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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 15, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm MSK

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blown waves, then on high-quality ones you can do absolutely everything, well, let’s go catch a wave, let’s go, fly, it’s just great, there’s only one problem, now you can’t leave kamchatka, you want to stay, well, all the releases of the program have a solution, can be seen on the platform look. in our social networks, this does not happen there, the information picture of the day in facts is russia 24 in the studio artyom yamshchikov and olga armyakova, this is the main topic for today, vladimir putin. met with the commanders
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of the military districts, what was discussed, let's show footage from the kremlin. first meeting of the new composition. the cabinet of ministers begins work. what challenges does the government face? the main priorities were what was discussed at the first meeting, and how the president’s orders will be carried out. new appointments in five regions, to whom the president instructed to act as governors, replacing those who went to work in moscow. specified.
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our troops are performing in all directions, constantly improving their position every day. we see what the neo-nazi regime is doing in the border zone, so they have been received throughout the years since 2014, when we tried to peacefully resolve this conflict. unfortunately, nothing worked out, and we were forced to start protecting our people in these territories - with the help of the armed forces. but the more effectively you work on the line of combat contact, the more chances we have to resolve this issue peacefully. during the meeting, vladimir putin thanked sergei shaiga for his work in building new armed forces. the president noted the appointment of the new minister of defense. andrey belousov
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due to the fact that military spending is rising. i would like to thank sergei kuzhbe shaiga for what he has done over the previous years to build the armed forces and give it a new look. i think that no one has any doubt that this image is being consistently created, including in relation to the requirements of today, to the requirements of modern methods. conducting armed struggle, how quickly we respond to the demands of the time, this gives us confidence that we are all tasked we will definitely decide this kind of thing, belousov has been appointed as the new minister of defense, andrei rymovich, please, andrei removich, this is due not least to the fact that spending on the military component is growing. this
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year our total spending on defense and security will be approximately 8.7%, this is a large resource. must be fulfilled before citizens, must be achieved and our national development goals must be achieved in all areas, including social, meaning education, health, supporting veterans, providing pension
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services, and so on and so forth, all this must certainly be done with growing... defense spending, while we see that we understand that growing defense and security spending is one way or another organically connected with civilian sectors production, which in turn gives impetus to the development of industry as a whole, this is just in time for the topic of vladimir putin’s meeting with the commanders of the military districts, a message from the news agency, hero of russia, colonel general gennady anashkin. became in rio the commander of the troops of the southern military district, lieutenant general alexander sanchik, the troops of the eastern position are given in the list of participants in the meeting with russian president vladimir putin published on the kremlin website. and in continuation, let me remind you that anashkin, before his appointment, was
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the commander of the eighth guards combined arms army. sanchik served as chief of staff, first deputy commander of the troops of the eastern military district. we are watching. news while we continue. so, president vladimir putin is meeting today with ministers who were not included in the new cabinet, the president thanked former deputy prime minister victoria abramchenko for her work, noting that she did a lot and loved the subject she was doing. we have done a lot, i know that we worked actively, always with what we call our souls.
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environmental management, and thanks to your involvement in this subject, today the entire environmental vertical is experiencing pride, joy and inspiration, since in the new presidential decree on national development goals, environmental well-being is named in as an independent national goal. so, we will return to the topic of vladimir putin’s meeting; now there is an urgent message. several shots were fired after the cabinet meeting. slovakia, when the prime minister came out to the public, but as you know, now he is being taken to the hospital, we are monitoring the situation, returning to our topic, no more details have been given yet, we will return to this news during the release, but now we return to meetings of vladimir putin, the president also met today with
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former minister of energy nikolai shulginov, the president thanked him for the work done and invited him to talk about how to build further joint cooperation. i found this post interesting, it was interesting to work, although the times were not very simple for the country, for the industry, well, i think that we managed the energy industry as a whole, and the electric power industry, we went through this period, well,
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then they put new tasks are being set and in general development does not stop there, we need to continue development, without energy, the economy is working... you know, it won’t be able to, so i think there are many tasks ahead, vladimir putin also thanked former minister of sports oleg matytsin for his work. the president said that he has some ideas and proposals about the future work of the ex-minister, it was possible to structure the work in such a way that nothing faded away, as they say, on the contrary, it developed, and developed actively, thank you very much, i want to inform you, that decide to award you a state award, for everything that was done, and before, by the way, coming to this high position, i am proud
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that i worked with your team, i hope to trust and continue to work, we will do everything necessary to ensure that national goals are achieved, and russia will be our great a sports power, we will need to do a lot in the field of development of mass sports, physical education and sports. in the governor's corps , leaders in five regions changed at once. the president signed the decrees today and they are published on the website kremlin. we will now tell you in more detail about who putin entrusted this important work with. so, alexey smirnov will lead the kursk region; he replaced roman straravoit, who took the post of minister of transport in the new cabinet. alexey smirnov is 50 years old, he graduated from the kursk state agricultural institute from 2004 to 10 and held positions in the city administration. kursk in 2011 appointed deputy head of the administration of sergiev posad, from
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2012 to 15 he held the position of minister of the construction complex of the moscow region, well, after that he became first deputy, and since 2018 he has served as deputy governor of the kursk region. it must be said that smirnov is currently studying in the sixth class of the school of governors of the presidential academy. dmitry demeshin has been appointed governor of the khabarovsk territory. he graduated in 1997. saratov state academy of law and became an assistant to the kolomna city prosecutor of the moscow region. he worked in the shchelkovo and motishchenskaya prosecutor's offices, from 2008 to 2014 he was the deputy prosecutor of the rostov region and the prosecutor of the kaluga region. since 2014 worked in the central office of the prosecutor general's office, in 2019 he took the post of deputy prosecutor general. since 2020, he has been the head of the directorate of the prosecutor general’s office for the far eastern federal district. demeshin. also a graduate of the third stream of the school of governors,
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alexey besprozvannykh was appointed to the governor's office of the kaliningrad region, he replaced anton alikhanov, who took the post of head of the ministry of industry and trade. in 2002 , he graduated from the altai state technical university without being named, in 2012 he was appointed head of the department of industry and transport. voronezh region, a year after that he received the position of deputy chairman of the regional government, in 2016 he was appointed director... of the department of regional industrial policy and project management of mimpromtorg, in 2017 he became deputy minister of industry and trade of russia. alexey besprozvannykh is a graduate of the first class of the school of governors. well, the tula region, which was led by alexey dyumin, was appointed by the president as his assistant, and is now headed by dmitry milyaev. he has a pedagogical education. at first milyaev headed several tula enterprises, and in 2011 he became the region’s deputy minister of agriculture. director of the department of state policy in the field of rural development, from 2014 to 2016 he was
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the regional minister of agriculture, and then worked as deputy chairman of the regional government, after which he was deputy head of the tula administration, which he later headed. in 2022 he was appointed first deputy governor. the duties of the governor of the kemrey region in rio will be performed by ilya seredyuk. previously region was headed by sergey tsovilev, he... in the energy sector he graduated from kuzbass state technical university in 1997, until 2003 he held management positions at industrial enterprises in the region, in 2006 he became deputy head of kemerovo, in 2011 he became the head of the kemerovo municipal district and then became the head of the city of kemerovo in 2016 in the twenty-second year he was appointed to the post of first deputy governor, chairman of the government of kusbas. currently, like alexey smirnov, he is studying in the sixth stream governors' schools. it is worth separately noting
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the fact that four of the newly appointed regional leaders are graduates or students of the school of governors, as the presidential program for training the country’s personnel management reserve is called. let me remind you that it takes place on the basis of the ranhix higher school of public administration. it was opened in june 2017. and, as experts say, the program has shown its effectiveness. this can be seen even from the results of the gubernatorial elections. participants of the school of governors of the ranhix presidential academy, five more participants of the personnel reserve program entered the russian government as ministers. in my opinion, this is an outstanding result. we set ourselves the task of creating a modern russian school of public administration, whose graduates would confidently and clearly cope with the most difficult challenges of the time. judging by the trust placed in our graduates by the country’s leadership and
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president vladimir putin, today we are on the right path. so, the updated composition of the cabinet of ministers began its work. on the first at the meeting, mikhail mishustin outlined tasks and priorities. a lot of work. this is exactly how the prime minister called for careful attention to achieving national development goals, including for the period up to 2036. natalya solovyova will tell you what other topics were touched upon at the meeting. there's really no time to relax. the new government, barely formed the day before, assembled this morning . first meeting, the previous cabinet worked 24x7, the current one has no reason to count on relaxation, first of all i want to sincerely congratulate you all on your appointment, this is a very serious responsibility, we have to justify the trust of the head of state, and of course the citizens of russia, to work clearly and effectively. special
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thanks from mikhail mishustin, the federation council and the state duma, where discussions took place for several days in a row. about each candidate, specialized committees spent hours examining both old-timers and newcomers before approving the entire team. the core remains unchanged, which will allow for continuity of course. out of twenty one there are only six new ministers in this composition, four came from the governor’s pool. colleagues working on parallel tracks are ready to provide them with the necessary support and assistance. it is important to continue to actively interact and collaborate with parliamentarians, and of course, to be as open as possible when preparing new things. laws and new regulations, and don’t forget about the main thing, our task is to fully implement, on time, the instructions of the president, to do everything possible to improve the quality of life of people in every region and the first tasks have already been assigned to the regions affected by full-scale floods this spring, they need support, the damage is colossal, tens of
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billions of rubles, only in one orenburg region more than one suffered or was completely destroyed. 30 thousand residential buildings, as well as infrastructure facilities, hospitals, schools, cultural institutions. to eliminate such devastating consequences, the government will send 5 billion rubles to the region. separate assistance will be provided to small medium-sized businesses. to do this, we will provide them with a 12-month deferment for the payment of a number of taxes, advance payments, and insurance premiums. the payment deadline is april 1 of the current year. there will be a corresponding government decree. prepared in the near future, these preferential conditions will become available to enterprises and organizations of the orinburg region, whose income has already decreased by more than a third during the emergency situation. in the kurgan region, restoration work has already begun. the government will allocate money for the reconstruction of flooded hospitals, clinics, schools and other social institutions. restore engineering
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infrastructure destroyed by floods and hydraulic structures. sanitation will be carried out in previously flooded areas. on behalf of the head of state, we will allocate 4 billion rubles to the kurgan region to eliminate the damage, primarily for payments to residents, including one-time payments and in connection with the loss of property, as well as for the repair of damaged housing or the acquisition of new housing, if the previous housing was destroyed. among the primary tasks of the new cabinet is to formulate priorities for the coming six-year plan, short-term plans have been worked out .
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left their posts in the government of the russian federation, i also want to thank them for their work and agree on how and where they could apply all their knowledge and skills in new areas so that their knowledge and experience are not lost, and the new team has already started work and implementation of the tasks that were set by the head of state, natalya solovyova, to lead. well, now there is new footage from the presidential press service. good afternoon, please. dear
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colleagues, i asked you to gather in order to to discuss some of today's key issues. as you know, the formation of the government of the russian federation has just ended. we all need to provide together. the needs of the russian armed forces for effective work in the zone of combat contact as part of a special military operation, while without any exaggeration, even more needs to be done, a lot has been done, even more needs to be done to develop the defense industries, but this despite the fact that these enterprises continue ...and diversification work, we without any involvement, we must be ready at any moment for these enterprises, they have already done a lot, achieved a lot in
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accordance with our plans, must take additional steps in this direction, they must be ready to switch to an even greater volume of production of civilian products, you and i are also well aware of plans to achieve national development goals, and these plans... in connection even with the conduct of a special military operation, they are not being reduced, here we have many tasks, including including in the social sphere, now i’ll say a very important thing, we must do all this with unconditional adherence to the principles of a healthy economy and adherence to macroeconomic principles, this is an extremely important thing, we will under no circumstances. must allow no distortions in the economy and industry; to solve these problems , certain personnel changes have been made. sergei
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kuzhgelovich shaigu, like no one else, knows the needs of the armed forces, from the position of secretary of the security council he will also be involved in work within the framework of the military-industrial complex commission, will work with our foreign partners ...
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appointed as first deputy, but it was the current minister of defense who left this position, namely andrei rymovich, who was the first deputy, you know, this is not a formal matter, but i hope that from the position of the minister defense, he will mean what he has been doing all his life - economics, and this is very important, and it is important for me, it is important for all of us, that you continue the work that has already been started.
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everything that can and should be used for successful work on the battlefield by our guys, our fighters, our heroes of special war... we know that the more effective the weapons, the more accurate they are, the more powerful they are, the fewer losses we have, and this is a key issue when conducting armed struggle, for us in any case in case, i really hope that all this will be used, we have already said this many times, whoever masters the latest means of armed struggle faster will... win, we must be one step ahead, we have everything for this, in recent years a lot has been done for this, we need to double,
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triple our efforts in... in this direction, the new minister of industrial development, industry, is also not new to this area, you worked anton andreevich in the ministry of industry before, now bearing in mind your developments in the territory , understands what and how is being done in the territories and what is needed for the work to be even more successful, i hope you will apply all these skills and knowledge here in order to act successfully too. the most concerning is alexey gennadvich dyumin, he was appointed assistant to the president, one of the most important areas that he will be involved in will be precisely helping the government to our companies, including the rostec company , in solving the tasks that they face in terms of providing the necessary means of armed struggle to our armed forces,
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well. .. i won’t talk about dmitry anatovich, he is the former chairman of the government, president, therefore, one way or another, you know about this on separate instructions, due to your official position today is engaged in all the work that was just mentioned above, i really hope that everything that has been done, all these personnel moves, they will not be formal, we must repeat this once again to the maximum. to use all our administrative resources to ensure the main task of the successful work of our combat units on the line of combat contact as part of a special military operation. the guys are fighting, they are fighting well, successfully, they are improving their position all along the front line, every day it is happens, but we must do everything in
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our power to ensure that they have everything. necessary for the further solution of the tasks facing them, let's talk about everything now, for this, in fact, i asked you to gather, well, this was footage of a meeting on the development of the defense-industrial complex with the participation of the president, well now let's return to the news from slovakia: the prime minister of the country was attacked, here is a message from lentininformagentv: the prime minister of slovakia was wounded in town of gandlovo. after the government meeting, which took place in the western part of the republic, this was reported by the country's news agency with reference to the vice-speaker of the national council, that is , the parliament of slovakia, and further, we further read that he was wounded in the abdominal cavity, now specialists at helicopter, it is moved. we are monitoring the situation, now we will return to the news of our broadcast.
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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats.


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