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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 15, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm MSK

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the attempt on the life of slovak prime minister robert fitz was made for political reasons; the criminal himself, who turned out to be a writer of liberal views, admitted this in the footage of his confession. slovak tv channels published that the prime minister was shot at in the city of gandlovo, he was seriously wounded, but as doctors reported, the operation was successful, the victim came to his senses and is in a stable condition. vladimir putin in a telegram to the president of slovakia called the assassination attempt on the prime minister a monstrous crime that does not exist excuses, the russian president emphasized that fitz is a courageous, strong-willed person, and why they wanted to remove him from the political arena, our european correspondent daria grigorova wondered. five shots
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at close range, right in front of the prime minister's guards, were fired at the moment when robert fitz was leaving a government meeting, the prime minister fell to the ground. in the first seconds after the assassination attempt, the guards literally drag prime minister fitz, who cannot stand on his own, into an armored car. there are no traces of blood in this video visible, but it is known that the wounds occurred in the chest, head and abdomen. the shooter tried to escape from the place, but was detained by law enforcement officers. so ordinary local residents who did not let him leave. thanks to these images, the attacker was identified quite quickly, after the attempt on robert fitz’s life was made by the slovak writer juraj chintula, 71 years old. in addition to his main activities, he is an activist of the liberal party progressive slovakia, which supports ukraine and the euro-atlantic course. in 2016, chintula worked as a security guard at a shopping center, that is. knew how to use a weapon and
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may have had a license. the ministry of internal affairs of the republic has already confirmed that it is the assassination attempt on the prime minister that is being investigated. robert fitze is in the banská bystrica hospital. this is a city 200 km from bratislava. the politician’s condition has not yet been officially reported, but prime minister fitz-smer’s party said that the coming hours are decisive for his health. shots were fired in front of the cultural center in the town of gandlov, where the government was holding a meeting. respectfully, lady messengers, respectfully. ladies and gentlemen, the session has been suspended indefinitely because the prime minister has been injured. robert fica took over as prime minister of slovakia after the elections in september 2023, then the victory of the smer party, that is, the course, turned out to be an unpleasant surprise for brussels. this is all due to the program of robert fitz, who opposes blindly following the policies of the eu and nato. even during the election campaign, he openly promised more than once not to give ukraine a single bullet.
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we can continue to send weapons, money, equipment to ukraine, but in 2 years we will find ourselves exactly where we are now. the european union must have its own peace plan; it must fully support the end of the war and the start of negotiations. western media have already rushed to conclude what was the reason for the assassination attempt. the sky news television channel noted in its broadcast that the politician had become very pro-russian and allegedly this could be the motive for the shooter. very pro-russian, no one
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knows how why, but maybe this is his conviction, just like orban in hungary, he gritted his teeth when it came to european sanctions, he was against universal demands. the leaders of neighboring states have already sent their words of support to the prime minister; viktor orban was one of the first to wish him health. i was deeply shocked by the disgusting attack on my friend prime minister robert fitz. we pray for his health and speedy recovery. god bless him and his country. among those who expressed support was the current prime minister of poland donald tusk, who called robert fitz a friend, and ukrainian social media users reacted to the news of the assassination attempt on the prime minister of slovakia positively. and one of the commentators even hinted that the prime minister of hungary will be next: whoever you mess with, you'll get the hang of it. orban is next. orbán should be worried. after the assassination attempt on robert fitz by helicopter, ven. the
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russian ministry of defense should become as open as possible to innovation, since this is what determines how fighters in the special operations zone receive the most modern weapons and equipment. such statements were made today by vladimir putin at a meeting on the development of domestic opk. well, a little earlier, the president had a meeting with the commanders of the military districts, in which important tasks were also set. read more about everything in the material by andrey grigoriev. at a meeting with the supreme commander in the kremlin, the entire leadership of the russian army is new.
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of the soviet people in the great patriotic war, i wanted to do this personally, i know that on the ninth you all should have been and were at your workplaces, in a combat situation you celebrated this holiday, in this regard, i want to thank you all your subordinates for i want this combat work, on putin’s right hand, former defense minister sergei shaigu, who is now appointed secretary of the security council. thank sergei kuzhgevichaiga for what he has done over the previous years, in building the armed forces, in giving it a new look, i think that no one has any doubts that this look is being consistently created, including
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in relation to the requirements of today, the requirements of modern methods of warfare. shaigu will now be oversee the military-industrial complex and its connections abroad and do it as a test. of the soviet union for defense and security accounted for approximately 13%. in 20 24, this year, our total spending on defense and security will be approximately 8.7%. professional economist belousov,
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according to the president, will be able to find the optimal balance between military and civilian spending so that the army receives the best and other russian sectors. industries received an additional impetus for development due to the military-industrial complex. we see we understand that growing spending on defense and security is one way or another organically connected with civilian sectors of production, which in turn gives impetus to the development of industry as a whole, maintaining and increasing jobs in the country. our unemployment rate is at a historically low level today. but this relationship between guns, the so-called guns and butter, it must be organically integrated into the overall development strategy of the russian state, i hope that andrei ramovich
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will cope with this task in the best possible way, among other things, andrei ramovich has recently been working on some dual-use things on my instructions. we see what the neo-nazi regime is doing in the border zone, this is what they have been doing for all the years since 2014, when we tried to resolve
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this conflict by peaceful means, unfortunately nothing worked, and we were forced to start protecting our people in these territories with the help of armed forces. but the more efficiently you work on the line of combat contact, the greater our chances to resolve this issue peacefully, we are always committed to this. strived, i always talked about it. the actions of combat units in the zone of a special military operation, the president emphasizes, are effective and timely. as for the general staff of the entire structure that ensures combat work, there are no changes here, and there are no plans, i want this to be clear to everyone, so this block of combat work, it has settled down, it functions rhythmically. works successfully and no changes
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are expected here. in the same place they have already been filled with with the participation of civilian experts, they are discussing how to provide the russian army with the most modern weapons. this is exactly the team that includes the head of the largest russian defense giant rostec chemizov, secretary of the security council shaigu, deputy president of the security council medvedev, minister of defense belausov, first deputy prime minister manturov, head of the ministry of industry and trade alikhanov, and presidential aide dyumin. the most important areas that he will deal with will be precisely
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the government’s assistance to our companies, including the rostec company, in solving those problems that are facing them in terms of providing the necessary means for our armed forces. well, i won’t talk about dmitry anatovich, he is the former chairman of the government, president. all personnel changes, says vladimir putin, were related to the participants. successful work on the battlefield by our guys, our fighters, our heroes
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of a special military operation, we know that the more effective the weapons, the more accurate they are, the more powerful they are, the less loss we have, and this is a key issue when conducting armed fight for us in in any case, i really hope that all this will be used, now we are... we have said many times, whoever masters the latest means of armed struggle the fastest wins. any technological breakthrough in this area will certainly lead to breakthroughs in enemy defenses on the battlefield in the zone of a special military operation. andrey grigoriev, natalya lundovskaya, andrey netreba, news! the level of strategic partnership between russia and china is unprecedentedly high. that is why china will be the first. the state that vladimir putin will visit after the inauguration. the russian leader told the chinese news
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agency xinhua about this. the interview came out on the eve of the state visit, as the russian president emphasized that relations between moscow and beijing are built on joint efforts to strengthen sovereignty, mutually beneficial cooperation and the desire to build a fair multipolar world. well, how china is preparing for the arrival of vladimir putin, see the report by the chief of our beijing bureau, alexander baletsky. for the arrival of the russian one. their multifaceted development, conscious a strategic choice based on a broad
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coincidence of fundamental national interests, deep mutual trust, strong public support and sincere friendship of the peoples of the two countries. all this, putin will say, would have been impossible without the personal participation of the leaders, calls the chairman wise and far-sighted, and every meeting with him is a conversation between long-time friends, as a result of which trade turnover has doubled over the past 5 years, and china and russia are actively investing: joint innovations, space, artificial intelligence, energy, russian direct fund investments, which, with the help of chinese partners, has already attracted almost 800 billion rubles into the russian economy, just today agreed in... russian vaccines will be produced in china, and the best chinese drugs will be produced in russia. interaction through technology parks, through venture investments, through support of interaction between russian and chinese technology companies. that is
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, our countries have immunity to external challenges, but putin will once again emphasize to chinese readers that all global turbulence, in including. in today's economy from the west's reluctance to follow a multipolar course. the us-led western elites refuse to respect civilizational and cultural diversity and reject traditional values ​​that have been formed over centuries. in an attempt to maintain their global dominance, they arrogated to themselves the right to tell other nations with whom they can cooperate and with whom they cannot. in beijing , this position is shared in the same ukrainian conflict, they understand the root cause. but putin says it all again: moscow is open to it is the west that is against the negotiations. unfortunately, these initiatives do not find support either in ukraine or its western patrons. they are not ready for an equal, honest and open dialogue based on mutual respect and consideration of each other’s interests. instead , western elites are persistently trying to punish
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russia, isolate and weaken it, and supply the kiev authorities with money and weapons. have introduced almost 16 thousand unilateral illegitimate sanctions against our country, threaten to dismember our country, illegally try to appropriate our foreign assets, close eyes on the revival of nazism, on ukraine carrying out terrorist acts on our territory. therefore, putin says, negotiations with reliable guarantees for all parties, including russia, are important. official beijing declares the same thing on international platforms; the focus of the leaders’ attention will be on other counteraction to western sanctions, and in addition to beijing , putin’s state visit program also includes harbin, a large forum of interregional cooperation; the capital of the northern chinese province traditionally maintains the closest relations with russia economic relations since the russians laid the chinese eastern railway here. the first railway bridge across the sungari, binju, is often simply called russian, and in
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many ways it is a bridge of friendship, connecting not just two banks, but also two countries at the very beginning of the 20th century. and it's not a matter of geography. this is where china and russia are connected spiritually. the bells were cast in the moscow region, the pine was brought from irkutsk, specifically to recreate an exact copy of the wooden st. nicholas church, once the first in harbin, but destroyed during the cultural revolution. i was little when my father was sent from shanghai to harbin to build a metallurgical plant together with soviet engineers. and st. nicholas church then still stood next to the house. for me, this picture is from childhood, that’s why i wanted to restore the temple. but the philanthropist did not limit himself to the temple and now there is a whole volga ethnographic park with huts, the minipetrovsky palace and a boat, heroes of pushkin’s fairy tales. according to putin, ancient chinese traditions are treated with no less respect in russia. i always discover something new about unique and original traditions of china, especially during visits to the prc. i know a lot about
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your martial arts, including wushu, which is very popular in our country, having respect for... chinese philosophy, members of my family are also interested in china, and some of them are studying chinese, just tomorrow the leader will announce the official start of the cross year of cultures, well, today in front of the russian embassy in beijing they opened a truly symbolic monument to two bitter ones, our maxim and chinese luxin, which is called chinese bitter due to its similar style and theme. the grandchildren and great-grandchildren of famous writers took part in the ceremony. lead china. an investigation into the attempted coup began in turkey, the plot became known the day before, and tonight president recep tayyip erdogan held an emergency meeting with the security bloc. as the turkish leader stated, the authorities know the names of the conspirators, as well as their puppet masters. according to media reports, a group of rioters followed almost three hundred famous turkish figures, including
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politicians and journalists. evgeniy reshitnev will tell you what plan was foiled. a rebellion similar to the one in 2016 was being prepared against the current government. a new coup attempt is being planned. against the backdrop of these messages, erdogan
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goes to meetings of his party. this spring it suffered its biggest defeat in history. it is believed that due to the deep economic crisis, which has been going on for 6 years. in municipal elections in thirty cities across the country, including istanbul and ankara. not who is the puppeteer who wrote this whole play, we fall into this trap, we must maintain we know very well who is the doll here, dignity and tolerance, no matter what others do. about a new conspiracy.
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there were mass layoffs. bakhchali believes that after a number of arrests in law enforcement agencies , this is not enough, since we are talking about an armed uprising, behind which, according to the ministry of internal affairs of the republic, are the same forces as 8 years ago. we will continue to vigorously pursue our security forces' operations in the name of peace, unity and solidarity. the military raised a riot against the government they abandoned three ships, 74 tanks, planes and helicopters, the presidential palace in ankara was attacked, bombs fell on parliament,
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246 people were killed, more than 2,000 were injured, gülen, once an ally of erdogan, denied involvement in the armed uprising. i have never seen military intervention as a positive step. then he was over 70, now he is 83. he no longer expects to return to turkey. after the coup attempt, large-scale personnel purges began in the state apparatus. tens of thousands took off from work. the suppression of the military rebellion immediately began to be interpreted as a historical event. ankara even renamed the main kozılay square into national will square on july 15. the russian president then expressed support for the legitimate turkish authorities. relations between moscow and ankara have just begun to normalize; their degradation occurred due to the fact that our military aircraft was shot down in syria by the turkish air force. contacts were resumed only when erdogan sent
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a letter of official apology to putin. turkish authorities then reported that the pilots who opened fire on court twenty- four were caught up in a coup attempt and were arrested. i know that he was one of the first who called you on the phone and expressed words of support - i was pleased, at the same time, almost directly the turkish leadership then blamed american intelligence. gülen, after all , felt great in the states all these years, and such a figure could not but arouse interest in
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langle. conclusion the sru either knew about his plans and did not tell ankara, or, as the same nationalist leader stated in bahçeli right in this took part, and the pennsylvania state police somehow very zealously guarded the private property of erdogan’s opponent. back, everyone move back, behind this yellow line. this is private property. ankara has repeatedly demanded that gülen be extradited, but to no avail. in turkey itself, about 50 thousand people were arrested at that time. now there are a little more than 500. on television they talk about how the conspirators communicated with each other through telephones and automatic machines. now we can only guess who exactly erdogan had today i mean the puppets, who the puppeteers, who he considers the director of the play. evgeny reshetnev and inna koshkina. news. 1. square meters of exhibition space, an international halal fair and dozens of business sessions on the most current topics. the main program
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of the russian economic forum began in kazan today. the islamic world, among the participants are representatives of 86 countries and almost all regions of russia, about the agenda in the material of elmira ismagilova. the entire islamic world is the capital of tatarstan, business political, economic kazan, on for several days the main meeting ground for the business elite. at a time when western countries, in a state of tough confrontation with russia, are applying unprecedented sanctions, the countries of the muslim and arab world have not succumbed to pressure and are aimed at developing cooperation.
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neighbors from saudi arabia, the emirates and egypt are also ready for cooperation. this is how the national turkmen carpet is embroidered, like a close interweaving of threads, the languages, cultures and traditions of the representatives of the russia islamic world forum are connected, these are 19 people from 85 countries, bright representatives, like bright ornaments, are united by their belief in unity. this year at the forum much attention is paid to innovation.
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shrine, the place where islam was adopted in volga bulgaria in 922, so that in the presence of thousands of guests, religious representatives from all over the world, just like a thousand years ago, to begin a new page in the history of islam, religion, peace and goodness. elmira ismagilova, damir mukhamedkhanov, lead kazan. the state has abolished fees for transfers between accounts in different banks. from may 1st russians can transfer their money from one bank to another for free. the law came into force. now you can receive a salary from one bank and immediately transfer it to another, where it is more profitable. transfer money to a free alpha card. receive a supercake in rubles and a 16% rate on savings. not
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