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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 15, 2024 11:00am-11:30am MSK

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now we will have to take retaliatory measures, in exactly the same way as we responded to the harassment of russian journalists, iran, we will respond with lightning speed, extremely painful for westerners, if at least one russian media is subjected to unreasonable restrictions, this will ricochet on their colleagues here in russia, i i mean western journalists, this is not a threat, and this is not even a warning, this is...
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in order to monitor the statements of russian athletes in the internet media for identification judgments and comments that could serve as grounds for denial of admission to the olympic games. this would be, as we said earlier, the height of dishonesty. in fact, this is a criminal statement, this is a logic that not only goes against, but directly counteracts all those documents that...
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use the institutions of the international olympic committee. we are convinced that by such unscrupulous actions, unlawful and illegal, as well as immoral, the management could discredit itself and undermine itself. to use it endlessly with different degrees, well, in general, it’s inappropriate, it’s really not primarily about the fact that they... just tarred themselves,
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it’s about the fact that they are destroying the olympic movement, which they didn’t create it themselves. the fundamental principle, let me remind you, of the fourth olympic charter states that for this there is a direct quote from this document: playing sports is a human right, everyone should have access to sports, without being subject to any discrimination against internationally recognized human rights within the competence of the olympic movement, end of quote: what do we see in... in practice, otherwise, for purely political reasons, a separate country that is undesirable to westerners, the efforts of international sports structures, are actually excluded from the world sports family. this kind of double approach, an approach from the point of view of double standards, a politicized approach of the international olympic committee, biased, illegal, in violation of the law, it is also manifested... in the fact that in recent
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decades, international sports officials have repeatedly turned a blind eye to the various ongoing preparations and holding of the summer and winter olympics, armed conflicts in the world, they turned a blind eye to them, they opened it, it turns out that only now, again, they opened only one eye, considering that other conflicts, clashes, humanitarian disasters, they do not notice, she...
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against the background of hostilities, the suffering of the civilian population is growing, people are dying every day, including un employees, there are no stable channels for delivering humanitarian aid to the residents of gaza. all this confirms that at this stage, the prospects for transferring conflicts into a political and diplomatic channel for establishing a ceasefire, which russia has been advocating since the first day of the escalation, including at the un, look... illusory. the only reliable way to end the war and prevent it from going into the future. this was a broadcast of a briefing by the official representative of midrossia, maria zakharova. vladimir putin appointed temporary acting heads of regions, the kremlin reported this, so the position of acting
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governor of the kaliningrad region will be taken by alexey besprozvannykh. he replaced anton alikhanov, who took over as minister of industry and trade. temporary performer. he became the minister of energy, alexey smirnov became the acting governor of the kursk region, he replaced roman starovoyd, who took the post of minister of transport in the new cabinet. dmitry milyaev was appointed acting governor of the tula region until may 14 of the region.
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meetings after signing the decree on appointments. the head of state emphasized that the cabinet of ministers needs to act in unison with parliament and the regions, and also quickly resolve personnel and financial issues. anastasia efimova will tell you what else was discussed at the meeting between vladimir putin and the ministers. there are many tasks ahead and for confident development it is important to act together, the president reminded the new government, with whom the head of state met on tuesday evening in... the catherine hall of the kremlin, as he reminded vladimir putin, the cabinet has been updated, six new ministers, four of whom - sergei tsevelev, anton alikhanov, mikhail dekterev and roman starovoyt, until recently headed russian regions. the government has been updated, we have six new
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ministers, four of them came from the regions of the russian federation, these are people well known to us with good experience, some of them with experience in the federal government. earlier, now having worked on the territory, they acquired even more experience, knowledge, and feelings this territory where they worked and the territory in general, i really hope that they will use all their best skills, all their experience in the regions of the russian federation in order to solve the problems facing them at the federal government level with maximum effect , at the same time, i hope that... the government leadership and all colleagues on parallel tracks of work will provide them with the necessary assistance so that they act successfully. as the president specified, most of what should be done in the next 3 years has already been worked out,
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in other words, all the necessary decisions have been made, which means that nothing should interfere with the practical implementation of the assigned tasks. at the same time , the head of state urged not to stop. implementing plans for the next six years. in a short time, personnel decisions will have to be made at the level of ministries and departments so that the team is fully formed. vladimir putin will present state awards to everyone who worked in the previous cabinet. quote: this is the right decision. i have signed a decree on awarding state awards to colleagues who served in the previous government and served with dignity. i think that it is.
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the level of interaction not only with the head of the cabinet, this approach increases the legislative branch, but ultimately with the citizens of the country. all the candidacies for deputy prime ministers and ministers that we discussed with you were approved by parliamentarians, for the first time in accordance with the constitution, they went through, as you said, all the relevant procedures. and here i want to say that this procedure increases the level of interaction
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between the executive and legislative authorities, this is what openness does when we see, including from parliamentarians, that feedback from people that you always talk about. the composition of the government, you know, has generally been preserved, strengthened by the gubernatorial corps, and this is also very important, this will allow us to ensure, on the one hand, the continuity of those state programs, national projects, as... and tomorrow vladimir putin will begin his first foreign state visit after
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the inauguration, it will be china, head states will meet with the chairman of kenrs jinping, in beijing both leaders will attend an evening on the occasion of the seventy-fifth anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations and the opening of the years of culture of russia and china. after beijing, vladimir putin will go to harbin, where he will take part in the grand opening of the eighth russian-chinese expo and the fourth. and after the re-election, a visit in the year of the seventy-fifth anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between moscow and beijing, and not only
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that at their highest point, they are still growing stronger, despite the difficult situation in the world. important, that modern russian-chinese ties are independent of ideology and political conditions. their multifaceted development is a conscious strategic choice based on the broad coincidence of fundamental national interests, deep mutual trust, strong public support and sincere friendship of the peoples of the two countries. we are talking about collaboration. efforts to strengthen sovereignty, protect territorial integrity and security, and more broadly, to promote the development and prosperity of russia and china by building up equal, mutually beneficial cooperation in the economy and humanitarian sphere. all this, putin will say, would have been impossible without the personal participation of the leaders, calls chairman xi wise and far-sighted, and every meeting with him is a conversation between long-time friends, as a result of a colossal increase in trade turnover, doubling over the last 5 years and a new joint one. china and russia are actively investing in high technology and innovation, space, artificial
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intelligence, energy, that is , our countries have immunity to external challenges, but putin will once again emphasize, especially for chinese readers, all the global turbulence , including in today’s economy, from the west’s reluctance to follow a multipolar course. the us-led western elite refuses to respect civilized and cultural diversity and rejects traditional values ​​that have been formed over centuries. naturally, this state of affairs does not suit russia or its partners. with our active participation, successfully functioning multilateral associations, independent of the west, were created, in whose activities are based on the principles of equality, justice, openness, respect for mutual consideration of each other’s interests. in beijing, this position is shared in the same way. in the ukrainian conflict, they understand the root cause, but putin says it all again: moscow is open to negotiations
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against the west. unfortunately, these initiatives do not find support either in ukraine or its western patrons. they are not ready for an equal, honest and open dialogue based on mutual respect and consideration of each other’s interests. instead of this is why western elites are persistently trying to punish russia, isolate and weaken it. they supply the kiev authorities with money and weapons, they have almost introduced them against our country. and 16 thousand unilateral illegitimate sanctions, threaten to dismember our country, illegally try to appropriate our foreign assets, turn a blind eye to the revival of nazism, to the holding of ukraine on our territory. during terrorist attacks, therefore, putin says, it is not just negotiations that are important, but negotiations with reliable guarantees, and taking into account the interests of all parties, including russia, too on international platforms, official beijing says, the west is also putting pressure on it, so the leaders’ focus will be on issues of double opposition to western sanctions. in addition to beijing , putin’s state visit program also includes harbin, a large forum
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of interregional cooperation, the capital of the northern chinese province traditionally supports the most... . economic relations with russia, since the russians built the sino-eastern railway here. the first railway bridge across the songhua binju, here is often called simply russian, and this is in many ways a bridge of friendship, which at the very beginning of the 20th century connected not just two banks, but also two countries, and it’s not a matter of geography, it’s here that china and russia are connected spiritually. bells were cast in the moscow region, pine was brought from irkutsk specifically to recreate an exact copy of the wooden st. nicholas church when. the first in harbin, but destroyed during the cultural revolution. i was little when my father was sent from shanghai to harbin to build a metallurgical plant together with soviet engineers. and st. nicholas church at that time it was still standing next to the house. for me, this picture is from childhood. that's why i wanted to restore the temple. but the philanthropist did not limit himself to the temple and now there is a whole volga ethnographic park with huts
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, the minepetrovsky palace and a boat, heroes of pushkin’s fairy tales. according to putin, it belongs to ancient chinese traditions in russia. with no less respect. speaking about my personal attitude towards chinese culture, i would like to note that i always discover with great interest something new about the unique and original traditions of china, especially during visit to china. i know a lot about your martial arts, including wushu, which is very popular in our country, and i have respect for chinese philosophy. my family members are also interested in china, and some of them are learning chinese. and this also brings us closer tomorrow in beijing the leaders will announce the official start. cross year of cultures. alexander baalsky, nikolai petrov and danil gabdulin, lead china. belgorod came under fire again last night. air defense systems shot down several targets on approach to the regional capital, but in the region, two people were injured due to attacks by the ukrainian armed forces. there is destruction, and power lines are also damaged.
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olga kurlaeva is in direct contact with us. olga, hello, the missile warning signal has now been cancelled, how is it going? liquidation of consequences? yes, good afternoon, vera, we are now working directly in belgorod , and in the place where a few days ago, a ukrainian missile destroyed the entire entrance of a residential building, the liquidation of the consequences of the collapse has begun here, and now more work is underway restoration and repair work or analysis of, let's say, two entrances, because it was... a decision was made, yes, indeed, the work of the ministry of emergency situations, the work of builders, the work of law enforcement agencies, that is, all services of the city are hampered by constant missile attacks, that is an air raid alert was announced, all residents took cover, such a missile and danger were declared at least five times during the night, air defense worked over the area, two
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alha rockets were shot down, and two aerial bombs, as well as conventional kharm missiles, were also shot down. missile danger, it remains here, we are in close proximity to the enemy, who continues to fire, we really suffered, the suburb of belgorod is the village of oak, seven houses there were damaged, a shell landed in one, two women were wounded, but let’s return to the place. where we are now, you see, restoration work is beginning, it was decided at yesterday’s operational meeting, where the regional governor vyacheslav glotkov was present, to dismantle two entrances, because there is a threat of destruction, but they allowed residents under the control of services, all services, to their things, some even take out their
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things, an inventory of these things is underway, and... a headquarters has been set up nearby, where residents of the damaged house can receive documents, restore documents immediately, promptly, quickly, these are rights, passports, some are even given, some banks have already made concessions , deferred loans, payments, the work is being carried out smoothly, promptly, moreover, compensation is issued even from extra-budgetary funds, the house has been accepted. final decision will be after the house is completely dismantled and the foundations are inspected. i hope that this will allow us to start building the house as quickly as possible, it will be built according to the same project,
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it will be restored according to the same project that was built, we will offer all residents who have now temporarily lost their living quarters the format that we have, and residents are offered to rent apartments, this will be paid for, or live. relatives, those who find it difficult to be directly on territory of the shelled region, it was proposed to leave for a while to other, neighboring regions, or where they are already expected, today there will be buses, this is not an evacuation, this is a voluntary measure, children are also leaving for pioneer camps, in general, life in the city continues , despite the close, close location to the front, and here everyone is waiting... when our military finally cope with the problem that allows us to bombard the belgorod region with heavy, heavy shells, we are
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where we can do it and attract extra-budgetary money, that is we attract for example, for the restoration of personal vehicles, because in fact, how much is 10,000 for damaged ones, 2000 for... not completely destroyed, and we will do an examination, we conduct an independent examination, depending on this decision, that is, on the basis of this through examinations, we compensate people for this loss, yes, we have an individual conversation with each resident, psychologists work, doctors work who come, including from large regions, that is, from moscow, they help children go to pioneer camps. that is, more precisely, health camps, excuse me, out of habit i call them pioneer camps, here they come, we are now actually interfering with the work, because there is a threat
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of collapse, as if they are concerned about our safety and are asking us to leave the site, where work will now be carried out on and work in two in two adjacent entrances to the collapsed one, that is, in the second there are three. the house, as the regional governor glotkov has already said, is customarily restored. studio. yes, olga, thank you, but olga kurlaeva told about the situation in the belgorod region, including after the night shelling of the ssu. say no, damaged by silicone. and yes, shaomma shampoo. 90% ingredients of natural origin for healthy, beautiful hair. take care of your family with shauma. shauma - care from roots to ends. it is profitable to retire with a savings bank. for pensioners
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the heart of the continent beats here.
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now we are broadcasting footage from the government house. good morning, dear colleagues, today we have the first meeting of the new government. well, first of all, i want to sincerely congratulate everyone.


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