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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 15, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm MSK

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every year thousands of multi-colored bottles come out against it, saying that the main audience is people over 18 years old, and it’s not about the drink, it’s about its quantity. this problem can be solved not with bans, but with information, and moreover, the introduction of such a ban will increase interest in such drinks, with passionate minors, while there is no ban, everyone decides for himself, while you can get a surge of strength in other ways, with very good replacements there will be such drinks as green tea, various teas containing, for example, ginger, cocoa, which contains a huge amount of useful substances, the fate of the new bill banning the sale of energy drinks to children throughout russia is still vague, such proposals are not being heard for the first time, but some deputies hope to make a decision before august of this year. alexander ostakhov, vladimir bazov, stanislavenko, lead the duty unit. don't forget to subscribe. to our
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telegram channels vesti the duty department is an honest detective, that’s all we have, see you soon, this is a big information evening, we continue to introduce you to the agenda today. i went to the sbu website and you are on a scream. how ukrainian western intelligence services recruit russian citizens and what to do so as not to... ruin your life, our exclusive. ukraine is seared by the stigma of nazism. the former deputy head of the ministry of internal affairs, nezalezhny, actually called for genocide. he compared the escaped ukrainians to gypsies, and now they will be destroyed, as in the forties? the thicket of this scorpion in a sliver destroys an entire dugout. the russian army began using kamikaze drones on a wheeled chassis against the enemy. how much explosives can be delivered to positions at...
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ukraine is losing people and engineering equipment while trying to urgently build a fortification near kharkov. local corrupt officials spare no one, trying to hide millions of hryvnia written off to one-day companies. foreign agent khadarkovsky is no longer a good russian. the fugitive oligarch complained about the hatred of ukrainians towards him, but this will not reduce the funding of information dumps. they use the processing practices of nazi germany and look for human vulnerabilities according to a program developed by the cia. this is exactly how they operate on russian territory recruiters from kyiv and western intelligence services. the enemy’s methods were revealed by the all-russian federal security service of russia, exclusively for our tv channel. as it turned out, almost anyone can turn out to be a potential agent, even by chance, opening the website of the american central intelligence agency or the ukrainian security service. and the person is already under surveillance. in the fsb. warns
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that the enemy perceives the slightest interest in the resources of the special services as an attempt to establish contact, then it’s a matter of technology. thanks to nato's technical intelligence capabilities, it is possible not to just find any user, but gaining access to his computer or smartphone, and then treason is not far away. we will learn from anton podkovenko what other recruitment technologies are used and, most importantly, how to recognize the bait and not get caught in the enemy’s net. one careless click will start recruiting you. western and ukrainian intelligence services are actively looking on the internet for those who could be turned into their puppets in order to use them to undermine russia’s security; how can you avoid getting caught on a recruitment hook? sbu, gur, cia, active first of all, through social networks, if he showed up somewhere, like maxim from the pensensk region, for example, then the enemy will immediately notice that he had the imprudence to post his data on social networks about his residence.
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to photograph the entrance of my city and large closed enterprises located in my city, that is, maxim received a direct task, which he did not carry out, but came to the state security authorities and said that he was being recruited by the suspicious olga from ukraine, to confirm her interest in communication, she sent i need some money for mine internet wallet. at first i didn’t attach
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any importance to this, but after she told me that she had close relatives in the ukrainian intelligence service, i immediately got scared and... turned to the fsb of the pendensky region, and it’s good that i was scared, an article of treason is up to life imprisonment, you must not succumb to manipulators, undertakers easily move from offering gingerbread to chickpeas for refusing to betray, threaten the life of the person being recruited, members of his family, close people, you just need to understand that it is an absurd threat any kind of reprisal is not feasible in reality; mushroom growers do not have any resources for this. one of the methods when recruiters introduce themselves as foreign journalists, analysts of private foreign companies, is such a polite approach, this can be a letter by mail, an appeal on social networks and instant messengers with the hope of profitable cooperation, for money, they immediately promise that
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they are ready to pay well keep everything secret, when promotion begins, the tone of the letter changes to bossy and patronizing, punctuation, spelling errors, as if they are in such a hurry to recruit that there is no time for literacy, closer to the end of the letter, there is already pressure on direct orders, they say there will be money, and we know that you need money, but everything depends on you. in this case, the recruiter sets the task of finding out how the military registration and enlistment office works with those who want to serve under a contract. the enemy wants to know everything, from the name of the duty officer to the specifics of the security of the facility, even offers to try to give a bribe in order to quickly undergo a medical examination. uses element. money, you are ready to cooperate. you are an ordinary person who is especially important; you want to earn the secret carrier’s access for the enemy intelligence services, this is what intelligence means for
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a person who has access to particularly important information. an employee of a military-industrial complex indicated his place of work on a social network page, and a certain anna immediately contacted him. loginova, an enemy intelligence officer, introducing himself almost as a colleague. now i would be interested in professional advice on several issues, of course, on a mutually beneficial financial basis. well offer? i would like to make sure that i am communicating with a truly active expert, so i would like to ask you for confirmation, it could just be a pass or an identification. i will immediately send you a nice bonus to your crypto wallet. i have everything ready, what you asked for. when will i send you a bonus to.
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this is how they write, emphasizing that working for them officially does not mean publicly, they send a form for such consent, we read: i undertake by my patronymic surnames not to disclose to anyone information that has become known in during work with representatives of the intelligence agency of the ministry of defense of ukraine. we must understand that this is a sentence. by signing such a document, the recruit becomes an agent of the enemy intelligence services; according to russian law, this is a serious criminal offense. article, and then there are initiative-takers, traitors who themselves are looking for a way out to foreign intelligence services, the ending is the same for everyone, i put my hands behind me, i have a weapon, but no, my hands behind my back, an initiative-maker from komsomolsk-on-amur, anatoly lyska, received 9 years for espionage , on
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the instructions of his friend, in quotes correspondence, alexander roshkov from the ukrainian gur, he photographed the perimeter from the building of the reserve tank base, learned and transmitted to the enemy data on the condition of the armored vehicles and their movements to the special military operation zone, as well as the personal data of the base commander. those who are on the verge of espionage and treason are also on the radar of the russian federal security service. gennady yashtokin sought political asylum in the usa, no one was persecuting him, yashtokin just wanted to go to america. i contacted a certain us citizen via messenger who promised everything was arranged through the embassy, ​​but in return he asked to simulate the dispersal of the picket on a single voting day. can you feel the hand of the cia? yashtokin arranged it. ordered clownery, and as a result received an official warning from the fsb. the employees are scrupulous and go to these people, i don’t even know what to call them, there is no decent word here, and they take out these, they are mandatory for execution
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by an individual, a citizen, it’s very good that our bodies still work on warning, everyone who became agents of western... intelligence services, be they ideological judases or traitors who wanted to make money or simply citizens who succumbed to recruitment, all of them inevitably end up on the hook of our intelligence services, from which, for sure. you won't jump off. the ministry of internal affairs of slovakia called on journalists and politicians to stop spreading hatred on social networks, since it was hatred that provoked the assassination attempt on prime minister robert fitzov. the shooter acted for political reasons, and this is already reliably known. an attempt on the life of the head of government was made in the city of gandlovo. the politician was injured hospitalized. according to the latest information from the slovak ministry of defense, the patient’s condition is assessed as serious. vladimir putin sent an urgent telegram to the president of slovakia, he called the incident monstrous and criminal.
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car, no traces of blood are visible in this video, but it is known that the wounds occurred in the chest, head and abdomen. the shooter tried to escape from the place, but was detained by both law enforcement officers and ordinary local residents, who did not allow him to leave. thanks to this footage, the attacker it was possible to identify him quickly enough; previously, the attempt on robert fitz’s life was made by the slovak writer juraj chintula, he is 71 years old. in addition to his main activities, he is... an active member of the liberal party progressive slovakia, which supports ukraine and
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the euro-atlantic course. in 2016, chintula worked as a security guard at a shopping center, meaning he knew how to use a weapon and may have been licensed. the ministry of internal affairs of the republic has already confirmed that it is the assassination attempt on the prime minister that is being investigated. robert fitze is in the hospital in banska bystrica, a city of 200 km from bratislava. shots were fired in front of the cultural center in the city of gandlov, where the government was holding a retreat... ladies and gentlemen, the session has been suspended indefinitely because the prime minister was wounded. robert fica took over as prime minister of slovakia after the elections in september 2023. then the victory of the smer party, that is, the course, turned out to be an unpleasant surprise for brussels. this is all due to the program of robert fitz, who opposes blindly following the policies of the eu and nato. even during the election campaign he did this more than once. openly promised not to give ukraine a single bullet and completely stop any support for kiev.
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the slovak government will pursue a sovereign foreign policy, exactly as stated in the government's policy statement. and that is why we are not talking about the possible presence of slovak troops on ukrainian territory. in addition, the fitz believe that the conflict between ukraine and russia can only be resolved peacefully, and also oppose ukraine’s membership in nato. you can continue to send weapons, money, technology, but in 2 years we will be where we are now. the european union must have its own peace plan; it must fully support the end of the war and the start of negotiations. western media have already rushed to conclude what was the reason for the assassination attempt. the skynews television channel noted in its broadcast that the politician had become very pro-russian and allegedly this could be the motive for the shooter. over the years, fitsas became very pro-russian. nobody knows why, but maybe it's his
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belief. just like orban in hungary, he he gritted his teeth when it came to european sanctions; he was against everyone’s demands. the leaders of neighboring states have already sent their words of support to the prime minister; viktor orban was one of the first to wish him well. i was deeply shocked by the disgusting attack on my friend, prime minister robert fitz. we pray for him. health and speedy recovery, god bless him and his country. among those who expressed support was the current prime minister of poland, donald tusk, who called robert fitz a friend. but the ukrainian ones social media users reacted positively to the news of the assassination attempt on the prime minister of slovakia, and one commentator even hinted that the prime minister of hungary would be next. whoever you hang out with, you'll gain from him. orban is next. orbán should be worried. they no longer have the right
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to call themselves ukrainians because they chose the gypsy life, the words of the former deputy head of the ministry of internal affairs of ukraine, which clearly show how yellow-blue patriots treat those who refuse to serve in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine. in a frank interview with a kiev journalist viktor andrusiev decided to speak out directly about his hatred of draft dodgers; he not only proposed to consider men who fled mobilization abroad as gypsies, but also... not kiev, but moscow. well , evgenia petrukhina will tell you what these two nazis propose to do with those whom they consider inferior to themselves. the stigma of nazism seems to burn through the consciousness of ukrainian officials. in his comparisons, the former
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adviser to the head of the ministry of internal affairs of ukraine by the name of andrusev clearly drew unambiguous parallels with the second world war. words about gypsies, i was looking for correlation with the third reich, the nazis terribly tortured the gypsies, brutally killed them, they were considered unfit for life, these are the racial prejudices of the nazis, the gypsies were taken to concentration camps, all this began with the summer offensive of 1941, when the nazis quickly tried
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to implement the barbarossa plan, blitz creek, in the very first months of the war... many, many representatives of the roma nationality found themselves in a death trap on the territory of the ukrainian ussr, including ukrainian nationalists, the german nazis used to exterminate both jews and and gypsies. this is what andrusev says in this interview, they say that those who fled from ukraine excluded themselves, or maybe it’s the other way around, they were forcibly expelled from ukraine and forced to leave, but andrusev believes that the fugitives from the nazi regime allegedly violated the agreement with... you consciously, when the time came to defend our country, our people, our children and the future, you chose not to fulfill this agreement, you violated it, accordingly, in this case you may never have anything to do with us, these same gypsies will live, and andrusev i wouldn't ukrainian, if he had not also tried to rip off money from those who left, they say, when you return after the war for another 20 years, you will pay taxes
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for this escape, you will turn around after the war, and this is logical, because... “we will have to paying veterans, guys who fought, lost limbs, it’s beneficial for us that you come back, but you have to pay more to be a member of our community, all this reminds me of germany during hitler’s times, when after hitler came to power, in general, cultural the country has turned into a nation, as goebbels said, of pigs, who burned books in the squares, so to speak, killed all those who disagreed, something similar is happening now in ukraine, and of course." presented his version of mobilization, you have to be on the current agenda, so he says that they just need to hold a lottery, and a million people, whom the drawing of lots shows, should take a machine gun and go to the meat cauldron, this is electronic shyness there, this is done electronically, we all have diya on our mobile, there are all passports the rest is easy to do electronic draw, you can bring some holy reformers, as we
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like to bring, let him spin this drum, but you can just call it the drum of fate, what can you do there? ukrainian telethon, show, they say, whoever does not participate is a gypsy, the usual wording, this attitude towards people, they are all enemies for them, they can insult them, humiliate them, kill them, beat them, put them in prison, practically terror is happening in kiev now against the population of ukraine, but they promised a bright path to the eu, cookies they brought it, dzhali came to drink coffee, and now what, have ukrainians become spoiled and unworthy of all this? now the gypsies, this phrase is an indicator not only of an attempt to scare the ukrainians, it is also an indicator of the failure of the course towards integration into europe, since for the europeans, the ukrainians have not become one of their own over all these years, and maybe andrusev, by calling those who escaped from independence gypsies, had in
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mind that today's ukrainians actually have no homeland, the stigma of nazism has burned through the yellow-bladed flag and... ukraine is losing people and engineering equipment, trying to regime to build a fortification near kharkov. local corrupt officials spare no one, trying to hide millions of hryvnia written off to one-day companies. there are a lot of things that can be confused, but you can’t go wrong with the choice of thermal insulation. pinoplex boards
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every month. and up to 30% in categories is guaranteed. if you don't have a card, order a free alpha debit card. not just profitable, alpha profitable. three ukrainian militants are hiding in a dugout, which looks quite deep, well fortified and, apparently, should protect against air strikes, but is clearly not prepared for rapid attack on the ground. this is impressive footage from the donetsk direction of the special operation, where one of the enemy’s strongholds was visited by such a land drone on a wheeled chassis. thanks to its compact dimensions, it was able to get close to the positions of the kiev regime unnoticed, but it certainly exploded no more noticeably. yes, the detonation was so powerful that a huge fireball rose above the trench, then the dust settled for a long time, well, that is , the personnel in the ssu had no chance of survival, the result
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is impressive, this is the name of this russian robot kamica scorpion m, and the video seems to be its first documented use, although the development and production of similar products by our defense industrial enterprises has been going on for quite a long time and, most importantly, very successfully, evgeniy tishkavets will confirm. such a scorpion has enough poison for an entire squad, or even a whole platoon. the video showed for the first time the use of a kamikaza drone by the russian army based on a miniature robotic platform. here he is a hunter, hiding in the grass from the folds of the terrain , approaching the victim hidden in a hole. on footage of a successfully completed combat mission. the stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces has been turned into dust. the power of the explosion in tnt equivalent is probably comparable to several howitzers. shells, the explosion is quite powerful, you need to understand from what height the shooting is taking place in order to estimate the dimensions, but its maneuverability is quite good, judging by the video, and well... the explosion
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itself, well, let's say, is equivalent to, well, probably several , maybe several tens of kilograms. scorpion is perhaps the smallest ground robot currently in use in the neo area. it's long a little more than half a meter, 20 cm high without load. how can such a tiny thing be noticed when there are active hostilities around , but the dimensions are not the only advantage of the platform. it pulls at least 25 kg of payload, is equipped with several... cameras and has a range of over a kilometer; through its eyes the operator sees the battlefield. scorpion is a development of the idea of ​​the scarab robot, which was widely used in syria primarily as a mine clearance and reconnaissance robot. in the nwo zone, by the way, the scarab also managed to work, for example, with its help our soldiers cleared out the ruins of azovstal. this is a new weapon, therefore, from the air for the enemy, it is difficult to notice. and in
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this context, it is difficult to damage, because it is small, moves on the ground, and if it is also modified, it probably has a higher speed, it is very difficult in principle to destroy it. scorpio, in fact, was also originally created as a sapper’s assistant, he can trawling, that is, pull mines in the right direction, deactivate tripwires, but this does not mean that in this case the robot was not used for its intended purpose. the uniform is still disposable, so turning a sapper into a comic is a completely logical decision that a fighter can make on the battlefield, they are increasingly ready to apply any new developments that will be useful, every specialist, he is much better than any engineer, understands where in what place can he use the device, where will it pass, where will it not pass there and is it required here for use or not required, but
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in order for... to have such a choice there is a possibility the use of these devices, of course, first of all requires their release. obviously, the army is more effective the more tools the fighters have at their disposal; our engineers are ready to equip russian soldiers with a wide variety of robotic platforms. every day there are more and more of them on the front line , these are the same demining machines, only not tiny scorpions, large uranium platforms for evacuating the wounded from the front line. big. assistance to frontline doctors, are there combat robots designed to fire at enemy positions, it is better to risk iron than personnel, mass, cheapness and efficiency decides, we have this complex, let’s say, we will most likely, probably, be the first to achieve success in this direction, we saw not so long ago in the vdeevsk operation, when in berdychi we
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used it en masse, that is, several... well, if scorpio explodes like this, what will happen when something bigger arrives at vysu’s position? during the day, units of the southern and central groups of russian troops improved the situation along the front line in the donetsk and ovdeevsky sections of the northern military district , respectively, and eliminated a total of up to 685 militants of the ukrainian armed forces. the enemy also lost a lot of nato equipment , including three us-made howitzers, a german marder infantry fighting vehicle and a pair of british guns.
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and now in the zaporozhye region. for several days they change him and he goes to the rear , pursued by copters, sitting in pits until dark. he films himself.


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