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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 15, 2024 10:30am-11:01am MSK

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several technology parks in russia, including the leading technology park rostec city, and we will continue to invest in technology parks, create a joint venture fund with this leading technology park in china, which represents one of the leading universities in china, and as for pharmaceuticals, you know about our experience in promoting and investing in the sputnik vaccine, we have built relationships with leading pharmaceutical manufacturers, both in russia and abroad, so one of our investments will be the localization of: chinese leading drugs together with leading a russian company for the russian market, already 10 such drugs with technology transfer will be transferred to russia this year, and also the introduction of our drugs to the chinese market, including our vaccine drugs, and accordingly our fourth agreement, it will be precisely about how to bring leading russian products to the chinese market together with our chinese partners, so again , energy-infrastructure. science and
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technology, pharmaceuticals, key sectors where we can really do a lot to implement together with china, that is , enough common ground and sufficient formats of interaction with china, we know that our cooperation with china is comprehensive, this has been said more than once by the leaders of our countries, and we are waiting for the fall, when the brix summit will be held in kazan, i know that you are a member of the brix business council, how are we preparing? to this summit, and, interestingly, within the framework of brix, given the emergence of new members, such as saudi arabia, the arab emirates, to which you traditionally also pay great attention attention within the russian private equity fund, that's how they get involved in this overall work with china. indeed, russia's chairmanship of brix this year is such a very important historical moment, because new members have joined brix, they have a lot of energy, a lot of initiatives, and here rdif is leading the brix. group on finance and
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, accordingly, within the framework of this group on finance, we, including new members, are discussing joint financial infrastructure, joint approaches to climate change, because in fact, what we will actively promote is some common standards for climate loans among the brix countries, which will allow various climate projects in the brix countries to be read, have common standards and , accordingly, create a virtual market for artificial intelligence, russia, china, and we advocate the creation of an alliance on artificial intelligence of the brix countries, and are actively working in this direction, so we will definitely announce very important new initiatives in the field of joint investments of the brics countries in the field of joint payment systems and system. accounts
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of the brics countries, artificial intelligence, climate - this is where we, together with the countries of asia and the global south, can really develop very positive, correct projects, again in areas that are strategic for russia. well, you know, this is a general question, perhaps a final one, since you are immersed in interaction with china in terms of the business agenda, the business agenda, but besides everything else, there is also a humanitarian component, when culture.
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and our chinese colleagues have great respect for our representatives of the arts, and there will be really very significant concerts that are worth paying attention to, so really from finance to politics. before culture, there is very close interaction based on mutual understanding and understanding of common priorities, this is also very important, we wish you success, thank you very much for the interview, thank you artem.
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now there is a live broadcast on our channel, the same ammunition was used by the kiev military during the shelling of the city of krasnodon in the lpr on may 13, one one of them hit, i mean from shells, a children's playground in a city park. it was purely by luck that there were no people there. after a series of explosions , a fire started in pramzone; three people were killed and six were injured. on may 11, ukrainian neo-nazis shelled donetsk with help. american haymars missiles, as a result of a direct hit on the paradise restaurant in the kirevsky district, three people were killed, eight more were injured, including a twelve-year-old girl. the strikes were carried out in other areas of the city, explosions occurred not far from a perinatal center opened in the region.
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they also thundered in the cafe where participants of the motor rally, which was dedicated to republic day, were gathering. fortunately, no one who was there was injured either. may 12 will forever remain for belgorod one of the darkest days in its history. the kiev regime carried out another terrorist attack on residential areas of the city using various types of missiles. one of them completely destroyed the entrance to a ten-story apartment building on kharkov hill. to unfortunately, there are victims, as you know, 16 people were killed, children, dozens of people were injured, in kiev, in their traditional manner , they immediately began cynically declaring their alleged non-involvement in this terrorist attack, and social networks were filled with, i mean, those which are being carried out and the wards of the kiev regime were filled with joy, how
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can another terrorist attack be considered an asset for the kiev regime, at the bank they began to put forward absurd versions of what happened, even accusing russia of allegedly deliberately blowing up or shelling a building, this the terrible tragedy in belgorod indicates that the kiev regime has finally lost any concept of humanity, it has descended into a war with residential buildings, civilians, its so-called, so-called leadership, i mean the kiev regime, which is cowardly the electoral court avoids exposing its own mistakes and failures and commits any bloody atrocities. historical scale. at the same time , the ukrainians themselves are considered by this regime, which sold them and destroyed them, exclusively as
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cannon fodder is a free resource, as they say. like a successful deal between the kiev regime and washington. the investigative committee of russia began a thorough investigation. crime of the kiev junta in belgorod, all those responsible for this and other terrorist attacks on the territory of our country will suffer inevitable punishment for crimes against civilians. well, actually, now about the punishment. the courts of the russian federation , on the basis of evidence collected by the investigative committee of russia, continue to pass sentences on ukrainian militants who have committed serious crimes against civilians. based on the evidence collected, the court sentenced the squad commander to 27 years in prison.
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to the building of the mariupol maternity hospital. none of the ukrainian criminals will be able to escape punishment; they will be identified and will be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law. and of course, against this background. one cannot help but comment on blinken’s visit, and of course, the next batches of the so -called, of course, we put it all in quotes, american aid to ukraine, which simply is no longer a supply of weapons to the kiev regime, but a supply of weapons for the murder of citizens of ukraine, to the kiev regime. on may 14-15 , the us secretary of state visited ukraine. the day before, by the way, the washington post wrote that he... that he arrived at a critical moment for kiev with a demand to hold on as long as possible, sang
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a song, ate pizza, and moved on. it is clear that the state of affairs at the front and the military failures in uso are of increasing concern to the biden administration. they have elections there america, they need to provide their voters with some reports about where everyone went? weapons, what kind of biden project is it called ukrainian democracy, which turned into a world-class collapse. it is no coincidence that on may 10, the united states announced the urgent allocation of a new package of military assistance to ukraine worth $400 million. according to available information, this batch of weapons will include ammunition for anti-aircraft missile systems and jets. hymarс multiple launch system, bradley infantry armored vehicle,
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mine resistant embush armored vehicle protected, javelin anti-tank missile systems, small arms, patrol boats, as well as services for maintaining equipment and training ukrainian military personnel, that’s right, blinkin had to bring something, not to go eat pizza empty-handed . so on may 12, the us secretary of state gave an interview to cbs news. expressed confidence that, due to new weapons , ukraine, a direct quote, will be able to effectively hold the front line in the east and, as blinken said, keep russian forces under threat, including in crimea, and in kiev he announced that the assistance provided by the united states will increase and will have, direct quote: a tangible impact on the battlefield. on may 16 , the nato military committee intends to hold a ministerial meeting in brussels.
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obviously, the united states of america continues to twist the arms of its so -called allies, demanding that they urgently solve the problem. weapons, i want to upset them, zelensky’s criminal regime will not be saved from collapse, all military equipment delivered to ukraine will be destroyed. if anyone has any left doubts about this, they can easily be dispelled by a visit to the corresponding exhibition in moscow’s victory park on poklonnaya hill. by the way, it is very popular among muscovites and guests of the capital. i'm sure its exposition will soon be replenished with new exhibits, i recommend visiting there. well, now. truly terrible and criminal law, which comes into
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force on may 18 in ukraine, we are talking, i believe, about an act of genocide against the ukrainian people by the kiev regime and those who stand behind it, forcing them to develop something like this, so so-called legislation, we are talking about the scandalous law on the brutalization of mobilization in ukraine. we have already talked a lot on this topic, answered questions, essentially the zelensky regime in the name of...
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“they will die for ukraine, as it is now according to the law of ukraine signed by zelensky.” ordinary ukrainians, who have literally become slaves of the banking industry, the masters of life will continue to profit from yegor. it is noteworthy that this law comes into force literally 3 days after the world celebrates international refusal day from military service for reasons of conscience. this
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day was initiated, you won’t believe it, by whom? germany, bundestag, in the bundestag 15. military operations on the side of hitler's army. today we see how the kiev regime applies the same methods that became widespread among its ideological predecessors in nazi germany, without being condemned in any way by the so -called. yes, history repeats itself, it repeats itself for those who do not know it. the listed facts once again confirm the urgent tasks of the special a military operation to denazify and demilitarize ukraine and eliminate threats emanating from its territory, as
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the russian leadership has repeatedly stated, all of them will definitely be carried out. now i would like to say a few words about how we started with how victory day passed on the territory of ukraine due to the crimes of zelensky, who literally set the security forces against people who wanted to bring flowers to the monuments of their fallen relatives, family members and simply heroes of ukraine. so let's see what is happening in moldova, which is becoming, with the money paid for by the west... the money implemented by the sando regime, another springboard for the so-called democratic experiments, these same liberal democracies. the day of may 9 became an indicator of how disconnected the pro-western russophobic minority of moldova, which came to power, from the real situation in the country and from the moldovan people.
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official chisinau almost completely distanced itself from participation in numerous events on the occasion. dock, in the pavilions of which one could learn about life of the member states of the european union. as moldovan observers note, it turned out to be a direct quote, thin and unconvincing: the footage that appeared on social networks showed shady groups of people limply waving eu flags,
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even on what seemed to be a symbolic one that was attractive to young people. victory day in moldova was celebrated on a grand scale by those who truly honor the memory of the history of their country and their people. more than 50 thousand people took part in the commemorative events on both banks of the dniester, among them, i mean, among the most popular are processions. kamratiya eternal flame from a particle of the eternal flame from the tomb of the unknown soldier in moscow. veterans of the great patriotic war were
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presented with greeting cards signed by russian president vladimir putin. joined the call a veteran campaign. the country's reminder to the moldovan police about the ban on wearing the st. george's ribbon was simply pointedly ignored by citizens. and according to the general inspectorate, this still had to be invented. on the day of victory it was recorded. 89 cases similar to theirs there they qualify violations, and for the majority of citizens of the republic, victory day is truly a celebration of the triumph of peace and truth. justice, tens of thousands of people have proven by their actions that they sacredly honor the glorious past and are not ready to put up with ideological
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guidelines forcibly imposed from outside, which not only go against, but destroy the own historical memory of the people of moldova. now let's return to what is unfolding around ukraine with the help of the west in the context of a shortage of financial resources for help. in ukraine , discussions in the west have once again intensified about the confiscation of the frozen assets of the bank of russia, as they call it, with the aim of using them to pay for military supplies to kiev. let me remind you that in april of this year, the united states adopted a law on peace through force in the 21st century. it gives the american president the right to withdraw russian gold and foreign exchange reserves. the document does not contain a legal basis for such confiscation, as we have repeatedly noted, although it is indicated in it. demands to stop, unacceptable for russia military operations against ukraine, pay (direct quote) full compensation for damage or take part in an international
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mechanism for reparations in favor of the kiev regime. we are well aware that attempts to expropriate russian assets directly contradict the legislation of those state associations that deliberately resort to such measures. we have long been convinced that the west, which... against the backdrop of the emergence of a multipolar world, westerners are literally openly resorting to neocolonial measures, we are talking about unilateral restrictions, the use
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reserve currencies as weapons, voluntar blocking, seizure of other people's funds, property, simply acts of trade war. it cannot be ruled out that the united states may at any time simply stop paying its own foreign debt obligations, forcing others to do so.
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because there are no invoices, data, figures behind this; the state in need does not artificially limit access to the resources of multilateral financial institutions provided on preferential terms. new loans and debt relief, including the poorest countries receiving assistance from the international development association are often unreasonably linked to the willingness to follow the political guidelines of the west, including joining illegitimate and unilateral restrictive measures. so, according to the world bank, the debt of developing countries at the end of the twenty-second year amounted to 9 trillion dollars, including the poorest countries, a record 1.1
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trillion dollars, many of them are at serious risk or are already in state of default. here, for example, according to experts from the unctat conference on trade and development, the country’s total debt. africa's gdp increased by 183% over 12 years and amounted to approximately $1.8 trillion, which was four times the growth rate of national gdp. at the same time, the kiev regime, which the west plans to continue to sponsor, after hundreds of billions of direct and indirect injections , is planned to be sponsored at the expense of stolen russian ones. assets, and so the kiev regime in december twenty-third year, creditors from the trans-seven received a deferment on their debt payments until march 2027. westerners themselves. they are destroying
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the established international monetary and financial system, ignoring the legitimate rights and interests of developing countries. in these conditions, the future belongs to new centers of financial and economic power, primarily the brix, sco, eau states, regions of asia, the middle east, latin america, africa, ready to interact on an equal, mutually beneficial basis, without ultimatums, without restrictions, without illegal seizures, confiscations, or simply put, the blocking and confiscation of russian assets in western jurisdictions are illegitimate, illegal measures that violate the fundamental principles and norms of international law, including the principle of sovereign equality of states and the charter of the united nations. we regard any encroachment on the property rights and interests of our country as nothing other than blatant, cynical theft and the desire to fill our own pockets. in
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a broader sense, similar actions. de facto represent an escalation of economic aggression and an element of a hybrid war against the russian federation. here, by the way, is about another aggression that is also emerging, or better yet, about its continuation. we have repeatedly said that our country is subject to information aggression from the nato bloc, its individual members, and collective institutions.
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have already seen how we continue to observe how it is used to spread leaks, structures specially created for this purpose, which literally, well, really bloomberg is being used as a sewer for this kind of information, and i can't say if that will happen. will this happen now or after some time, are these plans already in the form of concrete decisions on the table and are they waiting in the wings, or are they just in some kind of preliminary development? to be honest, i don’t know, i don’t have such information, but just in case, i want to remind all these hotheads in brussels that in russia
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dozens of people live well, settle down and work in great comfort. enjoy life in russia, i understand that this time, if such measures against russian journalists are implemented by the european union or, no matter, collective brussels, or individual countries, if these measures are taken against russian media, russian journalists, then despite to the fact that for western correspondents...
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for their colleagues here in russia, i mean western journalists, this is not a threat, and this is not even a warning, this is a statement of the inevitable scenario for the development of events in certain circumstances that may be organized by the west, so we wanted to dot all the points in advance and, we are accustomed to... the double standards
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of the west, we are accustomed to the lack of standards in the west, but...


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