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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 15, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm MSK

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i only need one boy, here he is, i had to make such a journey to watch this good film, why are you so lucky, i really liked it, beautiful actors, young, beautiful shooting, excites, all this, these emotions everyone was there, it was very cool, this was the first film that i was absolutely delighted with, the humor was good, i need to get to school at 7:33, my nephew is there at night, but they haven’t done that before, wait for me.. . hey, it was funny, yes, the rating is like this, very cool, if there is one. some questions, ask, how could i even end up here, what kind of meeting, sometimes i want to cry, sometimes i want to laugh, super, oh, this is the situation, yes, this is the situation, we will meet in the future, 100 years from now, let’s see, to explore the world, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch, for free. without
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registering in the application or on the website. deputies of russia and belarus plan to create a temporary commission in the parliament assembly of the union state on...
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deputies and public figures, passed a month and a half, there was silence in response, that is, we did not receive any answers, and the conclusion suggests itself, as if the west is not interested in establishing the truth , while covering up its accomplices, therefore, in order to counter their plans, i... during
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a meeting of the parliamentary commission meeting on security and defense made a proposal to submit for discussion to the parliamentary meeting of the union of the republic of belarus and the russian federation. it seems, andrey leonidovich, yes, you can hear us, yes, yeah, continue. yes, our connection was interrupted. question commission for the investigation of terrorist acts, war crimes, corruption, acts of aggression against the union state and crimes against freedom of speech and human rights. but as we see it, this will make it possible to strengthen the common defense line of russia and belarus so that together.
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resist external attempts to destabilize the situation in our countries; in addition, in our opinion, using the capabilities of a union state will increase the legal status of our actions to investigate the involvement of the american guidelines for the financing of terrorism, and will also allow...
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unanimously, yes, andrei leonidovich, is it known when this commission will start working? well, you know, now, as i said, we have prepared it and will send it. a proposal, here, but all this is subject to the decision of the council and the parliamentary meeting, these are the specific dates that will determine the order of consideration of this proposal, well, we hope that the commission will start working in the near future, andrey leonidovich, thank you, you are in touch with us was the first deputy head of the state duma committee on defense andrey krasov, we continue the broadcast, new. appointments in the gubernatorial corps in five regions the leaders changed at once. the president signed the decrees today. they are published on the kremlin website, but now we will tell you in more detail about who putin entrusted with this important work. so, the head of the kursk region will be alexey smirnov, he replaced roman
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ostrovoit, who took the post of minister of transport in the new cabinet. alexey smirnov is 50 years old, he graduated from the kursk state agricultural institute, from 2004 to in 2010, he held positions in the administration of the city of kursk, in 2011 he was appointed deputy head of the administration of sergev posad, from 2012 to the fifteenth he held the position of minister of the construction complex of the moscow region, and after that he became first deputy, and since 2018 he has served as deputy governor of the kursk region. it must be said that smirnov is currently studying in the sixth class of the school of governors of the presidential academy.
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2014 worked in the central office of the rostov region and as a prosecutor in the kaluga region. with prosecutor general's office, in 2019 he took the post of deputy prosecutor general. was the head of the prosecutor general's office for the far eastern federal district. demeshin is a graduate of the third class of the school of governors. alexey besprozvannykh was appointed acting governor of the kaliningrad region. he replaced anton alikhanov, who took over as head of the ministry of industry and trade. in 2002, besprozvanny graduated from altai state technical university. in 2012 he was appointed head of the department of industry and transport of the voronezh region. a year after that. received the position of deputy chairman of the regional government, in 2016 he was appointed director of the department of regional industrial policy and project management of the ministry of industry and trade, in 2017 he became deputy minister of industry and trade of russia. alexey besprozvannykh is a graduate
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of the first class of the school of governors. well, the tula region, which was led by alexey dyumin, was appointed by the president as his assistant, and is now headed by dmitry milyaev. he has a pedagogical degree. at the beginning of his journey, milyaev headed several tula enterprises, including 2011 became deputy minister of agriculture of the region, director of the department of state policy in the field of rural development, from 2014 to 2016 he was the minister of agriculture of the region, then worked as deputy chairman of the regional government, after which he was deputy head of the tula administration, which he later headed in 2022 was appointed deputy, first deputy governor. region. the duties of the rio governor of the kemerovo region will be performed by ilya seredyuk. previously, the region was headed by sergei tsovilev. he became minister of energy. in ninety-seven he graduated from kuzbass state technical university, and until 2003 he held senior positions at industrial
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enterprises in the region. in 2006 he became deputy head of kemerovo, in 2011 head of the kemerovo municipal district. then he became the head of the city of kemerovo in 2016 and on the twenty-second he was appointed to the post of first deputy governor, chairman of the government of kusbas. currently, like alexey smirnov, he is studying in the sixth stream of the school of governors. it is worth mentioning separately the fact that four of the newly appointed regional leaders are graduates or students of the school of governors. this is the name of the presidential program for training the country’s personnel management reserve. let me remind you that it takes place on the basis of the ranhix higher school of public administration. it opened in june.
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result: we set ourselves the task of creating a modern russian school of public administration, the graduates of which would confidently and clearly cope with the most difficult challenges of the time, judging by the trust placed in our graduates. from the country's leadership and president vladimir putin, today we are on the right track. today, at a meeting of the central committee , the head of the central election commission of russia, ella pomfilova , indicated when the single voting day will take place this year. pamfilova noted that following the approval of the new government, it became known that it would include four governors. according to her, the situation may still improve; all changes that may affect the single voting day will be determined before july 8. let me remind you that on a single voting day, september 8, 2024 election campaigns at various
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levels will be held in russia, including elections to the state duma, elections of heads of federal subjects, elections of deputies to legislative bodies of state power in 13 subjects of russia and many elections at the municipal level. september 8 is our only voting day this year, september 8, well, here’s the result. “the authorities know the puppeteer who wrote
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this play. well, we’ll find out the latest news from our correspondent in turkey, leila alnazarova, she’s in direct contact. leila, we welcome you. hello. has there been any information about who is behind the preparation of the alleged coup? and what are the authorities doing, what else besides this unscheduled meeting. artyom, olga, greetings." a conspiracy against the authorities in the ranks of turkish law enforcement agencies, the local media have already called it a police case, the persons involved in this case introduced surveillance of high-ranking politicians and journalists, at least 280 people are on the list. it is noted that the surveillance was carried out not only physically, but using technical means, including including telephone conversations, and monitoring of correspondence on social networks. president of turkey.
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let me remind you that last night recep tayeb erdogan held an emergency meeting at the presidential palace in bankar with the heads of intelligence and the ministry of justice, turkish media wrote that the day before, as part of the case , searches were carried out in the homes of five suspended police officers, including high-ranking officers, they are accused of involvement in criminal group aikhanbur kaplan, against this background in the internal affairs bodies.
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stated that it was a coup attempt by analogy with the events of 2016, which, as the turkish media wrote then, was preceded by dismissals in the ranks of the turkish army. perhaps avoided by removing several police chiefs from office, their goal is the current people's alliance party, ultimately turkey. if we bow down to those who are planning a repeat coup attempt, we will be devastated. anyone who defends serves a conspiracy to disgrace noble names through the testimony of secret witnesses and the desire to eclipse the manifested will of the nation, is a traitor and a murderer. it is necessary to deal with the police, the judicial system and the media . let me remind you that on the night of july 15-16 , 2016, there was an attempted coup
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involving a group of military personnel. during the clashes, more than 245 people were killed, about 3,000 were injured, more than 200,000 people were arrested, more than 130,000 civil servants were dismissed from their positions, and 28 people received life sentences. then the authorities ... were also accused of an attempt at a coup... preacher fetkullah gülen, who is now hiding in the united states of america. and the answer. to the united states of america, not even half a step. it has long been noticeable, even with the naked eye, that the united states of america is categorically not satisfied with the current turkish government, and it’s not even a matter of what the current government there is ready or not ready for, including the acceptance, for example, of the admission of sweden in finland to sweden as sweden into nato
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took place one way or another, but nevertheless this did not serve as a sufficient argument, apparently to the american authorities so that they abandon theirs. policies to remove, or in one way or another , replace the current turkish government? the ankara chief prosecutor's office has launched an investigation into a possible coup in turkey, kuriet writes about this. the head of the republic's ministry of internal affairs, ali yaerlikaya, issued a statement saying that the results of this investigation will be presented to the public in the near future. we will monitor the situation in turkey. thank you very much for the detailed story, yes, layla, thank you, we already know, that these events unfolding in turkey are called a police case. leila alnazarova was in touch with us. and we continue. so, today the problem of rare diseases is being discussed all over the world. from may 15 to 17 , international awareness days are held about harp
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diseases, the importance of their treatment and the positive results of therapy.
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our institute has been dealing with the problem of orphan diseases for a long time, our patients have the opportunity not only to be examined within the walls of our institute, but also to receive expensive
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drugs; not every country has such opportunity. we have examples when our patients simply move from other countries to russia, receive registration, have the opportunity to be treated with these drugs, receive expensive drugs, medical products, technical means of rehabilitation; children with rare diseases are helped by the state fund circle of good, created by decree of vladimir putin in 2021, the budget is formed from the difference between. the usual personal income tax rate of 13% increased is 15%. this tax applies to the income of russians who exceed 5 million rubles. in year. there are now about 100 diseases for which the foundation has found unique medicines and is successfully supplying them to the country. more than 24,500 children have already
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received these medications. we allocated 226 billion for the purchase of these medicines. it must be said that these medicines saved the lives of thousands and thousands of children; math olympiads, knows chemistry composition of the sun, dreams of boxing , may well reach athletic heights, despite a serious diagnosis, neurofibromatosis... does not necessarily imply the presence of tumors or gliomas or any other concomitant diseases, but misha individually had these plexiphores, or rather they are these plexiphoric ones... if they are not treated, in principle they can become malignant at some percentage. the circle of good purchased the drug for misha, and misha
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has been drinking it for almost a year and a half now. circle of good foundation provides children with severe, rare diseases with the most advanced drugs, such as zalgensma. one ampoule costs almost 100 million rubles. but if you give a child diagnosed with spinal muscular atrophy - one such injection at the very beginning of life. thereby replacing the mutated gene in the body, the baby will develop harmoniously, like his peers, to the delight of all his relatives. maria valieva, dmitry malyshev, sergey zanin, sergey velichko, ivan paevsky and alexander chernetsov, news! technology independence, durable social base, sustainable economic growth, such tasks are outlined in the may presidential decrees. international participants are discussing how to quickly and effectively implement the discussion. academic economic forum. our correspondent elizaveta morskaya is monitoring the work of this forum. the academic economic forum brings together
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the country's leading scientists who deal with the problems of its socio-economic development. not only economists, but also sociologists, philosophers, lawyers, representatives of natural sciences, scientists, theorists and practitioners working under the auspices of the country's main scientific center, the russian academy of sciences. the forum is being held for the sixth time, and today it has already acquired a special scale, a large scale, we have thousands of participants from the forum and hundreds of speakers throughout the country, because the forum, in general, covers the entire country, and of course, our main task is to determine, well let's say, scientific approaches to further development, socio-economic development of our country. the country's economy is now developing structurally, but for further development we need technological sovereignty, and this is already a zone from...
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those decisions that will be accumulated today within two days, they will of course be transferred to our ministers, the government to take into account their work. this year , 15,500 people from 76 regions of russia are taking part in the forum, the participants are unanimous in their opinion that the discussion should be of an applied nature, modernizing the economy and unlocking the scientific potential of the country, all this should directly...
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estonia, latvia and iceland. i explained very clearly to our european friends that with my veto, i will under no circumstances enter into any false false negotiations. no and never. this is my message, which with the help of our friends will be voiced wherever necessary. the day before , the heads of parliamentary committees on foreign policy from eu countries called on foreigners to defy the will of their people. germany, lithuania, poland, czech republic, finland. in the evening, they joined the procession and reached the podium, from which they exhorted the demonstrators to stand until the end. member of the german bundestag michael roth held
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a bouquet of ros in his hands in georgia. this law is a symbol, a symbol of the choice between russia and the european union, it takes georgia even further away from the european path, it is a 180° turn. however, the demonstrators themselves are ready to lead georgia to a dead end; because of the protest , tbilisi got stuck in traffic jams in the center, the crowd simply did not allow cars to pass, and the west is also pushing. the baltic states are already threatening sanctions if
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the law is not repealed. responsibility will fall solely on the georgian government if this stops georgia's further progress towards joining the eu and nato. shouldn't there is no illusion that cosmetic amendments to this law can make it democratic, this law is incompatible with the european choice. this is what this european choice looks like. the protesters went on a rampage, smashed iron fences, spray-painted the façade of the historic building , and started brawls
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as if they were opponents, not partners. the us assistant secretary of state, who had spoken with the head of georgia for an hour and a half the day before, is blackmailing in the usual manner for washington, although the law on transparency adopted in tbilisia foreign influence, essentially an american calcos, only the rules are much softer, an npo will be given the status of a foreign agent only if more than 20% of its income comes from abroad, but why is the united states against it? of course, there are some processes that they would like, but if we don’t hide it, then... don’t give other agencies the opportunity to officially verify this at the documentary level, that is, to put it simply, if you finance certain ngos and some of them are involved in political activities, and then they do some political statements, which again , to put it mildly, do not really fit into the framework of democracy, of course we would not like it to be officially documented
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to prove that...
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this is russia 24, we begin the release with news from slovakia, where an attempt was made on the prime minister -minister robert fitzo, he was shot several times with a short-barreled weapon, he is in a life-threatening condition, the next few hours will be decisive, this was reported in the social democratic party, which...


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