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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 15, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm MSK

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in the last minutes, the ministry of internal affairs of slovakia confirmed that an attempted murder had indeed been committed, that is, this is not some kind of random shooting, this is precisely an attempt on the life of prime minister fitz, this was confirmed by the ministry of internal affairs of slovakia, but now it is not specified what state robert fitz is in officially, but sources various slovak media say that the condition is still serious, and they report this with reference to... their sources, the assassination attempt occurred after a government meeting in the city of gandlovo, as you already noted, the distance from bratislava is about 190 km away, and indeed it is reported that, according to eyewitnesses, shots rang out immediately after the fitsa approached people on the street who came to greet him; in the city of gandlovo quite a lot of people support the fitsa according to the latest elections , according to the statement...
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chest to head, as you already said, but many media reports that there is a wound to the chest cavity, in general, this is all very similar to really serious, serious injuries, information about the wound is now confirmed from everyone, but the severity was earlier confirmed from various sources, in general, most likely it looks very reliable, there is footage. which were made immediately after the assassination attempts, literally a few seconds later, in them the guards lift robert fitz, who fell to the ground, and they lift him and load him into an armored car and take him away. it is known that after this, the prime minister of slovakia was sent from gandlov to bratislava by helicopter, and he was already admitted to the hospital, apparently the doctors are now doing their job. attack on politician condemned
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president ideological opponent fitz zuzana chputova, she wrote about this on her facebook. i suggest you listen. i strongly condemn today's brutal and ruthless attack on prime minister robert fitz. i am in shock and wish robert fitz strength at this critical time to recover from the attack. one of the first european politicians to react was the head of the european commission, ursula. relations in general were not very warm. i strongly condemn the cowardly attack on prime minister robert fitz. such acts of violence have no place in our society, they undermine democracy, our most valuable common good. my thoughts are with the fic prime minister and his family. in addition, he expressed his surprise at what was happening. to
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fitz and his family. fitz holds the post of prime minister , in general, he sent words of support to robert since october 25, 2023; he had previously worked in this position twice and won quite sensationally in the last elections. he is the chairman of the social democracy party, in slovak it is called the smer party. and the fitse is known for its. let's say, nationally oriented politics, which is different from many of his colleagues in the european union, now, of course, there is a lot of speculation about who could have carried out this attack, but it is known that the shooter has already been detained, he tried to escape, but he was detained immediately after the assassination attempt, now a number of slovak media say that the shooter was 71 years old, we are waiting for confirmation of this information, colleagues, thank you, this is the latest news...
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defense andrei krasov. but we’ll find out the details from him himself. he joins the facts in live broadcast. andrey leonidovich, we welcome you. hello. andrey leonidovich. hello. terrorist methods are increasingly being used against russia, against the backdrop of the bloody terrorist attacks in crocus city hall, which killed more than 100 citizens of the russian federation, and the undermining of northern
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streams, it becomes obvious that we are again dealing with the favorite tactics of the united states of their... allies to achieve their targets at the hands of controlled terrorist organizations, so we are deputies of the state duma, and this is nikolai. kharitonov, yana lantratova and me, andrei krasov, as well as public figures, such as alexander dugin, whose daughter daria died at the hands of ukrainian terrorists, as well as former deputy of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, andrei derkach, appealed to the authorities of justice, quite rightly, you have already said this, of four states, the usa ,
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carrying out terrorist acts against citizens of the russian federation and infrastructure facilities. unfortunately, colleagues, more than a month and a half have passed since our requests were submitted, but we have not received any answers from them. yes. andrey leonidovich, o what does the absence of these answers say, in principle? why were these requests needed, that is, what to do next with this? well, we
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hoped for an objective investigation into cases of international terrorism and its financing, as i already said, in my statement, plus we prepared additional very serious material confirming the guilt of the top leadership of the united states of america. and we're talking about the political senior leadership, and the military senior leadership, and the intelligence senior leadership, to the organization of terrorist acts on the territory of the russian federation, and the united states of america, they do, well, often, as if it were all by someone else’s hands, using ngos, non-governmental organizations, or subordinate...
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is this question in your request that you sent to these four countries? andrey leonidovich, can you hear us? it seems we have problems with communication, now, well, it was andrei leonidovich krasov, first deputy of the state duma committee on defense, now a short advertisement, we’ll be back later, don’t switch.
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the work is going according to plan, all the assigned tasks are being fulfilled, and not only based on the results of the past year, but literally right now. a statement of fact from the president, who today held a meeting with the commanders of the military districts. as the head of state clarified, our fighters are improving their situation.
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we see what the neo-nazi regime is doing in the border zone, this is what they did in over the years since 2014, when we tried to peacefully resolve this conflict, nothing, unfortunately, worked out, and we were forced to start protecting our people in these territories with the help of armed forces. but the more effectively you work on the line of combat contact, the greater our chances of resolving this issue peacefully. among the six new ministers of the formed cabinet, as the president and minister of defense recalled, vladimir putin held this post in the previous government of sergei shaigu thanked for what has been done to build the armed forces, to give them
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a new look, and introduced the new head of the department, andrei belousov, i want to thank sergei kuzhbevichaiga for what he has done over the previous years, to build the armed forces, to give him a new look. i think that no one has any doubt that this image is being consistently created, including in relation to the requirements of today, to the requirements of modern methods of conducting armed struggle, how quickly we we respond to the demands of the time, this gives us confidence that we will certainly solve all problems of this kind, belousov and andrei rymovich have been appointed as the new minister of defense. “please, this is due not least to the fact that spending on
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the military component is growing this year, our total spending on defense and security will be approximately 8.7%, this is a large resource, and we are obliged to use it very wisely and effectively. so, total spending on defense and security this year will be approximately 8.7%. the biggest resource that needs to be managed efficiently and effectively. to quote the head of state, the relationship between guns and butter should be organically integrated into the overall concept of the development of the state. increasing spending on defense and security. we proceed from the fact that all social obligations must be fulfilled to citizens, our national
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development goals must be achieved in all areas, including social ones, meaning education, healthcare, support for veterans, provision of pension services and so on and so forth, all this must be carried out unconditionally. with growing defense spending, do we see that we understand that growing defense and security spending is somehow organically linked to civilian industries, which in turn gives impetus to the development of industry as a whole? as for the general staff of the entire structure that ensures combat work, there are no changes here, and as the president emphasized...
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even in connection with the conduct of a special military operation, they are not being reduced, i very much count on the fact that everything that has been done, all these personnel movements, they will not, should not be formal, we must repeat this once again to make maximum use of all our administrative resources to ensure the main task successful work of our combat units on the line of combat contact as part of a special military operation. the guys are fighting, they are fighting well, successfully, they are improving their position all along the front line, this
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happens every day, but we must do everything we can it depends on us to ensure that they have everything they need to further solve the problems they face. to achieve these same goals, it is important to concentrate financial and administrative resources. all the best, all the most modern, all that can and should be used for successful work on the battlefield by our guys on...
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our fighters, our heroes of a special military operation, we know that the more effective the weapons are, the more effective they are. more accurate, the more powerful they are, the less us losses, and this is a key issue in the conduct of armed struggle, for us, in any case, a lot has already been done in this direction, but it was no coincidence that the head of state reminded that the more accurate means of destruction are used on the battlefield, the less... losses, why, is that why the president emphasized that efforts today need to be doubled, or even tripled? now economic news, briefly: the russian direct investment fund will continue to work to ensure that russian technology companies quickly enter the chinese markets, the rdif ceo said kirill dmitriev, he visited tuzpark, the largest university technology park in the world in
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beijing and... this chinese company is creating a network of technology parks around the world, there are many joint projects and investments ahead, including within the framework of brix. we have been interacting in fact for almost 10 years, this is a powerful technology park, moreover, it is a powerful network of technology parks with four hundred technology parks around the world, that is, this is probably the most powerful technology park network in the world, and we have not only invested. together already in a row technology parks in russia and plan to interact, including with moscow state university, in technology parks in russia, but we also see great prospects for joint venture financing of various companies, both russian and chinese. russians' demand for foreign currency has decreased, the volume of net purchases in april fell by half to 80 billion rubles. the bank of russia reports this. on the exchange market, citizens purchased currency for 81 billion rubles, and sold a little more than a billion, while the yuan share reached
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a historical maximum. russia has increased crab exports increased by almost 20%. last year , 85,500 tons were sent abroad. this was reported by the association of fishing fleet shipowners. the volume of supplies increased by 14% compared to the level of the twenty-first year. this was helped by a turn to the east. about half of exports go to china. the accounts chamber will check the formation of an it company. the new head of the department, boris kovalchuk , recalled that the moratorium in this area has ended. let me remind you that it has been in effect since the spring of twenty-two and was introduced to support developers. on problems in the industry previously drew attention to the antimonopoly service, where they pointed to a large number of complaints from businesses and consumers against the companies dominating the sector. it was economic news. short. july 29.
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and this gives us a special right not to allow history to be rewritten. this newsreel was fermented by soviet soldiers in august 1945 . where are you from? from 11 b? no hello, i'm from the eleventh b. we are also from eleventh b, in eleventh b, in eleventh b. i
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