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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 15, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm MSK

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were not included in the new cabinet, the president thanked former deputy prime minister victoria abramchenko for her work, noting that she did a lot and loved the subject she was involved in, they did a lot, i know that they always worked actively, as they say, with soul, they loved the subject they were engaged and paid due attention to this, i want to thank you and propose to talk
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not only to thank you for everything you have done, but to talk about how we can build joint work, i think we need to continue it, but i wanted you wait a minute, that at one time you entrusted me with this post, it was interesting to work, although the times were not very simple for the country, for the industry, well... i think that we
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managed the energy sector, in general, yes, elitor energy, we have passed this period, well, then they set, new tasks are set, and in general development does not stop there, we need to continue development, without energy, the economy cannot work, you know, it won’t be able to work, so i think that there are many tasks ahead, also vladimir putin thanked my ex for his work minister of sports oleg matytsin, the president said that he has some ideas and proposals about the future work of the ex-minister, we managed to structure the work in such a way that nothing fades away, as they say, on the contrary, it developed, and developed actively, thank you very much , i want to inform you that i have decided to award you a state award for everything that has been done. and before,
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by the way, coming to this high position, because you, as an international official, also developed sports, well then student sports, we held very good international events of a high level, high class, to a large extent this is also the result of your work, thank you very much, first of all for the trust to work in your team as part of the previous cabinet of ministers, we tried, i and my colleagues will do everything possible to... as correctly noted, to maintain the positive trend in the development of sports in the russian federation, a powerful foundation has been created, despite all the difficulties, very bright sporting events were held, but of course the main task was to create a strategy, prepare a strategy. vladimir putin appointed temporary acting heads of regions, the kremlin reported. thus, the position of governor of the kaliningrad region will be taken by alexey besprozvannykh. he... he became the minister
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of energy. alexey smirnov became the acting governor of the kursk region. he replaced roman starovoit, who took the post of minister of transport in the new cabinet. dmitry milyaev, appointed temporarily acting governor of the tula region until may 14, let me remind you, the region was headed by alexey dyumin, whom the president appointed as his assistant. dmitry demeshivno was appointed acting head of the khabarovsk territory. previously, this post was held by mikhail dekterev, now he holds the post of minister of sports. four out of five new appointees have passed or are undergoing the so-called governor’s school in the program for training the personnel management reserve of the civil service on the basis of the higher school of public administration. alexei besprozvannyh is a graduate of the first stream. dmitry demeshin ii. and ilya seredyuk and
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alexey smirnov are studying in the sixth stream. and today the date of the single voting day became known. this year it is scheduled for september 8, as announced by the chairman of the central electoral commission. pomfilova village. she noted that taking into account the new appointments, the number of regions in which elections are planned in september increased from 16 to 20, and the number of voters from 54 to 55 million. russia positively assesses china's initiatives on conflict resolution in ukraine. vladimir putin stated this in an interview with the chinese news agency xinhua on the eve of his state visit to the prc. the president emphasized that the plan put forward by beijing speaks of the need to overcome. compliance with international law and the un charter. cold war mentality about the importance this approach could form the basis of future negotiations. we want a comprehensive, sustainable, fair resolution of this conflict through peaceful means and are open
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to dialogue on ukraine, but this must be negotiations that take into account the interests of all countries involved in this conflict, including our interests. coupled with a serious conversation about the global one. separately, vladimir putin focused on bilateral relations between russia and china. the soviet union was the first in the world to recognize the prc on the second day of its existence. this year the countries celebrate the seventy-fifth anniversary of diplomatic relations. i have noted more than once
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that our peoples are connected by long and strong traditions of friendship and cooperation. and this is one of the most important foundations bilaterally. relationships. behind for 3/4 centuries our countries have traveled a long and sometimes difficult path. we have fully taken into account the historical experience of our relations at different stages of their development. today we understand how powerful an impetus for all-round rapid development comes from the combination of complementary advantages. it is important that modern russian-chinese ties are independent of ideology and political conditions. their multifaceted development, a conscious strategic... choice based on a broad coincidence of fundamental national interests, deep mutual trust, strong public support and sincere friendship of the peoples of the two countries. the first meeting of the new cabinet of ministers took place today. mikhail neshustin called for careful attention to achieving
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national development goals until 2030 and the provisions of the president’s address to the federal assembly. the prime minister called them priorities in the government's activities. natalya will tell you what other topics were touched upon at the meeting. special thanks from mikhail mishustin, the federation council and the state duma, it was there that the discussions about each candidate. specialized committees spent hours examining both old-timers and newcomers before approving the entire team. the core remains unchanged, which will allow for continuity of course. of
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the twenty-one ministers in this composition , only six are new. four came from the governor's pool. colleagues working on parallel tracks are ready to provide them with the necessary support. it is important to continue to actively interact and cooperate with parliamentarians, of course, to be as open as possible when preparing new laws and new regulations, well... don’t forget about the main thing, our task is to carry out in full, on time, the instructions of the president, to do everything possible to improve the quality of life of people in each region, and the first tasks have already been assigned to the affected regions this spring , full-scale floods require support; the damage is colossal, tens of billions of rubles; in the orenburg region alone , more than 30 thousand residential buildings were damaged or completely destroyed, as well as infrastructure facilities, hospitals,
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criminal enterprises and organizations of the orenburg region, whose income during the emergency situation has already decreased by more than a third. in the kurgan region , restoration work has already begun. the government will use the money to reconstruct flooded hospitals, clinics, schools and other social institutions. will restore engineering infrastructure destroyed by floods and hydraulic structures. sanitary cleaning and disinfection will be carried out in previously flooded areas. on behalf of the head of state, we will send. primarily for payments if, accordingly, the former
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residents, including one-time payments and in connection with the loss of property, as well as for the repair of damaged housing or the acquisition of a new one, the housing was destroyed. among the top priorities of the new cabinet is to formulate priorities for the next six years. short-term plans were worked out by its previous composition. mikhail mishustin thanked those members of the government who are moving to... thank them too for their work and agree on how and where they could
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apply all their knowledge and skills to new areas, so that their knowledge and experience are not lost, and the new team has already started working and fulfilling the tasks that were set by the head of state. natalya solovyova, lead. denis mantarov introduced the new minister anton alikhanov to the staff of the ministry of industry and trade. let me remind you that on may 14 , the president signed decrees on the appointment of members. in general, the team for the work that we implemented together, those projects,
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the challenges that we faced, how we solved everything together, well, i can say that i was very pleased and comfortable work in the ministry team for many years, anton andreevich, as... the ministry, over the past years of work, the ministry showed results,
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yes, there were some difficult issues, not everything worked out right away, but in general this is a great assessment , interaction with parliament was obviously set up in a special way, because no one had any critical questions, that is, all factions , thank you very much, supported it. in general , i consider this a recognition of zaslutinovich, and today a new head was presented at the accounts chamber departments of boris kovalchuk. the day before, his candidacy, proposed by the president, was approved by the federation council. all the details. at the accounts chamber, the head of the federation council introduced the new head of the department. it was boris kovalchuk. let me remind you that the day before, on may 14, he was appointed by the federation council to this position after two days of consultations within the framework of relevant committees and then a large plenary meeting. as
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the speaker of the upper house of parliament noted today, all senators supported this candidacy unanimously. v within the framework of the presentation procedure itself, which took place today, valentina matvienko recalled that the accounts chamber is the main control body of the state, the most important state instrument for the president, the government, for all levels of government that perform an important mission and function, expressing confidence that at the moment there is a layer of new tasks that are determined by the challenges of the time and the accounts chamber must adapt to them. "you and i all understand that the time is different now outside, yes, the time that has fallen it’s our lot, it’s complicated, it’s not easy, we live under strict sanctions, we live under conditions of conducting a special military operation, where we will definitely win, there is no doubt, and so on, and of course, all
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government bodies, including the accounts chamber, they must..."
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analysis of all the situations that the department will encounter in its work, he also drew attention to the fact that the accounts chamber needs to strengthen its work in the field of identifying violations, mainly those related to the misuse of funds, a direct violation of the law, which fall under the provisions of the criminal code, and boris kovalchuk stated
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the need to deal with pricing in the field of digitalization, recalling the end of the moratorium on inspection of it companies, i remind you that it was in effect several months ago and was introduced for industry support. i know well, first-hand, how the price of a product goes from vender to the customer, vender, the intermediary, the integrator, and i know that often the customer does not even determine who he has will win, and this is happening below, certainly supporting the digitalization of the it sector. without this , where are we without it? well, paper documents circulation or what? well, that's impossible. therefore, here at the federation council i promised that i believe that our task, and my
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personal one, is to control the prices of education. at the end of his speech. polchuk greeted the entire team of the accounts chamber and said that in close contact with employees , he is ready to begin work in the near future to solve all the tasks assigned to the department. varvara nevskaya, yuri gonchar, valery glushakov and nadezhda nefedova. news. now there is new footage from the presidential press service. good afternoon, dear comrades.
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first of all, i would like to congratulate you on the recent holiday, may 9, the day of victory of the soviet people in the great patriotic war. i wanted to do this in person, i know that you were all supposed to be there on the ninth. and were at their workplaces, celebrating this holiday in a combat situation, in this regard, i want to thank all of your subordinates for this combat work. work is going according to plan, the approved and prepared command of the group, the general staff and fulfilled all assigned tasks.
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carry out all tasks assigned by the ministry of defense and the general staff. this is what the whole country expects from us, from you. we see what the neo-nazi regime is doing in the border strip. this is what they did for all the years, starting in 2014, when we tried to resolve it through peaceful means.
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energy, sports, transport, industry, agriculture and defense, i want to thank sergei kuzhgevichaig for what he had done over the previous years to build the armed forces, to give him a new look, i think that we have no one... from doubts that this look is being consistently created, including in relation to the requirements of today,
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the requirements of modern methods of warfare. yes, we all understand that much still needs to be done, many things were not clear before the start of hostilities, either to us or to all those who in one way or another in the world deal with... building their armed forces, this is obvious, but the way we quickly respond to the demands of the time gives us confidence that we will certainly solve all problems of this kind. sergei kazhgedovich comes to another job, you know about this, he will be the secretary of the security council, this is a constitutional body that is formed by the president, his task is to provide assistance. to the head of state in the leadership of the entire security component of the state, belousov has been appointed as the new minister of defense, andrei romovich,
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please, andrei romovich, this has nothing to do with lastly, with the fact that expenses on the military component are growing, let me remind you that in the mid-eighties, total expenses... yes, this is a big resource, and we are obliged to use it very efficiently and effectively, i once headed
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the ministry of economic development, then worked in the presidential administration, assistant to the president, in recent years he was first deputy chairman of the government of the russian federation, led the economic bloc, and of course, he understands perfectly well what needs to be done in order to the economy of the entire power bloc and the ministry of defense, as a key link, is... the bloc to fit into the overall economy of the country, this is an extremely important thing, bearing in mind that this is associated with the innovative development of industry and taking into account the capabilities of the economy, the budget, we are increasing expenses , after all , we proceed from the fact that by increasing spending on defense and security, we proceed from the fact that all social obligations must be
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fulfilled to citizens. we see we understand that the growing costs of defense and security one way or another are organically connected with civilian branches of production, which in turn gives impetus to the development of industry as a whole, preserves and increases jobs in the country, our unemployment is at a historically minimal level today, but - this is
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the relationship between guns... the so -called guns and butter , it must be organically integrated into the overall development strategy of the russian state, so i hope that andrei rymovich will cope with this task in the best possible way, among other things, andrei ronovich has recently on my instructions, he was involved in some dual-use things, in particular the development of unmanned aerial vehicles and other unmanned vehicles.
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i think that sergei kozhgenovich, like no one else, understands the need to ensure our obligations to our partners in the field of supplying military equipment to the foreign market, taking into account the fact that first of all we must meet the needs of our armed forces. this is a combination, it is very subtle, important, sergei kuzhgedovich together with the ministry of defense, with the leadership of the ministry of defense, together with means.
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what i would like to say at the beginning, well, as agreed, i asked sergei kuzhgeyadovich, valery vasilyevich, to organize our meeting in such a way that we could talk about the current situation on the line of combat contact, we do this daily with the leadership of the ministry of defense with chief of the general staff, but i wanted to listen to you, i generally understand what is happening and how, but it’s one thing to listen -


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