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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 15, 2024 10:00am-10:30am MSK

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people's artist of russia nikolai rastarguev. in the capital 10 we continue our morning broadcast , here is what we have learned by this hour. vladimir putin gave the first instruction to the new government: the cabinet of ministers must quickly form a team in ministries and departments. at a meeting with the government, the head of state emphasized the need to act in a single country with parliament and the regions, and promptly resolve personnel and financial issues. the strategic partnership between russia and china is at an unprecedented high level.
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vladimir putin stated this to the xinhua news agency before his visit. the president also positively assessed beijing's proposal to resolve the ukrainian conflict, noting that they could help establish long-term peace. the west openly allows ukraine to use its weapons against civilians and refuses to condemn such terrorist attacks. russia announced this at a meeting of the un security council. according to permanent representative vasily nebenzi, the kiev regime has collapsed. rage because of the advance of our troops and thus takes out his anger on civilians, including residents of belgorod. tbilisi was gripped by a new wave of protests; opponents of the law on foreign agents took to the streets the day before after the document was adopted in its final reading. protesters stormed the parliament buildings and clashed with the police. europe and the united states threatened sanctions and a review of relations with georgia. the president of the country promised to impose restrictions on the documents.
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we are in a state of war, half of the region is actually at war, half is at the front, already before, when we spoke front-line municipalities, those that were along the border, now krasnaya eruga, borisovka, grayvoron, shebekina, belgorodsky district, volokonovka, voluki, these are already front-line municipalities, rovenki. bedlivka, thank god, it’s quiet there, belgorod has already become a front-line city, so, well, our approach is really simple, we all know that victory is just around the corner, that it will be, but we every day, our philosophies, ours, we we are preparing for the worse, because if we are preparing for the worst, so yes absolutely true, that is, if it goes well, thank god, we crossed ourselves, we live peacefully and do peaceful things.
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i really want to make sure that people do not die and are not injured, while , unfortunately, every day we have everyone wounded and dead, many civilians have already died, and so we are building a large number of peace in order to respond to these challenges , starting there, we started digging in march 2022, today you and i see the result of this work, well , it’s been that long ago, it seems to me that...
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what needs to be written on the cheek or forehead of a wounded person, yes, that so venous, what is it arterial, well, because after december 30 we understand for sure that we either save, we can save a person, or he can die . there is no more carelessness here in the city, well, as in the entire region, as in the entire region, here are the remote front-line villages, as you say, how is security and food delivery ensured there?
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everything is quite individual, but with the help of the ministry of industry and trade we acquired small vans, which now allow us to improve the quality of work along the border, due to the fact that we have reduced the burden of purchasing this transport for a private business, which would not be able to cope, yes, because the profitability is low, the cross-country ability is low, is it running or is everyone working? what does running mean? i run almost every day in the morning, therefore, therefore, in different ways, because on the one hand , a city is a territorial unit, on the other hand, a city is hundreds of thousands of people, we all
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cope differently, uh, when over you're naked, a rocket explodes over your head or they end up in their apartment, it's, well, let's say that someone is not coping. yes, there is an opportunity, they leave, and there are psychologists, they work, of course, there are also children’s, there are adults, there is moscow helps, it was the psychological point of view that we discussed with maria lvova and belova, because child psychology, especially changes taking into account our current situation worries us very much, we also discussed with anna yuryevna kuznetsova and... karashalya came, we also talked to him and mikhailberich murashka, so we don’t have a single person who would refuse us, so for us this is a big challenge, a big problem, but help is being provided, i hope
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that we are on the right path, the economy is developing, look, if we talk about the results of the twenty-third year, then... we have an increase in the gross regional product, it is certainly there, in general, we fed the country, so we continue to feed, we mine ore, we produce, we melt the steel that goes into armor, into rails into construction fittings, so the region has lived and developed in the same way, we worry about the formation of front-line troops, this is such a painful topic, we actually fight for every school day, but recently we have transferred everything only to distance learning, i know that neighboring regions are helping and accepting children due to the situation, how many children are now going on vacation, we brought - in march 13,500 children, more than 40 regions, as of
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today, we have returned 3,000, 3.5, we were also worried, the parents tried to persuade us not to return, but now i understand that most of the parents regretted it. that he didn’t listen to us, that’s why now we have a little more than 10,500, i say in 40 regions, and of course, we are now planning, we hope for... large federal assistance, we are requesting 20,000 children’s places in children’s camps specifically for the summer, so crimea has already responded, the stavropol territory has responded, the moscow region, tula, as always, the kaluga region, the yaroslavl region, then we have many close friends, close friends, governors who actually call every day and offer their help. you are now communicating directly with the government and with the governor , as always.
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the question here is not a dream, i think you understand, when during the night three or four times there is a declaration of a missile danger and the city is shelled, yet here we somehow already live in other categories, there is an opportunity to sleep, there is no opportunity to not sleep, how do the services react and how quickly the consequences are eliminated? arrivals? well, i think the simplest thing is to evaluate people, that is, you just need to look at when we had the events of the thirtieth. july 3 of the twenty-second year, december 30 of last year, yesterday you just need to look,
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because basically - we are trying to for 12-24 hours, yes, sweep everything, put it away, wash it, yes, but then, yes, seal the windows, uh, then uh, we work it out as much as possible from the point of view of common sense, if it’s an apartment, a house, close the perimeter , the perimeter is the roof, the window, yeah, yeah. and then we go into the interior, facade work in order to restore housing, show me, these are the kind of shelters, i see, you made here, well, we did it, it’s military history, that is, this is what they do for the military, we didn’t come up with anything , here double cement reinforcement mark 400, we tested it, took it to the test site, exploded the shells, that is, i understand which shells hold and which don’t, that’s why we have all these signs too, and we came up with this partition ourselves. so that it blocks, and we came up with this ourselves on
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the basis of exercises or studies conducted by disaster medicine, the first one is also yes, that is, we understand, here the shells begin to explode, here is a person whose leg was blown off, you are standing, your legs are weak, yes, you are confused, you don’t understand, because i've been a teacher all my life, and you need some help, so you come in and look diagonally, right? it’s very simple, it’s clear what needs to be done in this or that case, but in the city it’s easier, because there are a lot of medical institutions, the most important thing is where to call, give a message, indicate a point, yes, because it’s already as quickly as possible here when an ambulance or a rescuer arrives, how many such shelters are there? belgorod and the belgorod region, i think it ’s already approaching somewhere around 700. does the federal center
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help like this? well, this, i don’t think, is the first thing, i didn’t address this story, i don’t think we should, because where we can do it ourselves, we have to do it ourselves, therefore, because the country is big, there are a lot of problems, where we cannot cope, for example, with the restoration of housing, if it’s the twenty-second year. we did everything ourselves, yeah, then at the end of the twenty- second year we, at the beginning of the twenty-third i went to report to vladimir vladimovich asked for his help, because... our resources had already run out, this help was instantly provided to us, we are where we can do it and attract non-budgetary money, that is, we attract, for example, for the restoration of personal vehicles, because in fact there that, how much 10,000 for damaged ones, 2000 for completely not destroyed ones, but we do an examination, we conduct an examination,
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independent depending on the decision, that is , on the basis of the examination we compensate for this loss. people, therefore, that is, you also help with we don’t just help with motor transport, from my point of view, even here sometimes people are so calm, so i go out, that’s it, there’s no car, they say, they already understand that they know that no one will leave them in trouble, these are regional machines are obtained, extra-budgetary funds, extra-budgetary funds, what would you wish for fellow countrymen, residents of the belgorod region, belgorod region, well , it seems to me that the question is obvious, we, we are all waiting for victory. we are waiting for the shelling to stop, we are waiting for peace to return to belgorodskaya region, we are waiting for a return to peaceful work, we have a lot of plans, a lot of plans, i don’t see us stopping at all, because we would like to do more, yes, but we are cleaning up ponds and rivers, major renovations
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of the hostel, construction of free housing for large families, for families with disabled children. well, we haven’t stopped anything except for those projects that are located directly close to the border, and where this can no longer be done, we are building shelters for animals all over, one per year, i think we now have seven of them, we will probably soon have the most such objects in the country, we have the largest number. beaches in the central federal district, because the beach is an organized place for swimming, this year, we will open 127 beaches, because we do not want it not only to be comfortable, but a safety issue, so we have not stopped anything, well, vyacheslav vladimirovich, we were allowed to conduct an interview, as far as i understand, the sky was not dangerous, not
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there were alarm sounds, this is today, i think this is the first time i’ve heard this, well, how many have we had? in my opinion, six or seven, there were six, so of course i want it to never happen again, maybe your visit will bring all this, will return the sun to our sky, thank you very much, thank you, and now the latest news is that vladimir putin has appointed temporary acting heads of regions, this was reported in the kremlin, so the position in rio of the governor of the kaleningrad region will be taken by alexey besprozvannykh, he replaced anton alikhanov, who took over the post.
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dmitry demeshin. previously, this post was held by mikhail dekterev, now he holds the post of minister of sports. rdif plans to double the volume of joint investments with chinese partners in the russian economy over the next 3-4 years. this was stated by the head of the fund, kirill dmitriev, on the eve of vladimir putin’s visit to china. rdif accounts for 60% of all bilateral investments that have been implemented over the past 12 years. about achievements and... look after the advertisement, i didn’t sign up for this, but i did sign up for gazprom bonus, every day with me, bonuses and discounts
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time to answer our questions, especially since the occasion is very big, we are recording our interview on the eve of the visit of russian president vladimir putin to china. last year we also talked about this topic. thank you artyom, indeed, from the very beginning of the rdif’s activities, it has focused on attracting investors from the middle east, asia and china - this is such a very powerful, active partner of ours, and the russian direct investment fund is one of the leaders in interaction with china, for the last 12 years, 60% of all joint projects are from china.
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education online, these and, accordingly , other projects in the infrastructure sector, so there are a lot of projects, these projects play a very important role for russia, because, for example, more than 25 million people move along our infrastructure, which we built together with china day, our portfolio companies last year had a turnover of over 4 trillion rubles, which is almost 3% of gdp.
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invested, it reduced cargo movement by 700 km, and thus we get much more synergy, more efficiency in the infrastructure between russia and china, the railway bridge, which is why we see that investments are a contribution to the growth of the economy of both china and russia, which we observe against the backdrop of the lack of growth in europe in a number of other countries, so of course investments are very powerful contribution, and we also see
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the intergovernmental commission on... relations between a large number of russian and chinese businesses playing an important role here, and the business council is just a committee of entrepreneurs, or is it a separate structure, is it a committee of entrepreneurs under intergovernmental commission on investments and , accordingly, these are not only large large projects, but these are also forums that allow entrepreneurs to communicate, find joint projects and actively implement them, which chinese provinces are you targeting, our investors, tell us
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, you know, we believe that interaction with the regions of china this is extremely important, many of our companies see that, for example, helundjian province, other regions, they are committed to interacting with russia, we, for example, are opening this news, we have just we are announcing that our office is in harbin, there are not many offices in the russian direct investment fund, we are mainly focused on moscow and a number of other countries, but here is an office in harbin, it will allow russian companies to have more access to the regions of china, a lot... there are special ones economic and commercial-industrial zones in china, which will be useful for our companies, so regional cooperation is important. rdif will participate in the russian-chinese expo, which will be held in harbin in just a few days, and we see great potential in regional investment cooperation. but when we started talking about the news, open the veil of secrecy about what agreements and agreements are planned during
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the president’s visit to china. you know, with the participation of rdif, we are concluding several very important agreements in various sectors, such as energy, science and technology, and, accordingly, pharmaceuticals. as for energy, infrastructure - this is our investment in the port for transshipment of sugars, these are liquefied hydrocarbon gases in the khabarovsk territory, this project is extremely important for interaction between russia and china, the total investment amount will be about 30 billion rubles, of which rdif chinese partners will provide 7 rubles. and this is a project that will allow us to interact in the energy sector even more actively. our second agreement is an agreement with a leading technology park in china, and as you know, we have already invested in several technology parks in russia, including the leading technology park rostec city, and we will continue to invest in technology parks, create a joint venture fund with this leading technology park of china, which represents one of the leading universities in china, and when it comes to pharmaceuticals, you know
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about our experience. in promoting and investing in the sputnik vaccine, due to this we have built relationships with leading pharmaceutical manufacturers, both in russia and abroad, so one of our investments will be the localization of chinese leading drugs together with a leading russian company for the russian market, already 10 of them drugs with technology transfer will be transferred to russia this year, and also the launch of our drugs the chinese market, including our vaccine products, and accordingly our... fourth agreement, it will be precisely on how to introduce leading russian products to the chinese market, together with ours.


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