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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 16, 2024 12:30am-1:00am MSK

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how are the activities of parents regulated? committees, we’ll tell you in 5 minutes in this episode of the instructions program. additional supplies, supporting literature, excursions and other activities for children are all handled by parent committees. the very fact of the possibility of their creation is enshrined in the law on education, but it does not regulate the daily activities of such associations; there are only recommendations, the statuses and powers of parent committees should be.
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naturally, this provision is discussed with the parent community and is already approved by internal order of the director of the educational institution. the main thing that the most active parents, and those who for some reason are short on funds, should understand is that any contributions within the parent committee are only voluntary. this is regulated by a letter from the ministry of education and science dated september 9, 2015, and not by allowing illegal collections of funds. there, in particular, there is a link to the article. federal law no. 135 of august 11 , 1995 on charitable activities and charitable organizations, parents, students of general education organizations have the right, individually or in association, to make a donation exclusively on a voluntary basis, any coercion, bullying of a child, infringement of his rights, attempts to shame parents strapped for money are illegal, we have according to... the law on education of the constitution
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of the russian federation, we have preschool education yes and our education is free, so there is no fee for textbooks for repairs. on windows, on doors, this is illegal, but accordingly, if a parent wants to make a donation to educational institution, he has the right to do so. of course, when the parent community, this is in many parent chats, they demand to contribute a certain amount of money, yes, especially when it is associated with threats, for example, there, if you don’t contribute, your child there will feel bad, and so on and so forth further, this is certainly illegal, in this case we... demands for contributions with threats, although in the most extreme case it can generally be classified as extortion, and for this there is a penalty of up to 4 years of imprisonment, fine up to 8,000 rubles. and
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if a teacher joins the active collectors from among the parents, he may face punishment under the article of an official using his official money. powers contrary to the interests of the service, if this act was committed out of selfish or other personal interest. the next thorny issue is fundraising, even if everyone agrees to it. it is better to immediately draw up a protocol that records the agreement between the parents, goals, amount of contributions, their frequency, and so on. parental the committee is recommended to collect receipts and receipts for all, even the most insignificant expenses. parents can request a report at any time, if... they do not provide the necessary information, the request can be sent to the police and the prosecutor's office, and there they may see signs of a crime under the heading of theft , embezzlement. if the parent community refuses this
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obligation to report to parents, in this case it is possible to again contact the director of the educational institution, in this case it is again possible to contact the prosecutor's office to... check this parent community, yes, since they do not fulfill this duty, well, if facts of misappropriation or embezzlement of funds are suddenly revealed, then here we can, of course, raise the question of bringing to criminal liability for article 160 of the criminal code. another important issue for parent committees is that gifts to teachers, such that they are not considered a bribe, in accordance with the civil code, only ordinary ones are allowed. gifts whose value is not exceeds 3,000 rubles. here it is very important to understand the difference between a gift and a bribe, because a gift can be worth 2,000 rubles. but it is regarded as a bribe, because we say a gift - it is gratuitous. in a bribe
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there is always a condition in the obligatory attribute ae, that is, we are talking about the fact that we are giving this , as it were, a gift for something with some purpose. that is, when we say that some kind of service must be performed here in return, in this case, then we can already raise the issue of a bribe. let's repeat the most important thing is that the creation of parent committees in kindergartens and schools is permitted by the law on education, and their activities are regulated by the educational institution itself. all contributions that parent committees collect, voluntary, coercion, threats, infringement of the rights of the child, all this is illegal and may have. consequences, even criminal. and finally, parents who donated money have the right to know how it was spent. if you have any questions, if you want to know what rights students and parents have, subscribe to our telegram channel, ask, and we will disturb departments and lawyers, and we will definitely tell you about everything in
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to get to khalkingol from ulanbater you need to drive about 1.0 km to the east. the last 350 kilometer section takes 8-10 hours along a bumpy track in the mongolian steppe, where there is no one on the way except grazing horses. it’s better to leave after dark, then you’ll be there by noon. huge black stella with a five-pointed star at the top on the bank of the khalkingol river is a monument to soviet and mongolian heroes who defended these lands in the summer of 1939 from japanese militarists. in japan itself, this episode of history is remembered. a small private museum in the town of nasu, 200 km from tokyo , welcomes guests with bravura wartime songs
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, propaganda posters and an enlarged photograph of fifteen-year-old kamikaze pilots, taken a few minutes before their last flight in the summer of 1945, shortly before the surrender of japan, which was essentially predetermined thousands of kilometers away border with mongolia 85 years ago. this museum displays one of the rarest exhibits, perhaps the only one. usually in japanese military museums things are related to the japanese army, there are american and chinese artifacts, but the local museum is especially proud of this rarity, this is the helmet of a soviet red army soldier who died in the battle on khalkhengol. by the end of the thirties, the japanese empire was already at full-scale war in china on the border with mongolia ; it had the puppet state of manjaugo and part of those at the head of the mili. was preparing to begin the seizure of the northern territories with a subsequent attack on the soviet union.
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the border with mongolia at that time, already a socialist state, passed the eastern khalkhingol river, and the initial plan of the japanese command was to move it to the riverbed. on may 11 , a detachment of japanese cavalry with machine guns crossed the border and advanced 15 km deep into mongolian territory, attacking the nomonhan border outpost. the superiority of the enemy forces created surprise. red army units displaced in mongolia into extremely difficult situation, individual clashes quickly escalated into a full-scale war, at first the advantage was on the side of the kwantung army, and this was propaganda. illustrations from a japanese magazine just in may 1939, you see, a japanese soldier with a samurai sword captures a soviet tank. a silver-plated bust of marshal georgy zhukov in ulanbater was placed on the boulevard named after him for the fortieth anniversary of the victory at khalkhengol.
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he was sent to the mongolian front as an inspector with the rank of kamdiv with the task of correcting the difficult situation in which turned out to be soviet. troops. the zhukov museum is located next to the memorial on the spot where he stayed during his trips to the capital. at the entrance, in mongolian, his words: faithful service to the people of our homeland is my sacred duty. the catastrophic losses of soviet troops in the first weeks of may at khalkhengol were explained by the superiority of japanese aviation. fighters on the kadima ki-27 were lighter and more maneuverable. the loss ratio for 2 days of fighting at the end of may was 1:15. the turning point occurred in early july, when they were transferred to the front. and sat at the helm soviet aces with experience of fighting in spain. the exhibition is divided into three parts, the main one is dedicated to khalkhengol. a captured japanese machine gun is adjacent to a bullet-riddled notebook of a soviet war correspondent, among the personal belongings of the then brigade commander, a saber and binoculars. the mongolian people will never forget
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the fraternal support that the soviet people provided in difficult times. the main difficulties of the soviet army were associated with the lack of roads for the japanese, but the railway was built all the way to the border, since then little has changed, even now potholes, potholes, every now and then driving around the corpses of animals or crossing water obstacles at random with the risk of getting stuck in the mud, yes... it’s not easy to get there, then wheeled transport was technically even weaker, however, after the transfer of reinforcements and the arrival of new aircraft, and also, most importantly , zhukov assumed the powers of commander of the entire operation, the initiative gradually passed to our side. this is the zhukov dugout, it is located at the highest point in the khalkhengol region, from here he commanded the famous bayintsagan battle. all this
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the hill is called baintsagan, the japanese occupied one of the dominant heights, threatening to attack the flank and rear. soviet-mongolian grouping, then the future marshal of victory makes the risky decision to throw mikhail yakovlev’s eleventh tank brigade against superior enemy forces, with virtually no cover or infantry support. bloody tank battles continued on these slopes from july 3 to 4; on the fifth, the japanese retreated to the eastern bank of kholkhengol. zhukov had a brilliant relationship between intellect and will. and in this situation and
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the army, his equestrian statue stands in the central square, the nearest settlement on the way to halchinggol, the fourth largest in mongolia with a population of less than 50 thousand people. in the country, on a hill overlooking the steppe city, there is a monument to soviet pilots, their names are inscribed on the memorial wall with golden letters. in the sky above khalkingol, the first double heroes of the soviet union in history were born. here are their names: kravchenko, gritsevets, smushkevich, for example, sergei ivanovich gritsevets. v single-handedly shot down 12 japanese fighters, when his commander's plane crashed behind enemy lines, he sent his i-16 60 km deep into japanese defenses, landed, took a comrade on board and returned to his own. there are 125 names on the wall at the top, and 81 unmarked graves at the foot of the memorial. the local authorities promised us that they would be put in order by
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the upcoming anniversary of the victory in august. gumball dagvadorsh, now 72, has been practicing for the last 40 years. to preserve the memory of the heroes of halchinggol. his grandfather, colonel phuntsigiin chokdon, the hero of mongolia, participated in 60 times battles in 1939 he was the commander of a border detachment, and after the war he became the only mongolian witness at the takiya tribunal, where japanese war criminals were tried. ene gazar bol japany ankhny. this is where the first japanese bomb fell on the city of choibalsan. they began bombing on june 27. i remember well what my father- in-law told me. that that morning they went to the river for water, suddenly japanese planes appeared in the sky, he and his family miraculously survived, hiding under a cart; according to him, it was the most terrible day of his life. just on june 27, the japanese managed to launch a surprise attack on soviet airfields and
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destroy more than twenty aircraft in one morning. all the main hostilities took place on the eastern shore of halfingol. now this is a restricted border area. we get there over rough terrain without any signs. the landscape here begins to change, trees appear, interspersed with dunes. the island of this downed japanese fighter has been lying in this place since july 1939, and it was here that the main air battles took place. in general, the war on halchinggol went down in history as the largest in terms of the number of aircraft involved. on both sides , up to 800 fighters and bombers took part in it. according to official data, in the battles on khalkhengol the soviet army lost up to 10,000 killed and missing, and almost 16,000 were wounded. the japanese, for their part, indicate less than nine. thousands killed, which raises, to put it mildly, serious doubts. this hill, it would seem, is nothing special, but it was because of it that some one of the fiercest battles. japanese
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troops advanced from there from the east, there is the khalkhingol river behind the hill, soviet units were located there, three times this hill passed from one side to the other, but in the end, thanks to the heroic efforts of the 149th motorized rifle regiment under the command of major remezov, the height was defended too . eventually allowed to stop the japanese offensive. the commander himself died a heroic death and was buried on the battlefield, his grave was erected on the top of a hill, and the place is called the remizov hill. despite the scale of the battles, which essentially became a real war, in which large-scale forces of all ground air forces were involved, japan still calls the event nahalhengu. border incident, although in reality it became a real defeat of the manjurian group. soviet historiography estimates japanese losses at 50,000 killed and wounded, an adventure after
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which all the main military leaders were removed from their posts, and the cabinet of prime minister kiiterohiranuma was dismissed. on august 20, 1939, the victorious offensive of soviet-mongolian units in all directions. the day before , information was received from tokyo from richard sorge's group that... they believed false reports that zhukov had given the order to prepare for defense. in 4 days, the enemy forces were cut into several parts, surrounded and completely defeated. of course, the group that tried to prove that the main blow should have been carried out against soviet russia and china, it lost. the most important thing is that this group at that moment controlled the japanese government. that's why. immediately after the molotov-ribbentrop pact, the government in japan changed, when you and i talk about why japan never attacked us during
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the second world war, we must clearly understand that this happened thanks to the battle on the khalkhengol river and the simultaneous conclusion of the molotov-ribentrop pact . having received rebuff on the mongolian border, the japanese abandoned the idea of ​​entering the war with the soviet union, simultaneously with nazi germany. there is a painting in the museum in nasu city. emperor herochoto holds on august 14, 1945 meeting with his generals and ministers on the eve of the announcement of unconditional surrender. just at this time, in manzhuri on the kuril islands, soviet troops completed the defeat of his army. khalkingol became the first link in the chain of events that ultimately led japan to disaster.
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i have been waiting for you for eternity, i was in such a hurry to meet you, finally it has come, spring, warm, sunny, bright, the russian exhibition has blossomed with all the colors of spring. you were waiting for
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spring, now spring is waiting for you at the russia exhibition.
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