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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 16, 2024 11:30am-12:02pm MSK

11:30 am
that's it, dad. the journey of a taxi driver begins with yandex pro. the legend is back. the one that was brewed from 100% malt. the same taste that the whole country loved. baltika 3 non-alcoholic. taste the revived taste. hemorrhoids prevent you from enjoying life. thanks to the complex. action of proctoglivinol can help cope with pain, itching and burning, helps reduce inflammation and improve vascular tone proctoglivinol is your assistant in the fight against hemorrhoids. again a leap into the past, time travel is not a toy. if you knew how tasty it is, you wouldn't be such a bore. star combo by alexander petrov for 355 rubles. adore. yours is delicious and
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period hmm, smiled, it means you recognized it, smiled, it means it’s real, they recognize you, hmm , they love, remember, truly appreciate, a bank for the real thing, say no to silicone and yes to xiaoma shampoo 90% ingredients of natural origin for healthy, beautiful hair , take care of your family with shauma, shauma - care from roots to tips! benefit from a generator in mvidio eldorado, buy at a super discount and pay in installments sam money, yandex tv with alisay for only 64.999 in mvidio and eldorado, thanks.
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open a deposit on now it's time for economic news. russians' demand for summer flights is growing, ticket sales are already 40% more than a year earlier. aeroflot reported this. the main domestic destinations are sochi and st. petersburg, as well as kaliningrad, krasnoyarsk, minvoda and distant cities. east. among foreign countries,
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the maldives, turkey and the capitals of the caucasus are still popular. baku and yerevan. there was an interest in china. people began to travel more often thanks to the expansion of the route network and the stabilization of the ruble exchange rate. russia has increased grain exports to indonesia by 77 times. in the first quarter of the year it reached almost half a million tons or $140 million. this was reported by reonovosti with reference to indonesian statistics. most of the supplies are wheat, and about 2.0 tons are buckwheat. thus, russia returned to the top five largest grain exporters in indonesia. magnit's net profit last year increased by 94% and exceeded 66 billion rubles this is the ifrs report data. revenue increased by 8.2% to 2.5 trillion. the fourth quarter turned out to be profitable against a loss in 2022 and brought in 9 billion rubles. in 2000
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, the twenty-third retailer opened about 2,000 new stores. and the net profit of ros telecom according to international standards in the last quarter decreased by 28% compared to the same period last year. at the same time, revenue increased by 9%. mainly due to the good results of the mobile business. the company will present an updated strategy in the second half of the year. it will focus on modernization of infrastructure and replacement of imported equipment with domestic ones. it was economic news.
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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats.
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next up is technology news, sber today is launching a separate children's voice assistant, how much will this help in the competition with yandex and vk holding, philip trofemov, host of
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the vestinet program, will tell you. voice assistants, including right inside the call, digital twins, cloud gaming on tvs and mts conducted an experimental metaverse. the second conference in its history, the platform, thus transferring it into the category of traditional ones in addition to those mandatory for such events, stories and achievements, announced a number of new solutions, probably the most understandable and potentially widespread, the voice assistant marvin will appear right inside a telephone conversation, in fact, how else one participant in the conversation, the idea is that you can contact him with some questions without being particularly distracted from the actual conversation with the person, and then you can ask him... what only in the third quarter, but, as they say, it can also be convenient, this will appear, although it will work on absolutely any phone, even without internet access. it’s interesting how different the approach of a telecom operator is from just an it company. just the day before, google at its conference also
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announced a neural network with access to a user’s telephone conversation, but for this they had to create a lightweight model of a neural network that runs directly on a smartphone, well, if it has one, of course. it will pull and does not transfer data to the google cloud, here everything is different, we are like a telecom, we have such a thing as the secret of communication, in this sense , we, naturally, what shows that the third person on the line is what the client himself signed up for, we don’t have to process it on the phone, moreover, on the phone we have less control over this, we control it better on our services, which already have this conversation.
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real person, the point is to shift routine tasks onto the shoulders of such a hyperpersonal assistant, for example, communicating with a courier or support service, creating online courses, the content of which can... will still come there in the future, they will simply come in the format of augmented reality, now there are no technologies that would
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make augmented reality the way it should be in order to create this, that , which is called the metaverse, so we are doing it in virtual reality, we will do many different experiments there, now we have just launched our services there, launched services, and those who like it will go there, and one more again or about voice assistants, but this time from sberdevices, the company launched today. a children's version of a smart speaker, outwardly it is actually an ordinary one, such a boom mini, except that with images of cartoon characters it’s just so important, but a new assistant has been developed for it, well, more precisely, it is officially considered that sbert devices have an assistant with one salute, but it has three faces with different voices, characters, sberbank, athena and joy, so in the children's column there will be the fourth image of the cat matroskin, and they say that this character will not expand to others devices will remain. exclusive to the children's version of the speaker, which could be an interesting marketing ploy in the sense that the children's
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audience is one of the most important for such devices in general; yandex, which occupies about 80% of the market, has a huge amount of children's content on vk, in addition, at one time it released a neo capsule with bear cartoon characters, and uzber now has a whole separate children's assistant. sber is introducing a loan with a 2% cashback so that you have even more opportunities, the opportunity to get everything you need without delay. have long dreamed of an opportunity to please those who may be difficult to please the first time, an opportunity to get new impressions, a wave of new impressions, a storm of new impressions, apply for a loan with sberbank before june 10. and win money for repayment, more profitable with sberp prime. magnit - the price is what you need. tomato and
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chey 999. buy construction supplies at low prices on avito. one of my friends is getting ready for a new party. costumes need to be more modest. dad, we've run out of internet. and minutes too. and dad will now activate the megafamily service. combine up to three numbers free and get bonus gigabytes every month. only in mega. when you're enjoying cooking, dirty dishes can stop the rhythm of your kitchen. the tablet itself is in gold with an intensive cleansing formula that effectively removes burnt-on dirt. may you have a delicious meal together, and may the dishes be taken care of by samat. my back gets tired on my feet all day. because of my work, i lead a sedentary lifestyle. sports on a daily basis, but how to protect your joints? thanks to special collagen in the form of a triple helix, artneo supports joint health - everything one capsule a day to protect the joints
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of the spine, hunting, this is your thirst for the main trophy from 20 million, your chance to take yours in 15 minutes for only 100 rubles. hunt, come out to win, coopersberg dishwasher with auto-opening and coopersberg washing machine with discounts up to... 40% on the yandex market, say no to silicone and yes to xiaoma shampoo, 90% ingredients of natural origin for healthy, beautiful hair, take care of to your family together with shauma, shauma - care from roots to the very ends, with yota your money will not fly away, we return rubles for the remaining minutes and runs, you can use a yota magnet. the price is what you need, catch the candies 179.99. well, out into nature, oh, what is this, and
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this is a trad scheme, there are different cards with cashback, why, you need one vtb card, transfer to it for free from any bank, without commission restrictions, and get cashback for purchases up to 25% vtb rubles, together everything will work out, thanks to purchases at the megamarket, someone will reach the finish line first, someone will have enough in the apartment, someone will go on a long-awaited vacation, sellers at the megamarket changing the world, mega market, just grow with us! the russian forest will soon have a digital twin; information about 93% of forest districts has been uploaded to the state information system. marina
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gromova will tell you how digitalization affects the industry and why domestic manufacturers of forestry equipment are not afraid of competition with foreign companies. the program has a solution. russia ranks first in the world in terms of forest area; they cover almost half of our country; these are the lungs of the planet, places of power, a source of wood, a valuable resource. how many can't you combine trees in a forest? but progress does not stand still; who and how is involved in the development and conservation of forests today, and what solutions are there for business in the forest industry? metal comes in, a tractor comes out, this is about us, at the moment the localization of the plant is 90%, so
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we are not afraid of either storms or coronaviruses. using digital technologies, the next step is the formation of a unified digital forest register, where information about any issues in this area will be stored, including information on the circulation of wood along the entire chain. if you get into an area where logs are soaking, you smell the smell of such a spring or autumn forest. and if you find yourself in a workshop where
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plywood is already being glued, you smell cookies or bread. oleg chastyakov, operations director. one of the leaders in the timber industry complex in russia and the largest manufacturer of birch plywood in the world, the company has been on the market since 1997, its factories annually produce more than a million cubic meters of products, the range of applications of which range from building construction and production of transport to production of furniture packaging. several years ago, the company embarked on the path of digitalization. our guys have created a solution for automatic analysis of peeling defects. on the base. computer vision supplemented with a modern neural network. digitalization is important not only within production, but also in interaction with customers and the state; from the latter side, digital systems are being developed by the federal forestry agency. the system is beneficial to both the state because it allows for 100% traceability of forest from the moment of harvesting to
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the moment of transformation into the final product. for us, first of all, this system allows... to approve a large amount of routine work, and of course, when today rosviskhoz has all the information in the electronic system, the response to our requests or decision-making happens much faster, i started working in the forest for several years back, the first thing i did was arrive at the plot, that is, the logging site, get into a uaz in knee-deep mud, and drive directly along with the people who harvest the forest. i learned what weevils are, how they affect our industry there, and how difficult they are to treat. alexey dumnov had nothing to do with the harvesting process before. he works in the it industry. the company has come a long way in creating information platforms for government departments. today , a digital twin of the forest and a single portal with services for individuals, the state and businesses in the forestry sector are being developed here
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. the platform will be fully operational in 2025, but already... they do not provide government services, with if necessary, you can go down to the very details, here to a specific transaction of timber or the route of transport during transportation, that is, forests from one point to another. the government and business communicate in the same language, possessing the same information. information about 93% of forest districts across the country has already been loaded into the system; there are already leaders in this process, for example, the arkhangelsk region, they have uploaded 100% of their data.
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people have reached the state information system of the forestry complex, that’s the name of the new platform, on it you can already obtain, for example, an extract from the forest register or submit a forest declaration. the time frame for providing industry services has been reduced, conducting an examination of forest development by half from 30 to 15 days, and reviewing reforestation and afforestation projects by three times from 15 to 5 days. digitalization is not only convenient, the industry is becoming more transparent in everyone. the meaning of how it works can be seen from the reduction in illegal logging, 5 years ago more than a million cubic meters, in 2023 there will be less than half a million, myths and legends circulate that
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illegal logging means that this is what the weather is like keep in mind that big brother won’t see, well, it doesn’t work, of course, so that the laws and this is one of the reasons, in such phenomena it is important not only not so much severity, but inevitability, if you know that somewhere in the depths they will find you here well... the desire to cut immediately decreases, we are talking about tracking illegal logging using satellite systems, but the indicators are influenced not only by images from space, this is only part of a comprehensive work. we banned the export of round timber, also to harvest it, give it to a warehouse, to a sawmill, yes, to dry it, make products there to sell in the form of products, a chain has already appeared that can be tracked, you won’t do it in half a day, this is the first, second, of course, the transition to an electronic model, the third strengthening of the answer.
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power block, in place of the felled dead forests, new ones appear, there are more and more of them, this is one of the key tasks of the national ecology project, for 3 years in a row, the area of ​​plantings exceeds the area of ​​lost forest, for 5 years the area of ​​reforestation and afforestation has been steadily growing, in 2019 it exceeded million hectares, then almost every year...
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since childhood, a forest inspector is not a job, indeed, a vocation; illegal logging in the altai territory is directly controlled, as is the planting of a new forest. last year, we exceeded the plan for reforestation activities in the altai territory, that is, we planted more than we cut down. we have very large areas being restored; several thousand hectares are restored annually. and you know, they say that when there are four people strangling calmly, you need to hug a tree. maybe we should try it, then yours is bigger, good, good, there are tangible
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results in protecting forests from fire, since 2019, the area of ​​fires has been reduced by more than half, and here technological solutions help, fires are tracked by satellites using drones. thanks to the national project, ecology appears in forest fire departments of different regions. equipment by 95%, should be fully provided by the end of this year, as traditionally we used russian equipment, these are ours and all-wheel drive vehicles, the same uaz or cornfields, these are tractors, these are bulldozers, another fishing line. technology from an industrial point of view, the situation here is of course more complicated, here, of course , the process is underway at an enterprise that more narrowly specializes in keeping skidding machines there, in the near future we will take john’s place.
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let's see russian technology, this beast with the city name barnaulets weighs 15 tons and goes where no car can go, again it is elegant in its movements, it will waltz things in russia, these are not just words. in these all-terrain predators, there are indeed 0% foreign components. forest fire equipment, machines for logging, and planting young trees are produced here. customers of public and private companies can be sure that there will be no problems finding spare parts. i remember, yes, this is the time of coronavirus, the twentieth year,
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the month of march, when i was after. monthly work remotely came to the enterprise and saw how new workshops were being built, old ones were being broken down and it was great, i remember when the enterprise’s revenue was around 500 million a year, now it’s over 2 billion, well, sort of this is for the last 5 years there, relatively speaking, as such, we have never asked for direct help from anyone, we are an independent unit, but we understand that on our own, this is relatively speaking, the construction of a new plant there is now underway, this is 5 years , with the help of financing, co-financing from the state, this is relatively speaking, only 2 years, but annually we can receive about 10 million in subsidies, if we talk about federal regulations, i emphasize that we are a domestic manufacturer, not just in words, now they produce at the plant tracked vehicles, in the near future there are plans to start
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producing timber trucks on wheels... market requests, which they try to quickly respond to here, and for this it is important to look not only to the future, but to the past. i was recently at a forestry forum in st. petersburg, and after my speech a person from forestry came up and asked us to do this, this, this, this, in fact, he needs stumps removed. yeah, our engineer says: there is a solution, what is it? yes, it was invented 30 years ago, only we are now modernizing all this on ours. we'll improve the database here everything will work please. how often do you respond to inquiries from potential buyers of your equipment and say there is a solution? always. there are more and more new solutions in the forestry industry every year. right now, work is underway to create a digital twin of the russian forest. bars, more often than not, copses, are united into one register, much like these trees, only with an invisible network.
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it will be much easier to navigate there than it is for me now, the clear interface will not allow you to make a mistake, that is, click in the wrong place, but the whole the path traveled, all documents will be stored in an archive in your personal account, the archive of programs is a solution, look at the website, well, we ’ll tell you about how it’s filmed socially. networks, follow the qr code, wars end, for the world to be lasting, we need people with strong character, ready not only to stand up for their homeland, but also to crawl, jump, and run, and most importantly, to win for it, there is one.
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job: to be a defender, when you become a professional, it becomes your life's work, a military matter, serve according to your heart, join yours. the russian and chinese delegations signed 10 joint documents in the presence of the leaders of the two countries: president vladimir putin and chinese president xidzenping. shortly before this, the leaders would have signed a joint statement on a comprehensive partnership. so, vladimir putin’s first state visit to china after taking office. the main political news of the day. from sunset.
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the visit is being monitored by anastasia efimova. the two countries pursue an independent and independent foreign policy, working together on creating a more equitable, multipolar one. peace. statement by vladimir putin following negotiations in beijing, where the russian president is on a state visit. a number of documents have been adopted, interdepartmental, corporate, but the main one, of course, is the one signed by the leaders of russia and china, thus fixing the unified approach of the two states to key global issues: international security, among them. our negotiations once again demonstrated that the approaches of russia and china. to many international and regional problems are close or coincide. both countries pursue an independent and independent foreign policy. we are working together to form a more just and democratic multipolar
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world order, which should be based on the central role of the united nations.


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