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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 15, 2024 1:00pm-1:30pm MSK

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from the city, according to the writer leonid sobolev , all that remained were the rocks of the sea to the sun, and the immortal glory that would revive this pile of stones, and so it happened. sevastopol was restored by february 1957, and the exploits of the sevastopol residents, their selfless courage and dedication will live on for centuries. these words are carved on the granite slabs of the memorial of the heroic defense of sevastopol, which were opened on the main square of the city in 1967.
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the kaliningrad region will be performed by alexey besprozvannyh, he replaced anton alikhanov, who took over the post of minister economic development. minister of industry and trade, i’ll get better. and the day before, vladimir putin gave the first instructions to the new government. according to the president , the cabinet needs to act in unison with parliament and the regions, and quickly decide on personnel issues.
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now, having worked in the territory, they have acquired even more experience, knowledge, a sense of this territory where they worked and the territory in general, i really hope that they will apply all their best skills, all their achievements in the regions of the russian federation, in order to solve the tasks facing them at the level of the federal government with maximum effect, at the same time i count on the leadership of the government. all colleagues on parallel
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tracks of work will provide them with the necessary assistance so that they act successfully. the new composition of the russian government has already gathered for its first meeting today; prime minister mikhail mishustin called on his colleagues to pay close attention to the achievement of national goals and development until 2030, as well as to the provisions of the message president of the federal assembly. responsibility, we have to justify all of you with the appointment, this is a very serious trust of the head of state, and of course, the citizens of russia to work clearly, effectively, as the president emphasized, in the current difficult conditions it is necessary to act in a single formation and organize... work without any pauses.
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colleagues, i ask you to be very attentive to achieving the updated development goals of our country until 2030 and for the future until 2036, as well as to the implementation of all provisions of the president’s message in the federal assembly. they should be priorities in your activities and i ask everyone to follow this closely. the head of state will direct kurganskaya to respond to every appeal, on behalf of the president, he especially noted that it is extremely important to provide the victims with everything necessary, the region will receive 4 billion rubles to eliminate the damage, primarily for payments to residents, including one-time payments and in connection with the loss of property, as well as repairing damaged housing or purchasing a new one if... the previous housing
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was destroyed. in addition, there will be the reconstruction of flooded healthcare, education and social facilities was financed. engineering infrastructure. hydraulic structures, sanitary cleaning, which is also very important, disinfection of the territory. and one more thing: in the orenburg region, earlier the government quickly sent about half a ruble to help people affected by floods. now, on the instructions of the president, we will allocate an additional 5 billion rubles. these funds will help restore the damaged utility facility. tomorrow vladimir putin begins state visit to the people's republic of china, convey. the russian leader gave a long interview to the chinese news agency xinhua; the president, in particular, drew attention to the constantly growing trade turnover between our countries. how are they preparing for vladimir putin’s visit and what are they saying in the prc about relations between moscow and beijing? in a report by alexander balitsky, head of the vgtrk bureau in china. people in
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china are preparing for putin's arrival tomorrow and some have even dressed up for the occasion. hurray for putin, putin is cool. and today's interview with the russian leader the main news agency of the people's republic of china. puts everything in its place, why it is in china that putin will make his first visit after re-election in the year of the seventy-fifth anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between moscow and beijing; not only are they at their highest point, they are also growing stronger, despite the difficult situation in the world. it is important that modern russian-chinese ties are independent of ideology and political conditions. their multifaceted development is a conscious strategic choice based on the broad coincidence of indigenous national interests, deep mutual trust, powerful public. support and sincere friendship of the peoples of the two countries. we are talking about joint efforts to strengthen sovereignty, protect territorial integrity and security, and, more broadly, to promote the development and prosperity of russia and china by increasing equal, mutually beneficial cooperation in the economy and humanitarian sphere. all this, putin will say, would have been
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impossible without the personal participation of the leaders; they call chairman xi wise and far-sighted, and every meeting with him conversation between old friends, resulting in a colossal increase in trade turnover. doubled over the past 5 years and new joint productions china and russia are actively investing in high technology and innovation, space, artificial intelligence, energy, that is, our countries have immunity to external challenges, but putin will once again emphasize, especially for chinese readers, all global turbulence, including in today's economy, due to the west's reluctance to follow a multipolar course. us-led western elites refuse to respect civilized and cultural diversity. reject traditional values ​​that have been formed over centuries. in an attempt to maintain their global dominance, they arrogated to themselves the right to tell other people with whom they can cooperate and with whom they cannot. naturally, this state of affairs does not suit either russia or its partners. with our active participation
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, multilateral associations, independent of the west, have been successfully created, based on the principles of equality, justice, openness, respect for mutual consideration of interests. in beijing , this position is shared in the same ukrainian conflict, they understand the root cause, but putin once again spells everything out, moscow is open to negotiations against the west. unfortunately, these initiatives do not find support either in ukraine or its western patrons. they are not ready for an equal, honest and open dialogue based on mutual respect and consideration of each other’s interests. instead , western elites are persistently trying to punish , isolate and weaken russia. kyiv authorities with money and weapons, have imposed almost 16 thousand unilateral illegitimate sanctions against our country, threaten to dismember our country, illegally try to appropriate our foreign assets, turn a blind eye to the revival of nazism, to ukraine carrying out terrorist acts on our territory.
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therefore, putin says, not just negotiations are important, but negotiations with reliable guarantees and taking into account the interests of all parties, including russia, official beijing also declares on international platforms, and the west supports it. also presses, so in the spotlight leaders will have issues of double opposition to western sanctions; in addition to beijing in the state visit program, putin also has a large forum of interregional cooperation in harbin. the capital of the northern chinese province has traditionally enjoyed the closest economic relations with russia, ever since the russians built the china-eastern railway here. the first railway bridge across the songhua, binju, is often simply called russian here, and it is in many ways a bridge of friendship, connected at the very beginning. centuries are not just two banks, but also two countries, and it’s not a matter of geography, it’s here that china and russia are connected spiritually. the bells were cast in the moscow region, the pine was brought from irkutsk, specifically to recreate an exact copy of the wooden st. nicholas church, once the first in harbin, but destroyed during
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the cultural revolution. i was little when my father was sent from shanghai to harbin to build a metallurgical plant together with soviet engineers. and st. nicholas church then still stood next to. according to putin, ancient chinese traditions are treated with no less respect in russia. talking about in my personal attitude towards chinese culture, i would like to note that i always discover with great interest something new about the unique and original traditions of china, especially during a visit to the prc. i know a lot about your martial arts, including wushu, which is very popular in our country, and i have respect for chinese philosophy. my family members are also interested in china, and some of them are learning chinese. and this also brings us closer. and tomorrow in beijing, leaders will announce the official start of the cross year of cultures. alexander
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the tax on a child will change, about the social aspects of changing tax legislation, artyom kiryanov, deputy chairman of the state duma committee on economic policy, in an interview with the tax program. this is a tax program, me, larisa katosheva. hello. soon we will the tax system is expected to be modernized or adjusted. it's time to talk about what the main vectors and the social direction of development will look like. and the chairman of the russian union of taxpayers, well, right now , traditionally, a few numbers. 19 million rubles. the budget of st. petersburg brought a resort tax; it is collected from tourists who stayed in the city for more than a hundred hundred. for each day of stay in a hotel, a guest of the northern capital pays an additional 100 rubles. the experiment started on april 1 this year. by
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according to estimates by the government of st. petersburg , the resort tax will replenish the treasury by 310 million rubles. according to the law, this money should be used to create the development of the city's resort infrastructure. 5.5 million taxpayers gave their consent to receive tax notices electronically through the state services portal. there , in the personal account, a citizen can pay accrued taxes, while tax notices will not be duplicated on paper and sent by registered mail. you can exercise your right to receive notifications through government services at any time. depending on whether the taxpayer has a personal account on the tax service website. 10% - a flat tax rate on income in the form of dividends and royalties, and a zero tax rate on interest income. such conditions are provided for in the agreement on the avoidance of double taxation between russia and abkhazia. separate benefits
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are specified in this document for cross-border operations of developers. they are exempted for 18 months from paying tax on... committee on economic policy and chairman of the russian union taxpayers. artyom, hello. hello, good afternoon. today we will talk about how tax policy is changing, what we can expect in the coming years, what initiatives
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legislators are currently discussing. by the way, how do you select these initiatives? approach to the legislative issue. it is, of course, complex, there are, firstly, direct instructions from the president, in particular what he said in his address to the federal assembly, it is put into certain formats, and with such a direct instruction to the state duma and the government the russian federation, for example, is the modernization and adjustment of the tax system until 2030, we already had this format at the previous stage in 2018, when there were elections, the tax system was also adjusted, there was a large detailed discussion with business representatives, with people, and this discussion led to the fact that until the year twenty-four, we lived according to understandable, clearly described rules, in a fairly clear, stable tax environment, i
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think that now we will take those legislative initiatives that i instructed president... to further adjust the tax system in the direction of greater social justice, there is such a task, it will be solved, i think that we are still at the spring session, that is , by the end of july we will make all such decisions and in the twenty-fifth and subsequent years already let's come out with a new tax system, the president's instructions are of course important, but do you take into account the voters' instructions? the second important source of legislative initiatives. this is , of course, communication with people, communication with the region, well, in our country, every deputy is either elected a single-mandate constituency, such as, for example, i am from the novgorod region, or according to the party list, but certain territories are also assigned, in which we visit during regional weeks, and accordingly from this here is communication from people’s requests, from
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requests from local governments, regional authorities , certain initiatives are being formed. russia with a message to the federal assembly, and quite a lot of new interesting projects were announced, what is being done today for the family, to improve the demographic situation, to support large families, that is, this comprehensive approach, which is called from the maternity hospital. before entering work, work that is needed by the national economy, and will be implemented within, well, let’s say , the next - 10-15-twenty. or even 30 years for sure, so as for the additional adjustment of the tax system, the president proposed and accordingly
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double the tax deductions for the second child to 2,800 rubles. for the third child also doubled to 6,000. artyom, what does this mean in reality? let's figure out how this works mechanism? what is it about? our salary is 30,000 rubles. and the tax office. deductions from it are valid for approximately 11 months, that’s when we raise the total amount of payments to 450,000 rubles. it turns out that people with a salary of 30,000 will rhythmically receive a salary increase throughout the year. people who have a salary of 50,000, they will receive additional funds not for 7 months, but for 9 months a year, but there are benefits in terms of property taxes on... on land, let's see what we already have, we have tax benefits, related to the payment of taxes on property, on land, in principle, it turns out that
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many people with many children do not pay property tax at all, since the apartment is small, it turns out that for each, for example, child in the apartment, this is a deduction of 5 km for tax purposes, if look at it in general, it’s very... these six hundred square meters fit, well, whoever pays more is the one who pays more for taxation and, accordingly, a lot of hundred square meters, in fact, the general policy of the state in this regard is constantly developing, well, for example, in the novgorod region and two other regions of russia there is... a project to increase the birth rate, demographics, a pilot project, in these regions a system of effective
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support support will be developed, well, in fact , a person’s life begins with childbirth, but even before the birth planning process is underway and people must , of course, understand what support measures they will have if they go...
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taxation, deductions, benefits, they will earn a new income in 2025, that is, we have a very short period of time for implementation instructions from the president, and i think that we do not expect any failures here, the implementation of changes in tax policy is still a team effort between legislators and those who propose these initiatives, then these changes will be implemented, applied in practice, everything adds up? as for legislators, we, naturally, keep our finger on the pulse of the processes that the tax service conducts. it is very important for me, as the chairman
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of the expert council for the announcement of the economy under the state duma committee on economic policy, that tax data, they are absolutely relevant, you can rely on them, we see the processes that are taking place in various industries from the point of view of taxation, from the point of view. gray and black schemes, we see the processes that go on with the announcement of people's wages, and here is such daily, painstaking work, it goes to the legislator of the tax authorities, when we adopt the budget, we understand that it may have some kind of deficit , but we also understand that thanks to advances in tax administration. well, in general, there are reasonable
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arguments to believe that we have. the budget will be deficit-free. artyom, how do taxpayers feel about changes in tax policy? have you collected opinions? yes, of course, there is feedback, it is always there, and i, as the head of the russian taxpayers union, periodically initiate some kind of surveys, if you like, public opinion measurements, measurements on certain decisions made. if you remember, there was a decision to increase income taxes. individuals, for those who earn more than 5 million a year, above this amount our taxation is not 13, but 15%. i thought this moment would be quite alarming, well, because when it comes to increasing taxes, in particular about increasing taxes specifically on wages, i thought that there would really be some kind of unrest, you know, there would be mass petitions, some kind of speeches .
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but surprisingly, and my colleagues and i generally measured this situation, surprisingly, absolutely all taxpayers correctly understood why such an increase was needed agreed with this increase, and why is it necessary, we all know, this is a circle of good fund that provides treatment for children with severe orphan diseases, the number of nosologies grows every year, and accordingly this money... has the form of a colored tax, goes directly to support life and health of children. this is a very important story, and i think that in this context of social justice and support for needy groups of the population, a new adjustment of the tax system will be implemented, that is, the reasons for this growth are clear to people; we have
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an ambitious national one.
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despite the decline in exports, in april they added 11% compared to last year and exceeded $17 billion, as stated in the report of the international energy agency. average export prices for all types of russian oil increased in april and exceeded the price ceiling. mea's forecast for global demand for this year has been lowered to just over 103 million barrels per day. the supply forecast has been increased to a record 102.7 million
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by the european commission. improved the forecast for the russian economy. this year, gdp growth is expected to be almost 3% instead of one and a half, more than one and a half next year. the figures were also revised by the european bank for reconstruction and development. analysts explain that the growth factors were a manufacturing boom in the defense sector and increased trade with china. the us treasury has threatened to restrict raiffeisen bank's access to the american financial system. the reason for cooperation with russia, this was reported. this austrian group remains one of the few who have not yet sold the russian division. let me remind you, in addition to the bank itself, in our country there are leasing and insurance management companies raifazin. germany and sweden criticized the tariffs.


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