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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 16, 2024 4:30am-5:00am MSK

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slana petrovna, good afternoon, security service of your bank, another moment and the suspicious machine would have had access to the money, but svetlana petrovna turned on the intelligence officer. i called the bank and hung up, whoever the scammers pretend to be in order to get money out of you, hang up without talking, we beat them at the front, we’ll beat them just like this. took a closer look, said the funeral service, why, because, look, this is blinkin’s fourth visit, there are more and more visits, yes, let’s just show the backgrounds how...
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what to do next with it, well, how to behave further, where is our victory, what should it look like, how should we come out of this carnage, relatively speaking, a winner, i don’t know what he’s up to there he will go to these congressmen that he will report there, but the situation, of course, worries them very much, i think blinken came with a certain ultimatum, because with regard to personnel issues, this question was put to zelensky quite a long time ago, for more than 6 months exactly back. regarding the prime minister of ukraine, yes, they want to take control of finances, and in relation to other key sectors of the economy, which they would like to control through their people, zelensky and yarmak actively resisted this and did not make such decisions. a very amazing period has begun: may 21, you can say as much as you like that i am a legitimate president, everything is fine, well, if he was confident in his legitimacy, then tell me, why is mr. blinken saying? about
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a possible meeting between zelensky and biden, well, in the next 2-3 weeks, he says, there will be some kind of meeting between zelensky, i i’ll ask the question, why? well, they decided everything, it seems, yes, well, the money was allocated, well , the obligations are clear, zelensky is mobilizing, sending people to the front, the americans are allocating money, weapons, the issues have been resolved, but there is one nuance: the only center for legitimizing illegal authorities in all over the world - this is the united states of america, now the task is to...
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invite, the whole world must convince this unfinished one great political figure that, after all, it is necessary, we must negotiate, and the goal here is the same the same thing, again his legitimation, he also has a certain interest in this,
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well, this is the idea, i think, because , you see, to hold a peace forum, why did blinken still come, this is when we say, ukraine is holding there, what kind of ukraine is it?
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politely speaking, he’s not in authority, well, not in authority, it’s with us that he’s not in authority, yes, but where is he in authority, try him now, yes, among the labukhs too, they looked and said, man, you’re doing something you kiss me not so much, that’s not enough, well, labuh works when sends him a parnassus, and here the man himself sent a parnassus 60 yards to beat him off, well, yes, but in relation to, in relation to this forum, this forum, professional languages, of course are prepared by the americans, of course, they send out invitations, convince... so you know, they talk convincingly with those countries that are hesitant not to go, convince them that they need to go there, it’s the americans who, of course, hold this forum, here the problem arises, well, you can just look very ridiculous against the backdrop of defeats
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on the battlefield in ukraine, to offer zelensky’s peace formula to 160 countries, but it will look very stupid, you agree, and even more so they have a strategic task at this peace forum... which is a little, let’s say, not just a little, but in general, to cheer up the ukrainian authorities, to give him a place to perform, well , i don’t know, about nowhere, but most importantly, note that this is not a home video, well, yes, it’s being filmed, he knows that, it’s not clear that they prepared a guitar there under him,
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noticed that he has a guitar, he’s left-handed, well, that’s left-handed, this is not just a guitar bought, everything was agreed upon. from the closest associates of the head of the government of slovakia, robert fitz, indeed one of his closest associates, he asked, i told him, i will be on the program tonight with vladimir solovyov, firstly, i asked you personally to convey greetings from the slovak comrades, from the right ones, as he said , slovak comrades, they are, of course, very concerned, he said, the bullet that entered the cavity of the mouth hit vital organs, and robert’s condition... pizza it’s really very difficult, no one is allowed to see him, neither are they, which means the doctors don’t give
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any prognosis, they don’t believe that it’s some kind of accident, this seventy- one-year-old grandfather turned out to be too professional, that’s what it’s all about they say, he says, the fact is that robert fitz , after, means, conversations with the newly elected president... the slavic peoples of eastern europe, and to unite along the line of russia and on the line of building fraternal relations with the slavs.
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if you are against violence, why are all yours factories are working around the clock to supply weapons on the territory of ukraine, you are against violence, that’s why you asked to keep your fists for robert fitz, they said, we will not deviate from the course that our leadership of slovakia has taken, they say: we want the removal of the complete lifting of sanctions from the russian federation, building normal friendly relations with russia, this is a sincere desire, and fitza speaks. our president, that’s why, fulfilling the request, thank you
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for the broadcast, i thank the slovak comrades, i i looked carefully at how it all looked, i of course have a lot of questions for the security service, yes, yes, a lot, that is, it’s extremely strange, now i want to share information quite interesting from a number of departments at the bank, in kiev in the office of the president, there people are seriously discussing whether they will fall under the regulations of the investigative committee of russia in the event that the russian army enters the russian orthodox city of kiev, and they are not just seriously discussing this, like they will imprison you, they will not imprison you, there is that.
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they will put you in jail, they won’t put you in jail, you need to run, don’t, pack your suitcases, don’t pack them, this is not discussed in all seriousness in the office, when you read soviet literature, you will understand that you need to pack your pre-board basket, not your suitcases, and the latest information , everyone literally even laughed at budanov when budanov said that we knew that the russians were preparing... an offensive in the kharkov direction, complete nonsense, it was a surprise, they
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admit that the russian army outplayed them in this time period, they did not were waiting there was an offensive there, they weren’t expecting him there, so honor and praise to the russian army, how would our soldiers and god grant, as they say, reach the glorious city of kiev, the mother of russian cities, well, in this direction of the command... hero of russia, colonel general lapin, he was at the collegium today, so leningradsky, yes, but he also headed the gradsky. district, he also commands the north group, which is now clearing out the operation to liberate the sloboda region from the ukran-nazi regime, of course, vasilyevich, remember, vladimirovich, literally a few days ago , on your air right here, i talked about a corruption scheme led by mustafa nayem, this afghan pashtun, and
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so, when blinken arrived, this is about his arrival, the kharkov people there started telling him something on... "we, the united states of america, have sent you billions of dollars to protect the energy system of ukraine, where is it, where, because these are 110 facilities, 110 sites, they are throughout ukraine, not only in the east, in mostly even on west in the center and so on, someone started throwing up their hands, my source said that the first one to fly is naye, that is, blinky said: just put naye in jail, i don’t know, they’ll put him in prison, but let’s check this information from the kiev my, well, let’s say, old friend, who said that listen, this is taxpayers’ money, american taxpayers’ money, what are you doing here, what were you thinking, you put these booths on it made of sand and some kind of straw, without any fittings, without in total, a russian rocket fell one on one on one object
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all these booths, let's say, scattered, well, this is a lyric, but in fact... there is the so-called arpad line, it was built by fascist hungary in march 1939, it took the south of czechoslovakia, the so-called carpathian rus, and what hungary began to do is thirty the ninth year, the first projects and the most powerful, they began to build the arpad line, like the maginot line,
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between france and germany, there were even engineers from there, 2.0 km was from... the autumn of the forties, as everyone knew that there would be a war between the soviet union and franchist germany, that is, this is what i ’m saying, i don’t do any advertising, just people who know and hear what i’m saying, please dig it up, do it, let’s say, we need to win, paint it, and there tens of thousands of people can live on these territories, and
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not only there, because well... against the shopping center? yes, yes, against whom, not to defend yourself, but to defend yourself from everyone, from everyone, why not? i just, you know, this is what’s going on now, why not, because it’s easier on your hungarian side, well, there’s tisa, yes, i already he said that there is no need to apply it, yes, she is, she is on the other side, it is better to save your life and so on, as for the political murder of robert fitz, you know, well, for now it’s an assassination attempt, well, an assassination attempt, yes. i apologize, yes, sorry, i misspoke, an assassination attempt, a small state, well, about 6 million according to various figures of citizens living in slovakia are a gain, which means eurostat periodically produces statistics on the attitude of the local population, especially in eastern and central europe, to
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the ukrainian crisis, like they call it like that hungarians are in first place, sometimes slovakia is. the population and slovaks, about 67%, do not support the ukrainian government, do not support ukrainian politics, that is , imagine that fitsa won the elections, just recently there were presidential elections , and his party colleague, his friend pelligrini, peter, won the presidential elections peligrini, power is coming, susanna chapotova must leave, he must come, you speak correctly, you speak like a professional, i also watched these shots. 71 one-year-old half-drug addict, half-some kind of drunkard, you see, there is no such system there, people don’t fight there, people live a peaceful, peaceful life in some kind of...
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elections to the european parliament are held in europe. how so, what kind of elections is this, when the truth happens, indeed, there is an assassination attempt on the prime minister, what are his views, this is one thing, he is a legally elected leader, he is a legally elected prime minister, listen, in all matters, knowing knowing slovakia well, i must say objectively, there are enterprises there, enterprises that make weapons, that they sell weapons to ukraine, but the government...
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it’s no no, there’s silence in europe, russia has nothing to do with this, it’s even trying to drag it in, what if this security guard or the writer, as they say, juraj tsintula, yes, what if he has some pro-ukrainian views, because he was in a party there, which lost , and so on and so forth, there is politics here, and not only that, some people say, listen, maybe this is this precedent, like there was, but this bastard has already said that he committed the assassination attempt because he did not agree. assassination attempt, i apologize, but we don’t remember how the first world war began, well
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, maybe this is such a step, the first erzger ferdinand, yes this is such a step, it’s just us from here, we are watching how the event develops, it’s quite probable that this assassination attempt could blow up everything called the west, the western... part of ukraine, that’s what i’m afraid of. that's all, see you tomorrow.
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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats.
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"i've been waiting for you forever, i was in such a hurry to meet you, finally she came, spring, warm, sunny, bright, the russian exhibition has blossomed with all the colors of spring, you have been waiting for spring, now spring is waiting for you, at the russia exhibition."
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the ministry of emergency situations of russia warns: protect your home, install a fire detector. safety begins with you, the ministry of emergency situations of russia.
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vladimir putin flew to china on a state visit, the russian president’s plane landed at beijing’s shoudou international airport, he was met by the representative of the state council of the people’s republic of china, chein and qin, she holds the position of state councilor, delegate.


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