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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 16, 2024 1:30am-2:00am MSK

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it’s easy to get confused by the facts when you see only part of the overall picture, but in the pursuit of views , the whole changes.
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reported that due to a shortage of electricity in all regions of ukraine, emergency blackouts have been introduced; they will last from 21:00 to midnight; for industrial consumers on may 15, restrictions will be in effect for 24 hours. ukrainian energy minister herman galushchenko said that the country was left without power plants that produced about 8 gw of electricity. for comparison, in winter an average of up to 18 gw is generated. overall for ukrainian industry. very
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dark times have come, there are still dark times ahead for the population, because if the ukrainian energy system stumbled already in may, even if it is cold by the standards of ukraine, then you can imagine what will happen in july and august, when, on the contrary, it will be hot and the heat is simply hellish, or what will happen in october-november, when the first frosts begin, everyone will turn on some kind of heaters, according to the minister of foreign affairs. dmitry kuleb, the country's energy system is damaged by more than 50%. the ministry of energy reported complete destruction trypilska tes, the largest energy generating facility in the kiev region. the energy company announced the loss of 80% of its generating capacity. at the end of march , dnepro ges in zaporozhye, zmeevskaya tes and tets-5 in the kharkov region, kurakhovskaya gres and slavyanskaya received serious damage. in the dpr, as well as a number of other
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objects. prime minister denis shmyhal said that about $1 billion is needed to restore 800 heat supply facilities. the problem is that spare parts for ukrainian power plants are not easy to find. western technology is not always suitable. the so-called technical cannibalism is already beginning there. the baltic states, as always, meet halfway. they are trying to find the necessary spare parts at their shut down power plants, so the situation is really serious, according to the un, the capacity of ukraine's energy infrastructure was reduced by more than half last fall, due to a shortage in the system it is necessary to resort to imports. in april, the country was forced to import a third more electricity than in march. the technical possibility of delivering energy from europe to ukraine is 1,700 mw, one.
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they are not always used to the maximum, the cost of this electricity is by no means the same as at which ukraine once bought electricity from russia, and if in russia imported electricity for ukraine cost somewhere around 55, 60 dollars, yes, then per megawatt, then accordingly, europeans are ready to sell, but on average at a thousand euros per megawatt, so a simple calculation shows that... only 23,000 megawatts will cost, well, approximately at 23 billion euros. by the beginning of the last heating season, restoration of ukraine's energy sector had already cost $2.3 billion. these were proceeds from the usa, japan, the world bank, the european investment bank and other partners. this year, the ukrainian authorities intend to allocate more than $180 million for these purposes. in addition, the us agency for international development has developed. a new
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program to support ukrainian energy for $190 million.
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let us tell you how this day in history is remembered right now. hello. on may 16, 1200 , a new ruler appeared in the world, he became a european knight, baldwin of flanders, who was crowned the first emperor of the latin empire. it was created by the crusaders after they captured constantinople and the byzantine empire fell. this happened during the fourth crusade, when the knights, instead of going to egypt and palestine, captured and plundered the ancient christian capital, but baldwin wanted to be like the byzantine emperors in everything. solemn ceremony. took place in the cathedral of st. sophia, he dressed in the ceremonial attire of the byzantine rulers, a purple mantle and purple boots, but he did not rule for long, the byzantine nobility were irritated by the greed of the crusaders and the policy of latinization, they were accustomed to the traditions of greek culture. the bulgarian tsar kalayan, together with the polovtian
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army, supported the byzantines in the battle of andrianople, the crusaders were defeated, baldwin died, but the latin empire lasted for another half a century until... they regained constantinople and revived their state for 200 years, then it was conquered by the turks and ottomans. 100 years ago, on may 16, 1924, the first issue of the children's magazine murzilka was published, several generations of children grew up with it, murzilka himself became a cult character, he is a cute furry animal in a beret and a scarf. even before the revolution, writer anna khvolson depicted him as a boy in a tailcoat with a top hat and a cane. and another writer alexander fedorov davidov turned a dog, in this form, by the way, he appeared in the magazine, but in the late thirties, an emergency was published in one of the issues message: finally murzilka was found, an image was placed on the cover, which became the emblem of the magazine. it was believed that murzilka
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was a correspondent because he had a camera. the children adored murzilka, turned to him with requests, he always answered and gave useful advice. the best children's writers wrote for the magazine, among them samuel marshall. lev kosil and boris zakhader. yes, i collected it. very interesting material. back in 2012, murzilka became the guinness world record holder for being the oldest magazine for children. it is still being published today, having already celebrated its centenary anniversary. may 16, 1950 the development of the peaceful atom has begun in our country. on that day, the council of ministers of the ussr accepted. resolutions on research, design and experimental work on the use of atomic energy for peaceful purposes. the ussr had already created nuclear weapons, although only five charges were produced, they were far behind the americans, but igor kurchatov said this: quote: with the bomb we got the result a year
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earlier than expected, now we can move on to something else, the peaceful use of atomic energy. the world's first nuclear the construction of the power plant began in the kaluga region, at the obnenskaya crossing. who grew up in this place was named obnensk. it became the first science city in our country. the reactor was designed as a uranium-graphite channel type with tubular fuel elements. we created tight deadlines. the first bucket of earth was taken out in september '51, and already in may '54 they began loading the reactor and in june the station produced its first current. the obnenskaya npp operated for half a century and became a museum; nuclear energy has found application in various industries national economy. on may 16, 1985, the presidium of the supreme soviet of the ussr issued a decree to strengthen the fight against drunkenness. the fight against alcoholism in our country began under tsar nicholas ii. the soviet government did this repeatedly. but now the anti-alcohol
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campaign was on an unprecedented scale. it was called the prohibition law of mikhail gorbachev. per capita then there were 11 liters of strong drinks, 19 liters of wine and 23 liters per year. people used to drink more beer abroad, but the consumption culture was different, and drunkenness was not so obvious. in the ussr, it was also a reaction to economic stagnation and lack of prospects. officials decided that they... allowed sales during limited hours. there was a crush in the long lines for alcohol, there were casualties, and many vineyards were cut down in the crimea, moldova and the caucasus. the result of the company was the activation of the black market. they brewed moonshine en masse, drank eau de toilette, pharmaceutical tinctures, and sniffed glue. it must be said that as a result , the birth rate increased and the mortality rate decreased, but the state budget suffered huge losses. the company was folded, nowadays consumption alcohol consumption is gradually reduced without draconian
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measures. this is what this day in history was like. we watch to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries. let's look, look. in the application or on the website. the russian ministry of emergency situations warns: protect your home, install a fire detector. safety starts with you, russian emergency situations ministry. this is the taxes program, me, larisa katosheva. hello. in the near future we expect modernization or adjustment of the tax system. it's time to talk about what they will look like the main vectors and how the social orientation of the state’s development will be reflected in tax legislation and tax practice. in just a couple of minutes you will be in touch with us. duma of the russian federation, deputy chairman of the committee on
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economic policy and chairman of the russian union of taxpayers, well, right now, traditionally, a few numbers. the budget of st. petersburg brought in 19 million rubles from the resort tax; it is collected from tourists who stayed in the city for more than a hundred hundred. for each day of hotel stay, guest northern capital pays an additional 100 rubles. the experiment started on april 1st. according to estimates by the government of st. petersburg , the resort tax will replenish the treasury by 310 million rubles. according to the law, this money should go towards the creation and development of the city’s resort infrastructure. 5.5 million taxpayers gave their consent to receive tax notices electronically through the state services portal. there, in the personal account, a citizen can pay accrued taxes, while tax notifications will not be duplicated on paper and... managed by registered by letter, you can exercise the right to receive notifications through government services at any
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time, regardless of whether the taxpayer has a personal account on the tax service website? 10%, flat tax rate on income in the form of dividends and royalties, and zero tax rate on interest income. such conditions are provided for in the agreement on the avoidance of double taxation between russia and abkhazia. certain benefits are spelled out in this document: for cross-border transactions of developers, they are exempt from paying tax for 18 months on profits in the country where construction is taking place, if the agreement is ratified before the end of this year, then its provisions will begin to apply from january 1 , 2025. you are watching the tax program and today we want to talk about how the tax will change. the system, what its modernization or additional adjustment will look like, how
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legislators and taxpayers see it. in touch with us right now is artyom kiryanov, deputy of the state duma of the russian federation, deputy chairman of the committee on economic policy and chairman russian union of taxpayers. artyom, hello. hello, good afternoon. today we will talk about how tax policy is changing, what we can expect in the coming years, what initiatives are currently being discussed. until 2030, we already had this format
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at the previous stage in 2018, when there were elections, the tax system was also adjusted, there was a large detailed discussion with business representatives, with people, and this discussion led to the fact that we until the twenty-fourth year and lived according to clear, clearly described rules in a fairly clear, stable tax environment. i think that now we will implement the legislative initiatives that the president ordered to further adjust the tax system in the direction of greater social justice. there is such a task, it will be solved, i think that we are still at the spring session, that is , by the end of july - we will make all such decisions and in the twenty-fifth and subsequent years we will already come out of the new tax system, the president’s order is of course important, and the order do you take voters into account? the second important source - legislative initiatives - is
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, of course, communication with people, communication with the region, well, in our country, every deputy is either elected...
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or even for 30 years for sure, so as for the additional adjustment of the tax system, the president proposed accordingly increasing tax deductions for the second child twice up to 2800 rubles. for the third child it also doubles to 6. arm, what does this mean in reality, let’s figure it out. does this mechanism work? what is it about? our salary is 30,000 rubles. tax deductions from it are valid for approximately 11 months. that’s when we raise the total amount of payments to 450.00 rubles. it turns out that people with a salary of 30,000 will rhythmically receive a salary increase throughout
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the year. people who have a salary of 50,000, they will receive additional funds not... not 7 months, but 9 months a year, but there are benefits in terms of property taxes on housing, land, let's see what we already have , we have tax benefits associated with the payment of property taxes on land, in principle, it turns out that many people with many children do not pay property tax at all, since the apartment is small, it turns out that for each, for example, child in the apartment this is... a deduction of 5 km for tax purposes, if you look at it in general, then very many in general, so to speak, they forgot about this tax, for land tax we also have the same traditional russian six hundred square meters, they are deleted from taxation, and accordingly , many people are placed in these six hundred square meters, well, those who pay more pay whatever is more by
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hundred square meters, in fact, the general policy of the state in this regard is constantly evolving,
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related to tax adjustments, so all measures, let’s say, relating to taxation, deductions, benefits, they will work in a new way. in 2025, that is, we have a very short period of time to implement the president’s instructions, and i think that we do not expect any failures here.
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the implementation of changes in tax policy is still a team effort between legislators and those who propose these initiatives, then these changes will be implemented in practice apply, everything works out? as for legislators, we naturally keep our finger on the pulse. the processes that the tax service is conducting is very important, and for me, as the chairman of the expert council for the strengthening of the economy under the state duma committee on economic policy, that tax data, they are absolutely relevant, we can rely on them, we see the processes that are going on in various industries from the point of view of taxation, from the point of view of gray and black schemes, we see the processes that go with... we understand that he
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may have some kind of deficit, but we also understand that thanks to successes in tax administration, the income plan is always exceeded and seriously overfulfilled, so when we say today that we have faith... personal income tax for those who now, if you remember, there was a decision to increase earnings of more than 5 million a year, but above
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this amount, our taxation is not 13, but 15%. i thought this moment would be quite alarming, well, because when it comes to increasing taxes in in particular, about the increase in taxation specifically on the salary part, i thought that there would actually be some kind of taxation. unrest, you know, there were mass petitions, some speeches, but not surprisingly, and my colleagues and i generally measured this situation, surprisingly, absolutely all taxpayers correctly understood why such an increase was needed, they agreed with it promotion, and why we need it, we all know, it’s a circle of good foundation that provides treatment for children with serious... harp diseases, the number of nosologies is growing every year, and accordingly, this money, in the form of a colored tax, goes directly to
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maintaining the life and health of children, this is a very important story, and i think that in this context of social justice and support for needy groups of the population, a new... construction of the tax system will be implemented, well, that is, the reasons for this growth are clear to people, we have ambitious national goals, we have a number of new national projects, including many of them aimed at developing and supporting large families, at solving demographic problems questions, we are not finishing the so-called old national projects, everything related to improving the quality of life of people, and accordingly we are launching a number of infrastructure... projects related to the life of the country in the future, all this, of course, requires additional funds, and these funds, people understand what they
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are needed for, what they are used for, and what they will bring for them personally. thank you very much, artyom kiryanov, deputy of the state duma of the russian federation, deputy chairman of the committee on economic politics and the chairman of the russian taxpayers union was on the taxes program, where we discuss tax legislation. tax practice, see you, your brother is there in the donbass in the aurora battalion, he’s a belly, no one knows anything, alexander mikhailov, in short, you have to go there, this is war, kulya, war, vitaly kishchenko, you understand what i have in mind you don’t have a ration or a weapon, get ready to blow into your mask, brother to the records. missing, no, that won’t do, i came for him, i have to find him, hope markin, he looks a lot like him, sergei
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gorobchenko. tell him that he doesn’t have a brother, they killed him, alexey shevchenkov, that’s where they went on reconnaissance, there were yours, and then, then, i don’t know, anton shakin, that means there is still hope, there is always hope, call sign passenger, militiaman, passenger, becomes a full-fledged soldier of the aurora battalion.
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where are you from 11 b? i’m not from 11 b, now it’s 2124, this is not fantasy, this is love, with lisa and i, i don’t seem to understand, you don’t mind, 100 years from now. on july 29, 1937
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, japanese troops captured beijing, wuyi appeared in the northeast not by chance, all this was planned in advance by the japanese, he was a real japanese puppet, massacres of civilians then took place throughout nanjing, it was russia and china who paid the greatest price for this common... victory of humanity, and this gives us a special right not to give, to rewrite history. this newsreel was captured by soviet soldiers in august 1945.
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