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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 16, 2024 8:30am-9:00am MSK

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again to china , the minister of foreign affairs, sergei lavrov , told my colleague, author and host of the moscow kremlin, putin program, pavel zarubin, about the progress of vladimir putin's negotiations about informal surprises during the state visit. today. tomorrow there will be a very detailed and thorough visit of our president here, including some informal moments have been prepared, have tea, maybe, yes, you can tell something informal guest, as they say in the east, the guest and the host’s step, so all the program depends, of course, on the kind proposals that the chinese president and his team made to our president, all these details were agreed upon through protocol, so everything depends on... on the hosts, and we are
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polite people, even more so when visiting. sports news will be presented by danila makhalin. good morning, less than a month remains before the start of the brix games, which will be held in kazan, is everything ready for large-scale competitions? good morning, tatarstan sports minister vladimir leonov said that repair work at the facilities will be completed no later than june 1, and games start on the 11th and end on the 24th. st. petersburg zenit became the second finalist of the russian football cup; in the second semi-final match, which in the tournament is referred to as the final of the rpl journey, zenit again played with cska to a draw, but managed to win in a penalty shootout. my colleague alexander abramov has details from the scene. may setting sun behind the spire of lakhta center. the best time of the year is coming in st. petersburg, and the highlight of this environment was supposed to be the match for reaching the russian cup superfinal between zenit and cska. return match of the final
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rpl. today the match started very late, 15:9 in the evening, does this somehow leave an imprint on some biorhythms of football players, players? in principle, there probably already are, there were many matches during the season, and we played them at different times, so we treat it normally when they are early and later, nothing like that, the preparation is basically standard. the key event of the first half was the injury of cska goalkeeper vladislav torop. the goalkeeper collided with a zenit defender.
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this injury, but this is sport. in the first match of the final of the rpl road in moscow, cska and zenit 2 weeks ago we played in a 1:1 draw. in response to the match in st. petersburg, there was again a 0:0 draw with one shot on target between the two teams. the fate of entering the match for the trophy was decided in a series after match penalties. zenit goalkeeper denis adamov took anton zabolotny's shot. zenit converted all its attempts. something didn't work out today. i don’t know why, but the main thing is that one saved, and we all scored, that’s why. despite everything, zenit continues to claim the golden double. there are two last rounds left in the championship, 2 in the russian cup june in luzhniki zenit will play for the trophy against kaliningrad baltika. did you watch the match between baltika and spartak? ae partially
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watched, that’s why, of course, baltika scored their goal well from the defense, the goalkeeper came to the rescue, that’s why i think they also reached the final with good emotions ; we have two matches ahead of us in the championship, so we concentrate first on them, then let's see now. alexander abramov, alexa kalchuk, alexander kutataladze and alexander stelemashevsky. vesti st. petersburg. juventus turin won the cup. atalanta, the meeting took place at the olympic stadium in rome and ended with the fifteenth triumph of juventus in this tournament, which is a national record. atalanta played in the final for the sixth time, but won only once, more than 60 years ago. in this match, everything was decided by vlahovic’s only goal in the fourth minute. the russian player of atalanta, alexey miranchuk, appeared on the field in the middle of the second half, but did not show any effective actions. one of the fastest goals in
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football history was scored the day before in pyatigorsk, twenty-four-year-old belarusian nikolai ivanov from the pyatigorsk team performed mazhu kmv immediately after the start. new sports facilities are being built in the village of sokolova, saratov region, where military families live. the progress of work was checked the day before by state duma speaker vyacheslav volodin. improvement is taking place with his direct support. the village already has a modern clinic and an overpass to
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the city center. they also reconstructed the local stadium, and are now building an ice arena and swimming pool. ice rental, swimming pool, there is already a clinic. we are settling in, an overpass, it will be a completely different village, but it has already been transformed, its name is falcon. heroic people live here, dynasties, all those who work for the country and protect it. the problems of rare diseases are discussed during international awareness days about orphan diseases in russia, children with such complex genetic disorders are helped by the state fund krug. of good. now, thanks to him, almost 24,500 people receive support. maria valieva has details. come on carefully, try to crawl here towards me. can you give me a pen? no. all the help of adults is not required. six-year-old ariasha
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deftly climbs from one rope to another, climbs the slide and quickly slides down. on walks he behaves like ordinary children. about the serious diagnosis that the girls received at 2 and a half years old... and from then on we began receiving weekly infusions of the drug elsufase alfa. thanks to this drug, ariasha leads an active lifestyle, practices singing, goes to the pool, and even this year she was able to go skiing for the first time. heels go wide as
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tumblers on the left leg. just a few years ago, the harmonious development of children with rare genetic diseases, also called arphanic diseases, seemed to be possible. friends play sports on the playgrounds. our institute has been dealing with the problem of orphan diseases for a long time, our patients have the opportunity not only to be examined within the walls of our institute, but also to receive expensive medications, not every country has this opportunity, we have examples when... our patients simply move from other countries to russia, receive registration and have the opportunity to be treated with these drugs.
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the state fund circle of good, created by decree of vladimir putin in 2021, helps children with rare diseases receive expensive drugs, medical products, and technical means of rehabilitation. the budget is formed from the difference between the regular personal income tax rate of 13%. increased, it's 15%. this tax applies to income of russians that exceeds 5 million rubles per year. there are now about 100 diseases for which the foundation has found unique medicines and successfully supplies them to country. more than 24,500 children have already received these medications. we allocated 226 billion rubles for the purchase of these drugs. and it must be said that. these medicines have saved the lives of thousands and thousands of children, they have not only saved lives, they have restored their health. for 5 years, the foundation’s ward, misha denisenko from krasnodar, has been solving complex equations with all his might, has already participated in math olympiads twice, knows the chemical
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composition of the sun, dreams of boxing , and may well achieve athletic heights despite a difficult diagnosis. neurofibromatosis does not necessarily imply the presence of tumors. or gliomas or some other concomitant diseases, but misha individually had these plexiphoric, or rather they are these flexiphoric neurofibromas, if they are not treated, in principle they can... at some percentage become malignant, a circle of good i bought the drug for misha by myself, and misha has been drinking it for almost a year and a half now. the circle of good foundation provides children with serious and rare diseases with the most advanced medications, such as zalgensma, one ampoule costs almost 100 million rubles, but if a child diagnosed with sma, spinal muscular atrophy, is given one such injection at the very beginning of life, thereby replacing the mutated gene... then the baby will develop harmoniously, like his peers, to the delight of all his relatives. maria valieva, dmitry
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malyshev, sergey zanin, sergey velichko, ivan poevsky and alexander chernetsov, lead. next up is technology news, film philip trofimov, host of the vesnet program. philip, greetings. sber today launches a separate children's voice assistant. how much will this help in competition with yandex and vk. good afternoon, well, of course it’s difficult to predict, but in general the audience for smart speakers is children. really one of the key ones, children often begin to use such devices faster and more actively than adults, on the other hand, so far no one has managed to somehow create competition for oyandex speakers and similar moves, but more details a little later, let's start with larger-scale announcements, voice assistants, including directly inside the call, digital twins, cloud gaming on tvs and the experimental meta -universe mts held the second platform conference in its history, thus transferring it into the category of traditional, in addition to stories about achievements that are mandatory for such events, announced a
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number of new solutions, probably the most understandable and potentially widespread, the voice assistant marvin will appear right inside a telephone conversation, essentially as another participant in the conversation. the idea is that you can contact him with some questions without being particularly distracted from the actual conversation with him. person, you can then ask him to send the contents of the conversation, for example, to a messenger, which can also be convenient. this will appear, but only this. in the third quarter , they say it will work on absolutely any phone, even without internet access. it’s interesting how the approach of a telecom operator differs from just it companies. just the day before, google at its conference also announced a neural network with access to a user’s telephone conversation. but for this purpose it was necessary to create a lightweight model of the neural network, which runs directly on the smartphone, well, if it can handle it, of course, and does not transfer data to the google cloud. right here.
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based on generative neural networks , these are digital doubles of a person, a platform that allows you to create an avatar using the appearance, voice, habits and even the history of a real person. the point is to shift routine tasks onto the shoulders of such a hyperpersonal assistant,
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for example, communicating with a courier or support service, creating online courses, the content of which can be updated at any time. day, or conduct online negotiations in unfamiliar languages ​​through such an avatar. it’s a pity that the launch date for this platform has not been announced, but the metaverse (nts verse) has already been launched, a test one, but potentially useful for both the company and its clients. i wouldn't want to.
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and another announcement, again about voice assistants, but this time from sberdevice, today the company launched a children's version of a smart speaker, outwardly it is actually an ordinary boom mini, except that with images of cartoon characters it’s just so important, but a new one has been developed for it assistant, well, more precisely, it is officially considered that the sberbank assistant has one salute, but he has... three faces with different voices and characters of sberbank, athena and joy, and so in the children's column there will be a fourth image of the cat matroskin, and they say that this character will not spread to others. devices will remain exclusive to the children's version of the speaker, which could be an interesting marketing ploy in the sense that the children's audience is one of the most important for such devices in general, for yandex, which occupies about 80% of the market, a huge amount of children's content vk, in addition, at one time released a capsule with cartoon bear characters, and uzber now has
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a whole separate children's assistant. and that’s all about technology for now. novel. philip, thank you. we continue. french authorities have declared a state of emergency in their overseas territory of the new caledonia archipelago. pogroms have been going on there for several days, with supporters of the island's independence protesting. they set fire to several cars, smashed windows, and looted businesses and stores. at least four local residents, including a policeman, were killed during the clashes. several hundred more were injured. to quell unrest. sent additional police units. at least three civilians were killed in an israeli air raid on gaza city. this was reported by the arabic tv channel al-jazeera. four more people became victims of shelling in the south of the enclave. the israel defense forces struck a residential area near the city of rafah. due to the fighting in the southern part of the gaza strip,
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negotiations on a settlement in the enclave have stalled to a dead end, said a hamas spokesman. formerly israeli. minister benjamin netanyahu emphasized that the ground operation in rafah would begin no matter what, and meanwhile , american journalist seimar hirsch reported that netanyahu had tacitly admitted the failure of the jewish state in this conflict. according to hirsch, the israeli cabinet's decision to build a wall to separate the gas into two parts will inevitably fail, since the northern part of the enclave is still successfully controlled by hamas. now footage from iran, there, due to heavy rainfall in the north-east of the country, the rivers overflowed their banks, as a result the streets were flooded, cars floated along the roads, look at how powerful the flow is, the car is literally washed away by such powerful flows due to flooding in the underground passages, at least people died five people. local authorities recommended that residents not leave their homes; forecasters say that
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heavy rains could continue for almost two more days. on the rivers. are blowing up the ice, specialists are working in the most dangerous areas to prevent large-scale flooding, ice drift in the region is only gaining momentum, if in some areas the water recedes, in others, on the contrary, the river level rises, from there they are trying to evacuate people in advance, with the latest information, vitaly prokopiev. a demolition worker drills a hole to measure the thickness of the ice in places where there is a jam, the task force is preparing to destroy the accumulated ice on the leni river, then... lays out boxes with explosives and rises into the air, experts carried out three explosions during the day and this is not the limit, rescuers say that the ice is too thick the length of the jam is 20 km, but all the work is not in vain, in the alekma region the ice drift has started, one settlement has been completely freed from water - this is kylakh,
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two settlements remain flooded, the first second is neryukhtyaninsky, there are few mobile women and children continues to evacuate by air, at the same time, carefully examining the recently flooded villages, all information is promptly transmitted to update the reports. near the village of neinsk and the village, over the last 8 hours there has been a drop in water levels to 18 cm. today it will be again blasting work was carried out to destroy the congestion. the ministry of emergency situations warns the population in advance that the water level is on the river. will increase , they ask you to take precautions, up to the critical norm - about a meter remains, but all the preparatory work has been completed, the evacuation has been completed and now all our residents are on high alert at the temporary accommodation center. residents of pokrovsk
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come every year to see the exciting, but very dangerous spectacle, although in the morning it’s an alliance. i didn’t have time to catch the ice drift, but says that i will definitely wait, for this she traveled a long way from moscow to yakutsk, when the ice climbs on top of each other and there is a crackling sound, this is such a state of mind, this is some kind of splashing, emotions, well, this is great, this is beautiful, i will repeat again, such rivers like the lena, there is no such sky as here, and such a sun anywhere else, almost the entire day the ice in the khangalas region stood in place... only in the evening things moved from a dead point, water levels in the area of ​​​​the city of yakutsk are rapidly rising, this bank was flooded literally days have been counted, local ice movements are observed, but the bulk of... the income is already on its way here in the near future, it should be here ; nevertheless, it is impossible to make accurate forecasts, if a jam occurs, or the income will be delayed again, so hydrologists and rescuers
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are monitoring the situation around the clock rivers of the republic. vitaly prokopiev, hilarion fedorov, leading yakutia. now back to china, secretary of the russian security council sergei told my colleague, author and host of the moscow, kremlin program putin pavel zarubin about his tasks in the new post shaigu. in all directions there is an offensive and it’s going quite well, then i hope that the same movement will continue and
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certain reserves have been created for this, the necessary reserves, well, for people, for equipment, for ammunition, so this is probably the main task for today, and this is how we enter a new profession, thank you. a new apron for aircraft was opened at the krasnoyarsk airport; this will significantly increase the speed of flight service, which means passenger traffic will also increase. the discovery of the pyron became an important stage in the large-scale reconstruction, which started 2 years ago. alexander usatenko found out how they plan to modernize the air hub connecting the east and west of the country. this is the first aircraft that was installed on the new peron of the krasnoyarsk airport at 111.2 m. there were zones for de-icing treatment, and the parking lot was increased by four places, now 16 aircraft can be serviced here at the same time. the large-scale
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reconstruction lasted 2 years, during which time specialists completely renewed the airfield surface and modernized the engineering infrastructure. this is typical project, but not without its peculiarities. local soils, they are not very simple, yes, they are difficult to work with, we encountered this on our first contract on the main road, having experience. work understanding how to do this work, of course, it was much easier for us to work in this area. krasnoyarsk airport is a large air hub that connects the west and east of the country. reconstruction of the platform is the most important stage of the project to create an international transport and logistics center in the capital of siberia node. this is such a new direction, in fact, it is being formed within the framework of a new national project. it is important that this burden does not significantly burden the airport's fees and is not ... translated into the passenger's ticket; here , of course, such a healthy balance is needed between the need for reconstruction and airport fees and revenues. now
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you can fly from krasnoyarsk to more than 70 cities; with the opening of the new platform, the speed of flight service has increased, thanks to this the cargo and passenger flow will increase. we started with 2 million 500 passengers, and we ended this year with a record passenger flow, this is 3. for 774 thousand passengers, accordingly, for this year we set ourselves quite ambitious and achievable tasks, this is to exceed the passenger flow of over 4 million. in the near future , the airport will begin its second stage of large-scale modernization, plans include another update of the pier and the development of design estimates for the reconstruction of the runway. alexander usatenko, andrey grishkov, sergey larionov, elena goleeva. news: krasnoyarsk region.
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china warmly welcomes vladimir putin; just before the russian leader’s visit to beijing, not even spring, but summer weather arrived. at the beginning of the week, thermometers in megapolis rose to +32. will it be as hot today and has the storm subsided in helundjiang province, which is our president.
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i'm also vadim zavochenkov, a leading specialist at centrofobys, who is also going to visit the current weather analyst on the russia-24 channel. hello, the weather in china during vladimir putin's state visit will be warm and calm. but just recently in a storm was raging in the central part of the celestial empire. these pictures are from henan province. on wednesday morning , the city of ten million people was hit by strong winds and gusts. reached 21 m/s. for a megapolis this is an extremely dangerous value. the hurricane uprooted trees, dismantled brick walls and knocked down concrete fences. many houses were left without roofs. unfortunate fronts dominated the regions of the prc bordering russia. this is the tornado that was spotted on tuesday in helundzyan province. let me remind you that vladimir putin
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should visit its capital harbin after. beijing, but already today the atmosphere in the northeast of china is stabilizing, just the day before an anticyclone began to form here, on the one hand, it pushed a wave cyclone into the sea of ​​japan, throwing fresher air masses into the sky, on the other hand, it blocked the rain clouds of an atmospheric front carrying cold in the russian amur region from siberia, as a result, from thursday the air is in the territory of the prc. it will begin to warm up well again and there will be no trace of the coolness left. even in the northern provinces at midday the thermometer will show quite summer +22-27. and in the central part of the great chinese plain real heat will return to +32. the strongest heat is predicted in the yellow river, where the temperature maximum will be +30-35°. we are not expecting such intense heat in beijing today.
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the state visit of the russian president to the people's republic of china began in quite comfortable weather, in the morning the thermometer was +24, in the afternoon the air will warm up as if in june to +29:30, all thursday the sun will shine in the capital of the celestial empire, in the evening it will be a different degree cooler. vladimir putin will spend the second day of his state visit in harbin, just at this time to enter the territory. a cold atmospheric front will break through, but during the day its main cloud fields will concentrate 300 km north of harbin, so on friday the weather will be favorable for the implementation of a busy presidential program. tomorrow there will be few clouds over harbin, only late in the evening due to the approaching front the clouds will become denser, but then the probability
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of precipitation will remain low. in such situation, the temperature in the megalopolis will be warmer than usual, on friday morning in harbin it will be about plus19, at the peak of the daytime warming it is expected to reach +26-28. that's all for me, goodbye.
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it’s 9 in moscow and we start broadcasting the morning news. first of all, the chief political officer.


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