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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 15, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm MSK

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in now we are broadcasting footage from the government house. good morning, dear colleagues, today we have the first meeting of the new government. well, first of all, i want to sincerely congratulate all of you on your appointment, this is a very serious one.
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sixth year, as well as to the implementation of all provisions of the president’s message to the federal assembly. they should be priorities in your activities and i ask everyone to follow this closely. i would also like to thank the federation council and the state duma personally and valentina ivanna matvienko and vyacheslavich volodin, for the work that was carried out in accordance with the constitution. discussions regarding the confirmation of cabinet members were public. were widely covered
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by the media, here we can say that many pressing issues at meetings in committees during plenary sessions were important, each of you received parting instructions, and i would say, i felt the most important feedback from the people that the deputies represent. yesterday the president asked to seriously take into account all the proposals made in the house, and we we will definitely do this. i also ask my deputies and supervisees. government of ministers, carefully work through them, herelavich volodin made it clear that parliament has assumed constitutional responsibility for resolving issues related to your approval. it is important to continue to actively interact and cooperate with parliamentarians; it is natural to be as open as possible when preparing new laws and new regulations. well, don’t forget about the main thing: our task is to carry out the president’s instructions in full and on time.
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is doing everything possible to improve the quality of life of people in each region, including in the near future it is necessary to determine financial support for plans to support families, citizens and businesses. by the way, we talked about this yesterday with the president, he especially emphasized this. i would also like to thank those members of the cabinet of ministers who are moving to other positions, and wish them further success; i am sure that they will, of course, be in demand in their new capacity. now to the agenda of today's government meeting, we have a whole block of questions, which relate to assistance to russian subjects, and above all to those that suffered from floods, from floods, you know, unfortunately, this spring they reached record levels and led to emergency situations in a number of regions, in particular the orenburg region, the kurgan region, many people lost their homes, property, households, the president especially noted that... it is extremely important
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to provide the victims with everything they need, to respond to every appeal, on behalf of the head of state we will send 4 billion rubles to eliminate damage, primarily for payments to residents, including one-time payments and in connection with the loss of property, as well as for the repair of damaged housing or the purchase of new housing, if the previous housing was destroyed. in addition, the reconstruction of flooded healthcare, education and social facilities, engineering infrastructure, hydraulic structures, sanitary cleaning, which is also very important, and decontamination of territories will be financed. and one more thing: in the orenburg region, previously the government promptly sent about half a billion rubles to help people affected by floods. now, on instructions from the president, we will allocate an additional 5 billion rubles. these funds will make it possible to restore damaged public utilities;
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entrepreneurs and small medium-sized businesses also suffered losses from the disaster. it is very important to support companies, and , more importantly, to help them retain their staff. to do this, we will provide them with a 12- month deferment for the payment of a number of taxes, advance payments, and insurance premiums, the payment deadline for which is april 1 current year. the corresponding government resolution will be prepared in the near future. these preferential conditions will become available to enterprises and organizations of the orenburg region, whose income has already decreased by more than a third during the emergency situation. we hope that such a measure will reduce the financial burden on business and, accordingly, direct the freed resources for restoration to solve current problems. these were shots from the first meeting of the new cabinet of ministers. we continue, turkish authorities will soon report
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the results of the investigation into cases of possible conspiracy in law enforcement agencies. the head of the ministry of internal affairs stated this. according to him, if in any body there is a structure aimed against the president. and the government in power will find them and bring them to justice. meanwhile, the pro-kurdish dam party reports the detention of dozens of its members in istanbul as a result of police raids. let me remind you that at night recep tayyip erdogan held an emergency meeting with the heads of intelligence of the ministry of justice after reports of a possible coup attempt in law enforcement agencies. earlier in the country there was a series of high-profile dismissals of police officers, allegedly they were associated with a criminal organization. residents of some areas of anapa greeted this morning with sudden heavy hail. homestead plots, sidewalks, roads, roofs of houses were covered with ice, social networks were filled with photos and videos of eyewitnesses who
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reported that the diameter of hailstones varied from a few millimeters to several centimeters. during the day, it is reported that heavy rain is still expected in the region. with thunderstorms due to bad weather , a storm warning is in effect in the region until may 16, so what about nature? oh, what is this, and this is a scheme, there are different cards with cashback, why? you need one vtb card, transfer to it for free from any bank, and receive cashback for purchases up to 25% in vtb rubles, together everything will work out when you cook with pleasure, dirty dishes can stop the rhythm of your kitchen. sam of gold tablet with intensive cleansing formula effectively removes baked-on dirt. may you be
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economics in brief: european bank reconstruction and development has improved the forecast for the russian economy; this year gdp growth is expected to be 2.5% instead of one and another one and a half next year. the revision was influenced by a manufacturing boom in the defense sector and increased trade with china. trade turnover between the united states and russia in march increased one and a half times and exceeded $470 million. this was reported by rionovosti with reference to data from the american statistical service. the main factor is the supply of uranium. americans are rushing to buy it before the new ones come into force restrictions. in march, 54.5 tons of this fuel were imported into the states. $127 million. purchases of russian foreign assets by foreigners increased almost sevenfold,
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exceeding a billion dollars in the first quarter, rbc reports. the largest deals this year were transactions with a majority stake in the carrier global trans and the armenian subsidiary of mts. interest in such transactions is growing, and one of the reasons is sanctions risks. spending by russians on online purchases increased by 40%. in the first quarter they... reached almost 2 trillion rubles. about this agency riya news reported in the association of internet trading companies. russians shop mainly in domestic online stores, their share is more than 97%. it was economic news. short. the capitalization of the russian stock market can be doubled. this is a difficult but very real task, elvira nabiulina stated this at the nowfor conference. my colleague dmitry moroka is working at the event. he is in touch with us. hello, dmitry, how to achieve this goal, they say? yes,
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vera, greetings, some kind of magic wand for this, no, it is necessary to work in several directions at once, elvera nabeulina believes, earlier the president said about the need to double the capitalization of the stock market, by the year thirtieth it should amount to 66% of the country’s total gdp, which is necessary for this, well, first of all, so that as much as possible more companies entered...
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now the central bank and the government are thinking about providing such incentives, for example, to technology companies. here, of course, there should be additional incentives for fast-growing technology companies, there is great potential here, there are certain incentives for small companies, but now we, together with the government, are thinking about what incentives there could be for fast-growing technology companies, including possible tax incentives, like...
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restrictions, having access to complex things now for in order to trade without financial instruments, an investor must have assets in the amount of 6 million rubles. the central bank proposes to increase this threshold to 24 million. well, we must allow this to be a more complex instrument, he understands that this investor takes risks as far as he understands this tool. in our opinion, formal criteria are not enough here, so we have initiated a largely revision of these criteria, which means simply having 6 million
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rubles. yes, after this there are no tests or exams, by the way, 6 million rubles are permissible, but only in foreign economic activity, according to the central bank. vera, dmitry, thank you, my colleague, dmitry maruka, was in direct contact. now we continue and move on to technology news, philip will introduce us to them trofimov, host of the vestinet program.
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a large-scale conference for google ion developers, this time entirely dedicated to artificial intelligence. this word. the combination was the first thing that was heard from the stage along with the words about google’s aspiration, and how many hundreds or thousands of times it was repeated later, without neural networks it is not possible to count. as for ordinary users, we are primarily talking about the next version of the android mobile operating system, which will significantly at least it is built around the large gemini language model, which is considered at least as good as the famous solution from open ai, its peculiarity is that this model is the original one. that is, someone who can read, listen and see equally can absorb a huge amount of information as context, for example, up to an hour of video or one and a half thousand pages of pdf files. so, the main innovation of the future android - the google assistant voice assistant is giving way to the gemini application, in principle it is available now, but not in all countries, and how a separate solution, more like
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a chat bot, like chat-jpt, but now it has been turned into an assistant that runs on top of... any application, and , most importantly, automatically uses data from this application as a context, that is, it understands what is currently open, for example, a video or a document, the questions relate to the contents of this particular media, you can even send a signal to the assistant with the smartphone’s camera. the second important announcement of the google conference is connected with the actively promoted personalization, a lightweight version of a generative neural network that will work directly on a smartphone. without transferring user data to the cloud, it is proposed to be entrusted with a completely confidential task. as an example, you cited a scenario in which such a model eavesdrops on telephone conversations, analyzes them and can detect attempts at telephone fraud, for example, first of all , this will work, of course, on branded google pixel smartphones , well, search on android smartphones will also be neural network,
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which promises a new set of miracles. outside mobile operating system, all numerous projects: also receive generative support, first of all, of course, everything related to business processes, there is generally an endless set of scenarios, starting with the ability to automatically select everything from the mail, organize their entire table and get an analysis expenses, even in the form of a graph, well, they couldn’t get around the topic of generating content on text query, image, music, and now video in google, however, it’s usually a very winning topic, quite useful it didn’t bring a monotonous presentation, perhaps because with the incredible abundance of absolutely amazing solutions, there weren’t even any announcements about the launch of live demonstrations, that is, like last time, there was a feeling that in fact it still doesn’t work very well, well, it should be noted carefully on the eve of the conference google
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presented a major update to its solution open ai, now the main driving force in the development of artificial intelligence, including due to... the ability to make a show out of this, announced by gpt4o, oh - this is the word omni, then there are all-round or all-directional, it immediately caused a lot of noise, because it differs from previous versions in two ways, now , like a google neural network, it equally works with text, voice and pictures at the input and can also generate any of these types of content, and secondly, it has become as human as possible, understanding , reproducing intonations and emotions, it looks like... robot, always explore, started this story, but i want a little bit more emotion in your voice, a little bit more drama. got it, let's add some drama. once upon a time,
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a world not too different from ours, there was robot named. i really want maximal emotion, like maximal expressiveness, much more than you were doing before. understood, let's amplify the drama. once upon a time, in a world not too different from ours, there was a... robots from people, again, because seriously, this question arose 5 years ago, when google showed the duplex service, capable of ordering for a person, for example , a table in
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a restaurant, not via the internet, by calling there talking on the phone to unsuspecting restaurant employees.
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the school collects money for graduation, the amount seems to you to be very high, are you obliged to give it away and is it possible to request a report on the funds spent, how the activities of parent committees are regulated, we will tell you in 5 minutes in this issue of the program instructions, additional consumables, auxiliary... literature, excursions and other events for children, all of this is handled by parent committees. the very fact of the possibility of their creation confirms the law on education, however, it does not regulate the daily activities of such associations, there are only recommendations: the statuses and powers of parent committees should be enshrined in local acts of the educational institution and not contradict them. the law really doesn’t tell us what the functions of this parent committee are, what responsibilities, what rights this parent committee or parent community has, but we generally say that this is provided for by the internal
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documents of the educational institution, for example, in a school this may be a regulation on the parent committee; accordingly , this regulation is discussed with the parent community and approved by an internal order of the director of the educational institution. the main thing that the most active parents, and those who for some reason are short on funds, should understand is that any contributions within the parent committee are only voluntary. this is regulated by a letter from the ministry of education and science dated september 9, 2015, and the prevention of illegal collection of funds . in particular, there is a link to article 4 of federal law no. 135 of august 11, 1995 on charitable activities and charitable organizations. parents of students of general education organizations have the right, individually or in association, to make a donation exclusively on a voluntary basis. any
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coercion, bullying of a child, infringement of his rights, attempts to shame parents who are strapped for money are illegal. according to the law on education, the constitution of the russian federation, we have preschool education, and our education is free, therefore no collection for... textbooks for repairs, for windows, for doors, this is illegal, but accordingly, if a parent wants to make a donation to an educational institution, he has the right to do so, of course, when the parent community, this is in many parent chats, this yes, they require you to deposit a certain amount of money, yes, especially when it is associated with threats, for example, there, if you don’t contribute, your child will feel bad, and so on and so forth, this is undeniable. in the most extreme case, it can
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generally be qualified as extortion, and this is punishable by up to 4 years in prison and a fine of up to 800,000 rubles. and if a teacher joins the active collectors from among the parents, he may face punishment under the article of an official using his official powers, contrary to the interests of the service, if this act was committed out of selfish or other personal interest. the next thorny issue is fundraising, right? if everyone agrees to it, it is better to immediately draw up a protocol that records the agreement between the parents, goals, amount of contributions, their frequency, and so on. the parent committee is recommended to collect checks, receipts for all, even the most insignificant expenses; parents can at any time request a report; if the committee does not provide the necessary information, the request can be sent to the police and the prosecutor's office, and there they may see signs of a crime under
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the article of theft and misappropriation. if the parent community refuses this obligation to report to parents, in this case it is possible to again contact the director of the educational institution, in in this case, it is possible to again contact the prosecutor's office to check this parent community, and since they do not fulfill this duty, well, in the event that facts are suddenly revealed...
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maybe for 2 thousand rubles, but it will be regarded as a bribe, because we say a gift is free of charge, in a bribe there is always a condition as a mandatory feature, that is, we are talking about the fact that we are giving this kind of stuffed gift for something with some purpose, that is, when we say that here some kind of service must be performed in return, in in this case, then the question can already be raised ... let's repeat, the most important thing is that the creation of parent committees in kindergartens and schools is permitted by the law on education, and their activities are regulated by the educational institution itself, all contributions that parent committees collect are voluntary , coercion, threats of infringement of the rights of the child, all this is illegal and can have consequences up to criminal, finally, the parents who donated the money have the right to know what it was spent on. still have questions, want
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to know what rights you have? their students parents, subscribe to our telegram channel, ask, and we will disturb departments and lawyers, and we will definitely tell you about everything in the next issue of the program instructions. vladimir putin met with the new government. the cabinet of ministers must quickly form a team in ministries and departments, which instructions were given by the president. russia's strategic partnership with china is at... an unprecedented high level, what else - vladimir putin told the xinhua news agency before his visit to china. belgorod last night came under fire again, several targets, air defense systems were shot down. what are the consequences and how is the liquidation going? there is a storm in the omsk region, fires in the south of siberia, warming in the center of the country, we are waiting for the forecasts of our meteorologists.
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vladimir putin appointed temporary acting heads of regions, this was reported in the kremlin, so the post of acting governor of the kaliningrad region will be taken by alexey besprozvannykh, he replaced anton alekhanov, who took the post of minister of industry and trade. acting head of kemerovo ilya seredyuk was appointed to the region. previously, the region was headed by sergei tsevelev, now. as part of the government, he became minister of energy. alexey smirnov became the acting governor of the kurt region. he replaced roman starovoit, who took the post of minister of transport in the new cabinet. dmitry milyaev was appointed acting governor of the tula region until may 14. the region was led by alexey dzyumin, whom the president appointed as his assistant. acting head khabarovsk territory appointed.


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