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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 15, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm MSK

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vladimir putin appointed acting heads of regions, the kremlin reported this, so the post of acting governor of the kaliningrad region will be taken by alexey besprozvannykh, he replaced anton alekhanov, who took the post of minister of industry and trade. ilya seredyuk was appointed acting head of the kemerovo region. in the new government, he became minister of energy. alexey smirnov became the acting governor of the kurt region. he replaced roman starovoit, who in the new cabinet he took the post of minister of transport. dmitry milyaev was appointed acting governor of the tula region until may 14. the region was led by alexey dzyumin, whom the president appointed as his assistant. appointed acting head of the khabarovsk territory. dmitry
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demeshin. previously, this post was held by mikhail dekterev, now he holds the post of minister of sports. well, the day before, vladimir putin already met with the new government. a short meeting took place after the signing of the decree on appointments. head of state stressed that the cabinet of ministers needs to act in unison with parliament and the regions, as well as promptly resolve personnel and financial issues. our government has been renewed. six new ministers appeared, four of them came from the regions of the russian federation, these are people well known to us with good experience, some of them had experience working in the federal government earlier, now having worked in the territory, they have acquired even more experience, knowledge, a sense of this territories where they worked and territories in general, i really hope that that they will use all their best skills, all their achievements in the regions of the russian
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federation in order to solve the problems facing them at the federal government level with maximum effect. at the same time, i hope that the government leadership, all colleagues on parallel tracks of work, will provide them with the necessary assistance so that they act successfully.
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presidential messages to the federal assembly, they should be priorities in your activities and i ask everyone to pay close attention to this track. at the meeting, they immediately moved on to issues on the current agenda for enterprises affected by the flood in the orenburg region; the cabinet of ministers will give a one-year deferment on taxes. mikhail mishustin noted that it is important to support companies, and even more important, to help them retain staff. we are talking about enterprises whose income during an emergency situation.
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decreased by more than a third. the president especially noted that it is extremely important to provide the victims with everything they need and to respond to every request. and on behalf of the head of state, we will send 4 to the kurgan region billion rubles to eliminate damage, primarily for payments to residents, including one-time payments and in connection with the loss of property. well, also for repairing damaged housing or purchasing a new one, if there was a previous housing. destroyed. in addition, the reconstruction of flooded healthcare, education and social facilities will be financed. engineering infrastructure, hydraulic structures, sanitary cleaning, which is also very important, decontamination of the territory. and one more thing: in the orenburg region, previously the government promptly sent about half a billion rubles to help people affected by floods. now, on instructions from the president, additional. we will allocate 5 billion rubles.
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these funds will allow the restoration of damaged public utility facilities. tomorrow vladimir putin will begin his first foreign state visit after... his inauguration. it will be china. the head of state will meet with chinese president xidzenping. in beijing, both leaders will attend a meeting to mark the seventy-fifth anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations and opening of the years of culture of russia and china. after beijing, vladimir putin will go to harbin, where he will take part in the opening ceremony of the eighth russian-chinese expo and the fourth russian-chinese forum on interregional cooperation. on the eve of the visit, vladimir putin gave an extensive interview to the main one. report by the head of the vgtrk bureau in china, alexander baletsky. people in china are preparing for putin's arrival tomorrow, and some have even dressed up for the occasion. hurray for putin, putin is cool. and today's interview with the russian leader to the main news agency of the prc
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puts everything in its place. why will putin make his first visit after re-election to china? in the year of the seventy-fifth anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between moscow and beijing, and not only at its highest point. they are still growing stronger, despite the difficult situation in the world. it is important that modern russian-chinese ties are independent of the ideology of the political situation. their multifaceted development, a conscious strategic choice based on a broad coincidence of indigenous national interests, deep mutual trust, strong public support and sincere friendship of the peoples of the two countries. we are talking about joint efforts to strengthen sovereignty, protect territorial integrity and security, and, more broadly, promote development. nutrition of russia and china by increasing equal, mutually beneficial cooperation in the economy and humanitarian sphere. all this, putin will say, would have been impossible without the personal participation of the leaders, calling chairman xi wise and far-sighted, and every meeting with him conversation between long-time friends, as a result of
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a colossal growth in trade turnover, doubling over the past 5 years, and new joint productions, china and russia are actively investing in high technology and innovation, space, artificial intelligence, energy, that is... our countries are immune to external challenges there is, but putin will once again emphasize, especially for chinese readers, that all global turbulence, including in today’s economy, is due to the west’s reluctance to follow a multipolar course. us-led western elite they refuse to respect civilized and cultural diversity and reject traditional values ​​that have been formed over centuries. in an attempt to maintain their global dominance, they arrogated to themselves the right to indicate to other peoples with whom they can cooperate, with whom... naturally, this state of affairs does not suit russia or its partners. with our active participation , multilateral associations, independent of the west, have been successfully created, based on the principles of equality, fairness, openness, respect for mutual consideration of each other's interests. in
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beijing, this position is shared in the same ukrainian conflict, they understand the root cause, but putin once again spells everything out. moscow is open to negotiations against. exactly the west. unfortunately, these initiatives do not find support either in ukraine or its western patrons. they are not ready for an equal, honest and open dialogue based on mutual respect and consideration of each other’s interests. instead, western elites are persistently trying to punish russia, isolate and weaken it. they supply the kiev authorities with money and weapons. they have imposed almost 16 thousand unilateral illegitimate sanctions against our country, they are threatening to dismember our country, they are illegally trying to appropriate ours for... nazism, for ukraine to carry out terrorist acts on our territory. therefore, putin says, not just negotiations are important, but negotiations with reliable guarantees and taking into account refugee assets, they turn a blind eye to the revival of the interests of all parties, including russia, official beijing also declares on international platforms, the west is also putting pressure on it,
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therefore, the leaders’ focus will be on issues of double opposition to western sanctions, and in addition to beijing , putin’s state visit program also includes khorbin, a large forum between. regional cooperation, the capital of the northern chinese province has traditionally maintained the closest economic relations with russia, ever since the russians built the china-eastern railway here . the first railway bridge across the sungari, binju, is often called simply russian here, and in many ways it is a bridge of friendship that connected not only two shores, but also two countries, and it’s not a matter of geography, it’s here that china and russia are connected spiritually. the bells were cast in pine wood in the moscow region. from irkutsk specifically to recreate an exact copy of the wooden st. nicholas church, once the first in harbin, but destroyed during the cultural revolution. i was little when my father was sent from shanghai to harbin to build a metallurgical plant together with soviet engineers, and st. nicholas church still stood next to
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the house, for me this picture is from childhood, that’s why i wanted to restore the temple, but the philanthropist did not limit himself to the temple and now there is a whole volga ethnographic park with huts, the peter the great palace and... new information about the unique and original traditions of china, especially during a visit to the prc. i know a lot about your martial arts, including wushu, which is very popular in our country, and i have respect for chinese philosophy. my family members are also interested in china, and some of them are learning chinese. and this also brings us together tomorrow in beijing, the leaders will announce the official start of the cross year of cultures. alexander baalsky, nikolai petrov and daniil gabdulin, lead china.
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and i’m useful, oh yes, and you manage me regularly, and i’m a new vtb loyalty program, you choose the right categories every month, for example clothes. belgorod came under fire again last night, air defense systems shot down several targets on approach to the capital of the region, but two people in the region suffered damage due to such damage. there is destruction, and power lines are also damaged. in belgorod itself, governor
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vyacheslav glotkov and mayor valentin demidov laid flowers at a spontaneous memorial at the site of the collapse of the entrance to a multi-storey building. olga kurlaeva with details. a few days ago, a ukrainian missile destroyed the entire entrance of a residential building. started here liquidation of the consequences of the collapse , more restoration and repair work or analysis is now underway, we will. so to speak, two entrances at least five times during the night such a missile and danger were announced, air defense worked over the area, two alha rockets were shot down. two aerial bombs and also conventional missiles of the kharm system, there is also a missile danger, it remains here, we are in close proximity to the enemy, who continues to fire, the suburb of belgorod really suffered - this is the village of oak, seven houses were damaged there damage, one was hit by a shell, two
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women were injured, but let’s return to the place where we are now, you see with... restoration work begins, it was decided at yesterday’s operational meeting, where the regional governor vyacheslav glotkov was present, to dismantle the two entrances , because there is a threat of destruction, residents were allowed access to their belongings under the control of all services, a decision was made to restore the house on this site, the final decision will be made after the house is completely dismantled and... i hope that this will allow us to start building the house as quickly as possible, it will be built according to the same project, it will be restored according to the same project by which it was built, to all residents who have now temporarily decided to live in residential premises, we
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will offer the format that is , a headquarters has been set up nearby, where residents of the damaged house can... receive documents, restore documents, immediately promptly, quickly, these are rights, passports, some banks have already made concessions, deferred loans, payments, work is underway coordinated, promptly, moreover, compensation is issued even from extra-budgetary funds, we are where we can make and attract extra-budgetary money, that is, we attract, for example, for the restoration of personal vehicles, because in fact there, how much is 10,000 for... destroyed, and we do an examination, we conduct an examination, independent, depending on the decision, that is, on the basis of the examination, we compensate for this loss to people, residents are offered to rent apartments, this will be paid for, or live with relatives for those who find it difficult to stay directly on the territory of the shelled
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region, it is proposed to travel temporarily to other, neighboring regions or where they are already expected today. there will be buses, this is not an evacuation, this is a voluntary measure, children are also leaving for pioneer camps, in general, life in the city continues, despite its close location to the front. olga kurlaeva, mikhail vikulin, belgorod. now let's talk about the weather, in the south of russia there is a peak of cold weather, thunderstorms, forest fires are flaring up in siberia against the backdrop of abnormal heat. let's talk more about this with tatyana belova, tatyana. hello, how long will this imbalance in the weather last? in the south of russia, the bad weather will linger, the cold front has already begun to heat up siberia, but the weather changes are accompanied by increased wind. the black sea coast was covered in thunderstorms early in the morning, the streets of villages in the outskirts of anapa turned white after heavy hail, as if after a snowfall, while the thermometers remained at +1 -12.
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in the morning, threatening clouds approached krasnodar, and there was a downpour, which was periodically canceled. special equipment came out like hail on the street to pump out water, in less than half an hour the temperature in the city dropped by 5° from +16 to +1. at the same time, in yakutia it warmed up to +23, against the backdrop of rising temperatures, the flood situation became more complicated: ice drift on the lena, like matches, broke power line supports, while some local residents, even in such extreme conditions, risk crossing rivers on motor boats, the following periods of dangerous maneuvers filmed in aldani. +25 today in the city of bratsk, irkutsk region, while the wind increased to 16 m/s, this instantly led to complicating the situation with fires,
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there were several in the vicinity of the city, a forest caught fire in several places, a noted agricultural crop also fell and the fire was approaching ... snt. the increase in wind is provoked by the advance of the cyclone's cold front, which previously brought winter back to the urals. the strongest gusts today are in altai, the sayans and the upper reaches of the yenessey. here it is up to 20-25 m/s, and in some places even more. of the large cities , krasnoyarsk falls into this zone. along with the storm, the cyclone brought fields of rain clouds to siberia. precipitation will move offshore today lena to the upper reaches of the irtysh. at the same time, in the north they will again turn into snow. will fall on the central streets of yakutia, sayan, verkhovye, abi and yenisei. here, in some places , more than a quarter of a month’s worth of moisture can fall in just one day. the thermometer is still rising in krasnoyarsk. rose to +28, this is more than 3° warmer than usual in july, but today the situation will change dramatically, due to the influence of the cold front
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, the wind will increase to 18-20 m/s, the collapse of trees of poorly secured structures is possible, and under accompanying the rains, the daytime temperature will immediately drop by 10°. in the west of the country , on the contrary, the temperature after a long cold spell is gradually returning to normal, first warming up in the northwest, in the center. only then in the south. on the shores of the baltic today it is +17-22, in the center in the black earth region and the middle volga it is about 15°. but in the south it is still cold; during the day it will remain about 10°. in moscow today it will be cloudy, no precipitation. the maximum temperature is +16, yesterday it was only 13°. temperature speed the regime will return to the may climate during the day +17 +19, the highest probability of showers has arisen. on friday, well, here are the forecasts.
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truly, bsb bank for the real, thanks to purchases at the megamarket, someone will come to the finish line. the first, someone will create comfort in the apartment, someone will go on a long-awaited vacation, sellers at the megamarket are changing the world, megamarket, just grow with us. magnit - the price is what you need, ochakovsky kvass, 999. in the moscow region, for organizing an illegal migrations are delayed.
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in 2023, the suspects organized the issuance of russian passports to migrants without going through official procedures; each of them paid about 500 thousand rubles for such a service. it was previously established that the intermediaries in the provision of illegal services were two natives of foreign countries. they were looking for foreigners who wanted to acquire citizenship of the russian federation for a monetary reward. without going through all the necessary procedures. for them, forged documents of ukrainian citizens were prepared, which were handed over to an employee of the migration division of the russian ministry of internal affairs for the domodedovo urban district. knowing about these falsifications, he organized the issuance of passports of citizens of the russian federation to migrants. currently , 12 such facts have been documented. at the request of the investigation
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, measures were taken against four suspects. in the form of detention, 11 people are under a written undertaking not to leave for proper behavior. the criminal investigation continues. now footage from istanbul and from city ​​center, a fire has engulfed the historic egyptian market, popular among tourists, as the media write, a fire broke out in the chimney of one of the restaurants, spread to the roof of the building, and firefighters have already begun to extinguish it. and now to other news from... the authorities, we will learn about the situation in turkey from our own correspondent leila alnazarova, she is in touch, greetings leila, do you know what forces are behind the probable coup attempt and what actions are being taken by the authorities of the republic? vera,
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greetings, according to turkish analysts, the alleged organizers may be associated with fithullah gülen, who is now hiding in the united states, and they were also announced by turkish president recep tayyip erdogan, who is currently speaking at weekly meetings with his party in parliament amid reports of a conspiracy against the power of the turkish president in the majlis greeted with savors. last night, erdogan held an unexpected meeting with the minister of justice. tunç and the head of the national intelligence organization , ibrahim kolin, at the presidential palace in ankara. the main topic of discussion was the alleged conspiracy by the metropolitan police department. the ankara chief prosecutor's office has launched an investigation into a possible plot to overthrow the government. the publication kuriyat writes about this. the dismissal of a number of police officers about the capital's security department caused a great stir in the country.
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they are accused of being associated with the criminal organization ayhan bura kaplan. their homes were searched, during which digital materials were confiscated, including audio recordings of the voice of a secret witness against organizations. it is noted that the turkish security forces are being investigated in connection with suspicion of violating several articles of the turkish criminal code. the police are suspected of colluding with criminals and providing assistance, as well as organizing a rebellion against the government.
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ultimately türkiye. if we bow down to those who are planning a repeat coup attempt, we will be devastated. anyone who defends serves a conspiracy to discredit noble names through the testimony of secret witnesses and desire to eclipse the manifest will of the nation, is a traitor and a murderer. it is necessary to deal with the police, the judicial system and the media. also, during a speech at a party meeting the day before, he warned that in turkey. a repetition of the events of 2016 is possible, i would like to remind you that on july 15 of that year there was an attempted coup, in the republic over 245 people were killed, about 3,000 were injured, a state of emergency was introduced, during its operation on suspicion of involvement in coup attempt, more than 200,000 were arrested


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