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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 15, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm MSK

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[000:00:00;00] there are no plans to accept cannibal bacteria at the level of authorities in japan yet, citizens are strongly recommended to continue observing basic hygiene rules, except that, in addition to the advice to wash their hands thoroughly, they are now also asked not to forget about their feet, however, according to japanese experts, the current dynamics of the incidence is as follows , what
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to expect a decrease in cases for... this is a big information evening, that's what we'll talk about in the next hour. ukraine is seared by the stigma of nazism. the former deputy head of the ministry of internal affairs, nezalezhny, actually called for genocide. he compared the escaped ukrainians to the gypsies and now they will be destroyed like in the forties? i went to the sbu website and you are hooked. how ukrainian western intelligence services recruit russian citizens and what to do so as not to ruin your life. our exclusive. the bite of this scorpion in a sliver destroys an entire dugout. the russian army began using kamikaze drones on a wheeled chassis against the enemy. how much explosives can one such robot deliver to ukrainian nazi positions? ukraine is losing people and engineering equipment, trying to build a fortification under the kharkov. local corrupt officials spare no one, trying to hide millions of
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hryvnia written off to one-day companies. mine agent khodorkovsky is no longer a good russian. the fugitive oligarch complained about the hatred of ukrainians towards him, but this will not reduce the funding of information dumps. they no longer have the right to call themselves ukrainians because they chose the gypsy life - the words of the former deputy head. ministry of internal affairs of ukraine, which clearly show how yellow-blue patriots treat those who refuse to serve in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine. in a candid interview kiev journalist, viktor andrusev decided to speak out directly about his hatred of draft dodgers. he not only proposed that men who fled from mobilization abroad be considered gypsies, but also called for their rights to be revoked and their passports to be taken away. in general, he doesn’t even try to hide his adherence to the racial theory, saying they escaped
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from the ukrainian army. this is what he calls the residents of new regions of russia who chose moscow, not kiev, as their capital. well , evgeniya will tell you what these two nazis propose to do with those whom they consider inferior to themselves. petrukhina. evgenia, greetings, this is already the reincarnation of the third reich, or not yet. alexey, hello, it looks like there is reincarnation, and in the person of ukrainian officials. the stigma of nazism seems to burn through the consciousness of ukrainian officials. in his comparisons, a former adviser to the head of the ministry of internal affairs of ukraine named andrusev, clearly drew unambiguous parallels with the second world war, saying that ukrainians are gypsies. here is the same internet stream where this eloquent speaker voiced his ideas. so, it turns out that andrusev wanted to intimidate, as he believes camp that fled to the eu. when someone
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starts to think that... the cloners who fled abroad are so happy, happy in what, that they will live in some containers all their lives, there they will work all their lives only in menial jobs, because the language they don’t know, their qualifications are not recognized. andrusev, it seems, deliberately chose words about the gypsies, looking for correlations with the third reich. the fashty gypsies were terribly tortured, brutally killed, they were considered unfit for life. these are the racial prejudices of the nazis.
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the gypsies were taken to... who left, they say, when you return after the war, you will pay taxes for another 20 years for this escape, you will turn around after the war, and this is logical, because we will have to pay veterans, the guys who fought, lost limbs , it’s beneficial for us that you return,
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but you have to pay more to be a member of our community, all this reminds me of germany, hitler’s times, when, after hitler came to power, in general, a cultural country turned into. into a nation, as goebbels said, of pigs, here, who burned books in the squares, so to speak, killed all those who disagreed, something similar is happening now in ukraine, and of course, andruzev presented his version of mobilization, you have to be on the current agenda, so he says that they just need to hold a lottery and the million people chosen by the draw should take their machine guns and
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go to the meat cauldron. the failure of the course towards integration into europe, since for the europeans, the ukrainians have not become one of their own over all these years, or maybe andrusev, calling those who escaped from the square
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gypsies meant that today's ukrainians actually have no homeland, the stigma of nazism has burned through the yellow flag flag and the faith of many citizens in the state of ukraine as such. evgenia petrukhina is an ordinary ukrainian. a monstrous crime for which there is no justification. this is exactly what vladimir putin called the attempt on the life of the head of the government of slovakia, robert fitzo. the russian leader sent a telegram to the president of the republic with a request to convey words of the most sincere support to the slovak prime minister. head of state emphasized that he knows fitsa as a courageous , strong-willed person and expressed confidence that it is these qualities that will help him withstand a difficult situation. well, what is known about the attack? at the moment we know from our european correspondent regina sebastianova, she is in direct contact with the studio. regina, hello, how badly was robert fitz injured, and has the attacker’s motives been revealed? hello, at the moment little is known about the condition of robert
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fitz, except that a little earlier information appeared on his official page about that he is in a very difficult condition, despite the fact that earlier information appeared that it seemed that the injury was not too bad. now, also in the city where the hospital is located, activists have gathered to speak out against hatred. let me remind you that the incident occurred at 15:00 local time, when robert fitz was at
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a government retreat, he left the house of culture in order to greet the people gathered there, at that moment shots were fired. as can be heard in this video, the attacker immediately several shots, the police were able to detain him quickly enough, but still haven’t. without a clear understanding of how many shots actually hit the prime minister, witnesses say that they were literally stunned, literally and figuratively , by what was happening. i am appalled by the horrific and insidious attack on prime minister fitza. something has happened that we cannot yet comprehend and contain. a physical attack on the prime minister is an attack not only on a person, but on democracy. hateful rhetoric. which we witness in society leads to acts of hateful violence,
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please let's stop this. it is already known that the attacker was seventy- one-year-old juraj from the city of levitsa, who was detained, as i said, immediately after the attack, he fired from a weapon that he officially owned legally, and at the same time it is known that he was an amateur writer, sort of , according to media reports, it is already known that he did this because he... agreed with the policies pursued by the government. the association of slovak writers confirmed, that this person had been in their ranks since 2015 and promised to expel him from there, if, of course, all these data were confirmed. at the same time, information also appeared in the media that many of juraj’s texts were quite hateful and, by the way, he often wrote about death. as you heard, the president of slovakia, suzanna caputova, who made an official appeal, condemned. physical attack on the prime minister, saying that
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this is an attack not only on the individual, but also on the democracy that slovakia pursues, she urged people not to draw too quick conclusions, but to wait for official statements, while the minister of internal affairs of slovakia has already stated that this will be investigated with all the necessary resources, and as quickly as possible the task of the security forces, he said, is to ensure the safety of all
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civil servants , naturally that... i strongly condemn the cowardly attack on prime minister robert fitz, such an act of violence has no place in our society, they undermine democracy, our most valuable common good, my thoughts are with prime minister fitz and his... "information about the attack arrived in bratislava just at the moment when the next debate was going on in parliament, at that moment the bell rang, the speaker of parliament announced that the parliamentary meeting would be suspended indefinitely. ladies and gentlemen, meeting suspended for an indefinite period, because the prime minister of the slovak republic was shot, this is your work, i will say that after this
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, quite extraordinary things began to happen in parliament for some time, because politicians began to blame each other. and the media in what happened, after which it was decided that the meeting would be continued after some time, including politicians having to decide who, at least for a while, should take on the duties of the prime minister, in this sense the constitution is partially answers this question, one of the four deputy prime ministers will be vested with these powers. alexei. yes, thank you, regina sevastyanova, about the assassination attempt on robert fitz. they use the processing practices of nazi germany, look for human vulnerabilities by program developed by the cia. this is exactly how recruiters from kiev and western services operate on russian territory. the enemy’s methods were revealed by the russian fsb exclusively for our tv channel. as it turned out, almost anyone can be a potential agent, even by accidentally opening the website of the american central intelligence agency or security service. in ukraine, a person is already under surveillance. the fsb
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warns that the enemy perceives the slightest interest in the resources of the special services as an attempt to establish contact, then it’s a matter of course. technology. thanks to nato technical intelligence tools, you can not only find any user, but also gain access to his computer or smartphone, and then treason is not far away. what other recruitment technologies are used and, most importantly, how to recognize the bait and not fall into the enemy’s net. let's find out from anton potkovenko. anton, greetings. so what to do if a person... i realized that they were trying to recruit him, greetings, there can only be one answer here, you need to immediately contact the federal security service and this way you can will figure out the enemy, one? one careful click and they will start recruiting you. western and ukrainian intelligence services are actively searching on the internet for those who could be turned into their puppets in order to use them to undermine russia’s security. how to avoid getting caught in a recruitment scam? sbu, gur, cia, operates primarily through social networks. if
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he showed up somewhere, like, for example, maxim from the pensensk region, then the enemy will immediately notice.
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and so i had the imprudence to accommodate myself. a little money in my internet wallet, i at first i didn’t attach any importance to this, but after she told me that she had close relatives in the ukrainian intelligence service, i immediately got scared and turned to the fsb of the penza region, and it’s good that i was scared, the article of treason means up to life imprisonment. you cannot succumb to manipulators, recruiters easily switch from offering gingerbread to meth for refusing to betray, threatens the life of the person being recruited, members of his family, close people, you just need to understand that the ridiculous threat of some kind of reprisal is not feasible in reality, recruiters do not
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there are no resources for this, one of the techniques is when recruiters introduce themselves as foreign journalists, analysts, foreign companies, this is such a polite approach, it can be a letter by mail, an appeal on social networks and instant messengers with the hope of profitable cooperation, for money, they immediately promise, that they are ready to pay well, they will keep everything secret, when the promotion begins, the tone of the letter changes to a bossy-patronizing one, punctuation and spelling errors appear, as if they are in such a hurry to recruit that they already not up to literacy, closer to the end of the letter, already
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up to... uses three or four simple sentences in a row that are easy to agree with: you are an ordinary person, you want to earn money, you are ready to cooperate. the release of a secret carrier is especially important for enemy intelligence services; this is what intelligence means for a person who has access to particularly important information. an employee of a military-industrial complex indicated his place of work on a social network page, and a certain anna loginova, an intelligence officer, immediately contacted him. almost introducing himself as a colleague. now i would be interested in professional advice on several issues, of course, on a mutually beneficial financial basis? well, make an offer? i would like to make sure that i am communicating with a truly active expert, so i would like to ask you for confirmation, it could just be a pass
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or an identification. i will immediately send you a nice bonus to your crypto wallet. i have everything ready, what you asked for. when i send you the bonus. i’ll write and discuss the task, okay? it arrived, you made me happy, thank you. there is a first task for you, i need an expert one comparison of domestic weapons with other analogues, in particular long-range ones, is your thing. given that we see all this correspondence, it is clear that the recruitment failed. well, for those who do fall on the hook of western intelligence services, the enemies offer to sign an agreement to tacit cooperation in order to then work happily for a long time, this is exactly what they write, emphasizing that working for them officially does not mean publicly, they send a form for such consent, we read: i undertake by my patronymic surnames not to disclose information to anyone, which became known during work with representatives of the intelligence agency
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of the ministry of defense of ukraine. we must understand that this is a sentence. by signing such a document, the recruit becomes an agent of the enemy's intelligence services; according to russian law, this is a serious criminal offense. and then there are initiative-takers, traitors who themselves are looking for a way out to foreign intelligence services. everyone has the same ending. weapons behind your back, hands behind your back, an initiative activist from komsomolsk-on-amur, anatoly lyska received 9 and a half years for espionage on the instructions of his, in quotes, friend according to the correspondence of alexander roshkov from the ukrainian gur, he photographed the perimeter from the building of the reserve tank base, learned and transmitted to the enemy data on the condition of armored vehicles and their movements to the zone of a special military operation, as well as personally. espionage, high treason, also on the data of the base commander, those who are on the verge of the pencil of the
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russian federal security service. gennady yashtokin sought political asylum in the usa, no one was persecuting him, yashtokin just wanted to go to america. i contacted a certain us citizen via messengers, who promised to arrange everything through the embassy, ​​but in return asked to simulate the dispersal of the picket on a single voting day, you feel the hand of the cia. yashtokin performed the ordered clownery, and as a result he received an official one. intelligence services, whether they are ideological judases or traitors who wanted to make money or simply citizens who succumbed to recruitment, all of them
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inevitably end up on the hook of our special services, from which you certainly cannot escape. antom potkovenko and antidotes from enemy intelligence services. during the day, units of the southern and central groups of russian troops improved the situation along the front line in the donetsk and ovdeevsky sectors of the northern military district, respectively, and eliminated a total of up to 685 militants. the enemy also lost a lot of nato equipment, including three us-made howitzers, a german marder infantry fighting vehicle and a pair of british guns, in the zaporozhye region, now the only victory of the kiev regime achieved during the summer counter-offensive has already been definitely annulled. the settlement of rabotina is again under the control of our military; details are in the report of the vgtrk military correspondent alexander sladkov. zaporozhye the front section, the town of rabotino, has been liberated today, the ukrainian military has retreated. that's
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how it is here. but for a few days they change him and he goes to the rear, pursued by copters, sitting in the pits until darkness, he films himself, oh, little russian countryside, it’s early morning, it’s already light, you can’t move anymore, now you still have to run or even ... crawl at a pace, damn it, but we still have to stretch this kilometer to the kmp, oh again, and these are prisoners captured by the fifth
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brigade on the donetsk sector of the front in krasnogorovka, a border guard officer, ordinary there are no longer enough military personnel in ukraine. chernigovskaya, there is a piece of the belarusian border, a piece of the russian border. and why were you sent in this particular direction, there weren’t enough people , or there were feelings that maybe there weren’t enough here, the number of outposts in this 105th border detachment, the company is divided into three outposts, so the company is divided into three outposts, of which the outpost is the same size, as your outpost arrived, 28 on the list, all the rest are some accompanying units, yes, a prisoner of war, he is also a person, of course
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, and... a medical facility for examination and, accordingly, provision of medical care. early this year, during the fighting in krasnohorivka, the fifth brigade captured the ukrainian soldier morozov. they came up to us and pointed the gun, they said: well, throw away the trunks, like, we threw away the guns, and then they said, come out one by one. then morozov was exchanged, he ended up in the army and in krasnogorovka, where he died. here are his documents, seized during the preliminary inspection. the body, well, here is our position, our trunk, damn it, the thirtieth day has come, here we are, there are 200 m, there are dill, both, there was a descent from there, heavy fighting is taking place on all
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sectors of the front, this is the krasnogorovka area, near
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donetsk. hello eagles, alexander slavkov, victoria shinkarenko, denis vedyaev, lead the donbass. three ukrainian militants are hiding in a dugout, which looks quite deep, well fortified and, apparently, should protect against air strikes, but is clearly not prepared for a rapid attack on the ground. these are spectacular shots from the donetsk direction of the special operation, where one of the strongholds is. the enemy was visited by such a land drone on wheeled highway. thanks to its compact dimensions, it was able to get close to the positions of the kiev regime undetected, but it certainly exploded in a more noticeable way. the detonation was so powerful that a huge fireball rose above the trench and then the dust settled for a long time. that is, the personnel in the armed forces of ukraine had no chance of survival. in general, the result is impressive, this russian robot is called kamikaze
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scorpio m. and it looks like the video. was its first documented use, although the development and production of similar production of products by our defense industrial enterprises has been carried out for quite a long time, and most importantly, very successfully, evgeniy teshkovets will confirm. evgeniy, hello, it can be used not only for delivering bombs. good evening, alexey, it was developed as a sapper’s assistant, but was converted into a kamikad for this additional function. such a scorpion has enough venom for an entire squad, or even a whole platoon. the video showed for the first time the use of the kamikaza drone by the russian army based on a miniature robotic platform. here he is a hunter, hiding in the grass and folds of the terrain, approaching the victim hiding in a hole. the footage shows a successfully completed combat mission. the stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces has been turned into dust. the power of the explosion in tnt equivalent is probably comparable to several howitzer
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shells. the explosion is quite powerful. it's being filmed to assess its dimensions, but its maneuverability is quite good, judging by the video, and well, the explosion itself is, well, let's say, equivalent to, well, probably several, maybe several tens of kilograms. scorpio is perhaps the smallest terrestrial a robot that is currently being used in the svo zone. it is a little more than half a meter long, 20 cm high without a load. how can such a tiny thing be noticed when people are walking around? active combat operations, but dimensions are not the only advantage of the platform; it pulls at least 25 kg of payload, is equipped with several cameras and has a range of over a kilometer; through its eyes the operator sees the battlefield. scorpion is a development of the idea of ​​the scarab robot, which was widely used in syria primarily as a mine clearance robot and intelligence. by the way, scarab also
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managed to work in the nvo zone. for example, with its help


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