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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 15, 2024 7:30pm-8:00pm MSK

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fishburger is a real sea of ​​​​taste, but it ’s delicious, period.
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it's easy to get caught up in the facts when you only see part of the big picture. in pursuit of views.
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let's return to the first news of this issue: the assassination attempt on the prime minister of slovakia. the national council of the slovak republic will suspend the meeting and take additional measures to ensure the safety of deputies in connection with the attempt on the life of the country's prime minister robert fitz. this decision was made by the acting chairman of the highest legislative body of the republic. and here's another message from lent information agency about the prime minister's condition. it is known that he is still in the operating room. according to
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sources, that is, according to local media, robert fitzo received one wound in the shoulder and two in the abdominal cavity, doctors assess his condition as extremely serious, let me remind you that vladimir putin sent a telegram to the president of the slovak republic, he called the assassination attempt a monstrous crime, which cannot be justified. joe biden said that he is ready to assist the slovak authorities in the investigation of this case, let me remind you. to him 71 years old, there is a comment from my son, juraj, he says, i quote, i have absolutely no idea what my father planned, why this happened, i’ll tell you this, he didn’t vote for him, and that’s all i can say to that, but he never spoke about plans to attack the politician, his father does not have any mental illness, he said...
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it is known that he was detained and his identity has been established. well, we will return to this news later, now to the news about the formation of a new cabinet. today the renewed composition of the government began work on the first meeting. mikhail mishustin congratulated the members of the cabinet of ministers on their appointment, but reminded that there is a lot of work ahead, and it is necessary to justify the trust of the president and citizens. and one of the main tasks. called an increase in living standards. natalya solovyova will tell you more about this and other topics of the meeting. there really is no time to unwind; the new government, barely formed the day before, gathered for its first meeting this morning. the previous cabinet of ministers worked 24x7, the current one has no reason
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to count on relaxation. first of all i want to sincerely congratulate you all on your appointment; this is a very serious responsibility. and... we have to justify the trust of the head of state, and of course, the citizens of russia, to work clearly and effectively. special thanks from mikhail mishustin, the federation council and the state duma, where discussions about each candidate took place for several days in a row. the specialized committees spent hours examining both the starzhils and the newcomers before approving the entire team. the skeleton remained unchanged, which will preserve continuity of course; out of twenty-one ministers, there are only six new faces in this composition.
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and the first tasks have already been set for the regions that suffered from full-scale floods this spring and need support. the damage is colossal, tens of billions of rubles. in the orenburg region alone , over 30,000 residential buildings were damaged or completely destroyed, as well as infrastructure facilities, hospitals, schools, and cultural institutions. to eliminate such devastating consequences, the government will send 5 billion rubles to the region. separate help will be provided to small medium-sized businesses. the payment deadline for which is april 1 of the current year. the corresponding government resolution will be prepared in the near future. these preferential conditions will become available to enterprises
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and organizations of the orenburg region, whose income has already decreased by more than a third during the emergency situation. restoration work is underway in the kurgan region. the government has learned to allocate money for the reconstruction of flooded hospitals, clinics, schools and other social institutions, and will restore engineering infrastructure destroyed by the flood and hydraulic structures, sanitary cleaning and disinfection will be carried out in previously flooded areas. on behalf of the head of state, we will send 4 billion rubles to the kurgan region to eliminate the damage, primarily for payments to residents, including one-time payments and in connection with the loss of property, as well as. for the repair of damaged housing or the purchase of a new one, if the previous housing was destroyed. among the primary tasks of the new cabinet is to formulate priorities for the next six years. short-term plans were worked out by its previous composition. mikhail mishustin thanked those members
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of the government who are moving to other positions. the night before in the catherine hall of the kremlin he did the same. i signed a decree on awarding state awards. so that their knowledge and experience are not lost, and the new team has already started working and fulfilling the tasks that were set by the head of state. natalya solovyova, china is preparing for the arrival of the russian leader, the official visit will begin tomorrow will last 2 days, and this will be
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putin's first foreign trip after taking office. a busy program is expected, with meetings and events planned in two cities at once, beijing and harbin. about relations between russia and china. as well as general approaches to pressing global problems on the eve of the state visit, putin spoke in an interview with the chinese news agency xinhua. and so, as vladimir putin explained in an interview with his chinese colleagues. he decided to visit china first after the inauguration due to unprecedented high level of strategic partnership between countries. according to the president, russian-chinese relations are based on the principles of equality and trust, mutual respect for sovereignty and consideration of each other’s interests. end of quote. well, according to the russian leader, an equally important role is played by far-sighted politicians and statesmen, among whom the president named sidzenpin. actively. trade and economic relations between russia and china are also developing; over the past 5 years, trade turnover has doubled, with more
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90% of payments are made in national currencies. i have noted more than once that our peoples are bound by long-standing and strong traditions of friendship and cooperation, and this is one of the most important foundations of bilateral relations. over the past 3/4 centuries , our countries have traveled a long and sometimes difficult path. by us to the fullest. the historical experience of our relations at different stages of their development was taken into account. today we understand how powerful an impetus for all-round rapid development comes from the combination of complementary advantages. it is important that modern russian-chinese relations independent of the ideology of the political situation. their multifaceted development is a conscious strategic choice based on a broad coincidence of fundamental national interests, deep mutual trust. strong public support and sincere friendship of the peoples of the two countries. chinese
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journalists asked vladimir putin about the ukrainian crisis. the russian leader noted that moscow positively assesses china’s plan to resolve the situation, which consists of twelve points. according to the russian leader, beijing’s approaches could become the basis political-diplomatic process that would contribute to the achievement of peace. however, as putin admitted, such peace initiatives apparently do not find nin's support. ukraine or in the west. the russian president once again emphasized: moscow is ready for negotiations. we want a comprehensive, sustainable, fair resolution of this conflict through peaceful means and are open to dialogue on ukraine. but these must be negotiations that take into account the interests of all countries involved in this conflict, including our interests. along with serious talking about global stability, about security guarantees for the opposing side. countries and, of course, for russia, and these must be reliable guarantees, and the main problem is precisely
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the reliability of any guarantees, since we are dealing with states whose ruling circles prefer a world order not based on international law, but an order based on rules, which they constantly talk about, but which no one has seen, which no one agrees with, and which seems to change depending on the current political the conjuncture and interests of those who... invent them. vladimir putin's visit to china will begin tomorrow. by the way, as presidential aide yuri ushakov reminded. last year, chinese president xidin ping made his first foreign trip after being elected to this position, to russia. that is, a tradition has already developed. on may 16 in the afternoon, the leaders will hold talks in beijing in a limited and expanded format. in the evening, the heads of state will go for a party and a walk in the park, after which they will be joined. at an informal dinner there were four members of the delegation. following the negotiations, it is planned to sign
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a joint statement by the heads of state and bilateral documents. as for the program in harbin, vladimir putin will take part in the opening of the eighth russian-chinese expo, as well as meet with students and teachers of the local polytechnic university. in the context of discussing bilateral cooperation, harbin is of utmost importance. it borders on the jewish, autonomous and amur regions of transbaikal. region, khabarovsk and primorsky. once every 2 years harbin hosts the russian-chinese expo, but this is not the only thing that connects harbin with russia. among the twin cities of the chinese city are the sverdlovsk region, khabarovsk, yakutsk, krasnodar, murmansk and vladivostok. and the only foreign consular office in harbin is the russian consulate general, opened in 2019. well, the bilateral relations between the two countries have been going on for more than a century, harbin and russia, i mean, the city was founded on may 16th.
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the ministry of defense reported this today, but more about the progress of the special military operation denis alekseev will tell you. the settlement of rabotina is now completely under russian control. the ministry of defense confirmed this today, they are working for ours, which means that ukrainian commanders can forget about the likelihood of a breakthrough towards takmak, melitopol and crimea. well, for us, prospects are opening up for us to move deeper into the zaporozhye region towards the dnieper. units of the dnepr group of troops completely liberated the settlement; work in the zaporozhye region defeated manpower and
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equipment 65 mechanized brigade of the ukrainian armed forces, 121 territorial defense brigade, twenty- third brigade. let them break through the defense at work, but in a few months the ukrainian formations left so many personnel and equipment there that now they don’t know where to pick up reserves, including to strengthen the kharkov front, and they are there now, oh, how they are needed, russian the north group continues to advance deeper into the enemy’s defenses, occupying village after village; in
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one day in this direction the enemy lost 125 personnel, not that a lot, but this only speaks of... legs without even trying to hold positions for a long time. surprisingly, even the general staff of the ukrainian armed forces admitted that the situation is critical. the ukrainian army retreated to more advantageous positions in the areas of volchansk and lukyantsy. and here is the result. units of the north group of troops, as a result of active actions, liberated the settlements: glubokaya and lukyantsy, and advanced into the depths of the enemy’s defense. 14-2 mechanized 140. 3rd infantry brigade, 113th brigade defeated manpower and equipment territorial defense in the areas of zhuravka, granovo, leptsov and volchanskaya, repelled three counterattacks in the areas of settlements, gluboka staritsa. the military personnel are trying to somehow fight back with artillery, but for our missilemen and drone operators, all these guns are goal number one: they fix firing positions and carry out targeted strikes. here in
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the footage the lancet destroyed a hail rocket launcher. what "yes. the defense in the ovdeevsky direction collapsed a long time ago, it seems there is no help there anymore, in the donetsk armed forces they are holding on with their last strength for hours, but there are negligible people remains, ours are pushing through. footage from krasnogorovka, where the armed forces of ukraine have to deal with fighters, including the cyber squad. the kamica scorpion m robot literally galloped up, and it’s clear that the ukrainian opornik blew up the ammunition attached to it. the effectiveness of the application has been proven, and there are enough robots for everyone. near krasnogorovka, by the way, another german leopard was also destroyed, they hit it the old fashioned way here, an accurate hit was ensured by our combat crew of the mstab howitzer. the high-precision projectile krasnopol, as a rule, does not misfire gives. this week, this is not the first german cat recorded about our artillerymen. and let's talk about sports.
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the russian guard boxing championship started in sochi. this year more than seventy athletes are participating in the competition. including special operation soldiers. in addition, as part of the championship, it is planned to sign an agreement on the development of boxing in the national guard troops. details in the report by pavel melnik. stepping out into the spotlight is always an event for them. the best fighters of the russian guard units on duty usually remain in the shadows. the national guard troops victory cup championship opens with a big sports festival on the black sea coast. more than 70 participants.
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with the russian boxing federation, to work together, in just such a place, sochi, for the first time and in such a perspective, in such a unification, the unity of our thoughts, we made a big, big sports and patriotic event, the personnel of the russian guard today are a reliable support for the northern military district, training is regular , because sport is the key to health, good physical preparation is the key to successful performance tasks, watchful eyes of special forces. pilots for any task, fpv drones, where you need to turn around quickly, or serious radio-controlled aircraft, with these they are observed at long distances. all the most interesting things are yet to come. four days of competition, based on the results of which the best of the best will be determined; in the finals, olympic champions will come to support our defenders. pavel milnik and nikita kalchenko, news from sochi. trade turnover
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between russia and the united states in march jumped one and a half times compared to the previous month. if look at the supply structure, the states have noticeably increased imports of russian uranium. this is just before the next ban, which joe biden signed. as far as american companies. our colleague maria kudryavtseva knows that we are ready for such restrictions. she studied the details of the market. another us decision that complicates the work of american businesses primarily. joe biden signed a decree banning the import of russian uranium. the restrictions will take effect 90 days after the law takes effect. his action designed until 2040, but there are a number of reservations: firstly, the import of low-enriched uranium was banned, and secondly, the united states has provided for a period until 2028, when purchases from russia are possible in exceptional cases after permission from the american ministry of energy. american companies that
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bought enriched uranium, they can now contact their ministry of energy, the ministry of energy, well, apparently, with consultation in the gazdepe, to obtain permission to continue buying these products from us until the twenty- eighth year. if you take it now, remove it rosatom products from the american market. there will be nothing physically to replace this, right now, so this temporary varnish is being given for 3 years, the centrus company has already announced its desire to exercise the right in exceptional circumstances, this is one of the largest players in the united states in the field of the nuclear fuel cycle, as they explained in the company, it is important for them not only to continue supplying uranium to their customers, but also to ensure the interests of the entire american nuclear industry. the arguments are now more than clear in the united states on the share of nuclear energy. accounts for 20%, while the united states can provide its own market only 30%, uranium supplies from russia account for 20%, and
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some experts call other figures - almost a third. after the us announced its decision to abandon russian uranium, prices on the world market went up sharply. at the same time , rosatom, in turn, has repeatedly emphasized that it fully fulfills all obligations to foreign customers, and experts say that america will have to take advantage of parallel imports, which will naturally cost more. indeed, since the needs are high, the united states is one of the key importers, and problems can be expressed both in physical problems with supply and in prices that will rise against the background of the fact that the overall trade balance will change. in march, trade turnover between russia and the united states increased by almost one and a half times, if. to look at the total volume in monetary terms, more than a third comes from uranium, while analysts are already saying that in addition to the united states, russia has other buyers. we have
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rasatom is now building many stations abroad, in india, china, turkey, hungary, which is an eu country, and in egypt and other countries around the world, about 34 new reactors are being built or have already been built, respectively for... reactors, fuel imports are also required , on the basis of which they will work. assistant to the us president for national security jack salevan is confident that the new law will strengthen the country's energy and economic security. in his opinion, the solution will help create our own enrichment capacities uranium in the united states. while the only plant is located in new mexico, centrus energy is only planning to launch a second plant in the state. some american companies have already announced plans to establish the production of low-enriched uranium together with partners, including from the uk, france and canada. but
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how successful these attempts will be and how long it will take is difficult to say now. well, now we return again to the first news of the hour, the injury of slovak prime minister robert fitz. it is known that she became the first since 2003.
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there is already information that there is now a temporary embargo on all information regarding health, we are monitoring the situation, now there is a short advertisement. uralsip is a bank for business, and we work on the principle of all or nothing. everything for entrepreneurs and nothing more. we give free service for 3 months when opening a business account. bank ural sip. nothing extra. since the beginning of the year , a record number of infections with homolytic streptococcus has been recorded in japan. this is more than 800 cases in 4 months, which is almost three times
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higher than normal than for the same period. even about the terrible consequences of streptococcal diseases. the graph shows the dynamics of incidence over the past 10 years. last year there was an absolute record of infections, but since the beginning of this year this figure has already been exceeded by 2 and a half times. striptococcus, schiroid bacteria in children as a result of airborne infection, they cause inflammation in the throat, but they can also enter the body, we are mainly talking about the “350 year old” category, through small cuts, say, on the legs. in this case, the parasites
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this has led to weakened immunity, especially in older people. since may last year , restrictions were completely lifted, and just then a noticeable increase in streptococcal diseases began. for foreign tourists, the most dangerous type of bacteria is found in foreign countries, in particular in the usa. there are no plans to take any special measures against the spread of cannibal bacteria at the government level in japan. citizens are strongly advised to continue to observe basic hygiene rules. except that, in addition to the advice to wash your hands thoroughly, they are now also asking you not to forget about your feet. true, according to japanese experts, the current dynamics of morbidity are such that
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a decrease in cases of infection can be expected. at least not this year. sergey mengazhev, alexey pichkov, east asian news bureau, tokyo, japan.


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