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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 16, 2024 1:00am-1:30am MSK

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state visit. the russian president's plane landed at beijing international airport, show du. he was met by the representative of the state council of the people's republic of china, chen yin. she holds the position of state counselor. delegation of the russian embassy in china, as well as roto guard of honor. then, after the ceremonial meeting, vladimir putin continued his journey on aurus, accompanied by an impressive motorcade. the program of this visit is intense. sizemping talks are planned in beijing. in narrow and extended compositions, the main topic is expected to be ways to resolve the ukrainian crisis; plans also include signing a large package of documents and a joint press conference. next, vladimir putin will visit harbin at the opening of the russian china expo and the forum on interregional cooperation. and i’ll add that this is vladimir putin’s first trip abroad after his re-election as president and his second visit to beijing in less than a year. as noted
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in the kremlin, this is a sign of a high level of bilateral relations. about how in china we were preparing for the arrival of the russian president, the head of our beijing bureau, alexander baletsky, will tell you. they are preparing for the russian leader's arrival in china, and some have even dressed up for the occasion. hurray for putin, putin is cool. and putin himself, in today’s interview with xinhua, explains why it is to china that he will make his first visit after re-election in the year of the seventy-fifth anniversary of the establishment between moscow and beijing. diplomatic relations, they are not only at their highest point, but are also getting stronger, despite the difficult situation in the world. it is important that modern russian-chinese relations are independent of ideology, political conditions, their multifaceted development, conscious strategic choices based on a broad coincidence of fundamental national interests, deep mutual trust, powerful public support and sincere friendship of the peoples of the two countries. all this, putin will say, would be impossible. without the personal participation
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of the leaders, he calls the chairman wise and far-sighted, every meeting with him is a conversation between long-time friends, as a result of trade turnover for has doubled over the past 5 years, and china and russia are actively investing in joint innovations, space, artificial intelligence, energy, the russian direct investment fund, which, with the help of chinese partners, has already attracted almost 800 billion rubles into the russian economy, just today agreed in beijing on new projects, this is the construction of the first terminal in the far east. for transshipment of liquefied gas, and also pharmaceuticals. russian vaccines will be produced in china, and the best chinese drugs will be produced in russia. interaction through technology parks, lines of venture investments, through support of interaction between russian and chinese technology companies. that is , our countries are immune to external challenges, but putin will once again emphasize to chinese readers: all global turbulence, including in today’s economy, is due to the west’s reluctance to follow a multipolar course. the us-led western elites
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refuse to respect civilizational and cultural diversity and reject traditional values ​​that have been formed over centuries. in an attempt to maintain its global dominance, they arrogated to themselves the right to determine with other people with whom they can be friends and cooperate with whom they cannot. in beijing , this position is shared in the same ukrainian conflict, they understand the root cause, but putin once again spells everything out: moscow is open to negotiations. it is the west that is against. unfortunately, these initiatives do not find support either in ukraine or its western patrons. they are not ready for an equal, honest and open dialogue based on mutual respect and consideration of each other’s interests. instead, western elites stubbornly they are trying to punish russia, isolate and weaken it. they supply the kiev authorities with money and weapons. almost 16 thousand unilateral...
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terrorist acts were introduced against our country. therefore, putin says, negotiations with reliable guarantees for all parties, including russia, are important ; the same on international platforms, official beijing says, the leaders’ focus will be on issues of double counteraction to western sanctions; in addition to beijing , putin’s state visit program also includes harbin large forum of interregional cooperation, capital the northern chinese province has traditionally maintained the closest economic relations with russia, ever since the russians laid... the chinese eastern railway here. the first railway bridge across the songhua, binju, is often simply called russian here. and this is in many ways a bridge of friendship, which at the very beginning of the 20th century connected not just two banks, but also two countries. and it's not a matter of geography. this is where china and russia are connected spiritually. the bells
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were cast in the moscow region, the pine was brought from irkutsk, especially to recreate an exact copy of the wooden st. nicholas church, once the first in harbin, but destroyed during the cultural revolution. i was little when my father was sent from shanghai to harbin to build a metallurgical plant together with soviet engineers, and st. nicholas church then still stood next to the house, for me this picture is from childhood, that’s why i wanted to restore the temple, but the philanthropist did not limit himself to the temple and now there is a whole volga ethnographic park with huts, the mini-petrovsky palace and a boat, heroes of pushkin’s fairy tales, ancient chinese traditions, according to putin in russia treated with no less respect. they always discover something with great interest. new information about the unique and original traditions of china, especially during visits to the prc. i know a lot about your martial arts, including wushu, which is very popular in our country, having respect for chinese philosophy. my family members are also interested in china, and some of
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them are learning chinese. just tomorrow the leader will announce the official start of the cross year of cultures, but today in front of the russian embassy in beijing they opened a truly symbolic monument to two bitter people. to our maxim and chinese luxin, who is called the chinese bitter for his similar style and theme , the grandchildren and great-grandsons of famous writers took part in the ceremony. alexander baalsky, nikolai petrov, lead china. the life of slovak prime minister robert fico is out of danger after the assassination attempt, said deputy prime minister tomas sharova. at the same time, according to media reports, doctors put the head of government into an artificial coma for a day. they did it to him. an operation that lasted 3.5 hours and fitz lost a lot of blood. our european correspondent regina sebastianova has all the details of the attack. the operation lasted 3 hours and 40 minutes, it was much longer than the specialists initially expected, this was
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due to internal bleeding, which the doctors were struggling with, and as stated after the operation at a briefing in the hospital, where robert fitz, the minister , actually is now located healthy. media reports, he had a wound to a limb and a wound to the stomach, and, as the media reported, the bullet hit internal organs, the duration of this operation was also associated with this, doctors who work with the prime minister of slovakia are prohibited from giving any
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information about the patient’s condition, they, as we know, were asked to publish mobile phones, the hospital is cordoned off by the police, however fewer comments from medical experts appear on the pages of local media, for example, one of the felchers says that robert previously had heart surgery, and this, of course, should also be taken into account by the operating doctors. prime minister robert fitza was wounded in gantlov during a government retreat; at the moment when he left the building of the cultural center to greet the people gathered there, five shots were fired at point-blank range around 15:00 local time. naturally, such an incident raised questions about the work of the security service, which protected the prime minister, as one of the specialists said, it was not noticeable that anyone was trying to shield the prime minister from the second bullet, as we know, the attacker
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is allegedly a seventy-one-year-old poet from levitsa juraj, he was detained immediately after the attack; video footage of this moment was broadcast on local television and distributed on social networks. as well as footage of his interrogation after the arrest, in which he says that he carried out this attack because he did not agree with the policies of the government of robert pifitso, in particular regarding... his policy with the media. the minister of defense, at the same briefing at the hospital late in the evening, said that the attack was clearly politically motivated. we weren't talking about the place, we weren't abused the criminal law system, it was not us who abused statuses to insult other people. it's time to look in the mirror. we will not make any judgments. there is no doubt that the attack was politically motivated. the media are spreading the version that the attack... was planned over the course of a month, but the son of the attacker checked this information, he says that he never heard from his father
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any talk about the intention to attack the prime minister. he also confirmed that his father is indeed legally owned the weapon from which today's shots were fired. however, the version of a prepared attack is supported by the fact that it actually occurred at a time when parliament was discussing an issue with which the attacker did not agree. ladies and gentlemen, the meeting is suspended indefinitely because the prime minister of the slovak republic has been shot at. it's your job. the elected president of slovakia, pellegrini, interrupted his foreign trip, as did the minister of finance, the outgoing president of slovakia, suzana caputova, said that today slovakia witnessed not just an attack on an individual, but also an attack on the country's democracy. i am appalled by the horrific and insidious attack on the prime minister. something has happened that we cannot yet comprehend:
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a physical attack on the prime minister is an attack not only on a person, but on democracy. the hate speech we witness in society leads to acts of hate and violence. please let's stop this. everyone noticed that the ministers, those who gave the briefing already in the hospital building late in the evening repeatedly called for the abandonment of such hatred, and they also repeatedly called on society to comply. i want to call on the public, journalists and politicians to stop inciting hatred, stop supporting this unprecedented heinous act on social media, no act of hate crime will go unpunished. the home secretary also promised that an attack on prime minister robert fitz would be investigated as quickly as possible, in addition, he will appeal to the state council to increase security measures. both for elected politicians and for some media. regina sevastyanova, evgenia timtsova and nadezhda nefeodova, european bureau of the all-russian state television and radio broadcasting company.
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meanwhile, the leader of the french patriots party , florian philippot, admitted that the assassination attempt on the prime minister of slovakia may be related to his political position. robert fitso, one of those european politicians who was never afraid to tell the truth about the conflict in ukraine, about the policies of the european union and nato. well, he always stated that the main thing for him is the interests of his country. anti-russian sanctions do not work, but this topic cannot be discussed on the sidelines of the european union, as this is considered politically incorrect. and the worst thing is that sanctions often harmed the european union, including slovakia. western military assistance to ukraine only leads to an increase in the number of victims of the conflict. we can send there all the weapons in the world, all the money, but militarily russia will never will suffer defeat. the bottom line is that russia was deceived that nato would not expand further east. and today it goes so far that ukraine should already become a member of nato. i will vote against
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ukraine's membership in nato, which will lead to a third world war. since 2014 after the maidan, ukraine has been under total control of the influence of the united states, and the european union is making a big mistake by not having a sovereign view of ukraine, agreeing only with what the united states says about ukraine. vladimir putin held a meeting on wednesday on issues of the military-industrial complex. this is the first of its kind. headquarters, general gerasimov, commander of the moscow military districts, general kuzovlev,
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leningrad, general lapin, central , general mardvichev, acting commander of the southern district, general onashkin, eastern, general sanchik, commander of the airborne forces, general teplinsky. first of all, i would like to congratulate you on the recent holiday, may 9, the day of victory of the soviet people in the great patriotic war. i wanted to do this personally. i know that on the ninth you were all supposed to be and were at your jobs, celebrating this holiday in a combat situation, in this regard i want you all...
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that expenses on the military component are growing, let me remind you that in the mid-eighties the total expenses of the soviet union defense and security accounted for approximately 13%. in 2024, this year, our
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total spending on defense and security will be approximately 8.7. professional economist belousov, according to the president, will be able to find the optimal balance between military and civilian expenses, so that the army receives all the best, and other sectors of russian industry receive an additional impetus for development at the expense of the military-industrial complex. we see that we understand that the growing spending on defense and security is one way or another organically connected with the civilian industries, which in turn gives. an impetus for the development of industry as a whole, saves and increases jobs in the country, our unemployment is at a historically minimal level today, but this is the relationship between the guns, the so-called guns and butter, it should be organically integrated into
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the overall development strategy of the russian state, so i hope that... the russian army dominates sectors of the front, occupying increasingly advantageous positions. successful actions of recent days in the kharkov region, where the advance of our troops should protect russian belgorod from incessant shelling in the ukrainian armed forces. we see what the neo-nazi regime is doing in the border strip. this is what they have done for all the years
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since 2014, when we tried peaceful means...
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assumed. in the same room, but with the participation of civilian specialists, they are discussing how to provide the russian army with the most modern weapons. it is this team, in which the head of the largest russian defense giant rostec chemizov, secretary of the security council shaigu, deputy chairman of the security council medvedev, defense minister belausov, first deputy prime minister manturov, head of the ministry of industry and trade alikhanov, presidential assistant dyumin, will be engaged in technological support of the armed forces. new. minister of industrial development industry is also not new to this area, anton andreevich you worked in the ministry of industry before, now bearing in mind yours...
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nevertheless, open the ministry of defense to the maximum in order to absorb all the best, all the most modern, all that is possible and must be used for successful
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work on the battlefield by our guys, our fighters, our heroes of a special military operation, we know that the more effective the weapons, the more accurate they are, the more powerful they are, the less we have...
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two of the five, namely besprozvannye and demeshin , completed the training program for the personnel management reserve of the civil service on the basis of the higher school of public administration, and seredyukh and smirnov are now studying there in the sixth stream. all acting governors will need to take part in the elections, which will take place on a single voting day on september 8th. the head of the central election commission, ella pomfilova, announced this today. straightaway. two settlements in the kharkov region, glubokaya and lukyayantsy, were completely liberated by the russian army, about this reported the ministry of defense. units of the north group of troops repelled
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three counterattacks of the ukrainian armed forces and advanced into the depths of the enemy’s defense. today , the most important strategic point in zaporozhye, rabotina, has been taken under control. from there, our military can see key heights, and behind them is a control road junction. in addition, this significantly strengthens russia’s defense in the south... the zaporozhye sector of the front, the town of rabotino, has been liberated today, the ukrainian military has retreated, this is how the infantry of the forty-second division fought here, this is an assault group seventieth regiment, consisting of two fighters. they rushed into the attack on a motorcycle, one reached on foot and captured the basement indicated to him. every minute, pursued by copters, kamikaze, and
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this is a fighter of the 71st regiment of the forty-second division, fights in the robot itself, for several days they change him and he goes to the rear, pursued by copters, sitting in pits until dark. he films himself. now it’s already daylight, you can’t move around anymore, now you still have to run or crawl at least at a walk, damn it, but you still have to stretch that kilometer to the kmp, oh, again, and these are prisoners captured by the fifth brigade on the donetsk sector of the front in krasnogorovka. border guard officer, there are no longer enough regular military personnel in ukraine, where were the border guards, on which border, chernigov, there...
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a medical facility for examination and, accordingly, provision of medical care. at the beginning of this year, during the fighting in krasnohorivka, the fifth brigade captured the ukrainian soldier morozov.
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dill, both, the outbreak was from there, heavy fighting is taking place on all sectors of the front, this is the krasnogorovka area, near donetsk, the work is not dusty, like in a mine, we’re sitting, we’re just sitting under a tank, take off your mask, support, let him look, this is the zaporozhye direction, rabotino, a group
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of our soldiers are storming. took refuge under a destroyed enemy tank, and not a single ukrainian will take us here, remember this, tell us how you got into the crime? i, when our group, one ran away, the second was killed, i climbed onto the roof and stayed there on the roof, and where it was, krasnogurovka, the territory of the plant. let's go to the right, right there, we won't go past them, i wanted to go around here, go around, great, eagles, alexander sladkov, victoria shinkarenko, denis
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vedyaev, lead donbass.
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