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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 15, 2024 1:30pm-2:00pm MSK

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the european commission has improved the forecast for the russian economy; this year gdp growth is expected to be almost 3% instead of one and a half and more than one and a half next year; the european bank for reconstruction and development has also revised the figures. analysts explain that the growth factors were a manufacturing boom in the defense sector and increased trade with china. the us treasury has threatened to restrict raiffeisen bank's access to the american financial system. cooperation with russia, reports this. it is known that washington expressed dissatisfaction, in particular with the possible purchase of a stake in construction concert strabak. this austrian group remains one of the few who have not yet sold their russian division. let me remind you that in addition to the bank itself , the leasing and insurance management company raifazin operates in our country. germany and sweden criticized us tariffs on chinese electric cars. the swedish prime minister called it stupid. ideas that are destructive to
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global trade, and his german colleague recalled that at least 50% of imports of electric vehicles from china come from western brands. according to the wall street journal, for carts now you will have to pay four times more, not 25, but 100% of the cost of the car. it was economic news. short.
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a new head was introduced to the employees of the accounts chamber today; the federation council, at the suggestion of vladimir putin , appointed boris kovalchuk to this post, varvara nevskaya watched the ceremony, now she is in direct contact with the studio, let’s find out all the details, varvara. hello, i give
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you the floor. yuri, i welcome you, today at the accounts chamber, the head of the federation council introduced the new head of the department, they became boris kovalchuk. let me remind you that on the eve of may 14, he was appointed by the federation council to this position after two days of consultations within the framework of relevant committees and then a large plenary meeting. as noted today by the speaker of the upper house of parliament, the all-senate. supported this candidacy unanimously. as part of the presentation procedure itself, which took place today, valentina matvienko recalled that the accounts chamber is the main control body of the state, the most important state instrument for the president, the government, for all levels of government that perform an important mission and function, expressing confidence that at the moment there is a layer of new tasks that are caused by the challenges of the time and
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the accounts chamber must adapt to them, you and i all understand that the time is different now, yes , the time that you...
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the chamber, as part of the hearings, let me remind you that he outlined his substantive vision, and the senators were extremely satisfied with this comprehensive dialogue, about the main priorities of their work as the head of the department boris kovalchuk told today. this is certainly the fulfillment of national goals that the president has set, these are issues of technological sovereignty, issues of supporting our military personnel,
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the end of the moratorium on inspection of an it company, which just recently ended, i remind you that it was in effect several months ago and was introduced to support industry. i know well, first-hand, how the price of a product goes from vender
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to the customer, vender is an intermediary, an integrator, and i know that often... the customer does not even determine who will win, and this happens below through agreements between vendors and integrators, it is necessary to deal with pricing, unconditionally supporting the digitalization of the it sector, without this, where are we without it, well, paper document flow or something, well, this is impossible, so here i promised at the federation council i think that our task is indeed mine... at the end of his speech, boris kovalchuk greeted the entire team of the accounts chamber and stated that in the closest contact with employees he is ready to begin work in the near future
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solutions to all tasks assigned to the department. yuri, yes, varvara, thank you for the detailed story, let me remind you that the correspondent varvara nevskaya was on direct communication with the accounts chamber. in the belgorod region, two people were injured as a result of a new attack by the ukrainian armed forces. the woman has a shoulder injury; the men have burns; they are hospitalized. in the village of dubovoe, a house caught fire after a shell hit. shrapnel damaged cars, roofs , fences of private buildings, and windows were broken. there is damage to the power line. in the very belgorod governor vyacheslav glotkov and mayor valentin demidov laid flowers at a spontaneous memorial at the site of the collapse of the entrance to a multi-storey building. a decision was made to restore the house in this place, the final decision will be made after we completely dismantle and inspect the house, conduct an inspection of the foundation, i hope that this will allow us
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to start building the house as quickly as possible, it will be built according to the same design, it will be restored according to that the same project that was built, to everyone - the residents who now we have temporarily lost our living quarters, we will offer the format that we have. the turkish authorities know who is behind the possible conspiracy in law enforcement agencies. recep erdogan announced this to the country, but did not name names, but mentioned the banned organization of fethullah gülen. the head of the ministry of internal affairs promised to soon report the results of the investigation into the possible preparation of a coup. according to him, if there are structures aimed against the president and the government, the authorities will find them and bring them to justice. but in the meantime, the pro-kurdish dam party reports about the detention of dozens of its members in istanbul. let me remind you that at night recep tayyip erdogan held an emergency meeting with the heads of intelligence and menjust after reporting a possible. coup attempts. earlier in the country there was a series of high-profile dismissals of police officers, allegedly they were
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tourists, including foreigners , have flocked to the far east en masse, and the tourist flow has increased significantly. how government support helps develop the experience industry, what benefits do businesses receive and what unique projects do they end up with? appear. watch the program “there is a solution”
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with maria kudrevtsiy. a unique opportunity to see volcanoes, geysers, the ocean and bears in one place, all this is kamchatka, just one of the destinations in the far east, a point of attraction for tourists from all over russia and from other countries, and what solutions are there to attract investment here? after all, in principle, we didn’t even consider the theoretical question that we are on his, well, sort of menu, but man, the far east, but it is beyond competition, our number of tourists has been growing in recent years from 30 to 50% every year, i never thought before
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why we need an economist, so... well, it’s clear why, now it all works, it’s already such a big organism, the far east is a special place on the planet, very beautiful, interesting and the potential is colossal, simply colossal, well, the potential in general, including tourism, well, i don’t know, it’s simply fascinating; in 2023 , almost 30% more tourists visited the far east than a year earlier. 6,300,000 people, if we take individual regions, in the khabarovsk territory the increase is more than double, well primorye is almost one and a half. this type of vacation is called the experience industry, but how does it work and what helps it grow so much? this is our unique nature,
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we recovered in terms of tourist flow the year before last, compared... with the nineteenth year, last year we exceeded it there by almost a third, this year foreigners began to return, we had australians, italians, french, the swiss, the chinese, the chinese auger - this is just a very amazing thing for us. alexander moroz, russian snowboard champion, founder snowboard movement in kamchatka, created a mountain sports base at the foot of the volcanoes. we started with three houses for 10-15 people, and now we are here. that place of accommodation, it’s super, and then there’s hot tea, right on the ocean, where else can i meet you, a beautiful girl with hot ones, only in kamchatka, what support measures are there that help attract tourists to the far east, they help you create this infrastructure inside , an important aspect is
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the subsidization of flights to the far east, including kamchatka, now flights to one side. 17,100 in total, in addition to this , basic infrastructure is being maintained, roads are being built, a snowmobile is a quick way to get to interesting but hard-to-reach places, and how to get to the tourist bases themselves, one of the solutions is the infrastructure being built near the gorely, putnovsky and velyuchensky volcanoes? literally a kilometer from the base, a resort of international standard is being created - trivulcana park, this is a ski tourism.
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it will now be easier for us to generate our own at the expense of diesel generators, the added cost of such electricity is huge, approximately five times more expensive than the central energy supply. the park of three volcanoes and eight more ski resorts across the country are being created thanks to the national project of tourism, the hospitality industry, all projects will receive preferential lending and will ultimately be able to attract up to 4.7 million people annually. for comparison, this is only half a million less than last year ’s rest... the program was launched in 2021 for hotels and sanatoriums, and last fall they expanded the preferential loan, year-round amusement parks can receive, water parks and ski resorts. the rate is low, now it is about 8%, because it is calculated using the formula 30% of the key rate, plus no more than 3% per annum, how can we assess
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the tourism potential of the far east, if you look at the tourist flow, how it has changed, you look around, you will see part of the answer to this question, it seems to me that the tourism potential of the far east is... unique, well , are you saying that because you work here? no, because i’m resting here, do you rest while working? no, during work not very, not very good. i once read an interview of yours, recently you said that on sunbeds is not a vacation, not a vacation. i was probably pissed, what is this? when , on the contrary, in the evening, having already walked the entire route, you choose a parking lot and see a place that you will remember for several more years, this is relaxation. vladimir putin recently said that tourism’s contribution to gdp needs to double within this decade. what could be the contribution of the far east here? we are growing twice as fast as the average country. in the world there is there are many countries in which the country's income from
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tourism is 80%. do you know how much russia is? less than four, we have something to strive for. there is a competition called the far east land of adventure, how does it help develop tourism here and attract new tourists here? he’s talking about how he took a tent, a backpack there and... went traveling, you need to be able to move through the forest, over rocks, control a boat on the river, for example, i ’ve been used to this since childhood. this year the far east land of adventures competition is being held for the second time, anyone can submit an application on the website travelerdv.rf and prepare your video, but it is important to warn you right away, winning is not so easy. this is what the path of one of the finalists consisted of. i walked 500 km along the coast of the primorsky territory, visiting places rarely visited by people. the competition will attract even more tourists to the far east. but
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for business in the macroregion there are support measures, first of all, the priority development area. vladivostok, russky island, oysters and tripanga are grown here , such pacific media. last year the harvest was 25 tons. gastronomic tourism.
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from here it goes to moscow in the krasnodar region, partners with a factory that makes natural cosmetics from local tripang, and launched a gastronomic tour in 2023. what is important for a tourist who comes to a farm where seafood is grown to first see how everything works? the point is to hold one of the inhabitants in your hands, well, in the end, to taste them, this is our crab, but how did you get it here, you only have scallops here, we are for tourists, man i came, i touched it, i will always remember it, well, there is one more little secret, you said, you have to touch it, well, now you also bought, for the development of technologies here you received support from the center of my business, 20%.
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it is already such that we can talk not about a quantitative, but about a qualitative change in the structure of receiving tourists in the far east, cuisine has begun to appear, restaurants have begun to appear, everything is changing quite quickly, and what should you definitely try in the far east? after all, of course, morizveri, because that they are unique here, so i never understood, uh, why people treat kambola with such respect, well, it’s a tasteless fish, and then we, uh, came to sakhalin, the captain... says to me, let’s catch a fish, i say, yes, i’m people they are already waiting, and he says, yes, 15 minutes will be enough for us, when it goes straight from the ocean to the frying pan, it is completely different,
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so, you are going on a trip with... where to start planning, the road and where to stay. in the far east, in the so -called collective accommodation places, 3.8 million people vacationed last year, 42% more than in 2022, and there is a great demand for small hotels, which means there is a profitable area for investment, and the state will also help. and a support measure: a subsidy for the construction of modular hotels. in 2022-23, 1800 were built with its help
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. this is how anton morozov caught his wave in 2004, 5 years later, as an experienced instructor , he opened the first surfing school in russia, now about 4,000 people come here in the summer alone to improve the infrastructure, they began to use grants for business development. one of the last grants for which spent? this equipment is primarily for accommodation, which we now have, these are glamps. you said that in the beginning you lived on
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the beach. the better the wave, the more people come to surf, because this creates conditions for surfing, also in tourism, the better the services, the more travelers. at the end of last year, the flow of tourists to the far east and the arctic zone increased by more than 40%, and with tourists comes new investments. what kamchatka wave? it’s different all the time, of course there are days and conditions, but i like that everything can be crooked, if you ride on bad, blown waves, then on high-quality ones you can do absolutely everything. well, let's go catch a wave? let's go, let's fly! it's just great to eat.
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one problem, now you can’t leave kamchatka, you want to stay, well, all the releases of the program have a solution, you can see it on the platform, look on our social networks, this doesn’t happen there, it’s clear to everyone that russia is not a country of gas stations, you are the russian digital solutions. .. to new heights, perspectives more brutal, there will be more than exactly what the numbers help, you are incomparably original in is, even more brutal, yes, our questions, what in general with production, raw materials, exports, what is it, our product.
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let's return to the news review. vladimir putin today appointed temporary acting heads of regions, this was reported in the kremlin, so the tula region was headed by dmitry milyaev. until may 14, the region was led by alexey dyumin, whom the president appointed as his assistant. dmitry milyaev. born in the city of kirievsk in tula region. graduated in ninety-seven.


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