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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 16, 2024 2:00am-2:30am MSK

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tragic events unfolded today in slovakia at a retreat of the government of the republic in the city of gandlovo, an attempt was made on the life of prime minister robert fitz. several shots were fired as fitza went outside to talk to the people gathered there. three bullets, although i counted four shots, even five. as a result of carelessness, the attacker was immediately detained. robert fitz was taken to the hospital, the first interrogation showed that the seventy-one-year-old writer committed this political crime on the basis dissatisfaction with government policy, therefore a political crime, and a wound in the chest, a serious wound in the stomach, doctors are fighting for the life of robert fitz, they cannot stop the bleeding yet, but this always happens. such
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severe injuries, and at the same time a crime was committed, well, for me it looks strange, that is, i don’t understand where the security service was looking, that is, they didn’t work at all, that is, not even close, well, i understand, the country is small, 6 million people, that is, no one could have thought that in relatively peaceful, modern europe, perhaps this kind of political action, vladimir putin sent a telegram to the president of slovakia: caputovo’s assignments, in connection with the assassination attempt on robert fitz, putin noted that this is a monstrous crime, cannot have any justification, asked to convey the words of the slovak prime minister sincere support, as well as wishes for a speedy and complete recovery. knowing robert fitz as a courageous, strong-willed man. i really hope that these qualities will help him in this difficult situation. here it is necessary note quite complex political.
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because the president of slovakia is the outgoing president, who, moreover, committed a crime, a person who is bound by political views, just in the party represented by the modern president, he is replaced by a leader who is in the same party with the same views, just fit, well, a difficult situation, but completely different the western media reacted to the news of the attack, in some places there was outright schadenfreude, and british magazines.
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slovakia is a very small country, i have i mean in the sense that this is, you know, czechoslovakia, which, like the czech republic, is a larger territory. slovakia is a smaller part of the country, although in earlier times it was more industrialized, so it shouldn't be, it's not that small, but slovakia. it is not a big player in the european union, but something like hungary, which is also a big country, but not a very big player in the european union economically. they are against aid to ukraine and against any sympathy for kiev, they continue to say: “we want the war is over." and by that they mean they want the russians to succeed, then the war will end if ukraine just gives up and gives up the territory. and that's the view he takes. it's divisive in slovakia, it's divisive in the european union. therefore, it is not
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surprising that such an event could happen, because now slovakia is a very unhappy country, not only on this basis, but on the basis of how the country as a whole is moving towards a more authoritarian future, orban seems, so there is not the slightest. there are doubts about who benefits from this, well, it’s obvious who is behind this, and, by the way, it was fitz
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who said that it’s better to quarrel at the negotiating table for 10 years than to leave the russians to the ukrainians for 10 years killing each other, and he says absolutely pragmatically, that russia lives... a successful economic and political president putin enjoys great support. i argue that the tragedy of the west is not working in ukraine. well, reasonable words. but it turns out that europe is entering an era of political murders. extremely dangerous. considering, especially since it is enough has been traditional for centuries in europe. what is happening now in our country looks completely different. a very important day, vladimir putin held a number of important meetings, first the president received in the kremlin thanked former members of the government, deputy prime minister victoria abramchenko, ministers nikolai shulgenov and oleg matytsin for the work done. the head of state also held a meeting on the development of
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the military-industrial complex, and before that he met with the commanders of the military districts. present at the meeting minister of defense andrei belausov, chief. all the enemy's counterattacks, but starting this year, our troops in all directions are constantly, every day improving their position, and i will return to this again,
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they are fulfilling all the tasks assigned by the ministry of defense and the general staffs, this is what is expected... from us , from you the whole country, we see what the neo-nazi regime is doing in the border zone, this is what they have been doing for all the years since 2014, when we tried to resolve this conflict by peaceful means, nothing, to unfortunately, it didn’t work out, and we were forced to start protecting our people in these territories.
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over the previous years in building the armed forces, in giving it a new look, i think that no one has any doubt that this look is being consistently created, including in relation to the requirements of today, to the requirements of modern methods of conducting armed struggle . yes, we all understand that a lot still needs to be done, many things were not clear. the beginning of hostilities is not for us, not this is obvious to all those who in one way or another in the world deal with the construction of their armed forces, but how quickly we respond to the demands of the time gives us
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confidence that we will certainly solve all problems of this kind. sergei kuzhgedovich is moving to another job, you know about this, he will be a secretary. the security council is a constitutional body that is formed by the president, its task is to assist the head of state in the leadership of the entire security component of the state. new minister andrei rymovich belousov has been appointed for defense, please, this is due not least to the fact that expenditures on the military component are growing, let me remind you that in the mid -eighties the total expenditures of the soviet union on defense and security were. approximately 13%. in 20 24,
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this year, our total spending on defense and security will be approximately 8.7%. maybe it will be a little more, about 8.7%. this is, of course, not 13, as it was in the soviet union, but it is still a significant amount, it is a great resource. and we must manage it very carefully and efficiently. andrei erymovich at one time headed the ministry of economic development, then worked in the presidential administration, assistant to the president, in recent years he was the first deputy chairman of the government of the russian federation, headed the economic bloc, and of course. he understands perfectly well what needs to be done in order for the economy of the entire power bloc and the ministry
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of defense, as a key link in this bloc, to fit into the overall economy of the country; this is an extremely important thing, bearing in mind that with this is related to the innovative development of industry and taking into account the possibilities of the economy, the budget, and safety, one way or another, is organically connected. with civilian branches of production, which in turn gives impetus to the development of industry as a whole, but this relationship between guns, the so -called guns and oil, it must be organically integrated into the overall development strategy of the russian state, i hope that andrei ramovich will cope with this task best, among other things andrey aranovich has recently, on my instructions , been involved in some dual
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-use things, in particular the development of unmanned aerial vehicles and other unmanned vehicles; sergei kuzhegedovich did the same thing through the ministry of defense. the minister of defense, who left this post, will, in addition to fulfilling the duties of secretary of the security council, also lead the commission.
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to also be observers, proxies of any deputies, so the election song for agents is finished, well, we’ll just come back to this, because the events that we today we see what is happening in europe, they are largely connected with this, speaking about fitz, i would also like to add that it was he who also said the following words that russia was, is and will be, and it is stupid not to notice this, and also fitz said that he would not extradite a single ukrainian back to ukraine, and also the fic... when he was invited by the prime minister to a meeting, the prime minister of ukraine to a meeting, did not go to kiev,
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met with him in uzhgorod, where they held a small two-hour meeting, after which he left, and in 2009 he was insulted the then prime minister of ukraine tymoshenko, when there was the first gas conflict with russia, stopped gas pumping, and slovakia lost up to 100 million euros daily. and when tymoshenko came to kiev to negotiate with the future prime minister with a request to reach an agreement with russia. publicly, in the presence of a huge amount of press, reprimanded fitz for taking a pro-russian position. therefore, of course, the fic is an enemy for ukraine. this is completely obvious. therefore, here are also these. the statement also says: look, slovakia is a conflict zone, what is the conflict zone there, a really small country, very calm, by the way, i lived there for 2 years at one time, and we are suddenly surprised, there has already been an assassination attempt, but because europe will no longer be a calm place, today the president the czech republic, the czech republic has always taken an aggressive position, suddenly declares
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senseless military actions, russia will not give up its territory. in turkey, erdogan declares that a coup is being prepared, the second in the last 10 years, just the americans and the british understand perfectly well, that with the admonitions of these small countries, which are like a thorn in the side, you can’t calmly come to an agreement with them, something needs to be done, so the attempt at this political murder, if someone tells me that this is accidental, it means the elderly gentleman took, it means, a pistol and came to the very right place, exactly where he would come out, those very western values ​​for which
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the americans and the british so aggressively stand up, this is just to get involved in the political... and legal issues of a sovereign state. hungary, by the way, in december passed an interesting law last year, called the law on sovereignty, in fact, just the law on foreign agents, they even created a special unit, well , a special department within the country in order to fight foreign influence . fitz started doing the same thing. and therefore , the events in georgia, including those that have taken place over the past 2 days, once again confirm where they will fight. with foreign influence, they will disdain, they will not disdain anything, even political murders, as for georgia, today there is an interesting statement from my assistant secretary of state brian, who said that here in georgia we were going to give 367 million dollars in 204, the third of which was for the development of democratic values, that is, for a country in which there are 3.5 million people more than $100 million for
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educational programs, cultural events, and historical events.
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met with the leaders of georgia and demanded that a second front be opened, while even citing how many georgians would die, they say that this is a small price to pay freedom, but the georgian authorities are denying lives, well, as usual, other people’s lives, and therefore, of course , every effort is being made to prevent georgia from being a normal , prosperous country in principle, where
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there are a lot of tourists, where there is excellent cuisine, excellent wine, everyone sings , i lived in georgia for 10 years, i knew georgia... how did your life throw you, yes, two years in slovakia, 10 years in georgia, that’s why i have to say that these are all countries that, according to skynews, are conflicts will definitely be today the main targets and targets of attacks from the americans and the british are difficult times, and nikolai, it’s very correct, vladimir rudolfovich, that in one story the president’s words about combat were shown... he said that war is a continuation of politics by other means, so terrorism is also a continuation of politics by other means, and let us not really
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be misled by the age of the shooter, that this is also a slovak, that this is a calm country, well, who else should have shot at the objectionable prime minister of slovakia, of course, a slovak, walter rathinau, the prime minister of germany was once shot by a german because he signed an agreement with the soviet union, the arapal agreements, the prime minister...
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how did this happen, who was the signal sent to, because the attempt on robert fitz is not only the elimination an undesirable politician, but to a greater extent this is a signal, huge questions for the work of his security, but in history, please, we will remember, the assassination of franz ferdinand was the reason for the first world war, they simply brought him to a place where the killer simply came out and shot him at point-blank range , security gone somewhere, well, that is, we shouldn’t look at the surroundings of this, we need to look at... what is she saying? she says: robert
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fitz is so and so, pro-russian. that is, if the british press today, as a politician, called you pro-russian, then tomorrow they will shoot at you, the british press will explain this, well, of course, they shot at him precisely because... because he is pro-russian, wait, robert fitz won in the elections, the slovak people endowed him with their trust, i have also been to slovakia many times, this is probably the friendliest to the serbs after the serbs the people are russian-minded, and the language is very understandable, by the way, so the fact that in slovakia a politician who calls for friendship with russia wins is a natural situation for slovakia, when those who call to fight with russia and god forbid to fight win there, this is... a natural situation, which means robert fitz won, they now call him pro-russian, they explain that this is what they shoot at, who they send the signal to, look who else they call
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pro-russian, right in this video, viktor orban, that is, a signal to orban, dear orban, you are the next to send this signal to the organizer of this murder, and to whom else? look, today again, it’s a coincidence that erdogan started talking. turkey needed this from external forces, so terrorism, well, almost always in history, is a means of influence of one country on another, but it’s all intertwined with certain
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things, someone finances, someone processes, someone gives diplomatic support, someone -he films such stories where they explain: well, yes, of course, they shot, he’s pro-russian, just think about it, that is, if you called the politician pro-russian, which means you can shoot at him, that’s the main message of the british press, but what about the political one? and behind the murder of stalypin, yes, of course, here is the question that we must ask ourselves,
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why did they now move on to... political assassinations, to such, to such a genre that never left their screens, but that’s all -it was somewhere a rare case, but because the situation is such that it doesn’t work out any other way, because well, killing the leader of a state is an extreme last resort, first they try to prevent him from to get elected, then they start to slander him according to the law, all this is exactly what happened, then they try to buy him. they try to denigrate, they try to discredit, they try to scare, only when all this fails, a decision is made that he is such a nuisance, or against his background it is necessary to send a signal to those who are interfering even more and move on to physical liquidation, and today these are forces, well, let's call them anglo-saxons, who are trying to direct
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world processes, found themselves in situations where... they have no other way, the political elite of the world is beginning to focus less and less on them, so someone needs to be publicly punished, in this case killed, although we really hope that the fitz will survive, so that the rest will hesitate, take a step back, not be so decisive, not even in supporting russia , no, well, orban does not support russia, in supporting hungary, so that orban is not so decisive, so that erdogan thinks,
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in the coming days there will not be an ideal accusation, i don’t know, to the commander of the ground forces and so on, that means it’s not a coup, this is that part of the showdown, after which they want to clear out all some layer of the ministry of internal affairs and that means that new people will be appointed there, naturally in this, as always , it appears that this is the hand, which means, gülen, he is 83 years old, seriously ill, i somehow doubt that he is something and the hand of masada, but it was somehow a more impressive wrapper, so i don’t think so, and as for britain, then... the head of mi-6 richard murge, artagan’s best friend. eh, he speaks turkish, facebook is in turkish, they solve many issues there, it’s turkish and britain is turkey’s closest ally at all times, that’s what they won’t do bad to the turks, and i told you this morning, precisely after pashinyan’s meeting in munich, at the


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