary advantages.
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it is important that modern russian-chinese relations are independent of the ideology of the political situation, their multifaceted development, a conscious strategic choice based on a broad coincidence of fundamental national interests, deep mutual trust, powerful public support and sincere friendship of the peoples of the two countries. new. practical steps to develop cooperation between moscow and beijing will be taken in harbin during the state visit of vladimir putin. the president will take part in the opening ceremony the eighth russian-chinese expo and the fourth russian-chinese forum on interregional cooperation. how is life in harbin these days and what do they say about relations between the two countries? report by the head of the vgtrk bureau in china, alexander baletsky. it looks like russian places there, but the neighbors seem to have chinese places, you know? in the historical quarters of harbin, min-ming knows every nook and cranny. the characteristic turret, stucco, a lover
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of harbin antiquity even opened a small museum, there are many pictures of the old city and truly unique things, like this phonograph. the city, where vertinsky and chaliapin regularly performed, was generally the center of russian art. the first ballet school in china, the first music school, and despite the fact that harbin was built as a station of the chinese eastern railway, it determined the development of everything. region from economics to science, the famous harbin polytechnic institute, the forge of engineering personnel in china, grew out of the technical school of the chinese eastern railway. this building was built in 1906 as the russian imperial consulate; in 1920 it was transferred to the russian-chinese technical school. over the 20 years of living in harbin, the head of his russian club never once felt like a stranger here, because even the smell here reminds you of russia, if you believe the chinese signs.
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cossacks were crying, just in civilian clothes, but it was clear that they were former military men, as
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tears flowed from their eyes, here is a small pokrovsk church, the only active service in two languages. father alexander, the name iyusha took at baptism , together with the parishioners, prays for peace, from the temple to the monument to soviet soldiers, 300 meters away she liberated the street of the red army in '45. from the japanese, and today they well remember how they greeted soviet heroes with flowers. the soviet union was the first to help us become a strong country; if it weren’t for the soviet soldiers, we would not have been able to cope on our own, and the chinese will never forget this. it was the soviet union and china that suffered the greatest losses in world war ii, and that is why they are seeking the truth by telling the world about the atrocities of the nazis. in the same harbin, japanese detachment 731 carried out inhumane experiments on living people. here is pekareva tamara alexandrovna,
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sent to detachment 731 in august '42. these holes in the walls, there were pipes through which ammonia flowed. the japanese were calculating the body's reaction to frost, apparently preparing for war with the soviet union. at the huang shan military cemetery in the suburbs of harbino, the graves of soviet soldiers are carefully looked after, now stella has been restored, and it’s not that china is waiting for the russian president, it’s just that. there is a special attitude towards the general pages of history, and in preparation for a large-scale economic forum, which our countries will open here on friday, corin's harbin residents are bringing out the brush on the embankment. russia is a friend, a formula without which mutually beneficial cooperation is impossible. alexander baalsky, nikolai petrov, news from harbin, china. the roar of explosions was heard last night in ukraine. messages also came from the city of sumy. local publications do not provide details. a new series of detonations occurred in kharkov, the eighth in a row in the last 24 hours. explosions thundered in
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kerson, controlled by the kiev regime. the air raid siren sounded several times in the regions of ukraine. at night, in total this regime was announced in four regions. emergency power outages began in the regions of ukraine this morning. ukrenergo reported this. the company noted that power supply restrictions are expected throughout the country throughout the day. the night before , almost all cities of ukraine were also left without electricity. this occurred as a result of infrastructure damage to the network load due to cold weather. in the belgorod region, they are eliminating the consequences of a new air attack by the kiev mode. regional authorities report air defense shot down several targets on approach to belgorod, two civilians were injured, a woman had a shoulder injury, a man had burns, they were hospitalized, a private residential building caught fire in the village of dubovoe, firefighters are fighting the fire, seven more houses were damaged in this settlement , windows were broken, roofs were cut, two cars and a power line were hit by debris. the west shyly avoids
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condemning the terrorist methods that are used. his ukrainian wards openly give permission to use their weapons for attacks on civilians. this statement was made by russia's permanent representative to the un vasili nebenzia at a meeting of the security council. according to nebenzi, kiev has become enraged as russian troops advance and are taking their anger out on civilians, such as belgorod residents, who are being subjected to unprecedented attacks. the zelensky regime is primarily responsible for all these crimes. however, this is the fault of western countries. not much less, since the sponsors of the kiev junta continue to supply it with long-range weapons, supply its intelligence data, send their mercenary instructors to ukraine in the illusory hope of inflicting a strategic defeat on russia and weakening our country, despairing of waiting for a claim from their charges, the sponsors of the zelensky regime have already begun to directly and publicly give
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him permission to hit peaceful targets with the weapons they supply. so in early may , the british minister... the visit of us secretary of state anthony blinken to kiev ended with a scandalous visit to a bar. apparently the official decided to relax after tense negotiations, where he promised the ukrainian armed forces more help from western countries. suddenly, blinken was called on stage and performed neil's composition.
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strategic cooperation in the energy sector, good dynamics are observed in the supply of russian agricultural products to the chinese market, as the russian leader noted, initiatives are being implemented in the investment and production spheres, transport and logistics corridors between
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our countries are functioning steadily and gaining strength, such results against the backdrop of global turbulence and economic new orders in the west for... vladimir putin once again confirms the correctness of the choice of the sovereign course. trade and economic relations between our countries are developing at a rapid pace, demonstrating stable immunity to external challenges and crisis phenomena. over the past 5 years, we have been able to double russian-chinese trade turnover. if in 2019 it amounted to $111 billion, then last year it already reached $227.8 billion. moreover, more than 90% of settlements between our companies are made in national currencies, so there will be it would be more accurate to say that bilateral trade is now about 20 trillion. rubles or almost 1.6 trillion yuan. china has been our main business partner for 13 years, and russia in 2023
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immediately rose to fourth place in the ranking of china’s commercial counterparties. the us and europe have new differences regarding the use of frozen russian assets. the new york times writes that in washington and london they were promoting the idea of ​​a complete confiscation of the assets themselves, and not just the seizure of interest, however a number. countries, including european ones, came out sharply against it, they were supported by christina lagarte. the head of the ibs understands perfectly well that if 200 billion euros are taken away at once, the status of the euro itself as a reliable reserve currency can be forgotten. the american publication claims that complete confiscation is no longer discussed, but there is disagreement on interest income from russian assets. the eu would like to transfer this money to the kiev regime once or twice a year, but the us insists on much more frequent transactions. and of course, everyone is confused by the question of the offensive responsibility if the conflict ends in peaceful negotiations. washington wants to put everything on brussels, but brussels, of course, will do the opposite. the finnish sawmill concern
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"metsatsa group" has filed all its sales of all its subsidiaries in russia. the buyer was vologda timber industry. as noted in the press release, the preliminary transaction was agreed upon by the government commission and the federal antimonopoly service. the parties decided not to disclose the amount. the purchase of subsidiaries of the finnish concern will allow the russian company to strengthen the company’s position on international markets. let me remind you that metce group decided to leave our country in february twenty -two after the start of the special operation. and at the end of the issue, i will remind you of the exchange rate for today, the dollar is 91 rubles 35 kopecks. euro 98.66. and that's all i have for now. novel. masha, thank you. we continue. in the north of the omsk region, the number of houses in areas flooded as a result is growing. flood, the level of rts exceeded the critical level by a meter, heavy rains aggravate the situation, our correspondent, elena bilyaeva, works in ust-ishim, she is in direct contact with the studio.
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elena, greetings, rescuers are now trying to defend the road to the paradise center so that it does not end up in isolation. roman, hello, yes, indeed, a very difficult situation has developed on the section of the road from tevriz to ustishim, about 20 km from ustishim there are two rather long sections. along 200-300 m, which was completely flooded with water, it is almost impossible to get there without special equipment in your own personal cars, we ourselves found ourselves in such a situation yesterday, for several hours we could not overcome this section, we were eventually pulled kirovets, a tractor with a switched off car, there was simply a risk of even drowning the car, but fortunately everything worked out, the only thing that was a little flooded were the rugs, of course, rescuers and volunteers are now taking all... measures to stop this flooding and to prevent the road from being washed away further the water level has not risen, kamaz trucks loaded with soil arrive, pour earth into it, strengthen
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the roadside and thus, well, they somehow hold back the water, but this is all a temporary measure, because the water level in the ertysh continues to rise, for example, over the past day by 5 cm has already increased, the river level has increased, now it is 935 cm, they are even expecting... such critical figures as 950, in this case there is already a threat of flooding of the entire district center of ustishimo, we got to the district center last night, now i don’t know , visible or not, we are on a former road, zhukova street, it was completely submerged in water, before cars could still pass there, well, now the area is completely, these are the residential buildings that are located there, they are completely cut off from the district itself center, but... the center itself is higher, so everything is still fine here, here’s the information. roman, yes, elena, everything is clearly visible, and the situation is extremely clear,
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elena belyaeva spoke about the flood in the omsk region. now let's move on to sports news, the issue will be presented by danila makhalin. good morning, after four matches in the series between edmont and vancouver, so far a draw, did any of the russians manage to make their mark in this match? good morning, vancouver's russian defender nikita zadorov made his mark in this meeting. effective transmission. kaliningrad baltika made it to the super final of the russian football cup, which it has never done in its history, reaching a maximum of 1/4 of the tournament. in the home match of the regional finals. moscow spartak was beaten to a full house in the stands of the rostec arena. the hosts managed to score a quick goal; already in the fourth minute, kevin andrade scored, accurately shooting into the far corner of alexander selikhov's goal. later there was a real benefit performance. baltika goalkeeper evgeniy latyshonko, who was impenetrable that evening, thanks to his play, missed twice galda scored a one-on-one goal
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against galda in the last minute. so we are preparing with every game, guys, look how confident we are, we are confidently pursuing our goals, so i hope everything will be fine in the baltic, i like it here, so i'm very honestly, very happy, just to just reach the final. baltika, think about it, we have a very strong team, you can’t imagine, it’s all about character, look at the full stadium, 1:0 baltika defeated spartak and now on june 2 will play at luzhniki in the battle for trophy against the winner of the pair zinit csk, who will play their second match in st. petersburg today, the first ended in a 1:1 draw in moscow. russian tennis player karen khachanov was defeated in the 1/8 finals of the masters in rome;
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khachanov lost in the fourth round match. the only representative from russia at the rome masters was daniil medvedev, but he, being the fourth racket in the world, lost to the american tommy polo in two sets, 1:6 and 4:6, again medvedev was unable to win at least once in his career. or a tournament 2 years in a row, in due to this, he lost a large number of rating points. gonball players of the capital cska win. the first match of the final playoff series of the russian championship against the chekhov bears near moscow. the meeting took place in moscow and ended with a score of 26-25 in favor of the hosts. the army team took the lead in the best-of-two series 1:0 following the results of the regular season, cska and the chekovsky bears took the top two lines of the standings, while the army team suffered their only defeat from their opponent in the final, where so far the top scorer is cska player daniil
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shishkarev, on his account 7. whose second match will take place on may 19 in chekhov. the organizers of the silk road marathon rali made up a group of several crews and went on an expedition to carefully study the route of the race, which will take place in july this year. the silk road 20:24 will pass through the territory of two countries, russia and mongolia. start in tomsk, finish in ulanbatter. over the course of 11 days, participants will cover about 5,500 km of crossing. various natural areas, the general renaissance of the route, which involves some kind of reconnaissance, will last in about a month, the fourteenth edition of the rally raid will take its final shape and receive all the necessary approvals. russian striker vladimir tarasenko took part in florida's scoring attack, but his team still lost to boston, and a little later the league took this pass from the russian. in the second period
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, he scored for florida.
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