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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 16, 2024 12:00am-12:31am MSK

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vladimir putin flew to china on a state visit, the russian president's plane landed at beijing's capital airport, and he was met by a representative of the state council. prc chein and qin, she holds
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the position of state counselor, a delegation of the russian embassy in china, as well as a company of the honor guard. then, after the ceremonial meeting, vladimir putin continued his journey on aurus, accompanied by an impressive motorcade. the program is intense, negotiations with sizenpin are planned in beijing in a narrow and expanded format, the main topic is expected to be ways to resolve the ukrainian crisis. it is also planned to sign a large package. documents, a joint press conference, then vladimir putin will visit harbin, take part in the opening ceremonies of the russian-chinese expo and the forum on interregional cooperation. well , i’ll add that this is vladimir putin’s first trip abroad after taking office as president, his second visit to beijing in less than a year. as noted in the kremlin, this is a sign of a high level bilateral relations. about how china prepared for the arrival of vladimir putin.
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the chief of our beijing bureau, alexander baletsky, will tell you. they are preparing for the russian leader's arrival in china, and some have even dressed up for the occasion. hurray for putin, putin is cool. and putin himself, in today’s interview with xinhua, explains why it is to the prc that he will make his first visit after re-election in the year of the seventy-fifth anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between moscow and beijing; they are not only at their highest point, but are also getting stronger, despite the difficult situation in the world. it is important that modern russian-chinese relations, regardless of ideology, political situation, their multifaceted development , are a conscious strategic choice based on a broad coincidence of fundamental national interests, deep mutual trust, strong public support and sincere friendship of the peoples of the two countries. all this, putin will say, would have been impossible without the personal participation of the leaders, calls the chairman wise and far-sighted, and every meeting with him is a conversation between old friends, as a result...
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trade turnover has doubled over the past 5 years, and china and russia are actively investing in joint innovations: space, artificial intelligence, energy, the russian direct investment fund, which, with the help of chinese partners, has already attracted almost 800 billion rubles into the russian economy, just today agreed on beijing about new projects, this is the construction of the first liquefied gas transshipment terminal in the far east, and also pharmaceuticals. russian vaccines will be produced in china, the best ones in russia. russian and chinese technological companies, that is , our countries have immunity to external challenges, but putin will once again emphasize to chinese readers that all global turbulence, including in today’s economy, is due to the west’s reluctance to follow a multipolar course. led by the united states, western elites refuse to respect civilizational and cultural diversity, they reject it.
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traditional values ​​formed over centuries. in an attempt to maintain their global dominance, they arrogated to themselves the right to tell other nations with whom they can cooperate and with whom they cannot. in in beijing, this position is shared in the same ukrainian conflict, they understand the root cause, but putin once again spells everything out: moscow is open to negotiations against the west. unfortunately, these initiatives do not find support either in ukraine or its western patrons. they are not ready for an equal, honest and open dialogue based on mutual respect and consideration of each other’s interests. instead, the western elites are persistently trying to punish russia, isolate and weaken it, supply the kiev authorities with money and weapons, and have introduced weapons against our country almost 16 thousand unilateral illegitimate sanctions threaten to dismember our country, illegally trying to appropriate our foreign assets. on international platforms
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, official beijing declares that the leaders’ focus will be on issues of double counteraction to western sanctions, and in addition to beijing, putin’s state visit program also includes harbin, a large forum of interregional cooperation, the capital of the northern chinese province traditionally maintains the closest economic relations with russia, since then how the russians built the chinese eastern railway here. first the railway bridge over the sungari binju, here is often called simply russian, and in many ways this is a friendly bridge. if at the very beginning of the 20th century, not just two coasts, but also two countries were connected, and it’s not a matter of geography, it’s here that china and russia are connected spiritually. the bells were cast in the moscow region, the pine was brought from irkutsk, specifically to recreate an exact copy of the wooden st. nicholas church, once
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the first in harbin, but destroyed during the cultural revolution. i was little when my father was sent from shanghai to harbin build a metallurgical plant together with soviet engineers. and st. nicholas church. then it still stood next to the house, for me this picture is from childhood, that’s why i wanted to restore the temple, but the philanthropist did not limit himself to the temple, and now there is a whole volga ethnographic park with huts, the mini-petrovsky palace and a boat, heroes of pushkin’s fairy tales, to ancient chinese traditions , according to putin, in russia they treat with no less respect, they always discover with great interest something new about the unique and original traditions of china, especially during visits to the prc. i know a lot about your battles. arts, including wusha, which is very popular in our country, i have respect for chinese philosophy. my family members are also interested in china, and some of them are learning chinese. just tomorrow the leaders will announce the official start of the cross year of cultures, but today in front of the russian embassy in beijing
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they opened a truly symbolic monument to two bitter ones, our maxim, and the chinese luxin, who is called chinese for his similar style and theme. vladimir putin held a meeting on issues of the military-industrial complex, this is the first such event after the formation of the new government. the president said that the russian ministry of defense should become as open as possible to innovation, since this is what determines how fighters in the special operation zone receive the most modern weapons and equipment. read more about the main topics of the meeting. andrey grigoriev will tell its participants. at a meeting with the supreme commander in the kremlin, the entire leadership of the russian army, the new head of the ministry of defense belausov and his predecessor, now secretary of the security council shaigu, chief of the general staff general gerasimov, commander of the moscow military districts general kuzovlev,
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leningrad general lapin, central general mordvichev, acting commander of the southern district general anashkin, eastern general sanchik, commander of the airborne forces. on may 9, the day of victory of the soviet people in the great patriotic war, i wanted to do it personally, i know that on the ninth you all should have been and were at your workplaces, celebrated this holiday in a combat situation, in this i want to thank all of your subordinates for this. on the right hand of putin is former defense minister sergei shaigu, who has now been appointed secretary of the security council. i want to thank sergei kuzhgevich shaigu for what he has done over the previous years to build the armed forces, to give it a new
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look, i think that we have no one doubts that this image is being consistently created, including in relation to the requirements of today.
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will be able to find the optimal balance between military and civilian expenses, so that the army receives all the best, and other sectors of russian industry receive additional benefits at the expense of the military-industrial complex. we see that we understand that growing spending on defense and security is one way or another organically connected with civilian industries, which in turn gives impetus to the development of industry as a whole, preserves and increases jobs in the country, our unemployment is at a historically minimal level today, but this is the relationship between. guns, so-called guns and oil, it must be organically integrated into
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the overall development strategy of the russian state, i hope that andrei remevich will cope with this task in the best possible way. among other things, andrei aravnovich has recently, on my instructions, been involved in some dual-use things, in particular the development of unmanned and aerial and other unmanned systems. through the efforts of our military , we managed to repel the widely publicized ukrainian counter-offensive, which involved western weapons and units of the armed forces of ukraine trained in the west. now in all areas on the front, the russian army dominates, occupying increasingly advantageous positions. successful actions of recent days in the kharkov region, where the advance of our troops should secure russian belgorod from the incessant shelling of the ukrainian armed forces. we see what they are doing. neo-nazi regime in the border zone, this is what they have been doing for all the years, starting
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from 2014, when we tried to resolve this conflict peacefully, nothing, unfortunately, worked out, and we were forced to start protecting our people in these territories with the help armed forces, but the more effectively you work... on the line of combat contact, the more chances we have to resolve this issue peacefully. we have always strived for this, i have always talked about it. the actions of combat units in the zone of a special military operation, the president emphasizes, are effective and timely. as for the general staff of the entire structure that ensures combat work, there are no changes here and are not planned, i want this to be clear to everyone, therefore. this is the combat block work, it has settled down, it functions
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rhythmically, it operates successfully, and no changes are expected here. in the same room, but with the participation of civilian specialists , they are discussing how to provide the russian army with the most modern weapons. it is this team that includes the head of the largest russian defense giant rostec, chemizov, and the secretary of the security council, shaigu. deputy chairman of the security council medvedev, minister of defense belausov, first deputy prime minister manturov, head of the ministry of industry and trade alikhanov, presidential assistant dyumin will be involved in technological provision of the armed forces. the new minister of industrial development, industry, is also not new to this area, you worked anton andreevich in the ministry of industry before, now bearing in mind your developments in the territory, he understands what is needed for this. so that the work goes even more successfully, the same applies to alexey gennadievich dyumin,
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he has been appointed assistant to the president, one of the most important areas that he will be involved in will be precisely providing government assistance to our companies, including rostec company in solving the tasks that they face in terms of providing our armed forces with the necessary means, well, about dmitry. in order to absorb all the best, all the most modern, all that can and should
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be used for successful work on the battlefield by our guys, our fighters, our heroes of a special military operation, we know that the more effective the weapons, the more accurate they are, the more powerful they are, the fewer losses we have, and this is a key issue when conducting an armed struggle, for us in any case, i really hope that all this will be used, now we have already said this many times, who masters it faster? the latest means of armed struggle, he wins. any technological breakthrough in this area will certainly lead to breakthroughs in enemy defenses on the battlefield in the zone of a special military operation. andrey grigoriev, natalya lundovskaya, andrey netreba, lead. after an attempt on his life, robert fitz was placed
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in an artificial coma for 24 hours. the prime minister of slovakia has just undergone surgery, which... lasted 3.5 hours. the condition is critical, he has lost a lot of blood, while the most important arteries are not damaged, slovak media reported this, citing doctors. an attempt on the life of the slovak prime minister occurred on wednesday afternoon during a meeting with his supporters in the town of gandlovo. robert fitz was shot in the stomach and in the arm. the suspect was detained; opposition party activist yuri tsintul was previously shot due to dissatisfaction with government policies. russian peacekeepers solemnly left karabakh in khajaly at the azerbaijani airport, a ceremony was held to complete the mission of our military personnel; it was there that their main base was located. the event was attended by high-ranking military personnel of both countries, as well as representatives of diplomatic departments. about the results of the work of peacekeepers in nagorno-karabakh,
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material by yegor grigoriev. a ceremony took place at khankinda airport. commander-in-chief of the russian ground forces evgeny nikifrov summed up the results of almost 3 and a half years of work. let me remind you that in november 2020, by agreement of the three parties, azerbaijan, armenia and russia, our peacekeepers here appeared at that time in the troubled nagorno-karabakh, an important task. the restoration of peace was carried out by specialists from the engineering units of the russian contingent. sappers cleared 1 territory of mines, discovered more than 30,000 explosive objects, and carried out more than 350 joint humanitarian actions with the international committee of the red cross aimed at helping
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the local population. more than 90 thousand people received targeted assistance from doctors of the special medical unit. in active cooperation with conflicting countries managed to help with the exchange of prisoners, return more than 110 people and over 100 bodies of the dead. after armenia officially recognized the integrity of azerbaijan, a decision was made to complete the mission of our russian contingent, already between azerbaijan and russia, respectively. peacekeeper posts were located throughout. the line of combat contact in the lachin corridor, which connected nagorno-karabakh and armenia, and through which peacekeepers helped remove civilians. in total, nagorno-karabakh left according to estimates of international organizations, there are more than 100,000 armenians, a small part remains. supporting the civilian population is one of the most important tasks carried out by our peacekeepers: medical assistance, humanitarian assistance,
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including targeted assistance, food assistance. kirim tafigagluvaliev thanked our fighters for their work. first deputy minister of defense of the republic of azerbaijan, a ceasefire was achieved, putting an end to the nagorno-karabakh conflict, which had been going on for about 30 years. during the mission, the peacekeeping contingent fulfilled its tasks and made efforts to ensure peace and stability in the territory of the karabakh economic region, the senior leadership of our countries made a decision on early... courageous service for the benefit of peace and stability in the karabakh economic mission and express gratitude for the region. of the nearly 2 thousand contingent , no more than 600 peacekeepers
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and several hundred pieces of equipment, including engineering, remain to this day. the entire contingent must be withdrawn before august. years, now the older module decides whether these prefabricated structures will be left here or dismantled and taken away. let me remind you that our peacekeepers had more than 27 posts, and the main base was at khankinda airport. we spoke personally with a representative of the ministry of defense of azerbaijan, and of course, words of gratitude from him too. the russian peacekeeping contingent carried out a successful mission. we, of course, of course, we are grateful for this mission. the russian contingent showed up.
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egor grigoriev, yaroslav borisov, ivan usanov, to lead azerbaijan. the international economic forum russia islamic world opened in tatarstan. the capital of the republic will host 125 thematic sessions with the participation of experts from the regions of our country and the state organization of islamic cooperation. kazan has become a platform for strengthening trade, economic, scientific, technical, social and cultural ties. all the details are in the report by elmira ismagilova. the entire islamic world is in the capital of tatarstan. business, political, economic kazan. in charge for a few days.
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every city, no matter how big or small, has something to learn, so for us this is an opportunity to study the best, the experience of kazan. in general, we have deeply analyzed from a scientific point of view, comprehended how historical connections within the islamic world between cities developed, and here it is clear , where should we go, there are some methodological developments on how to organize these connections, what they should be about. 86 countries, 84 regions of russia, the kazan summit - these are ways of rapprochement with the east and not just establishing contacts, but much-needed joint projects, they are especially relevant when
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the west is closing and the arab countries are open as never before. over the past few years, trade between russia and islamic countries has increased by a quarter. at the meeting of raisa tatarstan, rustam minikhanov with the ambassadors extraordinary and plenipotentiary of foreign states of russia, they said that now the focus has been on the countries of africa and... asia the republic of tatarstan is one of the leading industrialized and innovatively developed regions of the country, is at the forefront of interaction with muslim companies and investors, dialogue is constantly maintained both at the official and business level. mutual visits are made, joint projects are implemented, that's it. becomes possible thanks to your efforts, support and respect. agro-industrial complex, point of contact. halali products from tatarstan are supplied to saudi arabia,
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the emirates and egypt. neighbors are also ready to cooperate. this is how the national turkmen carpet is embroidered. like a close interweaving of threads, the languages, cultures and traditions of the representatives of the forum of russia and the islamic world are connected. these are 19,000 people from 85 countries, bright representatives, like... bright ornaments, united by their belief in unity. this year at the forum much attention is paid to innovation and the development of science. the main tools for innovation are technopolises, technoparks and business incubators. so that software and developments created in russia enter global practice. for the first time our academies of sciences are regional here. i hope that we will step up our efforts. we have a relationship with the academy of sciences.
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meters, measure consumption and transmit the results of the supply company, in the event of a leak, they will shut off the gas supply to the house. gas appliances, so-called smart. read more about the new equipment in the material by anastasia panko. in the village of bolshoye tumanovo, in the nizhny novgorod region, residents now have such smart meters in their homes. metering devices measure gas consumption online and transmit the results to the supply company. previously, pensioner galina shvetsova took testimony herself. i'll write eight.
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modern equipment is not only convenience, but also safety. in case of leakage, due to the built-in valve, smart meters themselves will shut off the gas supply in the house. the same gas appliances are produced here, this is the tekhnomir plant. it produces 170,000 units of products per year. each stage of the creation of modern equipment is personally inspected by sergey gustov, general director of gazprom mezhregiongaz. the company has more than 32 million subscribers, digitalization of the gas industry is one of the company’s main directions for the coming years, the task today is to make service as easy and fast as possible. the payment for gas is comparable to the payment for mobile phone, our task is to make this a convenient and simple service, so that it is convenient, easy, to pay for gas, and using this resource truly brings joy. head of gazprom mizhi.
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regiongaza is carefully studying the experience of smart meter manufacturers in order to use the best technologies in the company's future work. the varzamase plant does not depend on the western market; modern meters consist almost entirely of domestic parts. the state duma on the basis of the russian gas society is considering a law that will oblige the gas supplier to install smart metering units, just for the safe use of gas at home, and we, if you want, in advance. we are determining which manufacturers will be able to meet the growing demand for these smart digital metering units. new equipment was installed in a pilot project in eleven regions. the goal for the coming years is to work out all the details and scale the project throughout the country. this is exactly what was discussed during the working trip. by 2030, the president instructed to complete the full technically possible gasification of russia. this large-scale program will make
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gas standard in homes across the country.
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