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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 16, 2024 3:00am-3:31am MSK

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i propose to change the call sign of the passenger to the call sign of rebin, no, the call sign of my brother, you remain a passenger, that’s right, i’m a passenger. but even if they discuss this, this is still my opinion that we need to conduct tactical flight training in the near future.
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great power, but if we talk about the situation at the forefront, then what should be said first of all is that some ukrainian experts believe that there is a crisis of state and military management in their state, so, we can probably agree with this, that’s the basis on which we can judge this: a crisis, for example, of public administration, it would seem that mobilization is urgently needed, right, eh?
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they have been discussing this mobilization for six months already, one might say, bandera’s kingdom is in danger, and they have been having debates for six months, discussions, amendments are accepted, amendments are rejected, if in wartime conditions, this rada, this parliament, this law should be adopted within 24 hours three readings, if people there thought about the security of their country, otherwise the kingdom would be in dangers, and they have continuous discussions, well, there is a crisis on their face. state administration without any involvement, now about the crisis of military control, again , the ever-memorable, not unknown kirill budanov, who constantly gives interviews to foreign media, i get this, well, the impression, guys, is that you have some kind of a channel for bringing information to your military political leadership, or how do you imagine all this, in general in wartime ...
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yes, we knew everything about what was coming offensive of the russian troops near kharkov, we had a plan, plans, a combat control schedule for the first day, but if you had everything, why didn’t you take any measures, or whatever, or they don’t listen to you then, they don’t perceive you, constantly again he says that, like, here are the reserves, we have a problem, either we should send them in a matter of hours, or to kharkov, again. you then go about your duties, what are you talking about the functions of those that are absolutely not included in your sphere of activity, let me repeat, and his no one pulls back, no one says: man, you’re doing the wrong thing, you’re in the wrong place, and he should have been kicked in one place since the failure of the famous counter-offensive, since it was only based on him, based on his intelligence reports, reports on the situation, in fact and this whole concept of this counter-narrative was built. he is really
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now in such a depressed state, well, for completely objective reasons, well , imagine that for a long time, but there are no military successes, but not even any tactical plan, this has a very significant impact on the combat effectiveness and condition of the troops. and besides, again, even though budanov spoke about strategic reserves, about those ready for battle, strategic reserves, operational -level reserves, combat-ready, prepared for immediate...
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there will be some kind of truce, peace agreement, statehood in some way the conflict will remain frozen, in this regard they are preparing for a competitive political struggle, president zelensky’s ratings in society are rapidly declining, and there is no authority this leader has never existed in military circles. zelensky is in many ways an inflated figure, which, in fact, was said quite frankly by the ex. advisor to the british prime minister johnson, this is an inflated figure promoted by the west, who at a certain stage played his role as a certain military leader of ukraine, which is why budanov makes a political statement that is not typical for people of his specialization, for intelligence officers, well
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, besides, completely it is obvious that there is probably a certain dizziness from success after a series of successful terrorist attacks on russian territory against civilians. let us remember that the terrorists basayev and khattab behaved in a similar way, they also loved to communicate with the press, they caught a star, as people say, and what they ended up with, as we know, that’s what concerns the attempt to assassinate prime minister fitz in slovakia, well, let’s be blunt, the special services it seems that the operation was successful, they managed to save the life of the prime minister, the special services very often use emotionally unstable, exalted people, for example, trepov, who killed maxim famin, the military commander of vladlen tatarsky, was again remotely recruited by the ukrainian special services, this is an emotionally stable person or a person with experience in organizing sabotage actions, no, a student,
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an activist of the mlada bosna organization, gavrilo princip, whose shot at duke ferdinand unleashed the first world war that he had any special training, he also did not, often, by the way.
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were accused by the authorities, the so-called network of independent and non-governmental media, which are like a swarm surrounding, that’s any a state that allows these soros to nest, and fitsa was forced to resign, after 5 years he returned, as we know, the investigation into the murder of this journalist kutyak did not lead to anything, the investigation reached a dead end, as per the word many other sacred victims, few people in ukraine remember who...
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spoke out against the military support of the kiev regime, and against the legalization of sexual deviations of drugs, and against the dictates over sovereign states by washington, brussels and so on, well when there was no fitz, what kind of state was slovakia? slovakia was one of the centers, for example, of anti-belarusian activity, this is the outgoing president caputovo, she apparently had no business inside slovakia, she really loved to meet.
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that when a politician of national orientation came, all this kublo, let’s say, howled, began to rage, and i can also say, in continuation of this story, that a month ago robert fitz, maybe a little more than a month ago, stated that the former the authorities are spinning a spiral of hatred in slovakia, including to him personally, in this regard, is quite strange; of course, the actions of the security service look pre...
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a network that weaves around trees, groves and copses. a double forest is not a simple one, but
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a digital one. how does it work? who can already use the new services? who else but rus should save paper and convert everything into digital? we provide all reports electronically . the system is beneficial to the state because it allows for 100% traceability of weight from the moment of procurement to the moment of transformation into the final product. today, before our eyes, a tragedy unfolded in the center of europe in slovakia , an attempt was made on the life of the prime minister of slovakia fitz, with sky news. noted that well, he was pro-russian, the jubilation that
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can be heard from ukraine simply causes a completely unambiguous reaction, although zelensky hastened to say that no, no, violence is unattainable, they are finding out who committed this assassination attempt, suspicion falls on the seventy-one-year-old writer, supporter of the ukrainian position, but one thing is clear that there is no such thing in europe was a long time ago, and we are forced to start a conversation with...
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him as a friend of russia, who at this dramatic historical time, probably a turning point, so to speak, in history... humanity is not afraid to express its point of view, which often does not coincide with the mainstream of the collective west. these are the official words that i would like to say on behalf of the ministry of foreign affairs. on my own behalf, i will add that i absolutely agree with you, the monstrous rhetoric that in the very first seconds was literally
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flooded with pro-ukrainian and within the framework. ukrainian information field abroad pro-ukrainian information field, she discouraged vladimir rudolfovich, not only you, let me read out a statement that was made one phrase from the statement of the president of slovakia cheputova, listen to what she said, this is a literal translation, hateful rhetoric, witnesses which we are leads to being hated. action, please, says the president of slovakia, let's stop this, let's all think about important things, end of quote from the president of slovakia, after the assassination attempt to the prime minister of slovakia. you know, i want to say that, probably, the west, yes, of course, needs
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to go through the process first before saying anything, accusing anyone of anything, and so on. law enforcement agencies must have their say about the investigation, you know, this is our position, we always proceed from the primacy of facts, but i want to draw attention to the fact that the west has cultivated this most hateful rhetoric for years, this is not just a statement of an aggressive nature that is being spread from the white house, the state department, from all their representatives, from young to old, these are not only... monstrous statements that the permanent representatives of the collective west or those who have joined them now allow themselves, in particular at meetings of the un security council, in other international organizations, this is not only the absolute permissiveness in the statements, but accordingly in the actions of zelensky of this entire gang, who speak
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and commit terrorist attacks, simply literally in front of the whole world. just getting huge, colossal money and even more for it weapons. i want to talk about something else, i want to remind you how 2 years ago on an american internet platform, one of the social networks, when the same aggressive rhetoric began that the president of slovakia, humanity, and excuse me, consumers, users, guests of this the most socially american... network has millions, tens, hundreds of millions of people, which this platform has always been proud of, i wondered how it turns out that they seem to be so sensitive, tolerant and so representatives of western liberal democracies, who are sensitive to themselves, turn a blind eye to direct calls for the murder of people
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of a certain race, a certain nationality, specifically russians, what does this mean... and so, against the backdrop of all this, the social platform of the american network responded that it can be done for russians exception, let the calls for their murder remain on this social network, i may be saying something wrong, vladimir rudolfovich, maybe i ’m misinterpreting something, maybe i’ve forgotten, because that’s exactly what happened, but that’s relevant ,
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as it turned out, not only russians, russians were called to kill directly, but so... that’s it, this is it, when everything is possible, fyodor mikhailovich dostoevsky also spoke about this , who, by the way, would also be called to kill if...
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who talks about certain rights, of course, there is no democracy, they no longer have any basic values, but we saw the most expensive tour of a poor guitarist in some kiev pub, let's really tell what we are talking about, we are talking about the fact that literally at these moments, by the way speaking, in parallel with the information about the assassination attempt on the prime minister of slovakia fitse, news came that the ambassadors of the countries of the european ... union agreed to block and not allow access to russian media on the territory of their countries, such as rossiyskaya
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gazeta, izvestia, rionovosti and, as far as i understand, there is apparently something else there, at least i saw these names in the first news, and this, as i understand it, is a preliminary decision, because it must go through several more phases of approval stages, but there are no ... doubts about that lobbyists who act from a position of russophobia will seek its adoption, as you understand, and we talked about this, literally even at the briefing today we said before, we will respond, and this answer will be what it will be, well, we will certainly tell you, probably a little later, after it has been agreed upon, the question is something else, the question is that remember, at the core of these same...
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within georgian society, a sovereign country, an independent state georgia considered it necessary to accept certain legislative steps in order to protect from uncontrolled financial influence on their non-governmental organizations from the outside, which she allowed herself, in fact, the georgian public, something that they would not have done before her, but nothing. georgia repeated the experience of more than 60 countries. why did she do this? yes, because literally all countries that have encountered similar problems, or that themselves
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create these problems, are doing this now. of course, so to speak, the united states took the lead america, which around the sixteenth year, in 2016-2017, activated, they have such a word, that is, they reincarnated, launched again, began to use their own with enthusiasm. the same one about foreign agents, though in 1938, you can imagine how many years have passed, how many decades have flown by, they got it from i don’t know from what dusty shelf they began to use it against, again, the russian media, russian journalists and the russian public, one of the victims were maria butina, who spent time in solitary confinement, how long she spent in solitary confinement, read for yourself, and you read, i’m talking about... so, after the united states of america again took up this law
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of 1938, countries began to either respond in order to bar themselves from american influence, or, for example, the same, the same britain, and now france behind it, began to develop something similar. but what’s most surprising, read it, i’ll now give you an example of an amazing statement from the european commission, which said: the adoption of the law on foreign agents in georgia will become an obstacle on georgia’s path to the european union. you will be replaced, you won’t believe it, but the european union itself is now developing a similar law, something like that, namely a package for the protection of democracy, which includes exactly the same provisions. there is a difference, the law that georgia is adopting is much less stringent than its american counterpart and counterparts from the european union. that this is
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double standards, dichotomy, bipolar disorder, i don’t know, this is no longer a comparison, these are no longer symbols, these are already statement of fact, you can’t argue, today i just spoke with a representative of one of the georgian parties, and he cited data that surprised me, 20 thousand, 20 thousand ngos, and just those people who go out and behave... in this way , for which in america they give long sentences, they are supported by europe, of course, this is real, this is not even double standards, another example, by the way, again, an example from belisia, look, there are protests in tbilisi, what the us state department says , they say it's literally almost a manifestation democracies, neighboring armenia, countries nearby, they cannot, so to speak, be ignored.
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in the white house, and they treat it the same way and the same story literally at every step, it seemed to me that jamesaki had problems with iq, but after jamesaki such people came to work in the state department who have a negative iq, so you quoted blinken , you didn’t say what the point was, yes, we can talk about that monstrous regular pr campaign, i think that this was done at the instigation of
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some pr agencies, american ones. or anglo-saxon, which are heavily sponsored american official structures, and apparently give out such, from their point of view , wonderful solutions, like either handing out buns on the maidan, or remember, the monstrous story, just a couple of months ago, when victoria set up a table in the middle of a night city in ukraine, standing at the table i tried to say something into the microphone, it’s perfect. now this is a continuation of this kind of shabish, but i think that these are anglo-saxon pr structures, they are so transnational, but first of all their capital is washington and london, this is me i think it was at their instigation that a story was invented about a concert by the us secretary of state in the basement of a kiev five-star establishment called bartender diktat.
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